Voice actor of Optimus Prime in the upcoming Transformers movie confirmed!

Started by LigerJet, July 21, 2006, 10:35:00 PM

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Ah... evil ninja poster!  :mowninja

Yeah, Peter Cullen was the original (generation 1) voice of Optimus Prime.

I'm hoping for a funny outtake of him complaining about the new paint job. :mowhappy

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


What new paint job? *out of the loop when it comes to movie info*
But a very nice choice indeed. :)


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Skype Name: Karaius


I doubt this is the movie version but

I thought it would be a cool to compare the original prime with the newest one I found.


Why does it look to me like the new Optimus Prime has power pasties?  Or at the very least, Guyver chest-cannons.


Hmm maybe I should do an old vs new duel between the primes.  I think the new optimus mesh has one animation the older one didn't and thats dancing.

Any other transformers you wanna see?
I've got a ton of transformers  Only a few new models like optimus though. and thats megatron, bumble bee, and starscream.

But I've got tons of transformers from Grimlok of the dinobots, to Devestator, soundwave "and all his tapes" 


I'm not kidding, I could totally see him ripping back the bars there and blinding the evil Decipticons with the power of breastbound headlights.

As for the duel, that sounds like an amusing proposition.  Just go with whatever you like.  'sides, the TFs that I happened to like were too obscure anyway.


LOL  you've got a point... course when he spent an incarnation as a fire truck Prim could shoot lazers out of his flashing lights,  so having him hit the highbeams on his chestplat doesn't seem that far out

come on give me a name I might suprise you

and I think I'll start the duel tomarrow...

I'll run fights between all the WWtransformers and the orriginals


You asked for it, so don't say I didn't warn you.  I tend to like the utterly weird members of the Transformers cast.  That and I'm definitely oldschool and I might have to research a bit for this since I didn't really watch much past the early years and whilst I remember certain faces or names, I can't pin them appropriately - so this post might take a while.

Soundwave and his casettes were a firm favourite.  There were a great many casettes throughout the years but Rumble and Laserbeak were firm favourites (I didn't care much for the less interesting ones that appeared on the scene later).

The Insecticons always stood out as particularly nifty.  Kickback was the best of them.

Astrotrain because he was a bloody train and I adore trains.

The Predacons had a few nifty members within their ranks.  I particularly liked them because they were like animé robots before I knew what animé was.  One of them (I can't remember exactly which) reminds me of Gaogaigar.  The two I liked best of those were Razorclaw and Rampage.

Continuing the trend here, I recall that the Decipticons had a lot of cool feral transformers.

They had the best Headmasters, Mindwipe and Weirdwolf were awesome and of the Terrorcons I was particularly fond of Cutthroat and Hun-Gurrr.

I don't remember much after that, none of them looked familiar to me so I couldn't have watched much past that period.  So there you go.


Well I started making the pic before you edited it but by coincidance I had added Kickback anyway


I've got about seven predicons, 3 insects, and the dinobots, and a few other beast transformers.

I've got astrotrain too,  Ohh and the soundwave mesh has a nifty attack animation where he touches a button, his chest pops open and out flies lazerbeak for an attack

Hmm I don't have have any headmasters though...

sorry to ramble

but also because I am an evil evil bunny I felt I had to do this after playing with the animations...

I'm a bad bunny


Quote from: Rowne on July 23, 2006, 01:54:48 AM
Soundwave and his casettes were a firm favourite.  There were a great many casettes throughout the years but Rumble and Laserbeak were firm favourites (I didn't care much for the less interesting ones that appeared on the scene later).
Soundwave was the best. Laserbeak and especially Ravage were my fav tape-sidekicks, and I went "MWEEEEE" when I saw Ravage's camo appearance in Beast Wars :D

In train-related news:
Recently picked up the first issue of "TF: Hearts of Steel", which features Bumblebee as a locomotive :nod


Quote from: Sid on July 22, 2006, 07:20:16 AM
What new paint job? *out of the loop when it comes to movie info*

The leaked movie photo of Optimus was removed from the Ain't It Cool News page that broke the story, but I'm sure you can still google it. In a nutshell, he's been taking fashion advice from Rodimus and his truck form has been telling bigger lies than Pinocchio. The director's representatives more or less confirmed the authenticity of the photo and tried to defend their design changes.

Most of the hardcore fans were up in arms about it.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


*googles* Ahu... well, it's a nice truck... not quite what I would've expected from Optimus (I [heart] his Classic Form), but I guess I'll live. An Outtake would be priceless, though. :D

Is it known whether or not his trailer also magically disappears whenever he transforms? :3


TGH: Seems like you have quite a collection there, shame about the headmasters though because they were fascinating.  I spent many an hour wondering how Mindwipe's powers actually worked.  After all, was it a matter of transmitting a virus to the infectee?  In which case, why did it work on humans?  I put far too much thought into this stuff.

The primary image was a nice collage too.  Nice to see old Kickback again, he had such an interesting base form.  Though I oft found the base forms more interesting than the humanoid forms.

And that ... interesting little link at the very bottom?  I have to say, that's awful and yet very amusing at the same time.

Sid: Soundwave was the very definition of spiffy, he was the only one of both of the Autobots and Decepticons that acted akin to how I believed a machine should, at the time.  I was brought up on Doctor Who and my conceptions of machines to this day is that they'll pretty much sound like Steven Hawking or a talking clock.

Even the most recent Doctor Who, the finale, had [spoiler alert for those who haven't seen the end of season two, skip this paragraph] the Daleks facing off against the Cybermen in the most hilarious battle of all time.  Sound clips of "DEL-EEEEET!" and "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" were running rampant everywhere.

Good old Who, it always did have the most hilariously wonderful mechanical beasties.  Well, mostly mechanical anyway, a lot of them still had organic components.

And then there were the clockwork androids, which were the best robots of all time.  ... but I digress.

So Soundwave immediately appealed to me.  He was the Dalek or the Cyberman of the Transformers.

Ravage?  Hm, I might be mixing up Rumble with Ravage.  It's been a long while, you see.  A very long while (I'm getting on a bit now) and I haven't watched it in ages so my memory's not reliable.  I know it started with R, so I could easily mix up the two.  The one I'm thinking of was the more prominent of the two, the one that was used most frequently.

As for Beast Wars, Beast Wars was grand, truly grand, some of the best I've seen of the Transformers.  If only we had more of that.

Tezkat: This particular image?

Out-take: That would be funny.  I don't mind so much that he's had a makeover though.  Perhaps his original body was trashed and they had to rebuild him.  I don't mind this particular form of thinking because I'm used to it.  I'm used to watching very dynamic stuff that changes a lot.  A lack of change is stagnation after all.  It would be hilarious to see him comment though.

Gah, this new truck form really chafes and it's jammed again.  Guys, what is this?  I'm halfway stuck between man and truck and it's really painful.  Could I get some help here?  Does anyone have any sewing machine oil?  Guys?



Any word on which megatron they are going to use?

I'd kinda like to see a return to old pistol megatron but he's had a lot of vairty in his forms, tanks, jets, race cars.

LOL as for Primes new paint job
he's had more new bodies then I could count...

In fact I think there was a Joke about it in beast wars... no wait that was primal.  and he is differnt cause he met Prime.

Sid your taling about the feline tape right?  I wish I had a mesh of that one.  I loved how he piloted his space ship in the Beastwars cameo.  transforming into a casses and inserting himself into the console


Yes, I meant the jaguar-like tape-bot. I think there was a Rumble, too. Not sure, but I recall an earthquake-inducing tape-bot (wasn't it in the old movie?) who maybe went by that name. [EDIT]And yes, I found his behavior very interesting, too. His artificial-sounding "As you command..." is (to me) about as representative of classic TF as the "Transform and roll out!" call.[/EDIT]

And no, that grey-blue Prime was fancreated, apparently: Clicky here
The apparent redesign (if what I found is correct) looks more like this


TGH: I feel out of the loop, I do.  The only person I remember having a gun form was Galvatron.  Megatron had one too?

Feline tapes ... I actually think both Ravage and Rumble were felines, there were a lot of repeats with similar names if I remember correctly.  There were three or four different bird tapes too that had the same appearance but they were palette-swapped and they had different abilities.  Unless I'm remembering this completely wrong, which is entirely likely.

And I fear to think what you would do TGH if you had a model of any of the feline casettes!

Sid: I agree with your statement about Soundwave really representing TF's early years.  I remember that he was plastered across issue one of the original Transformers comic, which I still have somewhere (yes, I'm that old, isn't it scary?).  He was really an iconic part of the Transformers menagerie because the whole idea of what soundwave was was kind of ... out there.

This guy can transform into a car.
This guy can turn into a truck.
This guy can turn into an airplane.
This guy can turn into a personal stereo system and he has little sentient pet casette tapes which have powerful abilities that he uses to spy on people, yeah!  He has this little bird that he sends in to snoop and then the bird chagnes into a tape which he plays back to the deviant Decepticons.  He doesn't turn into a big tapedeck either, no he uses spacial-folding technologies to become smaller!  Yeah, that's what he does.

The fan-created Prime, despite the odd colour is really very awesome.  I could see a current day Prime looking like that, it's a believable image.

The actual movie Prime though?  I don't know, I just found myself giggling helplessly at it.  Am I the only one?  I'm not even sure why but whenever I think of what Prime's personality might be like after visualizing that truck, I can't come up with anything but 'redneck'.  Seriously, could you imagine Optimus Prime as a hick?  It's a very funny mental image.

I think they've wronged old Prime a bit there.  He deserves better than to look like a trucker's truck.



Yep Megatron was a pistol at one point and like Soundwave he wasn't a big gun he was a hand gun (I think evertime I saw him used Soundwave was shooting him)  He was apparently a very powerful weapon.

the tapes I have are the earthquake ones,  I could hace sworn I had more.

*giggles evily*

I wish I could be truely evil,  but I don't have the right computer programs


First of all TGH, what kinds of computer programs do you need?  I can be very resourceful when it comes to finding Free solutions to everyday software needs.  Most don't bother looking at Free software but the fact of the matter is, most of the bigger projects out there have already caught up with their commercial equivalents.

I can't believe I'm actually overtly trying to aid in another's naughtiness but when someone's in software or computer related need, I can't help myself.  I'm terrible like that.

As for Megatron being a pistol, now that I see it it does stir up memories.  Good grief.  What kinds of spacial folding technologies did these Transformers use, anyway?  How does something with the size of Megatron fold itself down into a handgun?  Does it still have the mass/weight of the original Megatron?  Is it like Thor's hammer where on the Decepticons could lift said gun and any humans would only be able to make girly, feeble and utterly pointless attempts?

The mind boggles!


i remember when i watched transformers...when they transformed into animals =3

that feels so long ago...i loved that show...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Xze-Xze on July 23, 2006, 05:31:31 PM
i remember when i watched transformers...when they transformed into animals =3

that feels so long ago...i loved that show...

I think you're talking about "Beast Wars"...
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Skype Name: Karaius


I think Xze's talking about Beast Wars too.  Beast Wars was the first truly awesome Transformers in a long while, after a trail of truly horrid Transformers.  Since Beast Wars, we only had Beast Machines, which isn't bad and now there's a whole slew of animé Transformers which I absolutely can't get into, at all.

What TGH and I were talking about mostly (for Xze's info), were the original Transformers, which were aired in the mid to late 80's.  Now that was a long time ago, Beast Wars was actually pretty recent.


Stop making me feel old, dammit!  1980 wasn't that long ago.

... was it?


Ohh now I feel old and I was only one in 1980

Beast wars was great...
I personaly liked the ep where the ghost of starscream showed up

Well  after making this I had this stuck in my head

For software I think I need 3dMax to create my own animations.  But I'm not sure I could even do that with the files I have.  I know you can save 3dmax into the nif files that ff uses but I don't think the nifs can be loaded into 3dmax.


Another hilariously wrong set of renderings from the Hare.

As for the software, it's going to be harder than I expected, I didn't know they were in 3DS's format, that's proprietary and hard to convert from.  What file formats could you export to before moving to a new program?


Well the game program I'm using uses .Nif files to hold the actual model and an seperate .kf file for the attached animations.

Gah and now my Charactor tool is weirding out on me I spent the morning reskinning the little cheese superhero mesh to look like jyrras and now it won't let me reload it with out crashing.

Because my brain is evil and won't let me stop


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Skype Name: Karaius