Skype Users...

Started by KarlOmega1, September 04, 2009, 07:06:03 PM

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About a week ago I started using the Chat client called "Skype". I have to say it's good...(plus the live audio chat function makes it easier for me since I tend to type so slow.) Of course, I started adding my friends to my contact list on Skype and wondered "how many of my friends on the forum use Skype?" I mean it really is a useful program for when you're chatting with friends around the world.

So...the questions are: Do any of you use Skype and how good do you think it is?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


To tell the truth I use nothing but Skype- it's too popular here in Bulgaria, so I don't really need anything else. It makes for great communication- It's fairly simple to use and the quality is pretty good. I've done video-chats with people all the way down in South Africa and the reception was clear throughout the entire conversation. You can use it to exchange files of any size at a reasonably high speed as well- depending on the distance and connection of course.


I use skype, incidentally I use a whole lot of stuff, except googleTalk. Skype is decent and it's phoning ability makes it an interesting program to say the least, it's voice communication is more stable than I remember MSN's ever being.

Arroyo Milori

I use skype, its pretty decent but sadly my headset malfunctioned and now I have to wait to get a new one. So lately I haven't used skype.

My name on Skype is DrawlawlArroyo, btw.


a hobby of mine is using skype as a phone to ask people from europe to pronounce native american words, which they seem completely unable to do

those of you who know cerby, he almost sounds brittish at first for some bizzare reason despite being swedish. he hurt himself trying to pronounce 'sheboygan' and im affraid to ask him to say 'occonnomowocc' for fear he may start to bleed
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Brun: You evil evil person. Mwahahahahaa!

Incidentally, I find skype unpleasant to use - it's heavy on the processor, and heavy on the network, and tends to suck resources away from everything else on the machine; just as an example, it won't let anything else use the soundcard on a machine, even though, say, teamspeak will. Skype presumes that you do NOTHING else with your machine; teamspeak expects that you do other things, has better sound quality, more options, and more capability, for less network and processor usage.

Using skype for IM is like using a sledgehammer to break peanuts, IMNSHO. But that seems to be what lots of people like doing. Go figure...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I have a horrible voice, so people keep blocking me on Skype.

Oh dear.

llearch n'n'daCorna

To be honest, Rabid, I don't think it's due to your voice. It's just because you're an arse.

Not that I can talk, mind, but still...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I know in my heart that I am a wonderful person.

Oh dear.


rabid, you are a pretty awesome guy



And Bill has been voted Best Person Ever fifty-nine years running by the readers of Forbes. Sexy beast that he is.

Oh dear.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2009, 06:50:08 AM
Brun: You evil evil person. Mwahahahahaa!

Incidentally, I find skype unpleasant to use - it's heavy on the processor, and heavy on the network, and tends to suck resources away from everything else on the machine; just as an example, it won't let anything else use the soundcard on a machine, even though, say, teamspeak will. Skype presumes that you do NOTHING else with your machine; teamspeak expects that you do other things, has better sound quality, more options, and more capability, for less network and processor usage.

Using skype for IM is like using a sledgehammer to break peanuts, IMNSHO. But that seems to be what lots of people like doing. Go figure...

I think I must be lucky on this one, because I find skype still lets me download and watch streaming casts and whatnot all at the same time.

Or somehow I'm secretly sucking up your bandwidth. . . Uh. . let me move this syphon hose.
Help! I'm gay!

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's a windows app. You _can_ work around it. It's just unpleasant about it.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears