The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Aaron can't help but trusting here with all this might not be wise.  Then again, Aaron took stock of all the things that has happened since he took to trusting people at time when he thought it wouldn't be wise.  He got Richard and Marissa, they are technically bondsmen but he always thought of them more as friends.  Much the same thing with Ixiah and Loki.  In that case he also discovered his true heritage and tapped into latent powers.  Perhaps his luck in trusting people will run out, but until then...

"Alright.  I can't spare any of the empathic psychics, but talk to Romulus and Knight.  That last combat roughed up a lot of the special forces, but Romulus should be able to get a few together.  I'm not sure about Knight, you will have to talk with Cynthia, though I'm told he is recovering extraordinarily quickly.  The pirate in our med bay has expressed interest in not being a pirate anymore, so you can probably bargain with her to spirit her away too to ensure her cooperation.  Though for my own curiosity, who is this person your rescuing?"

((OOC: Heh, walk right in and ask for him.  You would be amazed at how often that strategy works for getting things you shouldn't have.))
The All Purpose Fox


Out near Mother
Romulus looked over at Ben.
"Keep it's yours. Consider it a present from the pirates"
Romulus smiled when Ben pulled out the rifle. He took it happily.
"You have no idea how long it's been since I've seen one of these. One of the first rifles I learned to fire. Knocked me on my back pretty hard. It's nice to see one still in use and not in a museum"
Romulus took up a typical sniper position with the rifle, meaning down on his stomach. He fired a few rounds at the targets then looked up at Ben.
"Can I keep it?"

((OOC: Just give me some ghost armor and I'm a Terrain sniper. Memories of playing a StarCraft MUD coming back))
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The lieutenant smiled politely as Saioko explained the reason for their connection, along with the reason for his quick recovery.  Still cuddled around her, he said with a lazy grin, "That certainly does explain a lot, and don't have any complaints.  If you wish to continue keeping secrets, then i agree, we should keep this link's use to a minimum."  He paused thoughtfully, "Do you know anything about matron that i should be worried about?  I mean, i've read the official files, but after the last mission, i can't help but wonder if there's more too it than simple bad luck."  He started to sigh, then snuggled a little closer.  The contact again, brightening his mood.

"Before things get busy again, care to join me for a late lunch?"  His hand moved from her waist to her hand.  The lazy, blissful feeling returned, clearly visible in body language, the smile on his face, and, for those with psychic powers, his general mood and thoughts.  

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova's Stateroom

Loki smiled sweetly at the cat girl and chuckled, "well, I am a bit of a rogue myself... but I'm no Alpha. If you trust them then I guess I do too. We just have to worry about Mother, and Ixiah. Ix is probably going to try and be open minded, but if Mother thinks things are beyond our control or too dangerous, then she can override my control and act as she sees best. She is my guardian and all."

The young fox looked away from Nova for a moment, seemingly hesitating, "just promise me you will be careful and think with your mind, don't let your emotions overcome you."

" Course of, I am thinking with my mind," the catgirl says angrily    Yet she stops, as , she remember a story...."....Mortals are weak and frail. If their stomach speaks, they forget their brain. If their brain speaks, they forget their heart. And if their heart speaks.  " said the genie..."Oh! Haha!"

"we forget everything" finished Nova and sighed..  The sad cat looked at her crystal,  "Loki, My gut tells one thing, my mind tells me other, and my heart tells me something else.  All I know is I must go to Matron, no matter what else.  If Mother wants, I will go alone. I must go. Yet, I would like a friend beside me."

"Hey what about me?" asked Mara..."Aren't  we friends?"  The kitten-fox was suddenly there on Nova lap.   Nova hug the kitten and smiled at Loki.  "I will get though this with a little help with my friends.  I have to talk to Ixiah, and he needs his part of the song that is in my head.  I will not sing it, again, even If I feel like it."




Ana nodded in acknowledgement of Aaron's question, "yes, I should explain that one.  I'm trying to rescue my infiltration specialist Marcus.  He was originally working an industrial espionage job against one of the large divisions in Corporate Sector space, when the ship he was investigating was hijacked by pirates.  He was caught while trying to escape from the pirates after being pressed into service.  Pirates seem to look very poorly on mutiny.  It's my fault really; I botched the first escape mission."

The typically irrepressible vixen looked disheartened and sad, but shrugged it off after a moment and restored her jubilant energy, "alright I'm going to go see who I can round up... I know where Romulus and Ben are, but not Knight.  Could you be a good tod and go find him?"  Ana, with Dex in tow, headed out of the ship and across the field.

Out near Mother

Ben nodded to Romulus with a very large grin, "you sure can, and don't think anyone will disagree."  He waited for a second, pretending he was waiting for a dissenting voice to be raised, "well there you have it, unanimous."

Ana and her human pilot walked up to the two NCOs, very loudly leaving no mystery that she was approaching.

"Boys and guns, what is it that makes it so enthralling?"  Ana asked her companion innocently.

"No idea Ann... just is I imagine."  Dex replied to her.

The dark blue vixen smiled at both of the soldiers, placing her hands on her hips, "well, I spoke with Aaron, and he thinks it would be good to help me out rescuing my other friend still held by the pirates.  My plan is to disguise you and some of your team as pirate guards, fly me over with a cooperative pirate officer from this base for legitimacy, and we break him out and flee."

She thought wistfully, "Specifics will have to be worked on the fly, too many variables to plan it all out at once."   

Knight and Saioko quarters

Saioko nodded, "yes, lunch... let's do that.  We will keep me a secret for a bit longer."

As the two of them walked towards the galley, the panthress scanned her data files for anything else on Matron, "I'm afraid ISIS and myself are rather in the dark about Matron.  We only have the Hunnydew report from Nova's grandmother.  The problem we face is that Nova, and her little pet AI Mara, have all the answers we need... probably Mara more than Nova.  Nova seems to be a bit of a ditz, especially for an engineer, so I think we will all be going in there pretty blind."

The two of them reach the galley, and both are dispensed the sandwich of the day (very meaty or very veggie based on individual tastes) and any drink in the world that is not alcohol or any other type of controlled substance.

Nova's stateroom

Slipping off her bed, Loki gestured to the door, "Off to find Ixiah then."  Loki stated, "Let's go."

The green fox headed out of Nova's room and down the hall with a purpose in mind.  A short walk brought them to a recreation area where Richard was attempting to best the young Ixiah at a game of ping pong.  It did not seem to be going well for Richard.

The vixen Marissa watched, barely restraining laughter as Richard bounced all over the place in vain attempts to return hits placed by Ixiah.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Out near Mother
Romulus listened to Ana then he looked at Ben.
"Looks like we get to play pirates"
Romulus shouldered his new rifle and looks around then looks at Ana.
"Lets go round up some people to play with"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

The Rec room

Nova followed the green fox, and then stopped to watch the ping pong match... It seemed that Richard was trying too hard, to Nova.  Nova follow the ball though Mara senses, as the kitten watched the ball.    She tried to see, if Ixiah was cheating, but the ball followed the normal laws of physics if a bit faster than Richard could return it.

When Richard missed again,  Nova suddenly reach and snitched it from the air, where she knew it would. 

"Hey  I was going to get it." complained Mara...  The kitten sulked until she was hugged by Nova.  Nova had never felt closer to Mara then right then,"But we did , we got it."  She smiled at the kit as she remembered to their childhood adventures then Matron first gave her friend, Mara.  Mara also smiled and felt Nova's love thru her link. 

  Then, Nova turned to Richard.  "Richard, your ball?,  You could try not looking at the ball, but where ball is going to be." remarked Nova as she offered the ball to him.  "Ixiah, I have song for you and your lady."




Aaron felt rather condescended.  No one had called him a tod since he was 6 and something about her tone got to him.  Ultimately it mattered little, now was not the time to be petty about such things. 

Mother?  Do you know where Knight is?
He's heading to the galley.  And honestly Aaron, you could stand to use some of the high level psychic interfaces I've opened to you for things like finding people, rather then this clumsy 'verbal over mind link' thing you do.
Blah Blah.
I heard that.
Aaron sighed.  In this case the feeling that he was being treated like a 6 year old were better founded, as Mother was trying to recondition Aaron like a parent would try and gently break a child of bad habits. 

Aaron heads out to the galley.  When he arrives he finds Knight and Saioko eating, and decides that doing so as well is a good idea.  Aaron gets a meat sandwich with a cup of tea to drink.

((OOC: Bas can auto Aaron for a little bit of conversion, just to get through the, "I need you to go with Ana to rescue her captured man." bit))
The All Purpose Fox



Knight and Saioko sat together munching happily and talking lightly back and forth, basically just enjoying each other's  company.  The conversation paused, and the pair seemed to move a little closer, and talk a little quieter, Clearly trying to avoid disturbing Aaron's meal.

Knight was out of uniform, wearing standard workout gear for the gym.  As Aaron approached, he nodded, and gave a curt, "s... er.. Aaron, How did the conversation with the Technomage go? and, is there anything you need of me?"

Arron replied, "Funny you should ask that.  We're going to help her out, and she specifically asked for you, if you're up for it."

The spotted feline quirked an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the statement.  He said, "My shoulder is fine, if that's what you're asking.  I... " pausing to think things over for a few seconds, "I should be okay... Let me know when you need me, Sir."


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Out near Mother

Ana nodded as Romulus and Ben secured the weapons they were both examining, "yes, lets."

Ben turned to question the fox after he holstered his new pistol, "how many are you going to need?"

Thinking for a moment, Ana considered what would be best without raising too much suspicion with the pirates, "well, probably we'll only be able to bring four troops plus a co-pilot.  So that would be five, plus myself and Dex... though Dex should probably stay with the shuttle for a fast get-a-way."

"That's a rather slim team... we'll have to select carefully."  Ben said thoughtfully.

"I asked Aaron to include Knight, he'd work best with that pirate girl you have in the medical area.  She's the only one of high enough rank left alive and the most trustworthy.  It is a big risk, but I'm generally not wrong about people... generally."  Ana frowned slightly as if recalling something unpleasant.

Ben nodded, "well that leaves two besides Romulus and I."

The Rec Room

Ixiah grabbed Richard's near perfect serve out of the air, eliciting a, "hey!" from the wolf.

He regarded the ping pong ball for a moment before turning his focus on Nova, "oh?  What exactly is this song for Nova?"

Marissa seemed interested as well, "the young master here has a lady huh?"

Ixiah stuck his tongue out at her, "not like that Marissa... not like you and Aaron."

A perfect point for Ixiah as Marissa turned very red and shuffled about nervously, "what, no, I... it's not like that..."  Oh but it was and such things can't be kept from psychics. 

Galley area

Saioko seemed a bit surprised, "another mission already?  You are going to get hurt again..."

The feline seemed a bit tense but relaxed a bit when Eric squeezed her hand, "I'm sorry, that didn't sound right.  I don't want to seem that I am not confident in your skills Eric, it's just that I worry..."  Her last few words were sent telepathically, I don't want to be alone...

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Heading to Mother
Romulus thinks while he walks.
"Hrrm. Maybe check to see how Wall and Hacker are doing. They can play pretty convincing pirates"
Romulus look at Ben.
"Anyone you can think of?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Aaron sipped some tea and could help but consider the fact that, so far, every time he heard Saioko utter, 'That didn't come out right', Aaron was drinking tea. 


"I really do regret sending you and your men out so soon after the last action, but we need to act immediately.  I'm also going to try and accelerate the Matron time table.  We are burning valuable time, and if Ana doesn't get her man back soon it may be impossible to retrieve him alive.  We don't have much more time either before the pirates wonder what happened to their outpost.  My preference is going immediately to Matron at the same time Ana is conducting her raid.  Knight, you should catch Romulus and Ana in the lounge, they are heading into Mother right now."
The All Purpose Fox


Knight squeezed Saioko's hand, looked into her eyes, and said in a calm yet serious voice, "You know i would never lie to you, i would never hurt you.  I understand you're worried, especially with what happened early, but, you can trust me when i say, i will be back, and i will be fine..."

He smiled as his tone and mood shifted to a more playful tone.  He started by kissing her on the cheek, and said as he got up, "you can worry about bumps and bruises when we get back.  Watch out for Aaron and the others for me while i'm away... As a personal favor, do  you think you could see if Mother could fabricate some body armor that looks like the pirate stuff, but, actually stops weapons..." 

He ran a hand over her back, and squeezed her shoulder as he left. Leaving a quick, "see you later" in his wake.

Knight headed for the lounge and took a seat. Waiting for Ana, Ben and Romulus to arrive.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew


"A song for me?...No no the song is the song of harmony.. And it is for you to sing for your lady ..  for her to sing   for you  and to save your people  ... the universe. " says Nova....  " Me and Loki have something .....else... "   the catgirl stops and looks blushly at Loki and then Marissa..  " Ah the Major? ah  What? "

Mara just giggles at all this. 



Heading towards Mother

Ben thought as they walked back towards the ship.  He snapped his fingers and nodded, "yeah, I think I do have a recommendation.  For once, I think my team has the better choices.  Remember all of mine were former, if unwilling, pirates.  I think Harold and Alex would be good choices, probably Jaice would be good as well.  Rino as a computer expert might come in handy... geez, only two.  Makes for tough choices."

The three of them entered the ship (see Lounge below)


Before Knight had left the Galley, Saioko enjoyed the attention and purred like a contented cat, completely forgetting her worry.  She waved as Eric exited and dreamily returned to her tea and sandwich.

Saioko finally snapped out of her dreamy state and focused her attention on Aaron, "I can tell there is something you aren't telling me.  Is there something wrong... or is it some suspicion you have about me?"

She sighed as she considered the situation, "we also need to discuss how we are going to investigate this crashed Acadian ship... Matron."


Ana, Romulus and Ben enter the ship and reach the lounge area to find Knight already waiting for them.

"Well Aaron is a good tod!  I love when the boys obey so quickly, I could gather a harem if all the males are this cooperative."  Ana smiled impishly, she was only being whimsical, but the machinations of females seemed very evil.

Dex cleared his throat and Ana snapped out of her momentary evilness, "oh, er... talking out loud again... you heard nothing!  Anyways, I need your assistance Knight.  Aaron has given you a run down of my plan, I need you as an extra specialist in the area of special operations type stuff, but also as a handler for our pirate lady.  We will need her to gain access to the facility since she is an officer of theirs.  I can't force her to do this and she probably isn't fit for this kind of duty yet, but I haven't any real choice.  We all have a limited time table and it is ticking down to doomsday."

Pulling Knight to a standing position with one hand and gesturing to Romulus and Ben with the other, she gave her instructions, "Rom, you and Ben please go round up your people and get Alexis to 'make' the appropriate disguises for you all including Knight and my pilot Dex.  Dex go with them.  Knight, let's go see Ms. Jeanne in the infirmary."

The Rec Room

"Oh you mean for Reiya and I.  Come, we should go to your cabin Loki.  I can contact her, then you can link up and bring Nova into the connection."  The fox turned to leave when Nova's words struck him, "what do you mean you and Loki have something else?"

Loki looked a curious as well, it was true that he cared for Nova, but he might not be old enough to truly understand what Nova meant or what could be insinuated by that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Aaron sipped his tea as Saioko said her bit, when she was finished he responded, "Oh?  Are you saying that you are a suspicious person?  No matter, I've already dug at your secrets enough, I do not wish to intrude further.  Though speaking of people keeping secrets,  on the subject of Matron.  Lt. Hunnydew has the most information, though I suspect she is withholding material facts.  Of course, this is further complicated by the fact that she was a kitten at the time, so fact and fiction would be difficult to tell apart no matter how we got such information.  Perhaps it is better this way?"

Aaron thought for a bit, "The best case is that we can, some how, salvage Matron, get her running again.  I'm not sure how well this would work, I have no idea what sort of logistics it takes to run an Acadian ship, nor do I know the condition of Matron.  At minimum we need to repair the sphere of harmonies.  Lt. Hunnydew needs something at the site for this, though I've never been clear on what.  She might not be clear either.  There is also a song needed, Lt. Nova seems intent on shoving this responsibility on Ixiah, though he does not know the correct keywords.  Fixable, perhaps, but not a certainty."

Aaron considers Saioko for a second, "Something else I must confess to.  When I learned of my Acadian heritage I also learned that my mom left a fragment of herself in me, this fragment told me that I must reach Xaos and Gaea, but cautioned me that they are rather chaotic.  Unfortunately, not much else was revealed to me, and things are far from clear.  This, coupled with Nova's report, is all I know about Matron.  I know this is a significant chunk of information, but it is important."

Saioko had an awkward grin when Aaron suggested she was suspicious, but when Aaron had his brain dump she listened didn't miss a thing, "So, we have little information about the interior, with vague objective points, all of which are tainted with personal agendas.  This is going to end well."

Aaron chuckled, "Not in the least.  Still, the best plan seems to be this, Ana and her team departs from the pirate base to rescue her comrade.  We'll need to discus a plan for retrieving our men if she has to jump out of the system quickly, a distressingly possible scenario.  Probably arrange to meet in a nearby system.  We take Mother to Matron, leaving behind a contingent of Acadian bots to watch the prisoners.  Then we go to Matron.  I'm not sure how that will work.  Go up and knock?  Find a suitably large hole?  Make a suitably large hole?  I'm just not sure who to take in first."
The All Purpose Fox



Knight listened intently to what was expected of him... He was an SF officer, however, he was normally leading a small cluster of mecha into combat, not playing handler for infiltrators...  However, he didn't really have much time to point out his relative inexperience in what they were about to do.  He was lifted from his chair, and gently 'asked' to join her... Aaron had more or less ordered him to help, so, with that in mind Knight headed for the medical facilities to go check on Jeanne.

On the way he had a few questions he felt he needed addressed, "Uh, Ana... i'm flattered that you've selected me and all, but, why did you name me? I mean, of what little we managed to see and hear of eachother, i just don't see how you can expect me to be the best for this job... Call it pre-combat jitters, but, i'm not really sure what you have in mind for me... Am i supposed to guard the ship? Do you want me acting as Jeanne's personal bodyguard?... We need these details hammered out, and our personas ready well before we touch down on that air-field..."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Romulus raised an eyebrow at Ana when she made her little comment. Then he looked at Knight to get his response to Ana. He simpled nodded his head when Ana told to him and Ben to go find Alexis. He turned and headed out with Ben.
"This should be fun"
He then looked at Ben.
"Let's see who's fit for active duty before we decide on who gets to come play pirate with us"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

The Rec room to Cabin Loki

"   We have something else than what Aaron and Marissa may have....  Loki ... We are Best Friends,  Matron will have puzzle for me and Maybe you, Loki.  " says Nova....  "But yes, I will very much wish to see/meet Lady Reiya."

The catgirl followed the foxes to Loki's stateroom




Saioko briefly flashed a bit of guilt across her feline muzzle as Aaron asked if she was a suspicious person, indeed she was, it made her even more uncomfortable as Aaron admitted unusual bits about himself.  This was the kind of stuff that could get him relieved of his command and whisked away to a secret facility to become a science experiment for the rest of his life.  "I... I'm... not really..."  She almost said something she might have trouble explaining but clamped her mouth shut.

She pushed such things out of her mind and focused on the discussion of Matron.  She commented on the presence of a personal agenda, the feline swore this would not end well.

Reviewing what she knew of the previous expedition, she added a small fact that was so obvious that many overlook it, "er, well on the subject of entering Matron, the Hunneydew documentaries clearly show the ship was accessible through a hull door on the south side of the site.  It is never clearly stated or shown whether this was ajar when they discovered the site, or it opened for them.  If you review the extras on the documentary disk, there is a group shot of the dig team that is taken before they investigated the site.  It clearly shows the exposed hull section without the presence of a door."

Tapping a claw on the table, she considered their resources, "since we have an Acadian ship, actual Acadians, and a derivative AI from Matron... this Mara, I think we have an edge.  Mother should have data on one of her own kind."

Hall towards Infirmary

Ana had expected such questions and there really was no good reason why she should want him, since she had not worked with him personally.  It required a bit of explanation, "very good questions.  I need the use of the tigress, and you are probably the only one she trusts, seeing how you did not give up on her and insured she obtained medical attention.  You are as close to someone she trusts as I can get."

The vixen lost herself in thought for a moment, "as for what you are going to be doing, you will be an additional gun and Jeanne's guard.  You will need to assist me with keeping an eye on her, making sure she doesn't turn on us.  I also think we are going to have to fight our way out of there.  Our cover is simple; you are all pirate soldiers marginally under Jeanne's command providing an armed escort for me to insure I don't do anything sneaky when I check the health and well being of my crewmen before I open negotiations for his release.  If we can't come to equitable terms, he will be executed."

Ana paused before she began to speak quietly, "I also selected you because I'm not sure how to proceed with a bit of information I have... if it hasn't been mentioned before, I am an aura reader.  That's as psychic as I get.  My evaluations show that your Captain Saioko isn't a feline specifically.  She's a Darkshasa... or something like one.  I've never met one, but I've studied the scans of their ships we have caught and the aural imprints we have archived from those times we have encountered them.  Though I admit she is different, kinda like what I think a zombie or a member of the undead might be like.  The core of her 'soul' is dead, er... unalive.  Like she is made of things long deceased.  I needed to know your reaction before I considered if I should tell Aaron."

Special Forces Area

Romulus, Ben and Dex traverse the halls to the Special Forces area and arrive to find most of the team, minus Cyndi is present.  Rino is resting, as her fractured ribs still need to heal.  Minus those two, everyone else is able and available to be selected to participate.

Alexis is present with the lead security robot, discussing tactics and strategy with some of the members of the Special Forces squads.  Everyone turns to great Romulus and Ben as they enter and look questionably at the human, Dex, that comes up behind them.

Ben points his thumb over his shoulder at the human, "this is Dex, Ana's pilot."

Harold, one of Ben's squad, and the only other human on the whole ship nods to Dex.  Dex returns the nod signifying an immediate bond based on race.  Humans are relatively common and integrate well, but tend to gravitate towards other members of their species subconsciously.

Loki's Cabin

With some quiet concentration, Ixiah sits still for a few minutes in a meditation position.  Loki waits patiently on his bed gazing at Nova thoughtfully.  

The silence is deafening, but eventually is broken as the blue fox opens his eyes.  He nods to Loki who takes that moment to grasp Nova's hand.  The young fox blushes a bit, slightly confusing himself before he shakes it off and focuses at the task in hand.

Nova is drawn into a bright white tunnel and feels the illusion of travel over great distances.  She emerges into a large, white circular room ringed with ivory colored couches.

Loki is already present with Ixiah.  The small green fox is hugging a larger pink and white furred vixen with striking cobalt blue eyes.  Releasing Loki, the female regards Nova curiously, "I thought you might be bringing Aaron when you mentioned someone important.  I always wanted to meet Kyubi's son."

The vixen padded over to Nova and sized her up before deciding to hug the cat girl.  Reiya's tail wagged as she embraced the new girl, "so what is it that you wished to share?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



He was sure he almost got her to tell him the truth there.   Aaron kept such thoughts safely tucked into a part of his mind that he was sure other psychics couldn't pickup on.

Aaron takes one last good sip from his tea before responding, "Ah, I missed that detail about the opening on the south side.  I'm not sure how Mara will fit in this.  You must remember I'm rather reluctant to take Lt. Hunneydew in the initial trip, though that may be unavoidable.  I fear she will quickly complicate things in unpleasant ways."

Saioko though for a second, "Though if you are concern about things becoming complicated in unpleasant ways, won't your presence do that too?  Assuming that your little nugget of wisdom wasn't just a figment of your imagination."

Aaron though on this bluntly delivered wisdom a second, "Well, I think it is possible to concede your point about it being my imagination and still have it be legitimate.  Psionics are so weird.  In either case, I would see that an a further argument against taking Nova.  However, this idea I have largely vetoed already.  There is not as much time as I would like and I'm going to assume that Ana's plan leaves us with even less.  I'm thinking that we leave the special forces that don't get drafted into Ana's plan behind and take you, Nova, Ixiah and Loki with me along with Marissa and Richard.  I'm still not sure what will happen after we get there.   I'm not sure if Mother's records or the Hunnydew's expedition records will help there.  We may just have to step through the breach and hope that fortune favors the foolish."

Saioko sat and puzzled for a bit, "Well, what about going to the bridge?  Didn't the Hunnydew expedition find something there?"

"Hmm?  I believe so.  So first thing we do is head to the bridge."  Aaron was not sure how he missed the obvious like that.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Wonderland or Loki's Cabin

A shock Nova takes the hug and gives one back to Reiya.   She steps back and looks to Loki then to Ixiah and Reiya.

"The Masters... Can the Masters hear us here?"  asks the catgirl.     Nova is unsure for a moment, but decides to trust Ixiah and also trust Reiya.  With Sigh, Lieutenant Hunnydew speaks in her authoritative voice

" I was only give this to Ixiah to give to you, but this is important.  This is very important even without the Spiral Crystal of the Acadian.  It will block the master's song and may take out their control of the Network.  It has two parts, a male and a female, that will build and feedback and expand as it adsorbs the disharmony  of the Masters' song.  It can break the Master's Hold on the galaxy... But the chance to imprison all the Masters will be lost, if you two, don't sing it into the network only when the Spiral Crystal is completed.   How I know this?  "  

Nova recalls Mara.  "I got this Song of Harmony from Gaea and Matron. Yes the great villains of Acadians... and  I have Mara, Matron's daughter with me.  But I will not force you to take this song. and I want you to decide if you want to it.  ... Before I go to Matron, again  I will sing you the song."




Knight made it appear that he was slightly detached from the entire conversation, doing his best to put up an emotional make.  The feline's guise faltered when she mentioned that Jeanne's trust in him, and it grew into a look somewhere between surprise and guilt.  He replied, "That information is neither new nor shocking for me... The fact that you know, however, is... I've given her my word that i would hold that information until she deems that she is ready, and not before then.  You can call it dishonest, but she's given me her trust and i'm not about to violate my word... I'm not sure how much the major actually knows."

The spotted feline paused as he choose his words carefully, "I wasn't assigned to this ship, I was working with the ISIS on a new type of ship... We were attacked, and Captain Natsume and myself were picked up in a damaged escape pod.  I'm not really sure what else i can tell you, Aaron doesn't seem to like keeping secrets and prefers information free flowing... however, I have also been sworn to secrecy on the entire mission."

"This is something we can discuss later, however... For now, lets go save you friend."

Letting out a sigh, Knight tried to relax his pose, and loosen the knot that had tied itself in his stomach.  He started mental relaxation techniques that had served him well, as he headed towards the Infirmary.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Special Forces Area
Romulus looked at the troops.
"Well it seems Ben and I are going to play pirate for a while. Hold the fort down while where we're out"
He then looked to Ben.
"Alright round up your pirates, see who's active for duty and we'll figure out our team for this"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Saioko nodded in agreement, the bridge was likely the most logical location to start their investigation.  There was still a bit of a concern with amiability of the occupants and the ship itself, "Aaron, are we sure that Matron is friendly?  What about the Acadian pilots?  What are we to do if they are hostile?"

Saioko crossed her arms and regarded her commanding officer carefully.  She needed to test him; his revelations about his heritage left an unaddressed question of loyalty, one that no one on the ship or even among Aaron's current superiors seemed to acknowledge. 

"It is a fair question.  As an Acadian yourself, plus Mother and her daughters, Loki and Ixiah... I am a bit concerned that we may not be approaching this as objectively as we should."  As the feline spoke, her own guilt kicked the back of her mind, I sound like such a hypocrite... I'm not even what I claim to be.

Reiya's psychic reception center

Reiya shook her head as Nova questioned her about the Masters, "no, this zone is my mental construct with the main ISF fleet central.  I'm not using Acadian communication channels.  I could create an isolated node if you wanted to talk to them, but I don't think you can resist them."

Listening to Nova, the pink vixen nodded, "Ix opened the channel to me so you can give this harmony directly.  He is a physical warrior and his mental and empathic powers are not as strong as mine.  I'm sure he thought it best to communicate it directly because I am capable of using it."

The vixen's eyes widened when the name Gaea was mentioned and she seemed very worried, but Ixiah placed a paw on her shoulder in a reassuring fashion.  She calmed down a bit and considered the words of the cat girl.  "I can use the song, but do not sing it.  Visualize it and allow me access to your mind, I need it to be pure and unfiltered by your own subconscious.  If this is truly what you say it is, then we can use it to disable Voln Zalgeed's control network... not just disrupt it.  After that, then we can deal with the Sphere of Harmonies."

Loki leans over to Nova and whispers in her ear, "Voln Zalgeed is Black Star, what your people call the Dyson Sphere*; it is what your main expeditionary force was sent to stop."

Reiya waited for Nova to reveal what the song.

*See the beginning of the RP.


Knight and Ana arrived in the ship's medical area.  Cynthia was not physically present, but as an AI, the purple vixen was likely available if they needed her.

The medical units only contained two patients, Cyndi and Jeanne.  The equipment of each of their units monitored life functions, administered medicines, nutrients, essential fluids and unceasingly analyzed the two feline's genetic code.  The units showed an estimated thirty-eight hours before the medical units completed their testing.  Once it was complete, cellular regeneration could be used on most of the felines in the crew.  Other units were also analyzing other structures based on the large sample base the pirates had unwittingly provided.

Cyndi was resting at the moment, but Jeanne was awake and carefully eating the soup that was her lunch.  She looked over as newcomers entered the medical ward.

"Oh hello.  Good timing, uh Eric... um, I wanted to thank you for saving me."  The tigress paused when she noticed the smaller vixen, someone she had only seen briefly.

Ana cleared her throat and spoke up, "I'm Ana and we need to ask a favor of you..."  She paused and looked to Knight, expecting him to do most of the talking and she would offer essential details if needed.

Special Forces Area

Ben thought about it for a few minutes and paged through the profiles, "I think we should take Micheal Harsen and Jaice Randou.  That will make one computer expert and an explosives expert.  That is my choices.  Do you second it or offer another recommendation?"

Ben regarded Romulus as he asked that last bit, as the operational leader of the Special Forces, it was the wolverine's final decision on force composition.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Special Forces Area
Romulus thought about Ben's proposal of men to bring along.
"That sounds good, just make sure they are ready for action"
Romulus walked over to a private area to take of his armor and find some clothes to make him look like one of the pirates.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Knight walked up and nodded politely as the other feline gave her thanks.  He replied in a gentle tone, "Um... you're welcome... It was the least we could do.  I'm truly sorry you got hit to begin with... are you feeling alright?"

Smiling sheepishly, Knight waited for Ana to do her little introduction.  When she indicated that Knight was supposed to be the one doing the talking with a rather long and awkward pause, he faked clearing his own throat, then continued where the vixen left off, "One of Ana's men is being held captive at the main pirate.  The Major has promised to provide as much help as possible to Ana.  As such, we're going to need a pirate officer who will help us infiltrate their compound.  I know it sounds dangerous, and I really wouldn't be asking you at all if we didn't truly need your help...  I'll be right there, acting as your personal guard..."

He paused as he tried to figure out how to continue... again, his training for this type of thing felt woefully inadequate as his thoughts spun around, as if caught in a rather tumultuous storm.  Exhaling heavily, Knight continued while keeping his expression as close to neutral as possible, "The worst part is that we've got almost no time at all before we've got to get things moving.  Things are going to be fast and fluid.  It'll probably get a bit hairy as well..."

A frown crept onto his lips, "It is difficult for me to ask you this, but, are you willing to help us out?  I know I'll be personally in your debt if you do..."  The spotted feline tried his best to seem more reassuring, but all he could manage was a weak, crooked smile.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Aaron sighed.  Saioko sure knew how to ask all the questions he was hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with,
"You are correct that my plan depends far too heavily on Matron and crew being friendly.  I'm thinking that this isn't a bad assumption, they have been friendly to Lt. Hunnydew, apparently with the intention that she returns to them.  I don't see how they could have suspected that she would bring back Acadians, unless they can see the future and/or are just that good at planning, and either way we would be in more trouble then I care to imagine.  I am concerned about what to do if they are hostile, this is another reason I want to bring everyone.  I figure we would have a better chance of escape if we all work together."

Aaron then shifts a bit awkwardly, not entirely sure what Saioko meant by her next question, "On the subject of Acadians, it is true that I am an Acadian by blood, but not much else.  I had no indication that I was anything other then a normal fox until recently.  I should also note that Ixiah and Loki seem more anxious and worried about this then myself or Lt. Hunneydew.  I would love a more cautious approach, send in some bot scouts first, intensive scanning of the interior, and other such procedures.  However the clock is against us and I fear we have precious little time.  If you have an idea to improve this plan, I'm completely open to revisions."
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area

As Romulus headed into the locker area, Ben had begun assigning duty rosters.  Within a few moments, Ben followed.  He tossed a set of gray fatigues over the door to the wolverine and headed into his dressing area.

"Alexis made them as a replica of what the pirate troops were issued.  We also have a black tactical vest with low grade protection.  Alexis included one of those thin Acadian body stocking things... supposed to be good energy and reasonable ballistic protection, but it is hard to see that when it is as thin as a silk stocking."


Jeanne gave Knight a strained smile as he asked how she was, "I'm feeling like a huge bear linebacker punched me in the stomach ten or twelve times... otherwise peachy."

After the situation was spelled out for her by Knight, she blinked rapidly for a few moments.  She was a bit stunned to say the least, but as a credit to her character she remained calm and level-headed, "I... know about this, Ana came to our base to speak with her previous partner... our tactical commander and the person who shot me and your friend.  I can see why you asked me, I'm an over glorified staff secretary a lot of the time and end up back and forth due to meetings and confidential message exchanges.  I don't know if..."

Ana interrupted Jeanne as she began to trail off, "I haven't many options, he will be killed if he isn't ransomed as you should be aware how this syndicate works."  Pausing, the vixen played her reward card, "Ms. Pewar, Major Brown has authorized me to grant you amnesty in exchange for your cooperation..."

"Really?"  She paused and shook her head as if shaking something off, "no, it's not that, I'm happy to accept it, but I'm not looking for a reward... it's just... I'm scared... I'm not sure if I could pull it off, I don't want to get everyone captured or killed..."

"I don't think this is such a good idea,"  came a voice from behind Knight and Ana, "I've just managed to put her back together, she'll need to heal more.  However, once the cellular regenerator has adapted I can accelerate the healing."

Cynthia examine the equipment, "for her own safety I must not recommend this course of action."

As if something pinged in her head, Jeanne flattened her ears against her head as she made up her mind, "no, I'll do it.  I'm tired of being afraid of these criminals, I need to do something right for a change."  With Cynthia frowning, Jeanne slipped out of the medical bed and stood shakily on her own bare footpaws.

The purple medical vixen turned and dragged Knight over to the side with a stern look across her muzzle, "I know all too well that she will go no matter what I do, so we will have to cope with it.  If she goes gallivanting around she'll open up her wound very quickly.  Keep her physical activity low and slow... up to where there is no choice in the matter.  Oh yes, it will happen, it is inevitable with all of you.  Bring her back to me and I will patch her back up again."

With a reluctance, she handed Knight a handful of patches, "these are booster stim patches, use them on her very sparingly."  Turning her attention back to the tigress, Cynthia administered a hefty painkiller injection, "no matter what happens, even if it is a cake walk, bring her back here."

Ana nodded as Jeanne gathered her belongings slowly.  She addressed Ana, "I'll need my uniform and the sidearm to be as convincing as possible."


"The plan is fine, let's head to the bridge and discuss this with Mother."  Saioko was not sure if she believed Aaron about being unaware of his heritage until recently, but what little data she had on Acadians did indicate that one that appeared as old as Aaron did would be very powerful.  It should easily be able to brush aside her defenses and lay bare all her secrets.

Whether Aaron was following or not, the feline stood and strode from the galley and towards the bridge.  
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Special Forces Area
"Cool" Romulus responded.
Romulus put on the outfit, examining things as he put them on.
"This is some decent stuff. The body stocking is a bit tight though"
Romulus stepped out once  he was fully dressed.
'This will work nicely. Give Alexis a thank you kiss for me the next time you see her will ya"
Romulus shouldered his "new" sniper rifle and began to walk to the door.
"Lets go play pirate"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.