
Started by Rakala, July 16, 2009, 11:43:35 AM

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God I have bad luck. I once again had a computer problem and was unable to post. This was quite soon after I got back on again. So I'm going to spend a short amount of time to catch you all up with what has been happening to me in the real world.

A few of months ago my good friend moved in with me and my family. His mother pulled him out of high school, his father does not live with them as they are divorced, and neither of them would do anything to help him succeed in life. This includes driver's license and not helping him get a GED. Unfortunately he happened to move in just as we took down the temporary bedroom so for the last 3 months I have had to share a bunk bed with him. This sucks for 2 reasons. 1) I have never had my own bedroom. 2) I go to sleep around 11:30 and have to get up about 6. Earliest I've ever seen him come in is 2:00 am. This has caused some stress in my life but it was rather minor so I just deal with it.

I got a job as a food server. It has been going.... iffy. Lately I had to leave due to back pains which I fully admit I shouldn't have done. Multiple little things had been happening up to that point. I now have until next Friday to do better or I will have to look for another job.

About a month ago I turned 18, June 20. I succeeded in not being around here for a third(?) birthday but that's no big deal. Since several things were going on around those few weeks, my birthday was spread out over several weeks. In fact I still have yet to get my gift from my dad, but that is going to be the Watchmen DVD so at least it's understandable.

My friend, whom I will call CJ from this point on, has been doing a poor job of following my parents house rules. Several time they politely asked him to be in bed by midnight since they don't sleep well when anybody is up. Mostly he's been playing the Xbox 360 when he was up so my dad decided about three days ago to not let us use the TV for video games anymore. We are both 18 and he asked us both, even though I wasn't involved he asked me to be fair, to not stay up playing video games. I personally take the side of my dad since both of my parents have full time jobs and CJ was keeping them up. I could keep going on about details and my feelings about it all day but it would be pointless so I'm going to leave it at the subjective facts.

If you read this far congratulations. You are now fairly informed about my life. I will resume regular posting as possible from here on.


Welcome back, Rakala! And happy belated birthday. I'm sure things will start getting better for you soon.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Wow.. what a hassle... you have to be a pretty darn good friend to put your friend up like that. Not only that but you parents have to be saints!  :hug  I also hope things get better for you.

And.. unfortunately you can do the best you can to help out a person but if they don't want to help themselves then there isn't anything you can do about it =(


Yeah, it's good of your family taking in your friend. But if you're going to live in some else's house it's only decent to follow the house rules. And I understand about the back pain with being a server. I recently got hired as a cashier at a restaurant and we also do serving, and whatever we do we're probably standing for all 6 hours, or 12 if they give us a surprise double shift. And I was always told that standing/sitting up strait was supposed to help prevent back pain.   :januscat