Mirror Mask

Started by thegayhare, July 18, 2006, 02:00:36 AM

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Hello all

I just recently picked up this movie, and thought I'd do a little review, and see if anyone else has.

Mirror mask is a rather sureal movie written by Neil Gaiman, with effects done by the henson company.

The story follows young Helena Campbell the fifteen year old daughter of circus family.  a talented artist and juggler she yerns for a normal life.  Then in the midsts of a family crisis some how she gets thrown into anouther world, a world devided into 2 kingdoms.  The land of Light, and the land of shadow.  But the great city of light is dieing,  the white queen is sleeping and can't be woken up.  Shadows creep over the border engulfin the land.  The only hope of the world is the magic charm,  the charm to wake the white queen, the elusive mirror mask. 

The story follows Helena and the vain juggler Valintine as they search for the charm.

It's a great story with amazing effects.  the creatures,  The sphinx's that wander the light, the monkey birds (named bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, and malcom) and just the citizens of the light and dark lands.

And the locations you'll see the great library, the borderlands,  the palaces.

I'll admit the story is a little slow to take off and some folks might have trouble with some the more bizzare twists But it's a very good movie...

So what do you folks think?  have you seen it? 

King Of Hearts

By Neil Gaiman? Ooh, looks like I will be looking into it. I loved his works on the Endless and Lucifer.


Recently bought the movie and loved it. I wanted to see it in theaters, but they only showed the movie in, like...ten movie theaters in the states for some reason. D:
It reminded me a lot of all the old Jim Henson movies I saw as a kid, but with a little Neil Gaiman flair, which pleased me. A little dark, and I dunno if it's something I would show my 2 year old nephew, but still lovely. If nothing else, it's great eye candy.


I've seen some random scenes. I want to see the movie.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I mean no offence, but it sounds a little like  a remake of Alice in wonderland...
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


A lot of things are just retellings of Alice in Wonderland. Neil Gaiman himself said Mirror Mask was a lot like Alice in Wonderland on acid. If you look at a lot of modern movies, you'll find they recycle ideas, plots or characters from other stories an add an original(or sometimes not so original) twist to them. It's a fairly common practice in story-telling.


Ever see a movie titled six string samurai?

It's a bizzare retelling of the wizard of oz...
Well the wizard oz featuring a sword weilding buddy holly on his way to los vegas

people retell a story a differnt way all the time but it's still gun