The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Our only goal will be the western shore

"I'm sure there is some internal bleeding too."  Loki said as he carefully moved his arm and stopped her scanner with a bloodied paw, the device wasn't needed to notice the wound in his midsection or shoulder.  He smiled weakly, "my telekinetic shield didn't stop everything, a couple of bullets managed to get past.  You need to worry about yourself, a broken rib and bleeding wound in your side... I'm an ascended being, beyond the considerations of mortal life, this body is just a shell."

Loki spoke in a quavering voice and barely stood on his own two footpaws, "don't worry about the collar, Major Aaron is concerned and does not want it removed.  My ship has likely not left and is not likely in any danger from these pirates, it tends to ignore insignificant insects."

Meanwhile the wolf, who was also armed, mulled over the Major's words.  As far as he could see, it was a "mexican" standoff.  Surprisingly, the wolf sighed and lowered his rifle.  "I may be a pirate, but I'm also a Lycan, you've taken me prisoner... I am now your bondsman by the laws of my people."

Somewhere behind the wolf, the majority of the pirates had organized and began firing on Aaron's spot.  The wolf quickly took cover, but kept his hands out and away from any weapons.  Unfortunately, it seem he choose the difficult route.

Romulus's team

As Romulus and his team advanced, they came under surprise heavy fire from enemy forces who had managed to setup a salvaged vehicle mounted pulse laser.  The team was only a 30 meters from Nova's position.

The pirates near Brown's position had just reorganized and were firing on him.  Ben's team had moved up and laid down a heavy fire against them with their pulse laser rifles.  Several pirates near the rear of their formation were cut down without warning.  Surprisingly resolute for freebooters, the pirates formed defensive lines and returned fire.  Ben caught a round to his leg, but the armor held without penetration. 

Atmospheric descent - LAMs

Renegade dropped altitude and came in along the treeline, placing the shooters in the path of a strafing run.  He opened up with pulse lasers and particle beams, tearing a wide swath along his path. 

Before he could reach them and in a panic, one of the anti-aircraft soldiers fires off another Wasp before being annihilated.  Renegade was too close for it to pick up on him, but the missile drew a lock on Kal's Raptor.


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Skies Above -LAMs

"SAM*, SAM, 'Cool Hand' SAM at your 2 o'clock. Break right." Came over Kal's comms, his evading maneuver started before 'Renegade' had finished the call.

Having turned into the missile's flightpath Kal feeling somewhat lucky let go a blurp of Railgun fire before he started his second turn and released his countermeasures.

A small puff of the missile's debris was the result.

"'Cool Hand' one of these days you are going to have to teach me your way with luck." 'Renegade' Called to Kal.

"Special Forces platoon Alpha, this is Overwatch flight form the Revelation. Where ya'll need us" Kal radioed to the troops on the ground.


Romulus's team
"TAKE COVER NOW!" Romulus was heading for cover with his squad when the heavy fire started. Once behind cover he open his com for his squad. "Wall, Nitro see if you can do something about all those blasted pirates up there. RC, Hacker you two try and make you way over to Lt. Nova and Loki see how badly they are hurt. You two have the must medical experience. If they are hurt bad, radio for evact. Wait for my signal" Romulus gave Wall covering fire while he setup the firepower he brought and Ntiro was picking through his grenades. "Damnit Nitro just get something that will go boom ok" He scanned the skys as he heard the LAM pilot. "You provide air support for my squad and your wing man cover Ben's team" Romulus used his HUD to give the LAMs waypoints to know where they are. "We're gonna have two guys make a dash for the Lt and the prisoneer. As soon as you seen them move start fireing, just watch yourself they setup a pulse laser. Must have taken it off a vechile from some where" Waits for the LAM to take up position over his team then looks at RC and Hacker "COVERING FIRE" Romulus opened fire with aimed shots, Wall opend fire with his heavy machine gun, Nitro threw the grenades he finally choose in between fireing, RC and Hacker hauled ass to cover the last 30 meters, takening cover when needed.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

At the bottom of the hill, and the end of land slide

"AH ah Ow " As Lt Nova settled herself against the shielding rocks, "Groan, No jokes, Loki.. Yes, my ribs just need to wrap and the wound need pressure bandaged but you need to Doc more than me.  So, Sit Down, before you fall down." Nova shouts her order and then falls back against the rocks.  Unziping her coat, she pulls her shirt up out of her pants.  She checks the wound and then ties up her loose shirt level with the wound "eeezzzzzzzzzz ah ah Ok OK There it will hold so long as I don't move too much, and the firefight doesn't come this way."   She rezips her coat, and leans back behind her rock blind.  "Give me a second and I'll check you over"

Over her com link the catgirl send, "hah hah To SP Alpha platoon, Request Medical assistance to 300 meter down slope from your present location  hah ah ow Lt Hunnydew standing by."
With heavy breaths, LT Nova listens to the combat, and wonders what is next?



Ah, ah,

About at this point every single expletive Aaron knew was running through his head.  Including a few that he just made up.  If there had been any young minder readers around, they would have been traumatized for life.  Not only the hard way, but he had to make things interesting too.

But not so interesting that Aaron could afford to get distracted from his current fire fight.  This was going to be a long trip indeed.
The All Purpose Fox


We come from the land of the ice and snow,

From behind the attacking pirates, what initially sounded like reinforcements was sounding more and more like an assault against the rear of the pirate group.

A call came in on Aaron's comm unit, "this is staff sergeant Ben Foster, please advise on your status... we are engaging the enemy's rear guard.  Keep pressure on them from your position, as much as possible.  I want to discourage them from trying to overrun you to escape our attack.  We will be approaching from the south..."

The wolf continues to be submissive, "if so inclined, I can assist in defending your position, but I would need my gun for that."

A pirate sniper tried very hard to perforate Aaron.

Meanwhile, in the avalanche created igloo...

Loki made a motion to protest, but Nova's tone had changed significantly and her reply was short and authoritative.  He pressed his hand to the wound in his midsection and eased himself to a sitting position with a slight yelp of pain, this shell he was inhabiting was very vulnerable and physical pain was something he was not too familiar with.

Loki waved a hand at Nova's offer to check him over, he responded in a very matter-of-fact tone, "There is no need to examine me, it is a simple diagnosis and nothing important... there are projectiles, titanium-steel alloy 6mm shaped dart-like, in my shoulder and stomach.  Nothing important was damaged in my shoulder and the hemorrhaging has stopped there.  The abdominal injury has caused some damage to the internal viscera, nothing fatal, but there is a significant amount of hemorrhaging.  If I press hard to the area of injury..."  Loki applied direct pressure and went pale, when he spoke again his voice was back to the quavering of earlier, "the... hemorrhaging... is reduced, but it really hurts..."

Outside, Nova and Loki could hear a lot of activity.  Much of the activity was gunfire, which quickly got closer to their location.  Heavy laser fire and small arms shots, struck the icy walls of their 'shelter'.  Rock bits showered both of them and a few stray bullets ricochet around inside making it very dangerous.

Romulus's team

Romulus received the call for medical assistance from Lt. Nova.

RC and Hacker covered the ground to the position that Nova's transponder indicated.  Both reached cover behind the ice mound that formed around the rock due to the avalanche.  Their run had drawn fire from a few pirates and of all things the pulse laser.  The ice protected against the pulse laser, but the high velocity dart ammo of the rifles penetrated the ice and snow mound easily. 

RC silently swore and hoped that those inside had kept low.  He couldn't get around the ice wall to the "front" where there was a break he could enter.  Pirates down the valley were also firing on his position, keeping him pinned down.

RC called on his comm, "sarge, there is a pirate position down the valley, looks like they just dug themselves out of the snow.  Hacker and I can't get in this snow mound and I'd hate to try to dig into it and bury the lieutenant and the kid.  We are going to have to hold here until the LAM takes care of the pulse laser and those other hostiles, so you can give me support."

Ben's team

Ben's squad engaged the pirates and began to push them forward.  He called to the major and then also made one to 'Renegade', the LAM that would cover his position.

"I need heavy covering fire right in front of the enemy line, the one facing the major."

Skies Above -LAMs

Renegade replied to the comm call, "roger Beta team, starting my run now."

The Raptor LAM came in fast and hard, laying down a heavy fire that obliterated the entire front line of pirate forces.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus's team
"Yes Lt. Nova we are working on getting you out. If you just hang on for a few more minutes we will be able to take care of you" Romulus swore out loud when he heard RC's message. He then looked up at the LAM cover his team. "Hey you got some serious weapons on that thing? My boys could use some cover over there. Lay down some serious fire over there. Disscourage those bastards from shooting over there" Romulus fired on whatever he saw move that wasn't on his side. "Hey Nitro hand me some granades. You didn't happend to bring any bigger explosives did you? These pirates are seriously pissing me off"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh no hurry Mariner.   You go and stop the booms and the bangs     We are keep low as we can in this ravine and behind some boulders on upslope side.  The main problem is most of the other walls of this pillbox are just ice slabs and snow.  We have internal bleeding, some minor bullet wounds, and a cracked rib. We stay the bleeding and can hold a little while" said Lt Nova over the comlink. 

"Oh boy, I was not cut out to be grunt and I know that ah now. Come here and lay low, Loki   These strays are getting abit to close.", Nova said and motion the green fox closer to her and to lying as flat as they can against the boulders and the ground.



Romulus's team
"First off I'm Special Forces not a Marine. Second off it's good you can hold out for a while, we're having some problems of our own out here. We currently have two men at your position. Only problem is you're stuck in the little chamber which was formed by some kind of avalanche I assume. It seems we'll have to take out all the pirates here before we can start digging you out" Romulus said over his com in a business like tone, all the while taking shoots at pirates. Wall fire off with his heavy machine gun he had setup. Nitro fired off what he could that wouldn't take our side at the same time.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Damn my Caller ID is not working right, Thank you, Mr Space Ranger, sir.   Now, We can move but I would not recommended it.  The opening looks big enough fo us to crawl through.  Scans show that Ice is refreezing and the structure is stable, so long as HV shots doesn't stray into our ice mound again." add Lt Nova.



from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow

Loki nodded as he limped over to Nova's position, as she pulled him down next to her he whimpered a little but tried to lay flat.  Tears were in his eyes, partially due to the pain, but mostly due to an emotional outburst that was building.

He sniffled a bit and then broke out into full on crying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I should never have mentioned my ship.  I'm so sorry you got hurt, this never would have happened if I hadn't lied to you..."

The green fox spent a few moments crying and a few more groaning in agony before continuing, "I had wanted you to bring me to the surface, there I could have got to my ship, freed myself from this collar and taken off.  I've always had the ability to call her, but I didn't want to bring her to your warship, I wasn't sure I could escape a fleet.  I really never meant any of this to happen or for you to be hurt.  Now I'm injured... this physical form is... dieing... I think..."  He said the word as if it was unfamiliar, "it is slowly exsanguinating, I can barely ebb it... this physical pain is nearly unbearable, I do not know how you mortals stand it.  I don't know what happens if this form expires while I am manifest like this..."

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, "please forgive me... I am so sorry."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Kal's LAM

Deciding to get direct with the problem at hand, Kal flew his Raptor at the small truck the pirates had mounted the Pulse Laser on. Toggling the mecha's Land Mode almost at the last moment the 55 ton LAM landed feet first with it jets screaming on the unfortunate truck and pirates manning it.

Spotting an anti-tank missile team Kal turned them in to a fine red mist with the railgun.

"Laser destroyed any other targets?" Kal sang out over the radio.


How soft your fields so green,

Aaron sighs.  Today has been full of stupid decisions, why not another one.

"Fine, grab a gun and shoot back"

Aaron says this, but keeps an eye on the wolf, keeping in mind the possibility of shooting him dead if he does anything funny.

He then looks to his com unit, "Ben, this is Aaron, things still aren't getting much better.  I'm alive, though that is not due to the lack of trying on their part.  Especially this sniper fellow, he is rather annoying.  I've also got an interesting situation with a pirate that I made surrender.  More on that when there is more thinking time.  Be advised though, the pirates should be discouraged from retreating into the canyon.  We need to get in there to retrieve important research material."

Aaron keeps firing back, using up the last of his grenades to create big scary explosions.
The All Purpose Fox


Can whisper tales of gore,

The wolf blinks in shock for a second before nodding and taking up his rifle.  He lays down some fire and manages to find that sniper.  The vixen is surprised to find a hole that she could swear was not in her stomach when she got up this morning.  Her falling virtually into the major's arms would have made him rather happy if she wasn't preoccupied with trying to staunch her bleeding and was an enemy.  I suppose he can hope she is also a Lycan with that same bond-code thing...

The grenades and their explosions have a very massive effect, which is quickly over shadowed by a 55 ton LAM landing in front of Aaron and incinerating the pirates nicely herded together by said grenade explosions.

Area around the LAM, Romulus's team and Nova's position

Kal's attack causes the pirates to scatter.  A few small arms hits bounce off the armor without even scratching the paint. 

However, Kal's LAM is rocked by an explosion as a brave pirate picks up the anti-tank box launcher and proceeds to engage Kal.  Unluckily for Kal, this one has kept mobile, making it hard to target him.

At Romulus's position, Nitro shakes his head, "I'd like to light these guys up with something heavier, but judging by the loose ice and snow on the valley wall, it is not a good idea to use large explosives, I'd bring the whole valley down with it."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"God and Goddess,"  Shouts Nova over the com, "Medic  Medic, We've a problem, and scan show my patient is losing blood fast.  I need that medic ASAP, Rommy"   Through her pain, Nova checks to the field outside her little den, and shooting for laser was gone but she could still hear stray gun shoots, but nothing close , well no near bullets flying.  she check to see if Loki can be move, but she removes his coat and check his wound binds them with a press shirt and tying his coat around him.

"Please Loki don't died on me, I have a emergency thermal blanket get inside with me." says Nova as she unzips her own coat and wraps the green fox and herself in her coat and a light silver blanket to fight off the cold and shock.  She settles back against her rocks.

"It is Okay, If you lied a little but I need to tell me the truth, Can your fix yourself without your collar?" whisper softy the catgirl.  "Here, I can turn and adject this collars frequency off it's right  frequency, but the control circuit will send a normal condition back to security"



Romulus's team
"Damnit. Well see what you can do Nitro" Romulus started snipeing with his rifle while laying down. Then he heard Nova's message. "Damnit, woman the name is Romulus, I'm a Special Forces officer. Now like I said before we are doing everything we can to get you out. Now by patient you mean Loki, I don't know if the "medics" can really do much with him" He sighed while taking a few more sniped shoots. "RC, Hacker see what you can do about getting in there and helping the Lt. out. See if there is a small opening or something. It seems Loki is dieing in there. Oh and Lt. Nova don't go doing anything stupid like take his collar off, cause if you do and I find out I will shoot you myself. We went through alot of trouble captureing him and I'd rather not have to deal with that again"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Of how we calmed the tides of war.

Inside the ice shelter...

Loki briefly had a devious look upon his face as Nova asked him the question, but it quickly melted away, "truth is, no I do not yet have that ability... I may develop it, but it is a complex process.  The... best I can do is analyze conditions, but it doesn't do me any good as I never really studied xenobiology much."

At Romulus's comment about the collar and his capture, Loki brightens up and sticks his tongue out at the comm unit.  Loki jokes, "round two would see you defeated."  He laughs briefly and regrets it, "ow ow ow, okay no laughing..."

Outside the ice shelter...

RC tries to move, but the enemy fire keeps them pinned.

A loud explosion and the stumbling back of the large mech-form LAM, distracts the pirate forces long enough for RC and Hacker to scramble in the small front entrance.  They hit the ground and roll near Nova and Loki's thermal blanket, both gesture to the startled pair that they are allies.

When they are sure it is clear, Hacker takes out his medkit and approaches Nova, he settles down next to her and checks her eyes, "near the verge of first stage shock."  He squeezes her shoulder making her focus on him.  "ma'am if you don't mind, I need to check you out."

His request was nothing more then a formality, as he pushed away the thermal blanket, unzipped her jacket and pulled up her shirt to examine the injuries, "entrance wound in the lumbar region of the abdomen... no exit wound, projectile is still lodged inside.  Middle rib fracture, anterior section.  The steps you took were good, but you have still lost a lot of blood.  I'm going to place a pressure bandage on the wound and wrap your fracture."

Hacker cleaned the wound with antiseptic, which burned like he cauterized it with a plasma torch, and applied a pressure bandage.  He bound it with gauze tightly around her middle, causing quite a bit of discomforted from the injured area.  He also carefully wrapped her rib fracture.  When completed he gave her an injection of painkillers and field antibiotics.  She also received a hypo injection of neutral blood plasma.

RC did the same to Loki, who was a little apprehensive about being examined by the trooper.  Trying his best bedside manner, as he was not very experienced with dealing with kids, he smiled and ruffled Loki's hair.  Loki settled down, a bit less wary, and RC went to work.  He untied the coat and moved the shirt to examine the injuries and he made a leap of faith that the biology was the same, "left shoulder wound with no exit, projectile is likely embedded in the bone as surrounding tissue does not seem to indicate a deflection, bleeding is minimal here.  Another wound... to the abdomen at midline between left upper and left lower quadrants, no exit... projectile is also embedded inside still.  The wound placement looks like it missed the superior vena cava, but hemoraging is consistent and strong."  He used a light to examine the eyes and opened his mouth to examine the gums, "early onset of shock, you've lost a lot of blood kid.  I'm going to apply a pressure bandage to the stomach wound and bandage the shoulder." 

RC cleaned the injuries with antiseptic, earning a yelp and growl from Loki, applied the pressure bandage, wrapped it tight around him and bandaged the shoulder.  He paused and looked at Hacker as he held the hypos for the shots, Hacker shrugged and RC sighed.

"I hope this stuff doesn't have any bad effects on him."

RC injected the painkillers, antibiotics and gave him something to help with the shock.  He hesitated with the blood plasma, but did it anyways.

"oh, do that again..."  Loki said.

RC shook his head, "I've only got a few of these.  If needed I will."

Romulus's team

Nitro nodded and loaded a few red cannisters into his launcher.  Quickly he fired off four of them and yelled like a fan at a sports game as they lit up the pirates in the areas they hit, "yeah, eat it."

The incendiaries worked well, and with the rest of the team's shots, the numbers began to thin.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus's team
"About damn time these bastards started thining out" Romulus saw the LAM get rocked, he yelled into his com "HEY YOU ALRIGHT IN THAT THING? Damnit I don't want to have to rescue you as well" Romulus sniped some more then radioed to his two "medics" "How's it going in there you two. Any survivers?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Goddess, I fell for another pretty face, and this time it's a green cute one at that." groans Lt Nova... "Thanks guys, but take me away from this two timer.  God, cough, I have been play for the last ah ow last drop of blood,  it seems.. And, if I see another firefire on planetside, it will be the death of me.  And, If Romulus see me about to shoot gun, he can shoot me himself....andh and Loki, if you want that collar off, do it yourself." Said the angry hurting Lt Nova. 

Nova moved away and turned from Loki as she lay down.   She half knew, that his act had gotten the medic here faster, and saving her life and his.  But something was just not fitting right, there had too many plays, too tricks by him... She was too dazed and too tried but she tried to work through it all in her head, as medic work on Loki.  She was too tired and too dazed, to know what to think...



We are your overlords

RC called back to Romulus, "yeah we got survivors, both of them.  The kid isn't as bad off as we had thought or were told, but I guess it all comes down to he is just a kid, a scared little kid that played a dangerous game and lost.  That seems to be the gist I've gotten from how the Lieutenant has been acting."

Loki would have protested at being called a kid, but it seemed that they were right.  It was Nova's words that hurt the most and he turned to face her with the beginnings of tears in his eyes as she herself turned away.

Hacker looked down and swore a small oath as he injected Nova with something and gently shook her awake, "ma'am no you can't do that, don't go to sleep... you are on the verge of slipping into shock and exposure due to the cold."  He bundled her up in a thermal blanket.

The tears streamed down his eyes as he realized what the extent of his selfishness had wrought, Nova was hurt and he had no idea what had become of Aaron or even their shuttle pilot and the crew.

Loki pulled himself upright to a standing position and ran to the opening, he reached it.  His bandage was soaked and blood flowed freely from underneath it, barely able to stand he emerged from the hole to stand under the sky.

Inside RC swore an oath to every god and goddess that existed as he followed.

Holding the wound he held his head to the sky and yelled, "Mother!"

The world had begun to spin and the ground rapidly came to meet him as his strength was spent.  RC hit the ground and covered the child with his body, a few rounds landed near him but he was lucky.

Some distance away, near the end of the valley, the snow exploded upward.  Something hovered in mid air, but no visual object could be seen, just fountains of snow an ice tumbling off whatever it was.

Within seconds the object flew to the location of where it had heard its name called, upon arrival it revealed its form as it decloaked.  A vessel very much like a sleek jet appeared.  It had forward swept wings and was a mottled grey coloration... reminiscent of a mixture of organic and metallic hues.  There were no visible engines, but the craft was definitely propelled by something.  The vessel was twice the length of the dropship. 

Fearful a few pirates, including the one with the rocket launcher, fired on this unknown vessel.  No damage even seemed to have been registered on it.  The craft rotated this way and that, as if it was attached to a stand, and fired a blue-white beam of energy, incinerating those that fired on it and all others like them (pirates).  The LAM and Romulus's crew were spared.

Loki reached a bloody paw in the air towards it, "mother..."  His arm dropped to the ground as he lost consciousness. 

RC worked fervently to reapply all the bandages and repair all the damage the kid had redone in his emotional outburst.

The ship hovered, almost seemingly judging what those bellow were doing.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Kal's LAM

Using his own lasers in an attempt to cook off the missile in the tube even if he did miss, Kal's fire stitched its way closer to the brave (if not particularly smart) infantryman.

Kal cursed as the pirate leaped behind a large rock. "Just a scratch." He replied over the com as he moved the Raptor to try and get an angle on the pirate anti-tank.

"Oh to hell with this." Kal muttered as he toggled in a SRM* pack and sent them at the rock at the same time the new ship appeared and incinerated the pirate.

"What in the Holy Hells is that!" Kal cried out over the radio.

(*Short Ranged Missile)

Prof B Hunnydew

Shaken awake and shock by Loki's re-action, Nova awakes up and trys to catch the fox cub, but misses.  She watchs in horror as he rans outside and reaches to the ship. 

"NO no Loki, I'm sorry.  Stop trying to be so big.  Please No no Loki  I'm the one who got us nearly killed and you should be here near death.  please Stay I'll help you some how" pleads the catgirl as she craddle the green fox in her lap after she catches up to him on the ground outside.  She covers him with her blanket again. and holds his head.  She looks up at the ships as pulls her coat around herself  "please stay don't leave me"



On we sweep with threshing oar

Loki's eyes fluttered open and he gave her a weak smile, "I'm so... sorry... please don't be... angry with me.  I... was so reoccupied with the collar.  Please don't be angry with me anymore, I didn't mean for you to be hurt.  You... you need to be resting, I'll be fine."  He looked up at his ship hovering silently, "I'm not going anywhere just yet."

RC finished re-bandaging Loki and loaded a small canister into his hypo.  He injected it into the cub's arm and repeated with his final three.

Loki's reaction was almost that of someone receiving the rush of some new drug, "oh, that's nice... do it again..."

RC shook his head, "sorry kid, that's all the emergency blood plasma I got.  As long as you don't go bolting off again and open everything back up, you'll hold until we can med-evac you to the ship."  He regarded Nova, "it's bad enough the kid went bolting off, but you followed... I hope you haven't done anymore damage.  Why doesn't anyone stay put when they're hurt?"

Both Romulus and Kal could confirm that all hostiles in their immediate area where neutralized.

Above the battlefield, the ship hovered silently, if it held any judgment over what was occurring bellow it, it showed no indication of what that might be.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"I am fine, and I'll keep him quiet.   He'll need another blanket" said Nova.  Still the Medic finds that her bandage needs to changed for fresh one but she didn't need another blood transfer.   She stay put, petting the green cub to calm him, and watching the sleek ship above them until tranport could arrive.

"Loki, we need to wait....mmm Loki, Your mother is above us watching and waiting for you." says Nova.



So what now?
Romulus nodded his head as he heard RC radio back "Good, I'm not too surprised I doubt that kid has every really done this kinda thing before" He kept firing on the pirates and saw the LAM recover from the hit and hear that he is fine. He kept fireing until he heard Loki yell mother. "What the hell is going on over th....... Umm that's his mother?" Romulus saw the ship and couldn't take his eyes off it as it decloaked.  He didn't know what to think when the ship attacked the pirates "Well I guess that means it's on our side?" He waited a moment then looked at Wall and Nitro "You two go over and see if RC and Hacker need any help. You may want to shoulder you weapons don't need that thing to think we're hostile" Romulus clicked on his com "Ben, how is everything on your end? Any wounded?" He then spoke to the LAM pilots "I think you guys may want to land until we figure what's up with that ship" Romulus slowly stoud as Wall and Nitro made their way over to RC and Hacker keeping an eye on the new found ship. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and stared at the ship. "So, what now?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Our only goal will be the western shore.

Loki, who was drifting off, opened an eye lazily, "hmmm?  Mom?  No, no Nova... she's not my actual mother... though she acts... uh, ow... like it sometimes.  I'd take us up in her, but in my current condition, she'd want to repair me... and that... means I have assume my true state, which I can't do with the collar... so she would destroy the collar... and that would get you in trouble... uh... so she'll follow us back.  She's very worried about me.  It would be best that we leave soon.  Can I sleep now?"

RC grabbed another blanket and provided it while Hacker called for the shuttle to evac.

Meanwhile at Ben's location...

He was just engaging in his final assault against the pirate positions, which had pulled back and dug in at a relatively secure location.  Their position made it difficult to get to the Major's location safely.

He received the call from Romulus, "I've not had any casualties.  I could use your help in assaulting this final position if everything is clear at your spot.  These guys are a lot tougher then we thought.

OOC: I'm waiting on Shadesy...

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


We are the backup
"Roger we'll be right over" Romulus looks back at Wall and Nitro. "Change of plans, Ben could use some help. We're gonna head over and see if we can get the pirates caught up in a crossfire" Romulus addressed RC and Hacker over his com "You two make sure Loki and the Lt are ok. Stay with them unless I say other wise. Keep an eye out for an pirates that may be in hiding" Romulus lead Wall and Nitro to a location where they can fire on the pirates and have cover. Romulus took up a position he can snipe from, just pokeing out around a rock. Wall and Nitro setup in a decent position as well.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,

Aaron would be amazed at his luck, should he have had precious time to think about such things.  Things seemed to have calmed down nicely with pirates getting distracted by an LAM.

"Hey you, uuhhh.... Wolf?  I need to learn your name at some point.  Anyways, what do you know of first aid?  We seem to be gathering a lovely tea party down here and I would rather not have all this bleeding going on."

He starts to tend to the vixen, wondering why he is helping her anyways.  The best answer seemed to run along the lines of, 'she is cute and isn't shooting at me anymore.'

OOC: Sorry, been on a trip and did not realize just how long it would take to find a net connection.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova just smile at Loki, "Gosh, you live up to your name, don't you, Ancient Cub.  I'm sure that you'll be teaching me how to fly on fairy wings, next." With a sigh, she continues,  "Loki, do you trust us to fix you up?  We can get you on aboard that ship of your do it.   Yes, I know my orders.  Our orders were to secure your ship, and I am not sure the Captain will like a scout ship which has with the power of a cruiser, running around acting like a mother seperated from her cub.  Your Ship maybe just worried now, but she would be a threat if you are harmed in anyway.  Yet, I'll let the Major decide this one or the Captain."   

The LT. waits for the Major and/or transport, as she pets the green fox's head .


For peace and trust can win the day

Romulus and the remaining members of his team covered the ground to Ben's location.  The pirates had dug into a rock sheltered grove of trees between Ben and Major Brown's position.  The only thing that had prevented them from overrunning the Major's location was the LAM.  Renegade's LAM could not assault the pirates due to the rocks and trees, and he had feared that any attempt to take to the air would result in the force displacing itself and taking out the Major.

Renegade called over to Kal's LAM, "could you by any chance, light up this location with some heavy fire?"

Ben waved Romulus over, "good timing, I was just about to demo their position, but I need to get the explosives up there."

At Aaron's position...

The wolf shrugged, "if names are important, then you may call me Richard.  As a bondsmen, you can call me whatever you like until I earn my name back or are granted another one.  I am not very good with first aid, but I can probably bandage her enough to slow it considerably."

The vixen, who was barely conscious, struggled to focus her vision.  She noticed Aaron and 'Richard' as well as their attempts to aid her.  She attempted to resist, probably as she did not understand his intent, but her strength was pathetic.

She stared in utter confusion as they tried to stop her bleeding and bandage her wound.

"Why...?" was all she managed through the pain.

Back with Nova and Loki...

"Trust was what caused this problem... I did not trust you, not that there was any reason to.  Your people only want to use me and what I and my cousin know about your enemy.  However, you have shown kindness to me and have risked your life to save me.  I want your people to heal me, as my ultimate trust test... I put my life in your hands.  Mother understands this."

The shuttle, the one Nova, Aaron and Loki had come down on, makes a careful landing under the watchful eye of the alien craft.

RC and Hacker wave over the shuttle crew, who appear with stretchers.

"ma'am, you will need to get on the stretcher please.  It's med-evac procedure."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"