The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Inside the Dreadnaught Defiance

Kal's comm system signaled an incoming message, This is EW1 Kwan, we cannot find any override codes except for an engineering routine that will cause the ship's fusion reactors to enter maintenance cycle.  This will cause the dreadnaught to loose maneuvering and weapons power for a bit.  The only catch is that the Azul class's computer system does not accept wireless, hyperwave or tachyon connections for remote system control when at General Quarters.  The code will need to be entered in manually.  <attached code string>

Space Station: Living quarters deck

Nitro smiled and produced a limited yield C-charge and some anti-personnel grenades.

"One second sarge,"  Hacker immediately jacked his system into a public computer terminal.  "The main power concentration is here."  Hacker indicated the spot on their HUD units.

Ben checked the ammo on his weapon and cleared the hall before them, "Alright, let's move."

The team moved quickly through the hallway using their optical camouflage to great effect.  There seemed to be very few personnel in what should be an active area and they seem to have eliminated the only patrol for this level.  They reached the door to their target location unmolested.

Executing a carefully orchestrated maneuver, the team breached the room only to be greeted by an odd sight.  No central command, no pirate nerve center.  Instead, the room was filled with endless amounts of wires and odd machinery at the center of which stood what looked like a G-frame.  Within this frame was one young, mint green fox dressed in attire reminiscent of Captain Harlock.

The fox opened its eyes and with slightly veiled surprise, addressed the group, "Oh my my my, whatever are you doing here?  You are supposed to be at the... 'command center' being ambushed by my pirate minions."

Ben shrugged, "we prefer the real command center."

The fox detached himself from the frame and his eyes glowed blue, his gaze affixed on Ben.

The canine shook his head and grasped it with his free hand, "no, stay out of my mind!"

"I've always wanted new toys to play with and you and the ships you have brought me will be the first step for a new empire ruled by me!  Then the masters will regret casting me away."  The fox talked to no one but himself.

Bridge of the Revelation

Ixiah's ears twitched as his eyes darted around, "funny, why did I not sense that earlier..."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Inside the Dreadnaught Defiance

Kal grinned feraly as the message came up. "Well, well, well. Better than I hoped" He said to himself.

He walked the mecha to one of the consoles nearby. Checking his prisoner hadn't woken yet he stepped out and down to the console. Typing in the command code he set a 90 second timer before it would execute. Sprinting back to the cockpit her strapped in and moved to the broken airlock.

"Hey 'Viper' I'm coming out hot...And you better let the Revelation that this bad boy is gonna have a few problems in about 40 seconds...' He boosted out and  shifted to flight mode, hitting his afterburners immediately.

Firing off the last of his missiles at a group of fighters he slashed through thier formation before heading to the farside of  the Revelation

"Revelation this is 'Cool Hand' requesting clearance to land. I'm weapons dry and have prisoner on board. Requsting a marine squad in the bay, over."

In the jumpseat the girl groaned as she started to wake.


Space Station: Living quarters deck
As soon as the strange fox finished talking Romulus fired several rounds at it. "No one screws with anyone in my squad as long as I breath. Alright boys we came to take the command center. I say we take it out instead. OPEN FIRE!" After saying that Romulus continued openned fire, fireing at the fox and the machinary in the room. "Nitro now would be a good time to use some explosives" Romulus made his way over to Ben while fireing. "Come on solider, you can get him out. Think nasty thoughts."
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Inside the Dreadnaught Defiance: Bridge

"Captain!  We have a problem!"  The eagle said in a frantic tone, "The reactors are switching into standby mode!"

The captain, her fur already a bit ruffled from ship-to-ship combat had the remaining stand on end as she replied to her first officer, "¿qué el infierno?*  How is that possible?!  <insert long line of spanish expletives>"

As the ship's weapons and maneuvering systems went offline due to reactor maintenance, the captain, first officer and the bridge crew stopped in mid action.  All across the field of battle, the pirate forces paused for the briefest of seconds and as suddenly as they had stopped, they were thrown into tremendous throes of mental pain. 

In the space battle, fighters and mecha spiraled out of control.  Capital ships appeared unaffected, though all weapons fire and maneuvering seemed to cease.         

*What the hell?  (more literal then conversational)

Space Station: Control area

Extending his hand, the fox, smiling like a giddy child, watched as the weapons fire bounced harmlessly off some invisible force.

Nitro tossed his explosives and the resulting explosions wiped out the complex systems in the room, though the fox stood amid it unharmed.  A shocked expression was on his face as he gazed at the carnage around him, "without that I can't be the legendary pirate leader Lord Zhilhon anymores, I was having so much fun."

Visions of death, suffering and terror flooded into him, no longer blocked by the complex devices that enhanced and transmitted his psychic mind influence.  He dropped to his knees, sobbing like a child.

Whatever the fox had been trying to do to Ben ceased suddenly, making the canine gasp in shock.

Romulus heard a voice in his head, it was calming and friendly, Don't kill him please, he is family after all.  He doesn't understand, just like I didn't.  I don't think they gave you any of the special collars, so you will need to subdue him as he is a masterful psychic.  If you absolutely have to shoot him, nothing fatal please... I'd rather save my people from themselves rather then see them killed.  Romulus felt the need to comply with this directive.   

Bridge of the Revelation

Captain Summers was surprised by this sudden turn of events, it likely meant that the Special Forces unit had taken the command center, but the effect it had was more extreme then expected.  He issued orders immediately to his staff and all tactical leaders, "disengage the fleet and all combat units and regroup at Point One and standby."

He turned to the Communications officer and issued another set of orders, "send a communications broadcast to the pirate units and call for their surrender."

Ixiah drifted over to where the captain was and leaped into his lap, he was an amazingly light fox for his size, but the action was still uncomfortably close.  The fox piped up immediately, "so you wish to parley?  Make an accord with these scurvy pirates?  I should have my cousin back soon."

Kal's mecha

As Kal approached the Revelation, the girl's groans turned to cries of pain, "ahhhh!  My head!  It feels like its going to explode!  help!"

She writhed in her binds in such a fashion that if she continued she would do serious harm to herself.

However, after a few moments, she quieted down.  She tried to say something, but her eyes rolled back into her head as she drifted off into unconsciousness.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Kal's mecha

"Shit." Pal cursed as the girl thrashed. "Revelation 'Cool Hand' requesting pirority clearance, medic needed for the prisoner."

"Rodger, 'Cool Hand' bay 5 open and ready, marines and medics on standby." A flight ops officer on the Revelation replied.

Kal brought the Raptor in for a landing poping the hatch as soon as the bay was airtight. Unstraping himself he turned and cut the girl lose from the jumpseat. "Problem Lt?" A human medic asked Kal as he steped inside the cocpit.
"She just started thrashing and complained about her head about to explode, then went quiet." Kal replied as he helped the medic lift her out and down to a stretcher.

After they had straped her down Kal turned to the marine corpral who had  been waiting. "Corpral escort her to the sick bay and keep an eye on her I want to know when shes awake. I gotta get to debrief." The corparal noded.

As the medic took the girl's helmet of Kal got his first look at her face....


Space Station: Control area
Romulus growled as it seemed his bullets did no effect but smiled as Nitro blewn the machinory around the fox. He stopped fireing and ordered his squad to cease fire as the fox fell to his knees and began crying. He looked over at Ben.
"Damn man, what where you thinking about?" He then jumped on his radio to call the Marines "Looks like we're gonna be bringing a prisoner back with us. Be ready we may be in a rush getting out of here" He walks over to the kneeling fox remember what the voice in his head had told him, he said to himself as he walked. "So this guy can read minds huh? I wonder if he'll like this if he reads my mind" Romulus remembered the day he saw his father catch a round in the chest in some unimportant battle somewhere, how he sat there with his father dying in his arms. He knelt down as he got to the fox.  *Said in a calm tone "Just so you know your comeing with us. Now I'd rather not have to shoot you but if I have to I will, the voice in my head asked that it not be fatal but if you threaten anyone in my squad I will have no problem putting a round into your head. So I will ask you how you want to come with us. Do you want to come with us peacefully or will I have to knock you out and drag you? I would rather you come peacefully please"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Space Station: Control area

The images projected by Ben, Romulus and the others displayed a grim reality that Loki was not familiar with.  Strange sensations tugged at his heart and chilled his soul.  As Romulus approached, a great fear descended upon him.  The fox reached out beyond the walls of the room, of the station and into space.  In a panic he overshot his psychic projection.  He was unprotected by his device and space battles were a chaotic event.  Everywhere he touched minds and as suddenly as he found them, they disappeared... ceased, leaving a bitter coldness behind. 

In the void of space, Loki glimpsed a bright blue light approaching.  The light coalesced into a happy, smiling blue fox that looked very much like his cousin Ixiah, but his outfit was so... ugh.

"Whatever are you wearing Ix?"  Was all he could muster.

Before Ixiah could answer, a tinkling sound of bells filled all of space causing Ixiah to disappear.  All around Loki, the terror of hundreds of dieing beings screamed out at him as each of their existences ceased.  The sudden influx of psychic waves thrust him back into reality. 

Back in the room, the fox caught his breath and met Romulus's gaze with his own.  His eyes showed confusion and then fear as he realized how close the wolverine had gotten.  In defense, he raised his hand and pointed straight for Romulus.  However, Loki heard a odd sound and his vision exploded into stars.  His legs did not want to function and gave out as the room spun uncontrollably, he felt ever so dizzy and tired.  With a blurry image of Romulus, stars dancing about his eyes and darkness descending, Loki stopped resisting and embraced the abyss.

Ben shrugged at Romulus as he shouldered his rifle, having just applied the blunt end of the stock to the back of the fox's head, "psychics can't use their powers when unconscious and suffering from concussions.  It's better then shooting the kid."

Ben hoisted the unconscious child up and into Romulus's arms, "you're stronger, you carry him."

With their strange prisoner, the team withdrew back to the shaft.  Most of the pirates they encountered seemed confused and many wandered in a daze.  The group easily made it back to the hanger, where the marines had already loaded their other prisoners on the shuttle.

Wilcox eyed the mint green fox with a suspicious eye, "what is the deal with the kid."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck   

The medic removed the helmet of the pirate pilot prisoner (say that 3 times fast).  She was a canine of Alsatian stock, all black with some tan accents along the muzzle and around her eyes.  The medics performed a quick check of her and found no specific problems.  Under escort, she was taken to medical for observation. 

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Bridge

Ixiah glared at Major Kanzoria and nipped at the coyote's hand, but the action was too late, the major had already rang Ix's little bell.

"Now you be good little Ixiah, no using your abilities or this little toy will hurt you.  Oh and please get out of the captain's lap, that is not very becoming."

Begrudgingly, the blue fox complied and stood back over in the corner of the bridge.

The Comm system lit up like the Christmas tree in Time Square as communications from many different sources came in answer to the Captain's request for surrender.

"Sir, a few of the ships appear to be fleeing."  The sensor officer reported.

The captain stood up from his chair, "on screen."

The sensor officer activated the main screen, a few of the minor pirate brigantines, sloops and a few of the cruisers scattered jumping off in many different directions.  One of the pirate cruisers detonated from some type of internal explosion.  The rest, including the IFL ships, powered down weapon systems and approached the fleet.

The dreadnaught, which still had not brought its reactors back online, set a comm message to the Revelation via backup power.  Captain Summers ordered it on the main screen.

A frazzled feline in an officious looking uniform bowed, "I am Fleet Captain Esperanza Maragalla and you appear to have bested us... though I do not remember much of what happened here or even how this whole fiasco began."

A second communication came in and the screen split, a rather proper and collected jackal dressed in the uniform of an Imperium officer, with the white emblem of the Foreign Legion, addressed Captain Summers, "I am Baron Conner Hasek of the Imperium Foreign Legion.  There appears to be an awkward situation, that appears to involve IFL forces opening fire on ISF forces without proper cause... well, that is to say we seem to have the cause that we have suddenly become pirates.  This is news to me, as this was not my last career choice.  My forces stand down and I wish to meet to discuss this oddity."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Space Station: Control area
Romulus just kinda looked at Ben when he knocked the fox out. "Or someone could just do that" Romulus carried the fox to the waiting shuttle. He looked at Wilcox when the question was asked. "Ummm. Long story short he's the command center. So our mission is done lets get back to the Revelation" Romulus looked down at the fox's face as he loaded the shuttle. He looked at the others as he sat down. "I'll carry the kid the whole way there"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck

Kal watched the medic and marines go as he signed over his LAM to his crew chief. "Nice work Sir! you let me know after debrief how many marks I gotta paint ok?" The chief said as he saluted.

"Will do Chief" Kar returned the salute as major Hadem's LAM landed.

Kal waited with Dom untill the rest of the squad had landed before heading off the the debrief.


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck: Tactical Control Room

As the battle subsided, Commander MacDuff gave the order for all squadrons to return to their ships.

"Have repair crews stand by. There's more than a few of our fighters out there that will have sustained damage."

"Yes, sir," came the reply. MacDuff sighed internally as he mentally gaged the effectiveness of his simulations when tested by real combat.

As he walked over to the analysts' stations, he received quite a few reports of odd behavior. Pilots reported "strange sensations" and "extremely erratic behavior" on the behalf of some of the pirate formations. Nobody had a straight answer for this as of yet, but the reports of mass surrender and cease-fire were sufficiently comforting.

The battle had been strange, but his tactical command had handled it. The Commander idly wondered when his next briefing with fleet command would be... and what would be said during it.



Wilcox secured all hands into their seats and turned back to Romulus, "Is the kid dangerous?  I have tranqs and restraints."

As Wilcox puzzled over the strange passenger, the shuttle pulled out of the bay and made its way back towards the Revelation.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck

The order was given to disengage hostilities so the fighters, mecha and LAMs began to return to their home ships.  Kal's LAM group made it back in one piece, banged up, but still flying.

Across the hanger, recovery teams began to scramble.  All available search and recovery teams had been called out to pick up ejected pilots and damaged units.  No one knew the losses, but it was surprising low for this type of operation.

As the pilots gathered, the major congratulated each one for their excellent performance, "good work out there everyone.  Our coverage of the special operations shuttle was stellar.  I'm putting everyone in for a commendation, especially you Kal, nice bit of work with that dreadnaught."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Bridge

Morgan sat back in his seat and rubbed his temple with his fingers, he really wished he could have a cigarette, but alas it was not to be.  The situation had gone from simple pirate cleanup to what might amount to a large misunderstanding and the unnecessary deaths of countless peoples.

Morgan turned towards the Comm officer, "signal all vessels to head towards the planet and establish orbit near the station.  For now, have the Phalanx deploy marines to secure the station and get things back in order.  Also, signal Fleetcom that we have secured this system.  There appears to be a shipyard in orbit, but see if they can spare a stardock and some tenders, a few ships are in need of repair."

The communications officer acknowledged and began the set of communications.

Morgan then activated the ship's Comm and contacted MacDuff, "Commander MacDuff, as reports come in, I'd like you to draw up a fleet status report on our vessels and personnel and meet me in my readyroom."


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus looked at Wilcox as the shuttle traveled. "No that's ok, I don't think he'll be any real trouble on the ride back. He may end up sleeping the whole way back. The question I'm wondering is what those Intelligence guys are gonna end up doing to him when we get back"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



"I don't particularly trust those guys from ISIS, where I'm from a coyote is not a creature to be trusted.  If I were you, I'd turn the child over to Colonel Nexx... now before you get the wrong idea, I'm not a racial purist or anything, just because Nexx is human and Kanzoria is a coyote has nothing to do with it.  It's just that Nexx was with Intelligence before his current posting and he will likely treat him better then Kanzoria would and likely provide more useful information that would not be concealed due to some military secret thing."

Wilcox crossed her arms and nodded sagely, obviously she was sure of what she said and didn't care, at least here, who heard it.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck

"Thank you Sir! Sorry about faling off your wing though..." Kal said as he high five'd the other pilots as they walked out of the hanger and towards the ready room. "How'd you guys go out there I lost count at twelve."


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck: Tactical Control Room

"Aye, sir," Commander MacDuff responded to the summons from Captain Morgan. He made his way back to his terminal, and sat down to access fleet status, as well as the enemy status reports.

Casualties were relatively light overall, with about a 10% loss of allied personnel. Most ships were only lightly damaged or undamaged, but the frigate Baker would require extensive repair - hopefully the pirate shipyard would be able to assist with this.

The pirates did not fare as well. They suffered nearly a 50% loss in personnel, give or take a few percent. Of their original 32 vessels, only 20 were still spaceworthy. These 20 ships were the dreadnaught Defiance, and a mixture of frigates and cruisers, with a few smaller ships surviving as well.

Both sides had incurred fighter losses too, and the Commander saw that the reports of search and rescue teams going after ejected pilots were going well.

MacDuff quickly absorbed all this and more, and drafted a report on fleet standing. Due to his nature, he focused more on the damaged frigate and on smaller craft - i.e. fighters, bombers, and LAMs. Some statistics showed that some of these smaller craft pulled off some remarkable achievements, especially in regards to the pirate dreadnaught.

The Commander checked his chronometer and started wrapping things up in preparation for his briefing with the captain.


Romulus looked at Wilcox and nods then looks down at the fox in his arms. "That's a good idea" He then looks to RC "Do what you can get me a private line with Colonel Nexx, I want to have him waiting for this kid as soon as we get there. I have a feeling that Kanzoria will see this kid more as a tool than a living being and I don't want to be the cause of that. I know what it's like to be used as a tool" Romulus looked at Ben "I know you want in the ISIS but I won't let it happen this way, I won't let this kid be used as a meal ticket" Romulus looked around the shuttle then back at Ben "I'm not saying that you would do that or anything. When we do our reports you can say that it was all my idea and if you object to the idea, you can say so now and put it in your report"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Ben let his gaze fall to the floor of the shuttle before he turned it to the fox prisoner.  Unconscious as he was, the vulpine seemed peaceful and innocent, he looked no more then 12 or 13 years of age and hardly a threat.  Ben shook his head to clear that thought, the "kid" was an alien, powerful, dangerous and unknown.

"He's an alien, and dangerous.  It looked to me like he was able to control everyone in the area and judging by the chaos, the entire pirate fleet."  Ben looked genuinely concerned, "the major has tools that can control him..."  His voice trailed off, he knew the reputation of their esteemed major and how he treated the other one.

Sighing he faced Romulus, "you're right, giving him over to ISIS doesn't seem like a good thing to do.  How do we do this without overtly crossing Major Kanzoria, violating chain of command and disobeying orders?  We are after all, deputized under ISIS command by the department's special dispensation directive."

While Ben puzzles through their conflict of duty and morality, RC utilizes the shuttle's point to point laser communications system to secure a direct channel to the Phalanx and Colonel Nexx.

The colonel appears on screen, but a little concerned, "is there something you need sergeant?"  When he lays eyes on the mint colored fox Romulus is carrying, he looks rather surprised.  "I see." 

Wilcox waves at him from the back of the shuttle, making sure to salute, but far less formal then one might expect.  "We have a bit of a problem Nexx, the kid is one of those aliens, he is rather hostile, currently unconscious and he likely has useful information, but Kanzoria is not likely to be the best choice in the morality or sharing departments."

Ben stepped in on the conversation, "also sir, unless we can restrain him mentally, we will either need to keep hitting him in the head or drugging him to the void and beyond.  Neither is conducive to cooperation."

Wilcox pointed to the back of the shuttle, we also have some prisoners for processing.

"Alright, we can work with this, I will contact Captain Summers... for now you will need to process the pirate prisoners here in tactical operations since the marines took them prisoner.  Hopefully you special forces types don't mind the delay... we can also address your special guest as well." 

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

When Commander MacDuff arrived, Captain Summers ushered him in.  The stress of battle was evident, but both seemed to have weathered their first major engagement well. 

Morgan offered Robert a small glass of scotch as he poured himself one, "well commander, I would say we did reasonably well for what we are up against.  What's the status of the fleet?"

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck

"I spaced at least five fighters and six mechs, not too bad for a days work," Renegade said in a slightly arrogant sort of way, "what can I say, I'm pretty good." 

"Right, don't break an arm hugging yourself.  I got about four fighters and three mechs, it was one heck of a furball out there.  Even the makers gift to pilots said so."  Pinky said while play whacking Renegade. 

"Can we ladies all settle down so we can get this debrief over?  I also need all your reports by 2100 hours today.  I need to get them in, the CAG has need of battle data and I want to get those commendations in.  Now let's talk about our formation out there..."

Hadem began his critique of the battle performance.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus looked at Ben as he spoke, glareing at him. "He controlled the fleet because of that equipment he was hooked up too. Remember we blew it up and he crumpled"
Romulus nodded when Ben said it wouldn't be right to give the fox over to the ISIS. "Let me worry about that I'm the head of this squad, if Kanzoria says anything I'll take full responcibility. That way it won't ruin your chance of getting into the ISIS or the rest of the squad in trouble" Looked up at the colonel as he came on screen, giving the same type of salute that Wilcox did. He spoke after Ben and Wilcox. "With all do respect sir I think I might be able to keep him in check until we have something to restrain him. *Romulus turns and addresses everyone in the shuttle* If he wakes up while in the shuttler start to think of the worst thing that has every happen to you or the bloodest battle you have every been in. If anything it will keep him out of our heads. *Romulus turned back to the screen* "Sir I also have reason to believe that we have a member of his family somewhere in the armada. I'm unsure where but I heard a voice in my head just before we took him prisoneer. Just how many of these guys does Kanzoria have anyway?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

Commander MacDuff accepted the offered glass of scotch.

"Well, sir, an item of immediate priority is the frigate Baker. She has extensive damage and will require immediate and comprehensive repair. Reports indicate the enemy shipyard is the ideal assistance in this manner."

The Commander paused to take a small sip from his glass. "All other capital ships report light or no damage. Losses of small craft are relatively light. Reports are still coming in, but many of our pilots were able to eject safely."

"...all in all a fair day's work, sir. The fleet still has sufficient numbers, ordinance, and fuel to continue as planned, if the estimated time for repairs is accurate."

MacDuff paused and twirled his glass around with the tip of his wing. "There is one thing, sir. Some strange reports have come in that might have an effect on our schedule. These... odd forces reported by some of our pilots as well as by some of the captured enemy are... inconsistent with any data I am familiar with."

The Commander ceased twirling his glass. "...perhaps you could shed some light on the subject? That is, if I may ask, sir."



Colonel Nexx regarded Romulus for a moment before answering, "there is only one of these aliens besides your own here in our fleet.  Ixiah is the one of whom I speak and he is in Kanzoria's control while we are on this mission, otherwise he falls under Fleet Command and the R&D detachment.  There are two known... Acadians, as their race is known to be called, in the whole of the fleet.  One is male and is with us, the other, a female is back with the General.  I there are any others in with the pirates, we shall find out from your prisoner.  I must make a call to your captain, I will have security meet you in the hanger with a restraining device."

Wilcox checked her sidearm and removed the clip.  Retrieving a small case from a wall locker, she loaded an elongated clip loaded with small darts.  She smiled at Romulus after chambering a round, "if your mental games don't work, I'm sure this will.  These tranq darts can knock out a rampaging griff*."

Ben remained somewhat gloomy, but nodded to Wilcox, "yes that should do."

*A griff is a type of native predator found on a few of these worlds, they are large griffon like beasts.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

"Odd forces you say?  I have recently discovered that there are certain elements within the enemy that are not what they first appeared to be.  The Imperium Foreign Legion forces and what also appear to be Imperium privateers have surrendered.  The elements that were unsanctioned pirates fled with their capital ships.  Whatever occurred on that station was clearly the decisive factor that ended this, but how I do not know.  As a tactical analyst, I can only venture that our opposing force was being controlled."  Morgan paused briefly before continuing, "Ixiah seems to have indirectly confirmed this, though he is rather tight lipped when Major Kanzoria is there."

Upon the Captain's desk, a communications light blinked.  Morgan passed his hand over the indicator and the ship's comm officer spoke in a hushed tone, "sir, there is an incoming private channel communication from Colonel Nexx, oh and the stardock and some tenders have arrived for resupply.  Search and rescue is recovering pilots, escape pods and  they are scouring destroyed vessels for survivors.  The station is under our control and the surrendered leaders and IFL command are on station awaiting your meeting sir."

The captain nodded and responded, "patch the colonel through and then signal to all ship captains and fleet command staff to assemble on station in their conference area, keep security tight."

The officer acknowledged and passed the private call through, Morgan regarded MacDuff briefly and nodded.

The Colonel next appeared on the comm screen and briefly turned his eyes towards MacDuff, the captain nodded, "whatever you wish to discuss can be done with both of us."

"Right.  Our special forces were obviously successful, but more then we had anticipated.  The enemy forces were under the control, psychic control, of another Acadian.  The team successfully captured him alive, he is apparently a child, but looks can be deceiving.  They are detouring to my ship as the team has made the decision that Kanzoria is not the best option for interrogating or seeing to the well-being of the prisoner.  This goes back to our original discussion about the major's methods and motives."

The captain thought about this for a moment and nodded, "understood, as long as you can control him and he can be determined to not pose a danger.  Find out what you can from him, for now the major and his staff do not need to be made aware of this.  I will need you at the meeting on the station, come when you can."

"Roger that, Nexx out."

The captain then turned to MacDuff, "any thoughts on this?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus just nodded his head as Wilcox pulled out the tranqs. "Just becareful he may be able to deflect them. You got any that can be done manually?" Romulus looked down at the fox he was holding. "Well kid looks like you might be in for a family reunion. Maybe"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

"Any thoughts on this?"

"A select few, sir. I find it very fortunate that our forces were able to capture him, and as to the decision regarding the Major, I can only agree."

MacDuff briefly dipped his head in thought and cleared his throat before continuing. "But from what I gather about these... Acadians, they are already aware of the others' presence. Keeping them separated for a prolonged period of time could potentially have extremely undesirable consequences."

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Hangar Deck

After Maj. Hadem had gone through their after action reports, Kal headed down to the mess hall as he suddenly found himself starving. As he ate a snack he wondered what the hell had happened to the girl he'd captured.


Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay

Wilcox reached into her kit and pulled out a traq syringe and showed it to Romulus, "this should work in a pinch."  She moved to hand it over to Romulus, when a small green, furry paw darted out and wrapped its fingers around the syringe.  The seemingly limp and docile child had exploded into action like a trained SpecForces master, swinging around to get his footpaws in a better spot with leverage as he brought the syringe around to Romulus's neck with preternatural alacrity. 

Ooh my head... so dizzy, must focus... how do I get out of this, how...

Wincing slightly the smallish fox kit glared at his captures, "okay now, I'm in charge here."

My head is too fuzzy, I can't focus enough to influence...

The assault shuttle made its touch down in the bay of the cruiser Phalanx with a slight bit of a problem.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

"But from what I gather about these... Acadians, they are already aware of the others' presence. Keeping them separated for a prolonged period of time could potentially have extremely undesirable consequences."

Morgan nodded, "this is true, but for the moment it is unavoidable.  I am not sure of Kanzoria's motives and despite the fact that we outrank him, ISIS operational authority gives him higher authority in respect to control of the alien." 

The canine officer stood, finishing off his small drink and grabbing his jacket, "we can discuss this as we go, we have an operational meeting to attend and the disposition of Imperium privateer and IFL personnel and assets to determine.  Perhaps after a rigorous investigation, we can add these forces to our own, making our mission that much easier to complete."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Officer's mess

As Kal ate, Major Hadem sat down near him with his own expansive dinner.  As if answering his inner thoughts, the Major spoke, "that pirate girl you captured is being transfered to the brig for now, she was very confused when she woke up.  The doctor said she is physically fine, but has little memory of her last few months, at least according to her.  She will be debriefed I imagine and then whatever occurs with the pirates, she will likely be added to that group."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay
Romulus doesn't seem to phazed  with what the small fox has just done. "Well this is just great" Romulus said with the needle at his throat. "Maybe I should have just shot you back when we had a chance, but noo I had to listen to the voice in my head and be nice. Listen kid you aren't in charge here, stop trying to play tough pirate and not make things hard for everyone. Face it your captured, your not holding anyone of importance so people would have no problem shooting me as well as you" Romulus seemed to be acting rather calm seeing as what's going on. Romulus started to think of the bloodest battles he has been in as well as how many times someone has tried to take him hostage.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Aboard a Shuttle from the Tender to INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation

Lt Nova Hunnydew, great-grand-daughter of famous Physicist Dr Bambi Hunnydew, and Daughter of Senator Hunnydew in the Confed council, has blown it again.  With her recorded and top honors from Confed's Benson Institute of Technologies, she should have been on an advance scout as a science/engineer officer, or in the science department on a command ship.  But no she was on her way to a two year probational assignment as an assistant engineer to INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation.  Most likely to be the lieutenant greaser dog to a bunch of greaser dogs in the maintenance shop to some squadron.  She would only have as much power as the Crew Chief, let's her.  "And Stars forbidden, I touch a wrench." she thought.

She looks out the window to the fleet and the spacestation, remembering her father's lecture on responsible, and how SHE had just miss death or life in prison.

"What were you thinking, Kitten?  Breaking into a top secret research database, you are lucky, you were found at such a low level.  And that your ideas "help" Dr Grant so much that he put in a good word for you.  That I had to pull some strings for you to keep your commission and out of a court martial.  I am not happy about this young lady.   And I am not happy that you are with the first front line fleet, where you will mostly get the death sentence that the Lycan military members want.  But Hey, you got your wish You going to see the aliens, as an engineer for a two year probational assignment below decks.. So have fun and Keep your nose clean.  And Maybe Dr Grant will let you into his research staff when you get back." stormed her father and she watch his back as he walk back to the Senate.

  What I want to know is HOW? I was in and out of that database 20 times to top levels and have not tripped any alarms and I had a monitoring feed from the admin security, but someone else bumbles in and I'm the one caught.

  Yea, Keep my nose clean... by the stars what am I in for?
Nova thinks

*BONG* "Landing in 5 minutes with Revelation" said a loudspeaker

"Great, I better see the Capt."

Lt Nova Hunnydew goes to Officer of Deck at the Quarterdeck, Said " Request Permission to come aboard"
OOD said "Granted"
" Lt Nova Hunnydew reporting for Duty, Sir." Says the black and white feline
"Aye Ma'am.. Please report to the Capt's ready room.  Rover, Please take the Lieutenant to the Captain." orders the Office of Deck to the petty officer

Lt Hunnydew follows the petty officer to the Ready room and wait outside with orders abd personal duff bag.


Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Officer's mess

After chatting with Dom for a while, Kal finished his meal and headed back to his cabin.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Officer's Quaters

Rummaging through his gear, Kal paused when he spotted a picture of his folks. Smiling he found a small white band made up of four cords. Slipping it into his pocket, he headed out and down to the brig to speak with the girl he bought in.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

Stopping at the secruity door Pal walked up to the marine lieutenant on duty. "I'd like to see the girl I brought in Sam."


Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay

Loki looked around at all the hostile people that waited for the slightest hesitation, the smallest mistake to be made.  If he showed any weakness, they would leap upon him and tear him to shreds.

Seeing that Romulus's words did not have a beneficial affect on the situation and his team members stood poised to visit all manner of nasty things upon the smallish fox, she raised her hands and gestured to everyone.  As she was the most senior NCO, everyone stood down somewhat, releasing a bit of the tension.

"Romulus is right, the game is over, we don't intend to harm you, but if you continue pulling stunts like this, we have to take action.  We can look past this one time, but you are going to have to cooperate.  Now hand over the needle."  Speaking calmly, she approached Romulus and the fox with her hand outstretched.

Loki tensed at her approach, but relaxed a little as he mulled both Romulus's words and hers over in his mind.  His hand trembled at little and with a sigh he withdrew the syringe and placed it in Wilcox's hand. 

Relieved at the resolution of the hostilities, the shuttle pilot released the hatch and ramp to the compartment.  Military security personnel filled the entrance with weapons ready, but Wilcox waved them to stand down.

Looking clam and resolute, Loki turned to face them.  The security parted and Colonel Nexx entered, everyone saluted as was appropriate.  Returning saluates, Nexx turned to Wilcox, "permission to come aboard chief."

"Aye, welcome aboard colonel."

Nexx turned to regard the green fox, "you must be the troublesome pirate leader."

Loki beamed up at him, but a stern look from Wilcox dropped his demeanor a bit, "no that bit a make believe is over now, I am now just Loki."

"Well Loki, I am Colonel Nexx and we have some questions.  Make believe or not, you caused quite a bit of trouble.  For now you are under our custody."  The human colonel kneeled down and produced a small choker style collar.  He placed it around the neck of the now submissive Loki.

The small fox blinked and stared at Nexx with a confused look, "what have you done?"

"The collar restricts your psychic abilities, I am sorry but this precaution is necessary.  The unit cannot be removed unless you know how and it is designed to feedback on psychical kinesis based abilities, so trying to destroy it or manipulate it will hurt you.  Please try to cooperate and do not fight it, I do not like these any more then you will, but it is a necessary precaution for now."   The colonel did genuinely seem apologetic for what he was forced to have to do.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Captain's ready room

As Nova and Petty Officer Rover near the Captain's ready room, a canine and avian exit and approach them.  Rover immediately comes to attention and salutes to both, but he addresses the dingo who appears to be the ship's captain.

"Captain Summers sir, we have a transfer from one of the tenders.  This is lieutenant Nova Hunnydew and her orders require your specific review sir."  the petty officer handed them over to the captain who had paused when addressed.  The other with him was apparently the XO.

"Hunnydew, a relation to the senator.  These orders are class 1 transfers, Lt. Hunnydew, follow us we are running a slight bit late for an operational meeting on the station.  I will figure out what to do with you as I review these which will have to be done in transit.  Rover, you are dismissed, thank you."

The captain, still holding the paperwork, continued in the direction Nova had just come from, the shuttle bay.  He was heading for the captain's launch and expected her to follow.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

"I wasn't expecting to see you here Kal, I don't know what you need with the detainee, but I suppose it won't hurt.  Corporal Kersney, bring the lady up here."  The lieutenant said as he gestured to one of the idle security marines at their desk.

A weasel stood and nodded, she headed towards the lockup and scanned her ID at the required pad and opened the door.  Disappearing into the brig area, she reappeared with a somewhat bedraggled female german sheppard, still clothed in her pilot's jumpsuit.

"Here you go lieutenant."  Kersney said as she brought the prisoner forward.  She stood to the side after bringing her before Kal.

"The hospitality here is horrible." was the only think the female pilot said.                                 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Class one transfer?!  oh I  Aye Aye Captain " yelps Nova..
She follow Capt Summers a pace or two behind the capt.

" Yes Captain I'm the daughter of Sentor Rock Hunnydew.  but Please, Captain, I don't want any special treatment ..!" pleads PBH and then realizes too late of her out burst and shutup embarrassed and waits on the captain review.  She conitues to follow the Capt Summer on to the shuttle in silence.



Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay
Romulus stayed calm through the whole event. When the Colonel came in Romulus saluted with the rest. He stayed and watched as the fox was fitted with the collar. After the Colonel finished speaking Romulus leaned over towards Loki. "Just think of it as a fashion statement, alot of kids seem to wear collars like that one"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.