DMFA Steam Group

Started by Sofox, June 19, 2009, 09:38:58 PM

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Since a lot of DMFAers play various games on Steam, and like to play games with eachother, I've created an Unofficial Steam group called Fluffy Mows.
It's private at the moment, though members can invite new members and I've sent out a few invites already. If you want to join quickly, just bug someone who's online. If you're patient, just post your Steam ID here and I'm sure someone will invite you.
The graphic for the group is from the comic. I'd like to change this if I find something better, but I figured we needed something up and in rereading Amber's FAQ, I figured it would be okay as an interim solution.


Couple o' reference threads for those who may have missed them and to give you ideas as to who else might be interested in this...(even your old thread for this),5795.0.html,5021.0.html,6081.0.html,5509.0.html

Certainly not all of them, but there's a good sample of folks in there.