Gay marriage

Started by thegayhare, November 03, 2009, 11:36:38 PM

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If one wnats to get techincal, the Humane Society and the SPCA/ASPCA are Animal Welfare groups. This differs from Animal righst grouops in the sense that while they do want to ease the suffering of animals people using animals as pets, entertainmnet, food, etc. are okay.

Then again, I don't take PeTA or any 'animal rights' group seriously. And since PeTA has tried getting me to stop eating fish be renaming fish "Sea Kittens" i can now eat kittens by renaming them "Land Fish".
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts



I must say I ment this to be a thread about  voting day, and if there were any interestig votes

But I guess since My own post was about the gay marraige refferendum it's understandable.  Anyway I felt the thread name should be changed to reflect the trend

Anyway I'd like to mention something.

Gay rights were on the ballot in two states
Maine, and Washington state.

Maine was the one where it was full marriage rights
Washington was the Everything but marriage law which expanded the domestic partnership rights.

Now I don't want to get into the debate on the seperate but equal thing but I'd like to piont out something

Here in maine the add said that gays didn't need marriage because they can just work with existing partnership laws...

However the same national groups that funded the antigay measures dumped just as much money into the fight agaust the measure in washington to do just that.

A lot of folks say that just because they are against Marraige equality they arn't anti gay.  but how does that work when people who suport the so called traditional marraige do something like this.

Funeral rights bill

Not only do Homosexuals have to wait a year before they can become "Domestic partners"  (which has a tiny fraction of the rights a straight couple could get in one night in vegas) but now should the worst happen we aren't even allowed to decide how out loved ones should be buried because some how the "one year time period is not a sufficient duration to establish a serious bond between two individuals." but some how the aforementioned one night stand in vegas gets to decide this and more

people bitch and moan that some how gay marriage is taking rights away from churches,  who the laws state are never obligated to preform them, or some how damaging straight marriage

but if you look at whats happened, and these arn't hypothetical situations the funeral rights bill came about because a Rhode Island man was unable to retrieve the body of his late partner from the state medical examiner for weeks because they weren't allowed to be married

Or look at the case in Florida where a touristing lesbian collapsed and the hospital informed her partner and her children that since this was an antigay state they weren't allowed to visit her in the hospital.  Her family was forced to sit in the lobby while there loved one died.  They couldn't say good bye they couldn't huge there loved one one last time because some how protects straight marriages