08/07/09 [AS2#65] - Perverts

Started by Alondro, August 07, 2009, 02:51:22 AM

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Quote from: SpottedKitty on August 07, 2009, 03:04:38 PM
I notice Abel's already formed his dislike of 'Cubi-shapeshifting-as-masquerade, and the SAIA staff don't seem to mind too much.

The academy has been operating for about 6600 years at that point, in that time it's unlikely that Abel is the only one to have been burned in that manner.  I expect it's a bit unusual but not unheard-of.

Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 03:20:03 PM
I want to be in that class  :mowdizzy
Any particular reason?  If it's the nudity I suspect that would get old really quick  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 03:38:59 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 03:20:03 PM
I want to be in that class  :mowdizzy
Any particular reason?  If it's the nudity I suspect that would get old really quick  >:3

Riiight, however my reasons go beyond the hot teaching staff- imagine the power to shapeshft into any clothes you wish at a thought. You can actually design them yourself if you have a powerfull enough imagination. I want that  :mowninja


Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 03:43:46 PM
Riiight, however my reasons go beyond the hot teaching staff- imagine the power to shapeshft into any clothes you wish at a thought. You can actually design them yourself if you have a powerfull enough imagination. I want that  :mowninja

As a rule I'm not really into high fashion, which is why I tend to pick something that works and stick with it (if it were practical and acceptable to go around shirtless I probably would simply because it would be one less item of clothing to choose in the mornings).

However, the wing-armour thing would be awesome.  This is certainly a class Dan should attend.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 04:33:17 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 03:43:46 PM
Riiight, however my reasons go beyond the hot teaching staff- imagine the power to shapeshft into any clothes you wish at a thought. You can actually design them yourself if you have a powerfull enough imagination. I want that  :mowninja

As a rule I'm not really into high fashion, which is why I tend to pick something that works and stick with it (if it were practical and acceptable to go around shirtless I probably would simply because it would be one less item of clothing to choose in the mornings).

However, the wing-armour thing would be awesome.  This is certainly a class Dan should attend.

Clothing and armor are overrated.

For me, I'd like the ability to shift into any anthro species I wanted, since I can never really decide which form would be best.

However, my favorite type of shape-shifter will always be the T1000, hands down.  That is the most powerful shape-shifter I've ever seen.

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 07, 2009, 04:41:50 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 04:33:17 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 03:43:46 PM
Riiight, however my reasons go beyond the hot teaching staff- imagine the power to shapeshft into any clothes you wish at a thought. You can actually design them yourself if you have a powerfull enough imagination. I want that  :mowninja

As a rule I'm not really into high fashion, which is why I tend to pick something that works and stick with it (if it were practical and acceptable to go around shirtless I probably would simply because it would be one less item of clothing to choose in the mornings).

However, the wing-armour thing would be awesome.  This is certainly a class Dan should attend.

Clothing and armor are overrated.

For me, I'd like the ability to shift into any anthro species I wanted, since I can never really decide which form would be best.

However, my favorite type of shape-shifter will always be the T1000, hands down.  That is the most powerful shape-shifter I've ever seen.

Well, DOUGH! The guy could shapeshift into a floor for God's sake! That is like...invincible!


Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:33:22 PM
Well, DOUGH! The guy could shapeshift into a floor for God's sake! That is like...invincible!

Wasn't the T1000 constrained by the conservation of mass?  'Cubi don't seem to be quite so bound by normal physical laws...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 05:35:09 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:33:22 PM
Well, DOUGH! The guy could shapeshift into a floor for God's sake! That is like...invincible!

Wasn't the T1000 constrained by the conservation of mass?  'Cubi don't seem to be quite so bound by normal physical laws...

He turned! Into! A FLOOR!
How do you fight a floor?!


Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:42:18 PM
He turned! Into! A FLOOR!
How do you fight a floor?!

Pickaxe?  Nails and a hammer?  A floor polisher?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 05:45:51 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:42:18 PM
He turned! Into! A FLOOR!
How do you fight a floor?!

Pickaxe?  Nails and a hammer?  A floor polisher?

OK, aside from the axe, the other two will just make it stronger...and shinier!?

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 05:35:09 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:33:22 PM
Well, DOUGH! The guy could shapeshift into a floor for God's sake! That is like...invincible!

Wasn't the T1000 constrained by the conservation of mass?  'Cubi don't seem to be quite so bound by normal physical laws...

"So it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?"
"No. Only an object of equal size."
"So why doesn't it become a bomb or something to get me?"
"It can't form complex machines. Guns and explosives have chemicals, moving parts. It doesn't work that way. But it can form solid metal shapes."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Knives, and stabbing weapons."

Plus there's the fact that its liquid nitrogen bath -royally- screwed around with its morphology, and it didn't make a -complete- recovery. But I'm a nerd, so I'll just be quiet now.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agencyâ„¢. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on August 07, 2009, 05:54:51 PM
"So it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?"
"No. Only an object of equal size."

Those were the exact lines I was thinking of.  The rest of it I'd forgotten.

QuotePlus there's the fact that its liquid nitrogen bath -royally- screwed around with its morphology, and it didn't make a -complete- recovery. But I'm a nerd, so I'll just be quiet now.
I imagine that would probably do even worse to a 'Cubi  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Attic Rat

So - If a cubi changed part of his body into clothing, would that clothing keep him warm and dry?
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Hair does provide some warmth and protection against rain, until it soaks through. About like normal clothing. So, hair into clothes could probably work as well as normal clothes, since you don't care if your hair itself gets cold.


It also provides pretty decent sun protection.
Someone will remember you, sometime.
Just try and sleep with the music on, all the time.
Well I'm sorry kid, tonight you sleep outside.


I found it hilarious that the teacher pretty much confirmed a lot of fan speculation about the last thread... Is someone responding to reader comments?

And how dead is a thread allowed to be before it cannot be revived? I want to respond to several-month-old topics... Damn "New Forumite Syndrome"... should have joined when I first found this comic...


Looking again, the teacher may be a mythos.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: Jairus on August 07, 2009, 03:33:04 AMWait, is she naked? And, actually, what kind of animal is she?

I'm thinking... bat, maybe?


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 05:35:09 PM
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 05:33:22 PM
Well, DOUGH! The guy could shapeshift into a floor for God's sake! That is like...invincible!

Wasn't the T1000 constrained by the conservation of mass?  'Cubi don't seem to be quite so bound by normal physical laws...

Give me an example of that?  I've never seen a cubi violating that law and remembered it.  I remember this strip talking about how they were masters of defying form and gravity, but never the law of conservation of mass.

Also, in terms of dragons, when they're in their smaller form, they're either very dense (like walking neutron stars in some cases), or their extra mass is stored in a pocket dimension, courtesy of their powerful natural magics.

Also I think I remember reading somewhere that Professor Ink, who can also shapeshift into walls and floors, was really an advanced ink-based T1000.  It said he was a living puddle of ink, while a T1000 is basically a living puddle of liquid metal.

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 08, 2009, 11:41:57 AM
Give me an example of that?  I've never seen a cubi violating that law and remembered it.

In strip 498, Aary turns into a feral poodle.  In strip 291 she appears to have increased the size of her wings, particularly when she does the tentacle-attacks on Dan later.
Dark Pegasus is able to change the size of his wings according to his bio.  He's not a 'Cubi, but if he can do it I doubt a properly-trained 'Cubi would have much trouble.
In 973, Dan's wings and tentacles have a combined area far greater than that in previous pages.

Granted, the Aary-poodle might be one of those cases where physics takes a back seat for the punchline, and granted some of it might be continuity errors, but it looks to me very much like they're able to add/remove mass at will.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2009, 07:24:14 AM
I'm curious as to why he considers it perverted.  I guess his old village was more on the strict side when it came to modesty taboos, but Devin tended to go open-shirt and Mev (?) wasn't wearing a huge amount at the funeral, and heck, Abel himself was only wearing sleeves and trousers at the time.  I can't really imagine Zinvth being prudish given the larger number of winged types.

I don't think it's going shirtless per se that makes him feel like he looks like a pervert, its the setting. Going open-shirt or shirtless is a casual fashion perfectly acceptable for adventuring or hanging out around town, and its possible that the "Half-shirtless" fasion exhibited at the funeral is symbolic of something or another.
However, Academies/Universities are considered classy establishments, where he presumed the extremely casual shirtless fashion would be unacceptable to wear to a class, about the same as prominently wearing a shirt that is obviously just an undershirt is socially frowned upon by our universities (particularly the more conservative ones). Fortunately, it seems this teacher is a strong reminder that there is absolutely no dress-code in SAIA, not even a "common sense" dress code.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Scow2 on August 07, 2009, 11:10:40 PM
I found it hilarious that the teacher pretty much confirmed a lot of fan speculation about the last thread... Is someone responding to reader comments?

What did you think QftR strips were?

Quote from: Scow2 on August 07, 2009, 11:10:40 PM
And how dead is a thread allowed to be before it cannot be revived? I want to respond to several-month-old topics... Damn "New Forumite Syndrome"... should have joined when I first found this comic...

Look closely at the rules. It says "no more than a month". Also, there's a warning when you post if it's older than two weeks.

If you really really must post, create a new thread with a link back to the old one. You'd better have something useful to add, however, otherwise the mods will just get bored with you, and deal appropriately.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Why are the arms always folded, or the wings in the way or something like that?



As for the reason that the arms and wings are folded the way they are, I suspect that Pai-Gon might have something to do with it.


Fa-Teen would probably also be upset with full frontal.  Full dorsal might be okay. 
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Okay im unsure if anyone noticed yet but the teachers eyes are different colors just like Abel's and Turnsky's


Turnsky, you are the third person I've ever seen with heterochromia , and it always cool to see.  :mowcookie
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 08, 2009, 12:49:07 PM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 08, 2009, 11:41:57 AM
Give me an example of that?  I've never seen a cubi violating that law and remembered it.

In strip 498, Aary turns into a feral poodle.  In strip 291 she appears to have increased the size of her wings, particularly when she does the tentacle-attacks on Dan later.
Dark Pegasus is able to change the size of his wings according to his bio.  He's not a 'Cubi, but if he can do it I doubt a properly-trained 'Cubi would have much trouble.
In 973, Dan's wings and tentacles have a combined area far greater than that in previous pages.

Granted, the Aary-poodle might be one of those cases where physics takes a back seat for the punchline, and granted some of it might be continuity errors, but it looks to me very much like they're able to add/remove mass at will.

I still say that this addition/reduction in mass due to either density fluctuation, or...

It might be rapid, magically induced cell reproduction and elimination. 
Perhaps innate magics allow creatures like dragons and cubi to draw matter from the environment around them or from a separate pocket dimension to fuel rapid cell reproduction to increase their mass, and then kill off these cells and convert them back into raw materials in their pocket dimension for later re-growth.

Or maybe I'm just over-thinking things a little too much. XD

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 09, 2009, 05:16:55 AM
I still say that this addition/reduction in mass due to either density fluctuation, or...
It might be rapid, magically induced cell reproduction and elimination. 
Perhaps innate magics allow creatures like dragons and cubi to draw matter from the environment around them or from a separate pocket dimension to fuel rapid cell reproduction to increase their mass, and then kill off these cells and convert them back into raw materials in their pocket dimension for later re-growth.

Or maybe I'm just over-thinking things a little too much. XD

Either way, the point is the T1000 cannot do these things  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E