The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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As much as Aaron had reservations on launching the fighters and increasing the chances of something going wrong, by way of fighters being picked up somehow, the risks of not having the fighters when they would be useful seemed much worse, "Very well, launch the fighters.  Make sure they understand that there is still a flight ceiling and that they are there for backup purposes in case things go wrong, not a proactive blow things up force."

As Mother approached Matron Aaron had one of the first among many situations where he was glad he picked up meditation and emotional centering techniques from Ixiah.  Otherwise the giddy anticipation of the promises of Matron may have killed him.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

After Aaron ordered the fighter to launch, the little kitten jump off Saioko's lap.
"Hurry Hurry, I can see my house from here" yells little Mara.  In kitten form, she jumps up to main view.  " I coming Mama, See see we coming "

"Mara Please be quiet, we are almost there.  ... almost " says Nova.  Nova did know what to feel  ...scare or excitement.   The crash site didn't look any different to her on the screen from the 20 twenty year ago records or her memory.  The catgirl sat by Saioko waiting for Mother to land.



Romulus looked at Ana with a sideways glance and smile.
"This Romulus would rather just put a bullet in you than fight"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


After stowing his rifle, the young lieutenant started some light meditation techniques.  It was going to be a long flight, and he'd need to be at the top of his game in case something went wrong.  He considered how much easier this mission would have been if a pair of LAMs, preferably of the stealth variety, were available.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Alexis nodded in acknowledgment of Aaron's launch authorization, "flight ceiling aye."  The younger vixen turned to her console and sent the launch orders directly to the pilot ready room, "Scales, scramble for launch.  Patrol on station with weapons hot.  I repeat, weapons hot.  Maintain flight ceiling restrictions to 762 meters until further notice."  

Torson responded over the comm, "roger that, Scales launching."

With measured precision, the four fighters that made up three-fourths of the Crusading Scales launched and formed up for their patrol.

Loki and Ixiah also headed over to the main view screen with Mara, and like kids plastered to a car window as mom and dad pull into the amusement park, they added their own Oohs and Ahs to the mix.

Rebecka entered the bridge as the cubs attempted to merge with the view screen and took up a seat at the bridge main engineering console.  This was odd, as the golden vixen is rarely seen unless one is in engineering.

Amid the chaos of the young ones and the anticipation of the 'older' crew members such as Nova, Mother stood out as an anchor of reason, stoic in her scientific observation of the ancient relic.  Despite seeming eagerness early on, as the moment approached, she seemed hesitant and possibly unsure.

"Mother?"  Inquired Alexis quietly, a slight note of concern in her voice.

"Yes child I know.  I can't help but think this is a major juncture in our lives from which there will be no return to what we may have once been."  The older fox spent a moment to gaze at the eager green kit at the front view screen, "For good or for ill, things will change and I am surprised how much I am unsure of the path... or how much I do not want it to change."

With a silent understanding, Alexis released the controls and allowed her mother the luxury of her reflection.

Saioko remained quiet, deep in thoughts of her own.

After numerous moments of pregnant anticipation, the ship descended assuming a landing spot close to the crash site as was originally indicated by Matron's drones much earlier.

Saioko was the first to speak after the ship touched down, "I feel like we are in a Twilight Zone episode."

Mother turned to face the bridge, with her own view screen behind her.  She gestured towards Matron, "first stop on our journey, Destiny"


Ana smirked at Romulus, "is that what kids are calling it these days?  In my day we just called it se..."

Dex interrupted the discussion in progress with a mission update, "we are now entering patrolled hostile airspace.  Everyone to their positions."

Ben stuck his head into the cockpit, "looking okay up here?"

Dex nodded, "yeah, we will probably be on their scanners shortly.  How would you like me to approach?"

"I don't know.  Fly casual."  Ben replied with a smirk.

"Hardy har har, best get back to your post Ben."  Dex quipped back.  

Jeanne continued to rest, but readied herself mentally for the job at hand.  She was never a good actress and not a very good liar, but all this time spent with outlaws did rub off on her.

Not to anyone's surprise, they were hailed a few times and even experienced a fly by or two as they approached.  Jeanne was sure to be up and trying to look as normal as possible.  Anna was relaxed, a perfect picture of experience, it almost seemed that she had done this before.

Dex flew as casually as he thought was best and within short order, the team found themselves on the Deck in the facility's shuttle hanger.  A group of officiates approached, one a weasel, the other a deer of some sort.  One of whom Jeanne recognized immediately with a slight bit of distaste that disappeared when she turned to face him.

"Lieutenant Bancroft, good day to you."  She said as she headed down the ramp.  No salutes exchanged between either of them or his NCO attendants.  The local pair of guards were obviously disciplined, but they were easy in their stances and demeanor.  Both nodded to Knight, Romulus, Ben and the rest of the 'guards', but that was the extent of that.

"Lieutenant Pewar, always a pleasure.  We were beginning to worry as we had not heard from you all at Echo-Zeta for a little longer then was normal."  The weasel replied with an oily and rather fake smile.

"Yes, the old tower is on the fritz again I'm afraid.  Brandon and his team have been pulling it apart.  Seems the shielding on the particle cannon is substandard, but that is what happens when you jury rig a weapon to look like a sensor array."  She replied without hesitation.

"Figures.  Ah, my dear... you look a bit pale are you alright?"  He faked concern.

She waved it off as if it was nothing, "been a bit sick lately, stomach problems... something didn't agree with me."

He nodded, "ah, that is too bad.  Is this our client in question?"

Before Jeanne could answer, Ana took it on herself to respond, "yeah, now lets get this over with.  I don't want to be here any longer than I need to."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Aaron nodded.  He almost had to giggle at the part where Mother mentioned this being a major juncture.  The last few days have felt like one long string of points of no return to him. 

"May as well be a Twilight Zone episode.  And now we are face to face with Destiny made manifest.  Grab your things, I wish to head in as soon as we possibly can.  We may only get one shot at this so make sure you have everything."
The All Purpose Fox


Pirate Facility

Knight continued his meditation, staying at Jeanne's side the entire time to provide both physical and morale support.  He strapped his gear on, loosening a few straps to seem a bit more casual, when he moved, he stayed in pace with the tigress, continuing his swagger as he followed her along.  He returned the subtle nods, while staying at his commanders side, keep his expression as neutral as possible.  The Gauss rifle hanging loosely at his side, and a plasma pistol riding in his thigh-strapped holster.  He was a body guard, his place was to guard his charge, in this case, Jeanne, he was to be seen not heard unless directly addressed.

He followed Jeanne, continuing with his slight swagger, and staying close to her side, should she need to lean on him.  He kept his senses sharp, and his ears turned mostly towards Ana, or at least, in her general direction.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Transport/Pirate base
Romulus looked at Anna.
"If I didn't know any better I'd swear you where hitting on me"
Romulus got his gear ready and walked off the transport. He tiredly returned the nod and walked with the others.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

The Bridge

"The Twilight Zone or not  This is a Destiny point. "  Said Nova.  "Mother, I think you may nothing to worry about.   It's me, who will be scolded the most. "

Nova walked toward  Rebecka and asks the golden vixen if everything was Okay.   The catgirl gives her a quick hug and goes to the main screen and the cubs.  "Mara, It is time to see Matron. " Nova said with a weak smile for her.  The smiling kitten hugs Nova around her neck and returns to crystal form. 

Leaving the bridge, Nova said " Mother, Thank you for your care, and I will do everything in my power to help you and Loki.  Whatever happens on the surface." 

Nova is sure that Loki and the other were right behind her, but felt she must face Matron on her own....




Aaron rubbed his forehead a bit.  "Nova, you aren't going to Matron alone.  We are going as a group."

Speaking of the group;
Marissa, Richard, we are the the site now.  Get some side arms and meet up at the exit ramp.  We will be heading out soon.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

At the door

Nova looks behind her into the Major's eyes, but the door closes. she continues on.

Nova reaches the exit ramp.  Opening the ramp, She looks out at the crash site.  The leftovers of the Hunnydew Camp lay scatter and half buried in the sand to one side, and the ship (to Nova's eyes) seem to more decayed and rusted expect for the bridge which was again locked and more solid and closed up then before.

The place empty feels empty to Nova, and her childhood memories are disappointing as she looks at them with her adult eyes.   She see, beyond a crumbled bulkhead with crystal core of Matron.  It draws her on, but she waits for Loki and and Ixiah, before she steps onto the sands.




Alexis regarded Nova as the feline left.  The fox was worried, she could sense a change in the young officer.  "Aaron, do you need me or one of the security robots to go with you?  I can self generate a solid... energy form that can operate independently from Mother's influence."

Saioko turned to Aaron, "after you major, we should best get ready as well."  The patheress seemed a bit more at ease then she had been earlier.

Elsewhere in the ship, Richard and Marissa receive their telepathic summons.  Richard stretches and heads in to suit up.  He stops to splash a bit of water on his face and a quick dry off, "so this is it, ja?  Too much adventure make this Kashin do something heroic at rate we are going.  Heroic things hurt.  Oh well, achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death."

In her part of the ready area, Marissa replied to Aaron, 'k luv, meet you there.

The jocund vixen doned her armor and procured the same sidearms she had used during the rescue op.  She met up with Richard and reached the ramp in time to spy Nova and the fox kits already outside. 

Aaron!  Nova and the kids are already outside!

Remains of Hunnydew Camp

Within a few moments, Nova's eyes adjust to the light and to the frequency that Matron emits.  The harmonic is so low that not even Mother had registered it.

Instead of the decaying hulk of a wreck, the catgirl sees a fairly intact hull.  Aged, superficially damaged, but not decayed or excessively compromised.  Instead of a crumpled bulkhead, it is an inviting hatch with a dimly lit interior.

Marissa and Richard dash down the ramp.  Richard gently places a hand on both Ixiah and Loki's shoulder, as Marissa grabs Nova's arm a bit more aggressively than necessary.

"Whoa there missy, are you sleepwalking?  You can't just stride into that thing!"  Marissa chided Nova.

Pirate Facility

Bancroft smiled, a false and rather forced expression, "ah but of course Lady Tescrae.  We are always willing to offer our best services to Lightbringers Guild and the House of Tescrae-Sionnace..."

"Shut it!  I am not here as some representative of my Nation or Technomage Guild.  I am here to see the prisoner Marcus and finalize the deal to have him released."  Ana barked, not feigning annoyance or anger in any way, it was all genuine.

The weasel took a step back from the fiery blue vixen, "i... indeed, there is no need to be so rude.  Business persons such as ourselves have understandings and protocols... things are done in certain ways.  Follow this way then as it appears any pleasantries would be futile."

The odd layout of the landing bays forced the group to wind through the bay until they reach the lifts.  One of the guards depresses the UP button.  Shortly thereafter, one of the six sets of doors opens revealing the interior.  Without much discussion the guards with Ana in the middle enter first, followed by the officers.  Jeanne was trying her best to repress her pain, but the walk through the bay was a bit hard on her. 

Bancroft took note and raised an eyebrow, "are you okay Lieutenant?"

"Still not over this malaise I'm afraid, just a bit queasy.  Hopefully we can get this over with and I can take a nice couple of days rest."  She replied steadily.

The ride up the elevator was long.     
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Aaron was sincerely hoping that Nova was going to wait at the door rather then be insubordinate and ignore direct orders.  He could have probed her mind to make sure, but he was still not comfortable with the Acadian, 'poke around at unsecured minds for what ever reason' ethic.

Alexis and Saioko seemed eager to go but fortunately have not taken off yet, "Alexis, if you could come along that would be great.  We have no idea what is in there, and you of all people would be best equipped to handle it.  Now, lets quickly get moving."

As going to the ready area to grab his old light armor and a pistol he got Marissa's message.  It was amazing how good her voice was at calming him down.  Especially her thoughts, they were quit soothing... *CLICK* wait since when did Marissa start sending telepathic messages in reply?  It was especially interesting that he had this revelation just as he was 'buckling' in his armor.

As though the fates continued to taunt Aaron with all of his concerns, Marissa sends him a message about Nova and the little ones,
Stall them, don't let them get near Matron yet.

Aaron grabs the first weapon that looks vaguely pistolish and runs for the door, not waiting for Saioko or Alexis.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

On the Ramp,

Nova had stopped at the bottom of the ramp, and waiting for Loki and Ixiah.  When Marissa grabs Nova, she blinks at the light and see Matron's old hull.  She's surprised at the condition of Matron.  The old video data doesn't do her justice.  She turns and look at Richard and Marissa.  Taking in the armor and weapons, Nova frowns at Mariassa's weapons. 

"It will be alright. but I must go on" says Nova.  The cat-girl doesn't move though, and waits for the Major.  Unless Loki continues, she'll wait for Aaron.


Pirate Base (Elevator ride)

Remaining silent, Knight carefully adjusted his rifle, and took an unobtrusive half-step forward.  The movement allowed Jeane's elbow to rest in the crook of his arm.  If she needed the extra help, she could put the weight on him instead but simply leaning in.  He listened to the words that were exchanged, but did his best to imitate a bodyguard, the thoughts 'be seen but not heard' played over and over in his mind, as he tried to do just that.  

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Pirate Facility

Romulus followed along with a some what bored look on his face. He kept an eye on any movements Ana made, just incase she tried anything.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



The small mint green fox kit, older than some of the most wizened tods in the known galaxy took in the sight of the ship before him.  His eyes were wide and sparkled with curiosity and eagerness.

His cousin, a fair lad of blue fur, was dazzled by this sight of supreme technological achievement.  A self-aware starship using the only known psionic drive system, speed of thought indeed.

Both feel compelled to move forward, but Marissa and Richard might not let them.

Loki turns to Marissa and speaks to her, in a voice different then normal.  The FX department seems to have added a bit of electronic reverb, "Marissa, we are going to go on ahead.  Be a good lass and wait here for Aaron.  Oh, Nova needs to come along with us, we took her... she is not disobeying orders."

"Uh... um..."  Marissa seems rather confused, but after a moment nods, "okay kid, not like I'm going to be able to do much to stop you."  Loki's voice was very compelling, but she was able to shrug most of it off.

Ixiah smiles his bright and shiny pearly whites at Richard.  

The wolf sighs and waves towards the ship, "I know better then to try and stop you, I just hope Aaron doesn't kill me for not stopping you.  Can't imagine that he even thought we would be able to if the two of you really tried."

"Don't worry, he won't.  Come on Nova, you need to go don't you?  Let's be off."  Both Ixiah and Loki lead Nova towards Matron.

Marissa raises her weapon, pointing it at Loki, Nova and Ixiah, but Richard places a hand on it lowering it to the ground.  He looks in her eyes and shakes his head.

Marissa shakes, "h... how do we know they aren't under control of some force in there... I've never heard Loki use such a voice..."

"Ja, but you can't go shooting him... the weapon doesn't have stun."  He states as he watches the trio enter the ship.

Hallway from Ready area to Ramp.  Also known as "By the Great Fox this is a lot longer than I remember it."

Bohemian Rhapsody seems to be playing in Aaron's head as he traverses a path that seems far longer than it was the last time he tried to reach the exit ramp.  The music seems out of place and no relation to anything that is occurring.

Alexis appears next to him dressed in a Plug-suit like one worn by Asuka Langley.  Matrix-like scrolling symbols drift across a semi-clear, green visor.  Without making eye contact, she hesitantly speaks to Aaron as Saioko bounds up behind them, "hey boss... what's up?"

Saioko speaks before Aaron can reply, "wow, I'd never thought I'd be able to catch up to you before you reached the ramp... spatial... distortion, weird."

Pirate Base

The elevator arrives at the designated floor, opening to a large reception area.  The uniformed duty personnel at the control desk take note of the group that enters, "lieutenant... use room B, she has fifteen minutes with him and then the commander would like a word with her for negotiations."

The weasel nodded, "alright then.  This way everyone."  He quickly led the detail to a large conference room designated "B".  The entire front, including the door, was made of some type of clear material akin to glass.  A large plasma screen sat on the far wall and below it was some cabinetry and a counter.  The table was an odd oval and could seat twenty people comfortably.  Some type of Y shaped conference phone sat in the center of the table, audio satellites at each end, and an elaborate telepresence camera set up and large LCD screen filled most of the right wall.

The other guards gestured for Ana to sit, as the weasel activated the large wall monitor.  A bedraggled, tired, but otherwise unharmed brown bat appeared on the screen.  His green eyes sparkled as he saw Ana.

"Ana, I..."  He began, but was cut off by the navy blue vixen.

"Oh HELL no!"  She yelled, bolting from her chair to come to stand on the table itself.  Blue energy crackled over her, "I said in person, face to face!  Not some video conference.  I will not be disrespected like this!"

Bancroft's guards tensed up, raising weapons to point at Ana as the weasel barely contained his panic backpedaling behind one of his NCOs.

The door was flung open and a much more lavishly dressed collie officer in a gray uniform with golden epaulets burst in, "and we vetoed that request without your knowledge.  I'm not so stupid as to put a technomage in with her quarry.  One wave of a hand and you'd teleport away.  He is across the hall in room A, see."

The commander gestured across to the other conference room where the brown bat sat and waived back half-halfheartedly.  "Now sit down lady before I put a plasma hole through your gut, like I would prefer to do.  However, we like ransoming prisoners... its the money you know, hard to live without it."

"Fine, but take your cronies out of here."  Ana said as she sat back in the chair shifting her eyes to the nervously smiling Marcus on the screen.

Ana shot a glance at Romulus and Knight one of those, "the ball is in your court" looks.

Some unknown place within Matron

A hiss of air was heard as a clear canopy was raised.  The person within stirred.  He was groggy, dizzy and rather weak.  Felt like he had been frozen in carbonite, just without the blindness.

A kind, female voice was heard in his mind, those that are of your people have come with some of ours.  Go to them, for you are destined to be a part of them.

A lighted path revealed itself, leading in a different direction and side from where Nova, Loki and Ixiah were entering.  It would lead him out and behind this ship he had been taken into, to face yet another alien vessel, but this one had recognizable athro types outside of it.    
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

From the ramp and then into Matron

Nova's hand also appears on Marissa's rifle and on Richard's hand.  Looking at both Richard and Marissa, the catgirl looks to be awake and in command of herself.   "Please Marissa.  It will be alright, Wait for the Major.   Richard, Please be our backup?   That way, we'll both be cover with the Major.  Be at the ready, but don't shoot anything, unless you really have to." says the Lieutenant.  The catgirl's mental is scared but she is herself and calm.

Nova watches the eager boys go ahead of her.   She leads the wolf in to the main hatch and down a dark passageway.  Lights turn on as the group walks down the 20 meter hallway to a dim light from a side door.  What Loki and Ixiah see is much different then what she and Richards sees, Nova is sure.  They are awed by the patterns on the walls, yet Nova see only a faint black outlines on the dark surfaces.  The cat-girl is drawn slowly into the computer main room that is Matron.  This 25 ft round room has a  4ft tall crystal structure that stands in the center of the room with many smaller towers around it .   The crystal Matron has a low glow, but Nova can only feels Mara at her neck.   In Nova's  mind, Mara encourages her to the center of the room.  Nova walk to the crystal and places Mara's crystal form on the high center pinnacle.  Matron suddenly energizes to higher level.  The crystal lights up the room and the floor lights up with twin paths of swirls light trails   Red to orange to yellow to green to.....purple.. each pattern path leads into another.. They all leading toward the center of the room.
The small kitten Mara appears floating above the crystal Matron.
 "The Rainbow Dance, Nova   You remember it Don't you?" Ask Mara
"No NO! this is childish, I can't do this" cried Nova "and beside this is Gaea's and Xaos' moves.  If you take my part of the dance,  Who will dance with me? Loki?"
 .  "Please Nova You must dance" says Matron voice in Nova's head weakly.  
Mara giggles "I will dance your part. You and Loki will dance Gaea's and Xaos' dance moves.  Matron needs you to dance.  I need you to.   You need this, too."
With a sigh, Nova moves to the starting point on the first red path,  and she looks pleadenly to Loki to see if he will dance.  "Will you dance with me, My lord?" asks Nova with bow to Loki.

Outside, the Matron's main hatch is still open but the hallway goes dark, yet the light from engineering can be seen faintly from the entrance.


Strange Med Lab

Robert stumbled out of the chamber and collapsed onto the floor. His mind seemed like it was full of cobwebs and his throat felt like it was full of cotton balls, even in his current state of mind he tried to take stock of his surroundings.

Robert desperately tried to organize his thoughts, 'I'm was alone,' "Those that are of your people have come with some of ours.  Go to them, for you are destined to be a part of them." The lady's voice seemed more to be in his head than it was in the room. " scratch that, he wasn't alone... he pushed himself up on one elbow, "Hello..." his voice was hoarse and echoed in around the room, and which only brought a vaguely illuminated exit as a response.

'Okay, back to square one, I'm alone,' he stood up uneasily and used the wall as a support. 'I'm alone... in a strange ship...' he cocked a ear to see if his benefactor was still around. There was no response, 'I look and feel like something that was chewed up and spat out of an industrial grinder," he idly picked at his uniform which had a few gaping slashes in it, and some dark stains which had probably been, at some point, blood. Something had happened, but at the time being his mind was too scattered to piece together at the moment. He sighed and stumbled down the corridor, his only option was to pray that his benefactor was benevolent.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


This this the real life?  Is this just fantasy?

"Marissa says that Nova and the kids are outside already."  Aaron continues to not look back while talking to Saioko this time, "Regardless of how, we are all now together.  We should hurry outside, I don't think Marissa and Richard can hold them for long.  Also, is it just me or has Marissa developed psychic talents?"

Without waiting for an answer, he heads outside, to a site sadly lacking in Nova, Ixiah, Loki, and Richard, much to Aaron's astonishment.  Richard always seemed very bright...
"Marissa, where did Richard go?"
"Aaron!  We... we tried stop them!  Loki was... convincing like he always is.  Though he sounded weird, there was a strange, almost electronic harmonic to his voice."
Aaron couldn't help but think that electronic harmonic sounded like a bad dance/party mix track, "So... where is Richard?"
Marissa blushed a little bit, and Aaron could pick up a little embarrassment from Marissa, and a little bit a shame that she couldn't stop anyone, "He, he went with them.  I don't know if he was possessed too or what."
Aaron sighed, "I didn't expect they would stop.  I also didn't expect Richard to go with them.  A little disappointing on his part.  You did well Marrissa, thanks for staying."

Aaron motioned his arms towards Matron, towards destiny, and towards another huge headache.  All with that song still in his head.
The All Purpose Fox


Pirate Conference Room

Knight stood impassively at Jeanne's side, he kept his expression neutral and his right hand on the grip of the weapon.  He'd kept himself close enough that, should the Tigress stumble, he'd be there to catch her.  "I'm sorry Ms... I can't leave Ms. Prewars presence.  I've been given rather... firm... instructions, to keep her safe.  I'm her acting bodyguard throughout the negotiations... "

His hand was tightening lightly on the grip of his rifle, his eyes shifting around the room, watching for any sign of movement out of the ordinary.  These missions were not his specialty, too many guns, tight confines, and in a tower full of hostiles, Knight's mind wandered to the thoughts of how much easier this would have been with a pair of Stealth LAMs with auto-cannons, and pulse lasers.

If Rom was ready to make his move, Knight hoped the wolverine would give him some type of sign before the rounds started flying.  The heavy Gauss rifle around slung out front would be useful and he was certain of his skills and training...  But still, this ground-pounder crap was best left to the marines.  That last thought brought out a slim smirk, as he continued his quiet observations.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Pirate Conference Room
Romulus aimed his rifle straight at Ana when she did her little outburst. He had his rifle aimed at Ana's head. Thought the safety was on it didn't show. Romulus lowered his rifle and looked at the guards. He firmly stood.
"Ma'am I am under orders to keep an eye on you"
Romulus moved to stayed by the door.
"I'll just stay by the door but inside the room"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Mystic Dance Dance Revolution

Both Ixiah and Loki gave one another a sideways glance.

Xaos and Gaea have some very odd customs... I've not heard of a Rainbow dance before.  Loki commented telepathically to his cousin.

Well, perhaps it is linked to the psychic systems or it was a fun little thing to teach a young kitten that also served a purpose.  We are a very harmonic species you know.  Ixiah 'pathed with a shrug.

The mint green fox nodded to his feline partner as he stepped up to the beginning of his intended path, "I'm not a very good dancer, so you will have to be gentle.  I think I can follow these points though."

Loki held out a paw and waited to start, the young Acadians both expected music to start.

Richard stood in a half daze, "why did I come along again?  This seems so out of character for me."

From a strange med lab to fantasy

Robert exited the ship onto the bright light, in the close distance he heard voices speaking a familiar language.  It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust.

Marissa pointed vigorously at the squirrel that had emerged from the ship, "Ah!  Look zombies!"  Barely able to contain a slight giggle. 

Saioko drew her side arm cautiously, as she wasn't one to believe in zombies.

Alexis almost appeared to be relieved at the sight of the squirrel.  Her apprehension was at its peak when something emerged from Matron that she nearly struck Robert dead with a blast of her really dangerous looking cannon.

Pirate Conference Room

Ana seemed a bit frustrated at the lack of action from the rest of the team, they were the professionals.  They all seemed to be waiting for her, but she wasn't ready to make a move just yet.

"Fine Pewar and her guards can stay, at least they are honest with me!  You two, Bancroft and Commander who ever you are, take your guards and stand outside.  Let me at least talk to Marcus and then we'll bargain... k?"  The vixen ended her discourse with an innocent bat of her eyelashes while resting her chin on the top of her right hand.

"Fine, Pewar, keep an eye on her."  The commander ordered, "Bancroft, you and your men with me outside."

The weasel smartly saluted as the tigress bolted to attention with her own salute at the obviously vastly higher ranking officer.  She bit her lip as the sudden movement caused her tremendous discomfort, and only her force of will kept her from yelping in pain or her legs collapsing.

Luckily the collie did not seem to notice as she exited.  When the door closed, Jeanne collapsed back into her seat with a whimper, hands over the spot of her wound.

Ana tapped the mute on the conference system, so the guards with Marcus could not hear.

"Damn white uniforms..."  She complained as blood stained through the white fibers, "busted a stitch or two."  She quickly buttoned the jacket just in case the guards outside just happened to stare too closely, "I'll take some of that stuff you brought with you Knight."

"Great, not a good time for this.  I expected to be separated, but I didn't expect so many guards.  I suppose I could deploy a puppet and use a confusion mist...  anyone have some ideas?"  Ana asked as she gazed out the glass at the large amount of guards posted around the main area. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


With a face full of friendly fire... almost

Robert had just left the ship, and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light outside. He heard someone something that he didn't fully catch and he looked over to see one of the trio had pointed at him. This in turn drew the attention of the other two who drew their weapons and pointed them at him, one in particular had a pretty nasty looking cannon.

Faced with the fact that he was outgunned and outnumbered, two things happened. First, his brain told his arms to raise up in the air in the universal sign of surrender. Second, his instincts told him he was staring down the barrel of a gun, which was not a healthy place to be in, and it caused his knees to buckle and throw him to the ground out of the line of fire. In his slightly befuddled condition, both happened uncontested at the same time and he ended up gurgling something barely recognizable as, "Friendly!" before crashing to the earth with his arms out infront of him.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Danger close

Aaron had been picking at the surface thoughts of this new guy.  He seemed relatively friendly for having just come out of the ship-o-uncertain-doom.  Though he did seem confused regarding the number of people present. 

"Okay then Mr. Friendly, our friend just rushed into that ship over there and we are kind of in a hurry to get to her before something exceptionally bad happens to her.  I want you to come with us.  You seem to be okay and we need to move quickly and I'll figure out what to do with you later.  However, I may ask you to justify your existence so start thinking of your story."

Aaron was trying to get his mind back on track after the recent outburst.  Where was he, oh yes, I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy~
And with that he heads to Matron.
The All Purpose Fox


Pirate Conference Room
Romulus started shooting into the air near Anne's head. He looked back towards the door and yelled.
"Get in here she's trying to pull something"
Romulus random fired around the room making sure not to hit anyone. He then turned and waited for the door to open and aimed for the heads of the pirates who came in.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Once more into the breach

Robert picked himself up and dusted himself off and tried to keep up with Aaron. "You seem to be okay and we need to move quickly and I'll figure out what to do with you later.  However, I may ask you to justify your existence so start thinking of your story." Robert paused for a second and grimaced. The previous fall to the ground had got his blood pumping which had done wonders to brush away the cobwebs in his mind, "I'm Robert Norston, I was an Ensign the survey vessel Delphi." He shook his head, there were bits and pieces of the memory that refused to come into focus, "I think we got attacked, last thing I remember clearly before waking up in here was getting into an escape pod," he gave Aaron a scrutinizing look, "Are you the recovery team? Did you find any other survivors, or do you think they're all in here?"
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Pirate Base, Conference Room

Knight stood straight as the collie and entourage left.  The tigress's groan of pain had him reaching for the patches in his hip pocket even before the request.  Passing on a patch, Knight had positioned himself between Ana and Jeanne.   The burst of fire from the carbine, followed by Rom's reaction were a bit unexpected.  He'd hoped for more of a heads up, as is, he'd started to move to pull Jeanne to the ground while bring his own heavy rifle to bear, still connected to his body via the sling.

The conference room didn't really look that well protected... in fact, knight would make  a reasonable bet Rom's carbine slugs could punch a hole through the wall, let alone his own Gauss rifle.  As this though came to mind he turned to the tigress and said, "Get flat on the floor, NOW!"

Planting his left hand on Jeanne's shoulder and his right doing the best it could to line the barrel of the weapon with the door. Knight crouched over the Tigress as he awaited the pirate response.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Not quite Matron yet

"Rescue party?  Sorry, but I didn't even know you were out here.  This is a very pirate controlled area, so unless anyone else is with you I am doubtful that anyone else would be here.  I'm Major Aaron Brown, and I was sent here to poke around that."
The All Purpose Fox


Robert scowled, "Every ship is required to submit their last coordinates when being abandoned! They even built in a dead man switch to do so if it couldn't be done manually! How could you not..." he cut himself off and took a deep breath, "Okay," his voice was more even,"that's not important. Look, Major, who is this lady we're going in after and is there anybody else with her?" He glanced at the others, "and do we have a map of the place, I vaguely remember a distinct lack of directions when I walked out of here."
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...