So, you're sick - What to do ?

Started by Anker Steadfast, March 01, 2010, 12:49:14 AM

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If you are truly interested in wasting hours at a time on absolutely nothing but pure entertainment... I offer the undisputedly most addicting site the web has to offer


Quote from: Scow2 on March 03, 2010, 03:52:44 PM
If you are truly interested in wasting hours at a time on absolutely nothing but pure entertainment... I offer the undisputedly most addicting site the web has to offer

Seconded. This site ruined my life only about six months ago, and it is already the predominant site I go on internet-wise. I tend to trope-speak even in regular life by now.

If you need help getting addicted to TV Tropes, the best starter page, in my opinion, is the Tropes of Legend page. Link here:

Then, if you're not already WikiWalking (Link: by the time you're through most of the Tropes of Legend, here's the DMFA page in TV Tropes:

Enjoy the next four hours on TV Tropes! ^.^


Havent read too many webcomics regularly for a while, but some of the ones i do follow:
MSPaint Adventures - Comics actually done in photoshop (and recently flash) but that try to emulate the style of mspaint. Reading the Problem Sleuth series in its entirety could take a few days. Homestuck, the newest series, is beginning to annoy me a bit, but its still pretty good. Leans a bit towards NSFW for a lot of swearing and some cartoony gore in Problem Sleuth.

Pictures for Sad Children - Starts off as a story about a ghost, drops that after a bit and mainly does single comics that are pretty strange.

Gunshow -  Random joke comics, and a couple small stories mixed in. It gets kind of morbid at times and generally gets a bit gross here and there, just as a caution.
One week in air, two weeks in water, two weeks in water, eight weeks in ground.

Chakat Blackspots

I read a ton of comics here, some have been already listed.  So these are what I read:
Already mentioned comics:
Peter is the Wolf, I read the adult version though  Las Lindas, FreeFall, and Houspets

Comics not mentioned by others (and are currently active)
Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures  We all know what this comic is about, heh.

WapsiSquare A PG comic, the main character is a busty mexican girl who has her own Aztecan demons inside her.  A recent arc just ended dealing with the Aztec Calendar machine which ended with them destroying it.

The Magnificent Milkmaid - Rating: R.  WLP Comic.  The main character fights evil villians by drinking milk and transforming into a very busty crime fighter and the "fights" involve mainly subduing the villians by sexual means
The Chocolate Milkmaid - Rating: R.  WLP Comic.  Same as above, except the main here is black.
Misadventures of Chi-Chi Chan - Rating: R.  WLP Comic.  Main character is a short, chibi Japanese girl with really huge characters.  Name of comic is basically all that needs to be said.

Poisoined Minds - PG or PG13, two different alternating storylines mainly dealing with a troop on a floating city, the other is basically the daily life of a group of friends.

Carry On - PG or PG13.  Centered around a family of Hyenas, which closely attempts to follow the hierarchical family structure, with the younger generation that doesn't follow said structure.  Set in the future (around 2066)

Stalag 99 - PG or PG13.  Comic set in the future with an alien race of polymorph furs that live on Earth.  --> About Stalag 99

The Whiteboard - Just started reading this comic today, so I don't particularly know what its about.  The Whiteboard Wiki

Original Life - PG:  Done by the famous Jay Naylor (who does R rated art and comics), this comic centers around a family who's dad does secret gov't assassination work.

Ctrl-Al-Del Comic - Used to follow this website when it only dealt with computer hardware.  It went defunct, and the url was bought by someone else and is now a comic centered around gaming

Dueling Analogs - Another webcomic centered around gaming.

Finders Keepers - PG/PG13  Mainly deals with the Mythos

The Wotch - Sort of deals with weres and wizards, transformation and transgendering (Ka-change, Ka-girl)

Three Walls Tavern - used to be called Crap Comics, artist draws stick figures and has a random storyline

Cross Time Cafe - G - Characters from other comics come together and mingle without affecting the storylines of their representative comics (FreeFall, Carry On, Freighter Tails, 21st Century Fox, and other random characters)

Project Future  No description needed since we all know about this one

VG Cats  Yet another webcomic based around gaming.  Main characters are cats.

Cats N Cameras - PG13/R - Centered around a group of friends, with one artist ending the current arc and some new artists will be coming in to continue.  Comic mainly deals with them working at a photoshoot studio.  Also, characters are a mix of humans and furries coexisting in the same universe.

Slightly Damned Just started reading this comic, so I don't know everything about it yet.  Characters are a mix of mythos, furries and human.

The Stone of Adventure PG-R.  Several different comics on this website, from a Final Fantasy based comic to a one off comic where a news reporter increases her breasts to a gigantic size to report on a new fashion fad among women to increase their breasts to epic sizes.

The FoxFire Chronicles We all know what this webcomic is about.

Pawn  Human girl teams up with a demon and have many epic misadventures

21st Century Fox  Comic set in the future (2066) and all the animals still follow the typical chain of command of nature


Got a few comic recommendations that no one's mentioned yet:

Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name - If you're not reading this comic, do yourself a favor and start doing so. It's about a guy named Hanna who works as a paranormal investigator (but he's not terribly good at it), narrated by a guy who died ten years ago and ends up being his partner. It's got absolutely wonderful art, great characters, and the story's awesome. Great use of typography, too. ;D

Nedroid Picture Diary - The very funny and absurd adventures of Beartato and Reginald are a must read. The Livejournal Mirror has other bonus content as well.

Hark, A Vagrant! - Probably the funniest history comic you'll ever read (though it touches other topics as well). Kate Beaton has a great unique and flowy style of art too.


Quote from: kusanagi-sama on March 03, 2010, 09:35:49 PMSlightly Damned Just started reading this comic, so I don't know everything about it yet.  Characters are a mix of mythos, furries and human.

Very yes! Personally I find this to be a definite must read for everyone  :3


Quote from: Sind on March 04, 2010, 01:13:40 PM
Very yes! Personally I find this to be a definite must read for everyone  :3

Yes.  So depressing, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 04, 2010, 02:04:24 PM
Quote from: Sind on March 04, 2010, 01:13:40 PM
Very yes! Personally I find this to be a definite must read for everyone  :3

Yes.  So depressing, though.

Well, if you get depressed, have some cuteness. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on March 04, 2010, 03:09:46 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 04, 2010, 02:04:24 PM
Quote from: Sind on March 04, 2010, 01:13:40 PM
Very yes! Personally I find this to be a definite must read for everyone  :3

Yes.  So depressing, though.

Well, if you get depressed, have some cuteness. :)

Actually, Slightly Damned is WAY more cute than that link, but I'd be damned if the latest ark isn't depressing  :<


Quote from: Bjalf on March 02, 2010, 05:53:10 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 02, 2010, 03:47:19 PM
I'm disappointed in you, Bjalf. I read somewhere in the region of 300 or so. :-/

Well, I've been busy getting all the Plants vs. Zombies achievements. Now I've got the full set!

I have to warn you, though. Do not play that game! It's evil! It sucks you in and devours all your free time, and then some.

And if Amber should start playing that game, the next update will be around Halloween. 2012.

There's a zom-bie on the laaa-aaawn... There's a zom-bie on the laaa-aaawn... We don't want zom-bies on the la-awn.
I know your type... Tall, dark, and dead. You want to bite... All the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here. (Refrain: Nooooooo!)

I never buy games from Steam, I just ordered it directly from Pop Cap.


I'm late to the party, so here's my three plus an appeal for help. -- Faux Pas is the story of Randy and his animal friends, most of whom were trained to be studio animal actors. Intelligent, great humor, and above all charming. -- The Dreamland Chronicles follows Alex and his return to a land full of elves, fairies, dragons, magic, and yes, a cat girl after a 12 year absense.  Now on Chapter 15 of 24. -- Giselle is the story of a teenage demon girl, seriously considering getting a job but more seriously loafing.  Lots of fun social commentary and character surprises.

The last one I found while on a trip but can't remember the name of it.  It's the story of a talking, more than slightly sarcastic female snake and the perplexed human man who lets it stay in his apartment.  Along with that is a male rat who lives in the walls and the awkward romantic tension between them.  5th grade art but first class writing. Probably more laughs per comic than any other web comic I've read.  Title is some sort of pun on snakes, I'm sure. 


Quote from: Sind on March 04, 2010, 04:59:09 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on March 04, 2010, 03:09:46 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 04, 2010, 02:04:24 PM
Quote from: Sind on March 04, 2010, 01:13:40 PM
Very yes! Personally I find this to be a definite must read for everyone  :3

Yes.  So depressing, though.

Well, if you get depressed, have some cuteness. :)

Actually, Slightly Damned is WAY more cute than that link, but I'd be damned if the latest ark isn't depressing  :<

Plus I read 'Bug' yesterday, and Furry Experience before that! GRAH! TOOOOO MUCH WEBCOMIC!


Well, if you're just looking for something cute to pass the time, and we're not sticking to webcomics... voila.  :3


Back on the issue of passing time... how about some -extremely awesome- super-high quality animated videos, by the Furry fandom's own Tirrel/Cerberus?
1. Absolute best animated music video I've ever seen:
2. Short animated story:
And several more on his FA page.
I have to say, its some of the best animation I've -ever- seen, and hands-down the best flash work I've seen.

Of course, thats another fun pastime: Going through peoples FA and DA pages - for example, what about Missmab's, or Turnsky's, or Tom(TwoKinds author)'s etc...

Comic wise, what about DreamKeepers - Both a webcomic, and an actual indie graphic novel(which are excellent, BTW

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


What, no mention of Ursula Vernon's Digger? as it reaches its climax? Digger is the story of a wombat who doesn't want anything to do with magic, gods, or vampiric vegetables. Guess how well that turns out. Vernon's art and sense of humour make Digger into one of my favourite webcomics.

Another classy bit of work is Lackadaisy by Tracey J. Butler. Lackadaisy's art is superb, its characters are charming, and it's set in 1920s St. Louis. For those of you not in the know, that means rum-running, swing dancing, and flappers doing their thing. This is among the best comics out there.

And for a change of pace, ladies and germs, I present to you hiimdaisy's comics! If you are a fan of any of the video game series listed in the tags (most notably Metal Gear, Ace Attorney, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Persona), then these will probably kill you with delight. Unless you take your games seriously or something, in which case you are a silly person.

There, that's two plot-based comics with humour involved and one link to a handful of hilarious game parodies. :V And by echoing the recommendations for Gunnerkrigg Court, Pictures for Sad Children, and Hark! A Vagrant, I've effectively listed all of my favourite webcomics in this post.
/kicks the internet over




Quote from: Drayco84 on March 04, 2010, 05:17:42 PM
I never buy games from Steam, I just ordered it directly from Pop Cap.

PvZ was 38% cheaper on Steam    :)


This was actually pretty hard to narrow down. :U *lame* ANYWAY I will warn you if it happens to cater to my more... eccentric... interests.

Sebastian and the Beast, one of my fangirl obsessions. It's VERY pretty, the characters are interesting and distinct, and the plot and worldbuilding are very good, but keep in mind that I found it through a IJ comm called Takoyaoi Love. Don't worry, there's nothing bad there... yet. Besides fangirls. Updates every Thursday, for those interested.

Darths&Droids: Otherwise known as quite possibly the best Star Wars based comic EVER. It's absolutely hilarious, and THEY MADE JAR-JAR LIKEABLE. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday, and I think Sunday. :) It's kinda like DM of the Rings, only better.

And my computer is starting to hate this post, so I'm stopping. Stupid computer.


Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Robbychu on March 05, 2010, 11:39:40 AM
This was actually pretty hard to narrow down. :U *lame* ANYWAY I will warn you if it happens to cater to my more... eccentric... interests.

Sebastian and the Beast, one of my fangirl obsessions. It's VERY pretty, the characters are interesting and distinct, and the plot and worldbuilding are very good, but keep in mind that I found it through a IJ comm called Takoyaoi Love. Don't worry, there's nothing bad there... yet. Besides fangirls. Updates every Thursday, for those interested.

Say, that comic does look interesting. :)

ack ... you linked to TV tropes!!!

*is promptly lost in a wiki walk*


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on March 05, 2010, 02:12:19 PM
Quote from: Robbychu on March 05, 2010, 11:39:40 AM
This was actually pretty hard to narrow down. :U *lame* ANYWAY I will warn you if it happens to cater to my more... eccentric... interests.

Sebastian and the Beast, one of my fangirl obsessions. It's VERY pretty, the characters are interesting and distinct, and the plot and worldbuilding are very good, but keep in mind that I found it through a IJ comm called Takoyaoi Love. Don't worry, there's nothing bad there... yet. Besides fangirls. Updates every Thursday, for those interested.

Say, that comic does look interesting. :)

ack ... you linked to TV tropes!!!

*is promptly lost in a wiki walk*




to say ,i have wasted enormous amounts of time on NationStates ( which started when i had swine flu in october, was in quarantene for a week and was too tired +fever to do anything.
As far as webcomics go , my order of preference

Questionable Content
Piled Higher & Deeper
Geek Hero  - i like to read this one in batches
Simulated Comic Product - it ended but there are the archives - i would say occasionally way better than XKCD, but less regularly updated, so it ranks lower. BTW the guy is doing new stuff now
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


DMFA, obvs, but other than that we've got:
No Rest For The Wicked - irregular updates, but every page is worth it. Wonderful bastard-amalgamation of fairytales such as the Princess and the Pea, Puss in Boots, Red Riding Hood and the Girl with No Hands. (Red is wonderful.)
Lackadaisy - although it was already mentioned, and rightfully so. This is some of the best artwork I've ever seen, and every time I see someone in a Zoot suit I feel much happier. Terrific storytelling, too, charming characters.
DrowTales - the update schedule is very quick, I love Kern's artwork and the improvement he has achieved is astounding, and good god the pages that are produced are stunning. I like the world he has set up too, although the political scenes drag a lot. (He says he'll fix that.) Mel'arnach is a great character.
Earthsong - the story has been dragging a bit, but Lady Yates has been sticking to her schedule remarkably well even though she just gave birth to her second son. I've been following this webcomic for a long time and the art is wonderful. Lady Yates's art has just been improving and improving and improving.

I wish Jay Naylor brought back New Worlds; it was the only one of his webcomics I actually liked. Too bad he discontinued it. :<


Gunshow and PFSC got mentioned by someone, but Horribleville, which is finished, is also worth mentioning. best humor comic out there when it was active

70 Seas is a Cool Comic! read it


I would suggest Catena Manor - a great funny comic about a bunch of cats living in the same building, each being their own sort of weirdo :)

And although it was mentioned Least I Could Do - super comedy updated daily, a must see!


Well most of what I read is already here but here's a few more:

First of CVRPG we all know this one.
Next up is Furfire , the story of a half humain half fierwolf, who is the last of the Furmentals. It's a good comic but it hasn't updated in a few monts now.
And last but not least What do you do , a RPG parody tipe comic. It works similarry to a RPG because it folows the dissions of the readers, so what you say can matter. It's a halarious comic and it ceurently updates every 12H. It also contains several animated scenes for more laughts.