The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Sniper Position
"I'm currently floating in the air on a platform recently made by my new friend Ana"
Romulus continues to scan the area for pirates. He then radioed Knight.
"How are you guys doing in there?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Knight clicked his comm set and replied, "rescue team made it in one piece, we're set to move... just need a pick-up location.  Cyndi is alright, but i'm worried about our other patient, she doesn't seem too good.  We'll be moving very shortly, so keep us covered.  Alright?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Sniper Position
Romulus covers the tower waiting for the teams to come out.
"That's why I'm here"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



"Excellent, Mother is over that way, so let's head out.  On the way I'm going to check on the kid I knocked out to make sure nothing has happened to him.  Hopefully the pirates will surrender soon."
The All Purpose Fox



Knight nodded, and replied, "yes sir" while easing to his feet.  The snow-leopard looked like he was going to loose his balance for a moment, but he recovered, and managed to get upright before Saioko or anyone else could help.

Once on his feet again, he flexed away the tiredness in his muscles.  Immediately afterward, he started issuing orders, "Nitro and Hacker, take Cyndi.  Wall, you and Ben take our other patient, Jeanne, and the rest of us will cover you as best we can.  Jaice, you think you're up for a walk, or do you need someone to help you as well?"

Pausing for a moment, he looked at the other snow-leopard, and while offering his good hand, he said, "Same question for you, Rino. You good to go, or do you need a hand?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Saioko is barely able to hold herself back from rushing to Knight's side.  Even though she does not make it to him before he has recovered, she still makes it a point to hover around him.

The jovial mood had drained away from both Loki and Ixiah as yet another reality of battle smacked them both in the face.  Both cubs were noticeably downcast, though to their credit, both of them attracted the attention of the tigress and did much to brighten her disposition with their clever mind games and adorable continences.  

The teams packed up quickly, securing equipment and taking up stretchers.  The slightest amount of jostling caused Jeanne much agony and her whines and groans brought the two young foxes over to her.  Their presence helped her, though they visibly did not do more than hold a hand or smile softly.

Jaice waved off help as he was asked, but nearly ended up on his tail as too much weight was shifted to his bad ankle.  Richard swooped in under the canine's arm and supported him, "I think you could use a bit of assistance."

Rino on the other hand nodded at the question, "I need a small bit of help, the busted rib is really throbbing."

Sniper Position

"I am completely out of energy, but my ship acts like a battery, so once it got close enough, I could tap it.  Wireless power... heh, not really."  She paused as he asked about her heritage, "I am not Acadian per se, but the there is a secret in that... all foxes are descended from Acadians in some fashion."

Alex took up a spot with Romulus, though further along the wing.  He scanned for targets, but found nothing.

Pirate Airspace

Burns' channel crackled to life, "hey, just doing my job, but sorry.  Not bad flying, all things considered... you know, flying those semi-aerodynamic bricks."

Command Center

The tide of battle is noticeably turning against the pirates as the robots have finally moved into flanking positions on the dug-in pirates.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center

" MOther, Where is Mara?  All, I can get is that she is chasing something.  ARe you playing some trick wit her?" ask the catgirl

Mara finds the mouse, or a mouse and she hukts it down a service tunnel further a way from the command center.  She seem to be getting closer to the computer center.



Sniper Position
Romulus continued to cover the pirate base.
"So you had your abilities augmented?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



The larger spotted feline knelt down next to the smaller, wrapping his good arm behind her back and around her waist.  Making sure to keep it well below the broken ribs.  He said, "alright, lean into me whenever you're ready and we'll get up together."  

When Rino was ready, he pulled her up as she leaned into him, avoiding putting too much pressure on her broken ribs, while he stood up.  He let the combination of friction, and the angle he'd placed his body to hers, pick her up as well.  He grinned at her once she was completely upright, and in reply she gave a slight wince as Knight eased her weight off him, and onto her own feet.  He then said, "if you need it, lean into me on the stairs. They're gonna be a bitch, i know... So you can set the pace, and i'll do my best to adjust to what you need."

Watching as the the team packed and prepped, the lieutenant noted the two young foxes around Jeanne.  He noticed how she seemed to quiet down, and looked altogether better with the little foxes around her. Somehow, he couldn't help but admire how well the 2 young foxes were taking the horrors of war.

While watching the others prepare to move, Knight caught something dark out of the corner of his eye.  When he focused on the dark shadow, he noted that Saioko was hovering around him. She appeared worried again, probably about his condition, as if his reassurance wasn't enough.  Suddenly an amused grin crept onto the lieutenants face as left Rino's side for a moment.  He used his good hand to lightly hold Saioko's, looking at into her eyes for a moment, he said in a soft, gentle voice, "Saioko, i'm alright... you don't have to be concerned about the wound.  If you should worry about anything, it should be a pirate ambush... I need you to be alert, and keep an eye out for everyone, and not just me... alright?"  He nuzzled up to her, and kissed her gently on the cheek.

With everything else seeming in order, knight got himself ready to move and shifted back to Rino's side. He paused, looking at Aaron, and said, "Seems we're all set to move, but it's your order to give sir."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Aaron was glad that the two were taking things in this well.  He gets the feeling that this may be the fist time they have seen a fight from this end.

"If everything is good we need to head out.  Mother is this way, though I'm personally going to take a small detour to check on the kid I knocked out.  I left him in the bucker tied up and I need to make sure he is alright."
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

Mother turns to face Nova and produces Mara seemingly from behind her back by the scruff of her kitten neck (as a mother cat would carry a kitten, just not using her mouth), "you mean this Mara?"

An electric mouse scurries up Nova's console and stands at the edge.  The little creature bows and disappears in a small explosion of sparks.

"Do AI cats dream of electric mice?"  Inquires Mother.

Aerial Sniper position

"I am a Technomage and have had the ceremony of Joining and Weaving.  I'm not sure what you mean by augmented."  She raises her eyes skyward, placing her index finger on the side of her muzzle as she considered something, "oh, unless you are still talking about Acadian things.  Perhaps you are postulating that my display of 'magic', as it were, is merely an expression of latent psychic powers expressing themselves because of my Acadian blood?"

She spun in a full circle similar in style to that of a ballerina, bringing her arms up in the spin and dipping them down with forearms up and hands bent at the wrists to display her palms.  She bent her legs a bit as she spoke again, "an interesting hypothesis given your sample set, but I will have to add that there are wolf, cheetah and even human Technomages without any traces of an old race's bloodlines.  It does have much to do with the minds though."


The group is easily able to traverse the stairs with their stretchers with the unoccupied members ranging ahead to clear the paths of any potential hostiles.

Knight finds himself a bit unsteady on the descent due to dizziness, but is forced to shake that off as he ends up all but carrying Rino down the stairs.

Saioko plays the guard, but eventually ends up offering an arm and shoulder to Jaice to help the poor canine down the stairs due to his ankle.

The group rendezvous at the bottom floor.  Both Richard and Marissa are at the entrance providing lookout for approaching pirates.  Both Ixiah and Loki remain on each side of Jeanne's stretcher, quiet and serious, they only seem to smile when they cast their gazes to her.  She seems very much at ease. 

As if sensing an inquiry, Loki speaks, "it's fine, she is stable.  We are helping her, but we must not doddle here.  There is a limit to how much we can cope with."

Carefully the group exits the tower, retracing the steps Aaron's rescue had taken to approach.  When on flat terrain, Rino is able to move on her own, but it is slower than the others.  Jaice is not able to move alone, forcing Saioko to continue to aid him.

This leaves Richard and Marissa as the sole options for guard support with Aaron.  The fox kids do not seem willing to abandon the tigress's side, so they are not available for most things except in an emergency situation.  Knight and Rino are mobile, but the injuries don't lend them well to being any thing more then backup in case of a firefight.  Under those circumstances, that leave Major Brown alone to investigate the boy.

As the group continues towards Mother, Aaron finds the raccoon boy to still be in the bunker and tied up.

OOC: unless someone is going to take the boy as a character, he is not going to be joining the merry band. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aerial Sniper position
Romulus continued to scan the area for possible targets and shakes his head abit.
"Man it seems the normality of my life is quickly going out the window"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Path to Mother

Aaron really just wanted to make sure the kid had not done something else stupid, like trying to chew his way through restraints or got himself hurt in some other similar process.  He marked the location in his HUD to make sure anyone/anything else that came by knew there was a tied up kid in the bunker.  Aaron did not want to drag him along in his weird adventures.  He already had a motley assortment for his companions.

He turns around and heads off, rejoining the merry band of injured travelers and looking about for suspicious activity. 
The All Purpose Fox


Path to Mother

The stairs were probably the most difficult thing Knight had encountered in quite some time... not only did he have to deal with a bit of dizziness, he was practically carrying the other snow leopard. He was quite grateful when she managed to walk on her own when they reached the bottom of the tower.  Much like Saioko seemed to be doing to him, he watched Rino carefully, making sure she didn't hurt herself... A fall for her could lead to a punctured lung... something he wasn't sure they could deal with right then.

His attention was somewhat on the major when he went on his own little trek, and when he returned, Knight's focus went back to keeping himself upright and the team moving forward... He kept thinking, 'just a little more, just a little further... just got to make it to the ship... then you can rest... then you can relax... it's just a bit further'  the self promise of sleep sounded good to him... he hoped Aaron could handle a situation... and if something did pop up, well, he did still have his pistol.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center

"Aawwww Isn't she so cute?" Nova yells, takes and cuddles...the little kitty. "It's Okay little Mara.  He was a good little mouse "....  

"and once the teams get back we'll be on our way to Matron.. Is it that right?" Asks Nova.  With one last look at the long range scanners, she takes the little kat to the kitchen.  "Come on, I need some food and to fresh up for Loki and Matron"  And then her stateroom.

Mara grumbles as Nova as pets her and she goes to sleep into gem form.

With a quick snack for the return  crew and change of clothes "Uniform skirt and summer blouse", Nova stands waiting on the entrance ramp.  

"Doctor, Can you meet me on the ramp?" ask Nova



Aerial Sniper Position

The vixen grinned yet again, though this time it was not directed at Alex, "you mean you don't normally wander the galaxy running into glamorous, mercenary vixens and fighting space pirates?  I'd have thought this mundane for someone who travels in an Acadian gunship."

Path to Mother: the Final approach

The group makes poor time, but it is steady.  The fighting has moved farther from the group since they last checked as the security robots are forcing them away from Aaron, Knight and crew.

The final leg of the journey comes, up to this point it has been clear sailing, but the fates always throw monkey wrenches... large starship sized ones.

As the group approaches the ship, suddenly...

Ramp up to the Ship

Nothing happens.

The rescue group and the remainder of the squads sent at the tower reach the ramp as Nova is apparently coming down it with Cynthia, the medical AI vixen of violet fur.

RC and Harold make their appearance as the two of them pulled back to help cover the rescue team's withdrawal from the tower.

"Yo, Alexis asked that we help cover your approach.  The bots have pushed the remainder of the pirates out of range from our original position."  RC called as he approached, Harold kept watch on the direction of hostilities with Richard, Marissa and Saioko.

The violet vixen immediately raised her voice to grab the attention of everyone, "alright, the security robots have the area patrolled.  Everyone even remotely familiar with first aid, even if that means you watch a lot of medical dramas, I want to prep for triage for the possibility of casualties on the pirates' side when they surrender.  Right now, get the injured to medical, the two on stretchers take precedence then Rino and Knight, with Jaice and everyone else last.  Let's go!"

The medical officer hurried everyone to her medical area and instructed how to place the two severely injured ladies on the medical unit.  A stern look was all that was required to send Rino and Jaice to their medical beds, and if Knight was wise, he would do as the look instructed as well.

Those EMT trained found themselves deputized as nurses as Cynthia literally operated on both simultaneously, duplicating her physical projection over that of Rebecka temporarily.     
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aerial Sniper Position
Romulus looked around abit.
"No usually I'm on some planet fighting against other soldiers. Haven't been traveling in a Acadian anything up til alittle while ago"
Romulus clicked on his comm.
"Is everyone back to Mother? Just wondering if I'm gonna be coming back or are you guys leaving me here"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Knight plodded along with the group.  He grew more tired and dizzy as they made their way towards the landing site.  Once inside he removed his helmet and followed the party to the medical area.  With both Cyndi and Jeanne being tended to, the almost scolding look the purple vixen gave the poor lieutenant was enough to send him sulking over to an empty bed as well.  He sat down, eased into a laying position, and started undoing the straps to his various pieces of gear, figuring that the good doctor would be busy, he'd make her job a little easier once she was finished with those in a critical condition.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

On the ramp and Medical Center

On seeing the away teams, Nova quickly run to Loki, and hugs him... "Are you Okay... foxy.?" Ask the cat girl...  After a moment of assuring him and because the violet vixen commanding voice, Nova encourages Loki and Ixiah  to help her with the less wounded members into the ship and into the medical. 

Nova helps Jaice with her armor as gently as she can and directs, "Ixiah and Loki help with the others like that tough guy, Knight. over there."



Aaron click his comm, "But Romulus, you seemed to be having such a good time with your new friend, Ana was it?  Any ways, return if you wish, things look about done."

After that Aaron went about being as generally helpful as possible.  Contrary to popular belief, an advanced degree in biology was not remotely close to any sort of medical training.  The 'Dr.' title was a PhD, not an MD.  Still, standard issue first aid training and a good head on ones shoulders goes far.  Though as Aaron was tending to people he couldn't help but think of the potential of psionic doctors.
The All Purpose Fox


Aerial Sniper Position
"Oh I'm having a blast. May ask her to marry me"
Romulus respond over his comm.
"Our mission still isn't done so I'll take up a position near Mother and you can call and tell me when we're moving out"
Romulus looked down at Ana when he finished using his comm.
"Hey can we get on the ground? We need to move to a better position to cover our ship"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Pirate Airspace

   Burns huffed at the other pilot's comment, but said nothing. He and the rest of the Zetas flew in towards Mother's position, and got near that the ground teams were making their rendezvous.

Command Center

  As the Zetas got near, Nazareth guided them in over the comms, and when they got near enough and slowed down enough to go into VTOL mode, Nazareth brough them back into the pods they were launched from with Mother's gravity beams.
   Over the comms, he said, "Zetas, get a quick check-out, refuel, and reordnance and be ready to fly again ASAP, we may need you out there at any time. Burns, hang back for now until that armor's replaced and any other damage is repaired, I'll see what Meta can do about that now."


Aerial Sniper Position

Ana stood near the center of her ship, staring off into space and it was a few seconds of trying to get her attention before she shook herself out of whatever she was doing to respond to Romulus, "huh?  Uh... ground, yes.  I suppose we can.  Standby, I'll land next to your ship.  I hope they updated their IFF to include meee."  The vixen finished with a wry grin.

Effortlessly, the ship tilted round, rotating on its axis.  To Romulus and Alex the motion or lack thereof, was very disconcerting when combined with visual evidence of movement.  In a flash, the world seemed to rotate around them, and quickly they were on the ground next to Mother.  Slowly the ship decloaked and deployed ramps for Romulus and Alex to disembark if needed.

Medical Center

The activity was a flurry of surgery, which no matter how advanced the technology, still involved similar techniques.  Cynthia worked feverishly, between her normal projection and the duplicate of herself that had borrowed Rebecka.  Compared to normal procedures carried out by doctors of the ISF, the operations were rather fast, though those familiar with Cynthia's work know that it took her a longer time to study and mend feline internals.  Those who thought they knew Cyndi found themselves getting far more acquainted with her internals then any ever wanted to.  It was quite an interesting procedure, with a full body scan that seemed to convert her entirely to energy and turn her fur, skin and even musculature fully transparent. 

The procedure was thorough, using medical nanites and microlasers to repair damaged tissue, track and eliminate migrating clots throughout her vascular system, and destroy infection within the body.  The procedure had an added benefit of clearing out toxins and buildup within her veins and arteries and body in general.

Jeanne was in far worse shape, made much more obvious with the full body scan, and her procedure took twice as long.  The process stressed the projection of Cynthia, with worry and anxiety, and there was a point when it seemed the medical officer had lost hope.  However, Jeanne had a strong will to live, and the determination of Cynthia won through the day.

Once both critical patients were stable and resting comfortably, the doctor established fluid and medicinal injection systems, as well as an intravenous nutritional system.  She released Rebecka and turned to Aaron, "I've closed up and repaired all the damage, they will need to heal and rest for now.  As soon as I finish analyzing the biological data from both of them as well as cross-referencing what I've obtained from Nova with Jeanne's, I will tune the cellular regeneration systems to speed up their recovery.  It will take a bit longer for Cyndi as I've not worked on a lot of lupines, but the biology is similar to vulpines."       

Rino was next on the list, but her procedure was completed rather quickly as internal damage was kept to a minimum.  The injury was stabilized and the bones reattached, she would need o rest in order for them to fully knit back together.

After that, the vixen's attention was turned towards Knight.  She laid him back, performed a full body scan and determined her course of action, "you are very lucky Eric.  There is a lot of damage, but nothing will cause any lasting problems for you.  I will have to put you under for the majority of the operation.  As soon as we tune the cellular regenerators, you should be up and back on duty very quickly.  I'm starting the anesthetic, so please relax and leave everything to me."

Knight was quickly asleep and a local was also applied to the area and the process of repairing damaged tissue and bone began.  No complications were recorded and the feline's entire system was scoured just as the others', though the injury remained for the time being, repaired and healing.

The two Acadian cubs did not heed Nova, but instead helped direct her overly helpful energy in the right directions.  Nova seemed a very energetic and emotional being, but Loki knew that such energies were dangerous if not moderated. 

"Nova... I'm fine; we are all going to be fine.  Cynthia is taking care of everyone so be careful.  Put the armor over to the side and make sure Jaice is comfortable.  His ankle is pretty bad, but we can take care of that easily."  Loki instructed as he helped around the room.  The small fox collected Knight's armor and stored it in the appropriate area for each patient.

Aaron was as helpful as he could be, storing equipment, monitoring readouts as directed by Cynthia or her projection.  He was even regulated to manually using his finger to hold aside a lupine internal bit as Cynthia sealed and closed up various things inside Cyndi.  The experience was entirely educational, rather messy and smelly, but one hundred percent helpful.  Despite being an AI, she had a better bedside manner and presence in surgery better than many flesh and blood doctors.

Command Center

At Naz's query, Mother brought up a holographic representation of the fighter that was damaged.  She indicated the damaged systems in red, structural in blue and armor in green.

"The damage is not severe, I can replicate the necessary parts from storage, but we should consider recycling as much wreckage from the pirates' vehicles as soon as we win here.  I'll need about an hour to finish the repairs."  She spoke in a normal tone as she indicated repair tasks by schedule for her maintenance systems to handle on the fighter.

The remaining fighters were fueled and rearmed.  They were ready for whatever action would be needed of them.

Meanwhile, in the field of battle, the pirates finally were backed into a corner.  Out-maneuvered and out-gunned, the remaining leadership threw up the white flag and disarmed themselves of their weapons.

"Our leader wishes to discuss your terms with your commander."  A terrier canine pirate relayed to the lead Acadian robot.

Alexis raised an eyebrow and regarded Mother and Naz, "I shall alert Aaron of this."

The vulpine major received a mental message, Oh Aaron, this is Alexis.  The pirates wish to... parley.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aerial Sniper Position
Romulus didn't know what to think as he saw he was moving but didn't feel the sensation of moving. He looked over at Alex.
"Things just keeps getting weirder"
Once they landed Romulus clicked his radio on.
"This is Romulus, Alex and I are at the door. We'll offer cover as long as we stay here"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Medical Center

Aaron had taken off the glove and was washing his hands off after manually adjusting internal bits of Cyndi.  He gets the message for Alexis and replies out loud, "Excellent.  I do..." Aaron blehed, and send back a mental message, Excellent.  I do wish they would have done so a bit sooner, but no matter.  Where are these talkative pirates?.

He was trying to keep with a theme of replying in the same mode that he was addressed in.  Aaron's HUD was updated with new information that came in the form of a way point.  He wondered if he should bring anyone with him.  He figured the Acadian battle bots on site should be sufficient for protection.  Before heading off he sends a message to Cynthia, I'm off to talk with pirates.  Everyone else should stay with you and help out.

Aaron gathers up the carbine he neglected to fire and head out of Mother.  On his way out he saw the decloaked ship with Romulus and Alex and maybe Ana.  He figured he would go up to them to at least say hi to the new stranger.  While she may have gotten some of the strike team, she didn't kill them and turned around and helped out Romulus and Alex.  That made her a reasonably nice person in his book.

"Ah, Romulus.  Good to see you.  You should know that the pirates have offered to parlay, so hopefully hostilities should be over.  Still, keep an eye out in case someone didn't get the message."
The All Purpose Fox


Med Center

With no complaints to give, the spotted feline quickly found himself into the comfortable black numbness of an anesthetized sleep.  He was unsure of how long he was actually out, but at some point his mind became warm, fuzzy and groggy.

Between the after-effects of the sedative and the quiet background, Knight found himself in a restful, if dreamless sleep.  At some point he could almost feel Saioko's concern, and he swore he could tell she was watching him.  As the fuzzy thoughts bounce around his head, he decided that he couldn't tell if it was the edge of reality, or a dream.  Given the warm, relaxed, if somewhat hazy feeling he was currently experiencing, the lieutenant laid in bed and let the machines do their thing.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Outside Mother
Romulus looked at Aaron came out and told him what was going on.
"Sounds interesting. What do we want from them though?"
Romulus then turned to Alex.
"Stay here and cover Mother. I'll be cover the Major"
Romulus then shouldered his rifle and looks at Aaron.
"Any idea where the meeting will take place?"
Romulus then looked over at Ana.
"Oh Major this is Ana. The friend I made I told you about over the radio"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Medical Center

"Oh Of course, Cynthia is taking care of everyone...?!  We should be helping with basic nursing and care for the less wounded.  And Where is Aaron going?  The major looks dead on his feet and he shouldn't be going out.  I am going to get some sandwiches and refreshments for those, who need something to eat." says the catgirl.   She goes towards the galley for food for anyone who still awake.   



"What do we want from them?  Their guns and comm gear of course.  Can't do what we need to with pirates looking over our shoulders."

Aaron turned to look at the vixen Romulus has just introduced.

"Ah Ana.  The very same one Romulus threatened to marry earlier?"  And for good reason it seemed.  She was rather cute, and it was rare that Aaron ever saw a fox with darker fur then his, but it seemed to fit her right.

"I am Aaron, Major Aaron Brown.  I would love to stay and talk further, but the pirates have offered to parlay so I need to talk with them."
The All Purpose Fox


Medical Center

Cynthia finished up the last of her patients and ran a few last minute checks.  Both critical patients were stable, and comfortably sedated.  Natural recovery would take quite a bit of time, but none were in danger of dying at this point.  The cellular regeneration would take a while to calibrate as Cynthia demanded no less than one hundred percent accuracy without any abnormalities.

Satisfied that the medical equipment could take it from here, she began issuing orders to those she had drafted for medical aid.  A medical area would be setup outside the ship for evaluation and treatment.  For security reasons, none would be allowed on the ship except in the direst of cases.  Equipment was carried outside in preparation.

The Mindscape

Knight reclined comfortably in a soft chair within a plain room containing no doors.  It really did not matter his surroundings, the snow cat was busy reviewing his mission and possibly taking personal responsibility for all that went wrong, possibly not, but the intruding pink haired feline did not have such insight.

Saioko entered without using a door, drifting through the walls like a specter.  She took up the cushion next to him, but had not happened to catch his attention, deep in thought as he was.  Her tail whipped about like a demented little pendulum as she leaned over and gave Knight a big kiss.  That should get his attention.

Galley and back to Medical center

The sandwiches were already made and waiting for pickup.  Despite the offerings, most of the mobile team members did not partake.  Battlefield trauma can be quite gruesome and for a few, this would be their first time.  Jaice did partake of a nice meaty sandwich, but then he wasn't going anywhere.  The fox kits had a few sandwiches and some juice, their corporeal forms required energy just like any normal vulpine and food was one of the primary means of obtaining it.

Outside Mother

Ana smiled wryly at Aaron, "Anastasia Tescrae is my full name, and you sir appear to be Acadian... after a fashion, at least a half-breed because you are grey of fur." 

She offered her hand to shake and gave a very firm grip that belied her slight and thin frame.  Aaron felt something wet and sticky in his hand and realized it was blood. 

"Squid, sorry about that... the feline with the broken ribs shot me in the arm, accidentally.  I should have it looked at eventually.  However, for now, I'll accompany you as you'll need my help with them.  I'm a mercenary and more used to dealing with scum and villainy then an ISF science officer."  Replied Ana as she eyed his branch designator on his armor.

Not apparently going to take no for an answer, the vixen followed alongside Aaron as the three of them walked to the location where some of the security bots had brought the pirate negotiators.

"Major, these individuals wish to discuss your terms for their surrender.  I have advised them of unconditional surrender, but they do not seem comfortable taking such terms from a mechanical entity."  The robot indicated an average sized human of black skin color as well as an imposing ermine that Aaron recognizes from the view Mother gave them of the pirate base.*

Ana whistled, "awww, it talks and such a commanding voice.  I want one!"

"My apologies.  We are not available. "

"darn, I could do so much with someone like you."  Ana stated, a bit dejected.

The human cleared his throat and spoke with a strong, though slightly high voice, "um, excuse me.  Could we get to the negotiation part?"

The ermine merely grunted, looking imposing and proud.

*As mentioned in this post.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"