
Started by Techcubi, November 29, 2009, 11:07:44 AM

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Ok, let me ask a question.....Are Hollows actually without brains, or, do they have brains, but, are more or less like vegetables?


I'm pretty sure that hollows have brains  :< just they lack the will (and the soul) to do anything. All the physical hardware should be there.
Et Manu Et Corde - With hand and with heart


Hollows are completely mindless, according to what I recall of what Amber said in the discussion thread.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Quote from: LionHeart on November 29, 2009, 11:15:05 AM
Hollows are completely mindless, according to what I recall of what Amber said in the discussion thread.

Isn't the term 'mindless' often used for things that are living, but not really sentient?


The dividing line and link between the mind and soul is very much a gray area in terms of DMFA canon.

In Tapewolf's stories, he considers the soul to basically be a back-up for the mind.  If you transplant the soul, you transplant the individual's personality and memories along with it, which is all the mind basically is.

In my stories, I consider the mind able to affect the soul it creates.  In other words, if the person gets amnesia or dementia, the soul does as well, to the point that it no longer becomes sentient.

Until Amber says how exactly the mind and soul are dependent on each other, we're pretty much left to make our own canon in that department.

Heck, we don't even know what happens when someone sells their soul to a higher power in the DMFA universe, or if that's even possible at all.

BTW, your title totally made me think of the hollows from the Bleach anime/manga for a second. xD

Icon by Sunblink


You know, in the Crossbreeding six thread, apparently noone bothered to think of this, but, what if someone used TECH to make a hollow sentient? I might get shot for asking this, but, hey, if it can't be fixed with magic, why not fix it with something that's equally soulless, in a way?


Quote from: Techcubi on November 29, 2009, 12:21:00 PM
You know, in the Crossbreeding six thread, apparently noone bothered to think of this, but, what if someone used TECH to make a hollow sentient? I might get shot for asking this, but, hey, if it can't be fixed with magic, why not fix it with something that's equally soulless, in a way?

you would then have a meat robot with an expiration date
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Just nevermind.....I had an interesting idea, but, apparently, what my idea was was actually just pure stupidity...

Amber Williams

In some ways I regret mentioning the Hollows. 

I admittedly overlooked the basic human nature where someone will see something that has a very definate vibe and go "how can I fix it?" or "how can I find a loophole?".

The biggest thing to consider though is that hollows incredibly, incredibly, incredibliiiiiiiie....uncommon.  Like mega-uncommon.  In the sense that there hasn't actually been one in a few hundred thousand years uncommon.  The only reason I mentioned them was to sort of showcase what would happen, not to imply that they happen all that often.

The other thing to consider is that at least one side of their family is Fae, and one would be very veeeeery hard-pressed at finding a Fae who would willingly let someone experiment or tinker on their offspring.  Even with best intents in mind, to ask that of a Fae would probably be like asking them to drop a house on you.  If a hollow was to come about, odds are they would be secluded away into the Fae realm.  As for the denizens of Furrae, they probably have no idea that such a result could even happen.  The information regarding hollows is something really only the Fae and the readers know of.

The issue of the hollows is a very sore spot for the Fae. If only because it is a stark reminder that even though they have the power to do astounding things...there are a few rules that even they have to abide by, and there is no wiggling out of them.  Much like a lot of people, the Fae would be utterly thrilled if there was a way to loophole the hollow situation. But the universe don't play that game.


I figured that there wouldn't be any shortcuts like soul creation. But it does make me wonder, can hollows be created between two Fae?

Amber Williams

The thing to keep in mind with Fae is that they don't actually have children in any normal sense of the word. Their actual reproduction is more asexual than anything.  There doesn't even have to be a second parent or even sex at all for there to be a child.

The closest thing to two fae having a child is when they both go in on a single fae soul and combine their own traits onto it before it is formed. But even that requires a soul to begin with...which requires a previous fae no longer existing.

In the uttermost theory of theories it may be possible for a hollow to be made between two Fae. But no fae would go along with such a concept.  Generally the only reason a hollow happens is because the Fae offer a boon to a person and the person requests to have the Faes child without realizing what they are actually asking.  Its the grim aspect of the faerie tales I guess one could say.


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 29, 2009, 04:32:47 PMGenerally the only reason a hollow happens is because the Fae offer a boon to a person and the person requests to have the Faes child without realizing what they are actually asking.

Ah, that's the vital bit I was missing. It's like the "be careful what you wish for" only with the result giving as much pain to the one who grants the wish as the one who receives it.

Incidentally, I've heard people say your work really shows Fae in their more original light represented by the classic fairy tales. I'm not sure as most of my knowledge of them comes from Romeo and Juliet and Disnyfied sources which I hear are nothing like the original. Have you read many of the original fairy tales?


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 29, 2009, 12:43:40 PM
In some ways I regret mentioning the Hollows. 

I admittedly overlooked the basic human nature where someone will see something that has a very definate vibe and go "how can I fix it?" or "how can I find a loophole?".

The biggest thing to consider though is that hollows incredibly, incredibly, incredibliiiiiiiie....uncommon.  Like mega-uncommon.  In the sense that there hasn't actually been one in a few hundred thousand years uncommon.  The only reason I mentioned them was to sort of showcase what would happen, not to imply that they happen all that often.

The other thing to consider is that at least one side of their family is Fae, and one would be very veeeeery hard-pressed at finding a Fae who would willingly let someone experiment or tinker on their offspring.  Even with best intents in mind, to ask that of a Fae would probably be like asking them to drop a house on you.  If a hollow was to come about, odds are they would be secluded away into the Fae realm.  As for the denizens of Furrae, they probably have no idea that such a result could even happen.  The information regarding hollows is something really only the Fae and the readers know of.

The issue of the hollows is a very sore spot for the Fae. If only because it is a stark reminder that even though they have the power to do astounding things...there are a few rules that even they have to abide by, and there is no wiggling out of them.  Much like a lot of people, the Fae would be utterly thrilled if there was a way to loophole the hollow situation. But the universe don't play that game.

the only way i can see how one could "fix" a hollow is to make some sort of morbid marionette out of them... remember "Weekend at Bernies"?

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on November 29, 2009, 07:52:49 PM

the only way i can see how one could "fix" a hollow is to make some sort of morbid marionette out of them... remember "Weekend at Bernies"?

Unless it causes all of existences to implode, I wonder if you could transfuse a soul from another living being into that of the hollow.  Would have to take someone either really evil or desperate to do so.


Quote from: seuta on November 29, 2009, 08:28:01 PM
Quote from: Turnsky on November 29, 2009, 07:52:49 PM

the only way i can see how one could "fix" a hollow is to make some sort of morbid marionette out of them... remember "Weekend at Bernies"?

Unless it causes all of existences to implode, I wonder if you could transfuse a soul from another living being into that of the hollow.  Would have to take someone either really evil or desperate to do so.
A Cubi might try that... But, unless he/she could get around the whole "21-year-age-limit" problem, it would be far easier to just grab a Being.

Quote from: Amber Williams on November 29, 2009, 12:43:40 PM
In some ways I regret mentioning the Hollows. 

I admittedly overlooked the basic human nature where someone will see something that has a very definate vibe and go "how can I fix it?" or "how can I find a loophole?".

The biggest thing to consider though is that hollows incredibly, incredibly, incredibliiiiiiiie....uncommon.  Like mega-uncommon.  In the sense that there hasn't actually been one in a few hundred thousand years uncommon.  The only reason I mentioned them was to sort of showcase what would happen, not to imply that they happen all that often.

The other thing to consider is that at least one side of their family is Fae, and one would be very veeeeery hard-pressed at finding a Fae who would willingly let someone experiment or tinker on their offspring.  Even with best intents in mind, to ask that of a Fae would probably be like asking them to drop a house on you.  If a hollow was to come about, odds are they would be secluded away into the Fae realm.  As for the denizens of Furrae, they probably have no idea that such a result could even happen.  The information regarding hollows is something really only the Fae and the readers know of.

The issue of the hollows is a very sore spot for the Fae. If only because it is a stark reminder that even though they have the power to do astounding things...there are a few rules that even they have to abide by, and there is no wiggling out of them.  Much like a lot of people, the Fae would be utterly thrilled if there was a way to loophole the hollow situation. But the universe don't play that game.
For some reason, I see this topic cropping up every few months for years - Every time the topic dies down, new users see the HG page, etc.
The only solutions I can see to are:
1. Put a post about this topic on the relevant HG page.
2. Somehow retcon/tweak the whole issue until it doesn't trigger that vibe.

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 29, 2009, 10:18:56 PM2. Somehow retcon/tweak the whole issue until it doesn't trigger that vibe.

Yeah Robbie, Amber's really going to change something she obviously put thought and time into just because it causes some consternation with the fans.


Yeah Sofox, she totally wouldn't do it just so she didn't have to answer these questions all the time either.  Or on a whim.  Or to spite you for saying that.  Never. ;-]

Roach Lord

I wonder if Dan is going to mention the reason he called her out on a date... and what Matilda will do to him if he does.


Quote from: Roach Lord on November 30, 2009, 12:04:56 AM
I wonder if Dan is going to mention the reason he called her out on a date... and what Matilda will do to him if he does.

Wrong thread.


Quote from: seuta on November 29, 2009, 08:28:01 PM
Unless it causes all of existences to implode, I wonder if you could transfuse a soul from another living being into that of the hollow.  Would have to take someone either really evil or desperate to do so.

No, this has already been thought of.  The only way to transfer the soul is magic and you cannot cast spells on a Hollow as they are magic-immune.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: seuta on November 29, 2009, 08:28:01 PM
Quote from: Turnsky on November 29, 2009, 07:52:49 PM

the only way i can see how one could "fix" a hollow is to make some sort of morbid marionette out of them... remember "Weekend at Bernies"?

Unless it causes all of existences to implode, I wonder if you could transfuse a soul from another living being into that of the hollow.  Would have to take someone either really evil or desperate to do so.

if memory serves, Hollows are significantly resistant to magics..

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 29, 2009, 12:43:40 PM
In some ways I regret mentioning the Hollows. 

I admittedly overlooked the basic human nature where someone will see something that has a very definate vibe and go "how can I fix it?" or "how can I find a loophole?".

The biggest thing to consider though is that hollows incredibly, incredibly, incredibliiiiiiiie....uncommon.  Like mega-uncommon.  In the sense that there hasn't actually been one in a few hundred thousand years uncommon.  The only reason I mentioned them was to sort of showcase what would happen, not to imply that they happen all that often.

The other thing to consider is that at least one side of their family is Fae, and one would be very veeeeery hard-pressed at finding a Fae who would willingly let someone experiment or tinker on their offspring.  Even with best intents in mind, to ask that of a Fae would probably be like asking them to drop a house on you.  If a hollow was to come about, odds are they would be secluded away into the Fae realm.  As for the denizens of Furrae, they probably have no idea that such a result could even happen.  The information regarding hollows is something really only the Fae and the readers know of.

The issue of the hollows is a very sore spot for the Fae. If only because it is a stark reminder that even though they have the power to do astounding things...there are a few rules that even they have to abide by, and there is no wiggling out of them.  Much like a lot of people, the Fae would be utterly thrilled if there was a way to loophole the hollow situation. But the universe don't play that game.

Wouldn't the creation of the Mows have the Fae's taking notice of  a method of creating life from them with out the child ending up like the Hollows then?

Even though it might be of a three percent I.Q..
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.