The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Hallway to the bridge

Aaron got up and followed Saioko, "Yes, lets.  I also want to talk with Ana before she heads out, agree on a meeting place in case one of us has to head out of system in a hurry."

Aaron couldn't help but wonder about her latest round of questioning.  Especially if Mother's suspicions about her not being quite who she claims to be are true.  It also raises questions about why she would be so interested in Aaron's intentions.  It would be natural if she were a biocomputer that she would have designed in an imperative to be loyal to the ISF.  Though it would turn out poorly for everyone involved if she morphed into some manner of inquisitor.  Questions of loyalty and the alignment of agendas have always been such grey territory.

Still, he did rather wish she would be honest about herself.  If she is a biocomputer, there is a question about what would happen to her after the mission and if she is discovered.  She could be spirited away never to be seen again.  Aaron was hoping to avoid such a fate himself by making it impossible to cause him disappear.  But he wants to be able to help Saioko avoid that fate too.  Though now that he thinks about it, he may have to help his brother as well, things could not possibly end well for him if he is found to be a huge chunk Acadian by shady organizations.

The pair stroll onto the bridge and find Mother who had busied herself with a map of some sort.  "Hiyas Mother.  I think I've worked out a reasonable plan for what we do next.  The basics is that Ana will launch her mission, taking Romulus, Knight, Ana, our pirate friend along with some pirate impostors to spring Ana's man.  I think the only detail left in that part is a meeting place to find each other if things go wrong.  Then we head to Matron, leaving behind a few battle bots to watch the prisoners here at the base.  After arriving at Matron I'm going to take Saioko, Nova, Ixiah, Loki, Marissa and Richard to Matron and investigate the bridge and talk with Matron herself."
The All Purpose Fox



It was becoming a reoccurring theme in the spotted Lieutenant's life of getting manhandled by the womenfolk around this ship...  He stood, listening as everything was explained to him.  Nodding, he replied, "I'll watch out for her, and I'll make sure she takes things easy."

Taking the patches he added quickly, "Hopefully this will be a milk run. Whether it is or isn't, either way, upon our return, I'll make sure Jeanne gets back here.  Personally if you'd like."

With patches in hand, Knight went back to Jeanne and Ana.  To the request of uniform and and sidearm Knight replied, "With the amount of blood you lost, i'm pretty sure your original uniform is a total write-off.  However, Mother is capable of fabricating new clothing, armor and tools if the raw material is available... As is, we'll need to have you make the final inspection to make sure we're all passable as members of your entourage."

Looking back over at Cynthia, Eric asked, "Are the new uniforms and armor ready?  If so, where should we pick them up?... and, if not, do you have an estimate?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

Reiya's Retreat

Flashes of Fear (for the Masters), and admiration for Reiya, The catgirl fell to Reiya's feet. She was thankful that Reiya could look beyond the lies and plots of the Masters.  She kept an open mind to her Gaea and Matron.

Looking at her with her Kitty eyes, Nova opens her mind to the pink fox.  
"Reiya  sees a long cable that goes to Loki from deep within Nova.  Nova's spirit seems to also intertwined the Loki's cable.   The cable leads to a crystal fortress palace.    A fortress of crystal  floating in Nova's mind's eye.  A song of Acadian's harmony pulse through these crystal.  Reiya finds  herself on a landing into the crystal castle.
"Welcome Reiya, Here is the song you seek,"  Says Nova. The beautiful feline lady stands in the open door on the landing   This Nova is older than young Nova but also ageless.   She holds out glowing an Acadian memory crystal to Reiya.
"This is a simple memory crystal.  It holds the record of what Gaea and Xaos found in Limbo, before they started to study it, before it exploded, and  Master's escape.  It has the song and the first scan of the Sphere of Harmonies"

"Yea, but who ..?"  asks Reiya.   "Am I " says Older Nova" I am Nova's greater soul/spirit, her greatest potential .  I'll not appear this turn of life wheel, or  maybe for many live to come.  But I will come sooner because of Gaea. She taught Nova many things, the kitten just has to remember how. "      


Special Forces Area

Ben laughed, a bit nervously it would seem, "kiss?  What do you mean by that?  It's a working relationship I assure you."

Before Romulus's response, Ben signaled to the two that were going with them and pulled Dex away from Harry, "time to go meet the fox in charge of this little rescue."  Ben paused for a moment before making an offhand comment as he continued on, "is it just me or do foxes seem to rule every aspect of our lives right now?"


Mother nodded slowly as Aaron laid out his plans, "Ana's activity will be fine.  We can arrange to meet them in this system if we have to abandon the planet.  We will have to improvise if we have to recover them on planet."

She raised an eyebrow at the mention of investigating Matron, "I could carve the wreck into several manageable pieces and you can explore it at your leisure."  The orange vixen smiled innocently, "however, I should keep an open mind about it.  I've spoken with her briefly when we touched down near her, but not enough to get a clear understanding for her.  All I can tell you is what I know about her in a general sense."

Mother shows Aaron and Saioko a basic layout of the ship and her capabilities, "as of who she is, all I can tell you is that she is a guardian like myself with foxes of her own to protect and assist."

"So that means the Acadians that were on this ship are still alive?"  Saioko asked with a slightly alarmed tone in her voice.

Mother nodded, "in a matter of speaking, yes."


Cynthia looked off to the side, towards a wall with nothing particularly special on it, after a moment she turned back to Knight, "yes, they are right over here in this conveniently positioned closet."

Open it reveals a perfect replica of the typical guard outfit and a reproduction of Jeanne's old uniform sans large hole or large bloodstains.

"The weapons we will have to obtain from Romulus, he and Ben were evaluating them for suitability to keep.  Spoils of war I imagine."  Ana said as she handed the garb to Jeanne, "get suited up Knight."

The navy blue furred vixen crossed her arms and waited.

Nova's Intellect Fortress

Reiya took in the sights and gathered in the song.  She tested the harmony briefly and smiled at the Nova yet to come, "everyone has supreme potential, but do not rush things.  We Acadians have learned how to escape the bindings of flesh and blood, learned how to make the 'soul' eternal, immortal.  We are what some may call ascended beings, but we are not perfect, not gods or demons.  We know more about things then your races may, but one should never stop learning."

She paused and then turned to regard the older cat, "if you can influence your younger self, she must not shatter the harmony... I have seen it several times, do not let her do it when the time comes!"

With that, the castle receded, leaving Reiya back in her aerie with the others, not sure whether her message was heard.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Special Forces Area
Romulus chuckled at Ben abit. "Sure sure. You've been staring at her every chance you get. Just remember she's an AI she might not understand our concept of love"
Romulus looked at Dex. "I'm sure you'll like her she's interesting"
Romulus stretched abit then looked at Ben. "No it's not just you. I'm starting to wish we never found that little furball"
Romulus smiles abit. "Makes life interesting though"
Romulus headed out the door.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Reiya's Mental Retreat

Reiya feels herself back in her familiar mental sanctuary, but the older catgirl looks at her thru Nova's younger eyes.  "Reiya, Souls of the younger races are immoral, too.  We just can't remember each life from one to the next.  Yet, Nova has an armory/library for her soul, now,  Each of my daughter-selves can find their way to the crystal palace during their live times, and learn.  With Loki's help, Nova can learn to visit me, and she must....The fortress is her only hope of survive against a Master's attack."  She turns and kiss Loki on his cheek.

and then  Nova's body bows to Reiya and then stands straighter.  "So Lady Reiya, Did you get the song? or will you need for me sing the song after all?" asks the young Nova... Lt Hunnydew has no knowledge of what happen after she look into the pink vixen's eyes a moment ago.  "SIGH It grows late... It is time for me to face my kittenhood dreams, and find out what is real"





Ana's adventure seems well taken care of, so Aaron was not going to worry on that front anymore.  However, it seems as though Mother knew something Aaron needed to know.

"Yes, even if the wreak is unsalvageable I would rather keep it in one piece and not carve it up with weapon discharges."  Aaron was hoping that she didn't mean, 'carve it up with gravity cannons', but he wanted to make sure.

"Still, you mention that they are alive, 'in a manner of speaking'.  What manner do you mean?  Would there be a threat to any of the exploration crew?  I'm now getting bad mental images of a sort of leach trying to suck out fox brains."

Aaron was starting to have a great many more questions about what he was walking into, poked into this course first by Nova, then by orders from the ISF, then the insistence of his own mother (in his head).
The All Purpose Fox


Holding the uniform in hand, and with time being the essential element in the plan, he rather unceremoniously disrobed and then clothed himself as hastily as possible.  Within a minute or so he was tightening straps on the lightly armored vest, and adjusting the position of the various webbing to ensure easy access to what he needed.  With the uniform seemingly in check, he gave Jeanne an informal bow, and said, "So, would i pass inspection?, err... mistress?... Ma'am... um... how SHOULD I be addressing you, Jeanne?"

After getting his questions answered, he grabbed the patches the vixen had given him, sliding them into an easy to access pouch, concealing them from view, but leaving them exceedingly easily accessible, just off his left hip.  He turned towards the navy vixen and asked in a very sincere tone, "is there anything else i should know? And, If you'd be so kind, can you point me in the right direction towards the Rom, and the rest of the 'away team'?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Special Forces Area

Dex nodded to Romulus and patted Ben on the back, "the younger orange colored one, yeah, she's cute.  Wouldn't you be worried you'd get electrocuted if you... you know with her?  She's made of energy right?"

"I'm not having this conversation."  Ben quickly outpaced the lot of them, coming face to face with Alexis.

"Hello Ben."  She smiled innocently.

"Why do I feel like I'm in a sitcom?"  Ben sighed as he took a seat in the lounge waiting for the arrival of the remainder of the team.

Reiya's Sanctuary

The pink furred vixen nodded, "yes, the song is now mine.  We now have a weapon that is very strong and it will be for great justice!"

Loki smirked at Nova, "something got lost in translation there I think.  That last bit didn't make much sense Rei."

The vixen giggle a bit as she pawed at the ground in front of her with a foot, "sorry, my thoughts jumbled as I was understanding the song.  Time to go now Nova."

The scene dissolved leaving Nova and Loki standing in a dark void.  A few minutes later Ixiah appeared, a bit more shinier then he has seemed since Nova met him.

The blue fox snapped his fingers, "time to wake up little Nova."


Mother seemed to search for words to use to answer Aaron's question, "well, it is complicated.  You remember the void creature?  It began to absorb your essence after it stabbed you physically.  Well, Acadians are a bit like psychic leeches... they need psychic energies to sustain themselves.  It is only a tiny amount over a long amount of time.  However, Xaos and Gaea... or Chaos and Gaia if you prefer, have been trapped for thousands of years.  For most of that they only had each other to 'feed' off of.  Kind of like an old Earth movie called Lifeforce."

"What?"  Asked Saioko after that last part.

Mother held up a paw, "nothing dear.  It would be dangerous for those who are nonpsychic or nonAcadian, but Aaron specifically... you could be in trouble, like that voidling, without the stabby bit... well there might be if you make Xaos angry.  He is rather, well, chaotic."


Jeanne had rather slowly changed back into her uniform, and was dressed by the time Knight asked his questions.  Her response was a bit hesitant, as she rode out the wave of pain from stretching her wound, "... uh... well... call me ma'am when we are on station at the base."

Ana waved everyone to follow and lead the pair towards the lounge, "no, I think we are good.  If we think of anything, we will have to improvise."


Ana reached the lounge to find the remainder of the team, "okay, looks like everyone is here.  Romulus, Knight and Jeanne need some sort of weapon... talk to them for specifics.  I have my powers and well, shouldn't have any obvious weapon in this."

Dex stood up, "let's grab the weapons and go then."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus laughed at bit at how much Ben seemed to be embarrassed. He then looked over at Dex. "Yep he likes her"
Romulus walked as Ben hurried to get away from them and smiled and bit as Ben almost walked into Alexis.
"Welcome to the world of Acadians Ben. I've been thinking that since I came out to space"
Romulus sat down near Ben in the lounge and waiting for the others to show up.
When Ana showed he stood and waited to head out. When Ana mentioned weapons he spoke.
"We still got a pile of weapons we took from the pirates for you guys to look through. I gots my new rifle"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Aaron was starting to get the impression that the time when the pirate kid was shooting at him was, perhaps, one of the safer points of this trip.  Come to think of it, why did the universe seem so intent on trying to kill him only after he learned he had a realistic shot at immortality?  He also kind of wished he went to that cult classics film club at university. Then there were the reservations about taking along the non-psychic non-Acadians.  

"Hmm... to that end it might not be safe for Marissa and Richard.  I'm willing to take my stabs and I'm sure Nova will stab me if I don't take her along.  Hopefully we can be friends.  I like being friends.  I hope that they are friendly.  I'm friendly.  Regardless of the friend status, prepare to go to Matron as soon as Romulus and Ana are away."
The All Purpose Fox



As the group gathered, Knight had his primary question answered, he looked around at the gathered team, then and said, "things are going to have to be on the fly, probably quick and dirty.  Rom, you're taking your team and calling the tactics, i'll be keeping Jeanne covered and protected.  Remember, Ana is supposed to be under armed escort, she may BE friendly, but you have to appear neutral towards her, at the least for this to work..."

He waited in the lounge for anything else the others had to say, then headed for the indicated piles of weapons, grabbing the other Gauss rifle, the one Wall hadn't claimed as his own.  He found a plasma pistol and holster that felt about right, compared to his usual laser.  Gear in hand, he kept himself as Jeanne's left side, adding a bit more swagger in his step than usual.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Ana shook her head, "no Romulus, you can't use that gun.  You are impersonating guards, not snipers.  That gun would not be much use to you in close hallways and room to room fighting.  You'll need a carbine, submachine gun, or something to that effect."

Ben and Alexis were still quiet, with the canine watching the vixen's tail swish about.  It was Alexis that spoke finally, "I have to go Ben, keep safe."  The lady smiled and drifted off towards the bridge.

Ana snapped her fingers as Knight spoke, "yup, keep neutral... even a little hostile probably."  She gestured to everyone else as Knight and Jeanne walked towards the weapons collection.  "come on now... to the weapons!"

Dex and Ana exited the ship, heading for the test area Romulus was evaluating the captured weapons.  She poked the guns picking up a small pistol and handing it to Dex, "this is more your speed."

"Thanks, but I'll need four of those to be effective.  I'll find something heavier."  He stated as he sifted the pile.

Jeanne eyed the pile and carefully knelt down.  She selected a weapon similar to her original, cleared the chamber and loaded a clip.  Taking an extra couple of clips, she holstered the gun.  Standing carefully, she swayed a bit, leaning on Knight with a groan as she held her wound, "this is really going to be tough, it really hurts a lot.  Let's get to the shuttle so I can sit down."  The tigress snuggled a little up to his arm.  Somewhere a certain panthress's tail fluffed out and she felt very defensive for a brief second.

Ana looked concerned as she came up next to the two of them, "you can lay down and rest until we need you.  don't use those patches unless we need it.  Hey Dex maybe you should carry her..."


"Should we really just hope for making friends?  Perhaps we should bring heavy weapons?"  Saioko asked as she considered the words of Mother.

The orange female shook her head, "you should take everyone you intended, especially Marissa.  I can't say that it will be safe, but everyone you influence directly is important to your... destiny.  Nova is important in this investigation of Matron... probably more here than you young tod.  It is Saioko that I worry about.  Deception about yourself will only lead to problems with beings such as these primordials."

Saioko looked a bit shocked and began to say something, but clamped her mouth shut.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



"I think that making friends is the best option.  Though bringing weaponry does not exclude making friends.  I wasn't proposing that we go weaponless.  We just shouldn't bring any monstrously huge guns that leave bad impressions."

On the subject of destinies, Aaron was more then a little annoyed at this point.  Mother seemed to know a whole lot about his, or at least is blabbing on like she does.  Then there was the idea that he was dragging people along for the ride on his destiny.  He did't like the idea of dragging others along for his destiny by force.  If anything Mothers bit about Marissa being important to his destiny made him less inclined to take her along.  Still, it is probably too late for her to get off his destiny train at this point.

"So, in spite of everything we are still going ahead with the plan.  This whole thing was never guaranteed to be safe anyways.  Saioko's secrets shouldn't be a problem.  Because if they would be a problem she should tell me about them.  I'm fine with keeping secrets for yourself, but I won't stand for letting others get hurt for someone else's secrets."
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus had the look of a small child when told no, when Ana told him he couldn't take the rifle and headed out to the pile of weapons.
"Oh alright"
Romulus listened to Knight and then to Ana speak about how he should act towards Ana.
"On the verge on wanting to kill her, got it"
Romulus rummaged through the pile and picked up a decent carbine and looked at the group."This will work"
Romulus walked up behind Ana and gentle poked her in the small of the back with the butt of the rifle.
"Alright keep it moving"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



As Jeanne started to get up after selecting a pistol, Knight had noticed her starting to sway a bit, and moved in closer so she could use him to catch herself.  When she snuggled up instead, he felt mildly surprised, along with a little guilty, he focused on Saioko thinking soothing and loving thoughts.  Ana suddenly showed concern and it brought Knight back to reality. The spotted feline said to the tigress, "no need to put up a tough act, you were hurt pretty bad.  If you think you need something, please, let me know... Do you need someone to carry you? or at the very least, do you need some help?"

He too was concerned, as Jeanne was their ticket into the pirate base, she had to be healthy enough to pass any routine inspections they might come across.  He was also worried that she was more concerned with how the team saw her, rather than her own condition.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

LOKI"S Stateroom

"Shinee"  thinks Nova on seeing Ixiah  but she shakes her head and finds herself in Loki's stateroom.  She sighs and stands up... "Reiya is a nice lady, Ixiah.  I am glad to have meet her.... It is time to face the music, it is time to go to Matron...."states Nova.   "Coming to the Bridge?, Captain"




Saioko laughed in an entirely too nonchalant sort of way.  Despite her outward appearance, the inner cat was near hysterical panic, Eric!  They know, they must know... what should I do?  Should I say something...

While the mental traffic over their link buzzed, Saioko continued a distraction to a more important topic, "um, there really isn't a weapon of any type that does not leave a bad impression..."  The feline paused and said in a small voice, "especially when used."

Pausing to look into Aaron's eyes with an innocence unrealized, "do you think it is possible, we can be friends... no violence, no ulterior motives?"

Heading towards the Shuttle

Ignoring Dex, who appeared ready to fall over and explode with laughter, Ana smiled widely.  This was truly a bad sign, but the vixen kept herself pleasant, "oh, I see we are going to have fun with this aren't we." 

She put up her hands up and in a very seductive, yet somehow naive and innocent, voice she replied, "yes sir... are you going to cuff me and rough me up?  Perhaps you can show me how to behave in the ship?"

Completely oblivious to this occurrence, Jeanne focused her attention on Knight, "I think I am still hurt pretty bad, so if I can just lean on you for a bit.  I'll take it easy when we get to the transport, but I need to appear as normal as possible.  I can say I've been a bit sick in case anyone asks at the main base."

The group boarded the transport and Dex began his pre-flight check.

Loki's Stateroom

"Yes, let's be off Lieutenant."  The mint green fox offered the feline his arm, intending to escort the lady to the bridge as a gentlefox.

Ixiah snickered and was about to make a snide remark about the two of them, but thought better of it.

The three proceeded to the bridge, arriving in time for Aaron's response to Saioko.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



"I've already explained all of my motives and I have no intention of violence or trickery.  I think it is possible for us all to be friendly.  In fact, lets be family.  That option is my favorite."
The All Purpose Fox


On The Way To The Transport

Knight smiled politely as Jeanne told him how she felt, "if all you need is a shoulder to lean on, feel free"  Leaning a bit towards her to offer the extra support.

He 'heard' Saioko's panicked thoughts, and again focused on soothing and calming emotions, he focused on her and thought, 'If you think they know, what harm would come from telling the truth?  You're part of the team, and they've seen just how alive you are.  Besides, if the way the major seems to interact with the Acadian AIs is anything to judge by, i doubt it'll change a thing.  I've told you, this is your secret and yours to tell, do what you feel is right.  Take care, love... I'll be back as quickly as possible. Stay safe.'

When he finished his message to Saioko, Eric lead Jeanne to the ship, careful to help her on uneven terrain, and especially up the boarding ramp.  He set her down in a seat, and set himself up next to her.  He began trying to get into his role of bodyguard, when the though occurred to him, "I'm curious how formal things are, military wise, with the pirates we're trying to impersonate? Should there be anything else i should be aware of besides referring to you as Ma'am, from now on?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

" My My Major... Family.. Can I call you, Big Brotherr,  ?" asks Nova  Going over to Saioko.. looks in her eye... and then turns to Aaron ...?

"Oh Big Borther ... What are you doing to make OUR Sister Saioko so sad?  Here, Dear Sis you stop thinking about what they taught you in ISS school... If Mother lets you in the house, then we will trust her in her trusting you.  She trusts you to work with us, your family.  Yet, you tell me anything that your boyfriend or Big Brother does to upset you.. Okay.. And then we can whisper about them and call them, dofuses, and laugh..."

The catgirl looks into Saioko's eyes, "We Sisters stick together. You can trust us to love you, if you can trust us.  Even with your quirks, you are still a person as much as Mother is.or me..Or Big Brother ..Even if he is a dofus, he is a loveable dofus...." giggles Nova as she hugs Saioko little.



"You know, if you are going to whisper about me being a dofus it would be best if I weren't in ear shot.  Just saying."

Aaron was neglecting to mention what he and his actual brother would casually call each other.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh Dear, Big Brother..What makes you think we didn't want you to over hear us." says Nova batting her eyes, and looking teasely cute.

  Aaron can feel that despite she playful attitude...  Nova has grown to respect the Major beyond just his rank.  and, she feels that the Major has grown into someone, she could like some  ....  

She sighs

"Despite this side trip to play space pirates, we are on our way to visit Crazy Aunt Matron.... Even knowing Big Brother's fears, I still must go see her.    Also Uncle Summer is counting on us to return with some information about Aunt Matron if not with Aunt Matron herself...So can we go now?" asks Nova. 



Heading towards the Shuttle
Romulus raise an eyebrow.
"You think I'm nuts lady. I know what you can do. I'm not touching you, who knows what you'll do. I'll just keep my rifle trained on you"
Romulus followed Ana to Dex's shuttle. Once inside he takes a seat. He looks over at Ana
"So you think that was good enough?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Saioko sent a few thoughts back, maybe it is for the best, perhaps I should say something.  Thanks for the soothing feelings, be safe.  Oh... and I... Love you.  The last bit was almost a mouse squeak of a thought.

Saioko sighed, perhaps it was time for her to admit her secret.  "Aaron I..."

The feline was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Nova, who seemed to distract the confused girl from telling her tale, "yes, we sisters should stick together.  It doesn't matter who I am, we are all... family, yeah."

The patheress smiled like a kitten as Mother groaned, "always excellent with the timing Nova and such patience, one would think you were still a kitten."

Saioko had to agree with Nova though, "can we go now mom?  Can we go now?"

The two young foxes kept out of the discussion, but their giggles made it obvious that they found the silliness of the felines to be ticklesome.


Jeanne tried not to show how much of a relief it was for her to sit down, as the pain was rather acute when she walked.  Movement depends greatly on those muscles that still needed to mend.  Taking her mind off the pain, she focused on the question posed, "ma'am or Lieutenant Pewar will be fine.  If you've noticed, most of the pirates are rather crude and a bit abrasive.  They have good discipline though and they tend to be more informal and familiar with each other."

The tigress paused and held up her index finger, "oh, if we run across someone wearing a crisp uniform like my own, then it is best to be as respectful as a gruff bunch of pirates would be.  Don't go though overboard though."

Ana smirked at Romulus, "big tough military wolverine is worried about little old me?  But, I'm harmless."

Batting an eyelash, she smiled, "yeah, that worked good."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus looked at Ana with a odd look on his face.
"Harmless? You do remember I've seen you fight, right"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



It seems as though defeat is snatched from the jaws of victory.  While Aaron had some idea of what Saioko was, without details something important may be overlooked.  Hopefully, it would not be a problem. 

"Is the other team on their transport?  If they are we should be off as well.  Destiny has been kept waiting long enough."
Aaron was rather hopeful for this meeting.  He was also concerned.  Just as he was growing used to how things were it seems that things may be shaken up further.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"oh But Mother, I am a Kitten, I will be a kitten when I am old and grey.. By side Loki, I am not even a twinkle in my great-great grandfathers' eye....  We are all little kits and cubs in your eyes, Mother. " says Nova and bows to Mother.  

"Patience will see me running in the other direction.  I have to push forward or I will be too scare to move." remarks Nova   She down and sit down heavy into a empty chair.  "Sigh, Also you have forgotten Mara, Mother and she growing more a part of me by the hour and as I grow a part of her.  She trying to learn and grow up to my age"..  

Mara appears in anthro catgirl form.  She looks to have aged a few years, she's a girl of 10-12 years.   "Yes, we, felines must stick together" says Mara and cuddles up to Saioko.  and sit in her lap. 



Knight himself was settling into the swing of things when he got Saioko's response... he suddenly froze in place and blushed a deep red across his own muzzle.  He wasn't so much surprised to hear her say those words, he'd guessed for a few days that it might explain her ... however, just hearing those three little words sent shivers down the young Lieutenant's spine.  He recovered his poise quickly, but, to anyone watching, it was quite clear that something had gotten him distracted for a moment.

As Jeanne explained the basics, Knight nodded, "got it, so, be pleasantly gruff, rather than abrasively so, to the crisp and clean uniformed... I can do that... If there's anything else we should expect, please, let me know... otherwise, just rest up and heal up... i think this little flight is going to be what little rest we're going to get."  He relaxed a bit, sinking deep into the chair next to the tigress as he relaxed as best he could before take-off.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Ana Winked at Romulus, "yes Romi, but that was the other you... this you hasn't seen me in a fight so he can test his luck if he wants.  I promise to be gentle.  Just be sure to be well protected."

The blue vixen took a seat in the center of the transport.  She noted other than gun ports for troops inside, it only a sported what appeared to be a 20mm cannon on the craft's underside.  At least if she was reading the secondary console up front right, "back to business, this craft is only armed with a light cannon on its belly.  So we shouldn't crash this op with guns blazing.  Quiet, surgical and a casual retreat.  Hopefully we can be close enough to Mother's and her fighter's protection range by the time our little operation is discovered.  Thoughts?  Comments?"

With everyone secure, Dex began lifting off.  He knew his flight ID and authorization from the pirates and verified by Jeanne, so he listened for any part of the discussion which might include him.  A message coming over the comm channel required his attention, "roger that, we are in the air and proceeding to our destination.  Good luck to you as well."

The tigress rested trying to mentally psyche herself up for the coming operation.  If things went right, they would be in and out with little problems and she would be free of these space pirates forever.  Things never go without problems though, she just hoped they could persevere.


With a quick communications  message to Dex in the transport craft, Alexis responded to Aaron's inquiry, "they are in the air and proceeding to their destination at best possible speed."

Mother closed her eyes and sighed, when she opened them they had an edge of determination.  Too long at rest, the ship finally began to move.  Leaving the contingent of security bots behind, the Acadian ship closed the distance between the base and Matron's site.

Alexis broke the strange silence that had descended, as all sat in anticipation of what was to come next.  "Major, Mother... I recommend putting the fighters into the air, just in case they are needed to assist our rescue crew."

Saioko was considering the odd AI projection.  More feline than fox, she was unsure if it was truly Acadian in origin.  Nova had mentioned her many times and they had even spoken, but she knew so little about this Mara.  It was strange how she concealed her own origins, but had such a drive to know the secrets of others.  The pantheress secretly wondered if this made her a hypocrit.

As Mother approached Matron's site, little seemed out of place.  There did seem to be a nearly palpable air of anticipation, as the younger ship hovered over her much older relation.  Mother waited to see if the recommendation to launch The Scales would be given approval before she landed.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"