The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Reese Tora

Marosharr whirls past the orc further from the path, drawing Icefang and stabbing the foul creature in passing.  The blade bites crewly into the orc's flesh and twists crewly within the wound[/url].  Frost crystalizes around the wound as the short blade withdraws.  The orc drops lifelessly to the ground as the frost creep out from and arround the wound. 

Marosharr hears the order to pursue the snipers, and souts "Sir!"  He then dashes over to the gate, taking cover just around the corner in order to peer past the door as preparation to dashing through the opening and confronting the snipers.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


As Marosharr peers past, something peers back at him.  The lizardfolk jumps back, then runs over to its ally.  The two fire arrows at the catfolk, one of them misses, but the other strikes him in the neck, dealing 15 damage.

"I'll deal with them personally," Josh says moving forward, "Finish the orc."

Josh moves over to the side near Marosharr, catching sight of the lizardfolk outside the gate.  He unleashes a sonic blast that rips toward the lizardfolk whose arrow found the catfolk.  The lizardfolk takes it full on, and is sent sprawling upon the stone street.

Marethial charges at the orc, and delivers a powerful blow.  She cuts 16 damage out of its side.  Doragon follows up with his spear.  His spear sticks in and burns the orc into submission, and it falls dead.


Gary noticed that one of the lizardfolk had been killed by an ally suddenly. He shook his head and tried to steady his aim for a shot at the other one. It would be a difficult hit to make, as it was behind some cover.

Crossbow shot = 18

Crossbow damage = 7


The bolt strikes the wall and shatters.  Malakin moves forward past Josh, and over closer to the lizardfolk until he's in range to strike it with his spear.  The spear is easily maneuvered past the wall and into the lizardfolk.  19 points of health are ripped from its scales.  The lizardfolk falls.

Josh moves forward, outside the gates.  He looks around, but sees no one else coming up on the temple.  He looks back to the banner, his countries colors, accented by the setting sun.

"The temple is ours," Josh proclaims.

A cheer rises up from the soldiers.

"Gather the prisoners and escort them back to HQ, then send some men to secure the equipment in the armory."

The soldiers head off with the 4 prisoners in tow.  Josh then turns to the others.

"As for the rest of you, you get first pick on any masterwork equipment you can find down there."


Aireluin, from over at her position guarding the gate to the city, raises her sword in salute to the distant standard.  She resumes her vigil.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Marethial goes over to Marosharr and helps to remove the arrow from his neck.  She puts her hand to the wound, and it seals almost completely.  She taps it again, and it heals completely.   She then looks at the two arrows that hit Malakin.  She helps remove them, but the wound doesn't seem that severe.

"I think you'll be fine after a night's rest." She tells him, "If you take anymore, I'll be here to heal it then."

Reese Tora

Marosharr rubs his neck where the wound has healed, and addresses Marethial; "My thanks for the aid, I didn't fancy having two holes to breath with."

Having been thinking about what Josh said about arming from the temple's stores, Marosharr addresses The higher ranking soldier.  "Sir, I don't expect to find any equipment more suitable than what I have already been provided.  Shall I stand watch while the others re-arm themselves?"
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"Maybe not, but some of us seem less properly equipped," Josh turns to the insectile ninja, "Chavez, see if you can find a proper crossbow and kukri for yourself.  When the men return, we're moving onto the graveyard.  We have a rogue to track down."


Gary shook his head in confusion when he was asked to get a "kukri". Unfortunately Josh left and started talking to someone else before he could figure out what it was. Shrugging and clicking his mandibles, (he had to admit he was getting used to them, adaption was a great preserver of sanity in times of trouble) he trudged into the armory and got this weird curvy knife that he thought looked cool, and a less rusty crossbow. Then he picked up three cases of bolts. You can always use more bolts.


"It was nothing realy.." Malakin mumbles.. "thanks, though I hope I will not require your attention in the future"
Malakin leans against a wall and waits silently for the others to return...
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"All set then," Josh asks seeing Gary return, and he could see his troops coming back through the gate, "The temple is secured, we now check the graveyard.  No telling what they may have done there."

Reese Tora

Taking Josh's statement as an order, Marosharr slips out the gate, with his sword sheathed again and bow in hand, scouting ahead of the group.  Stalking silently and stealthily towards the graveyard,  he moves from cover to cover, staying in what shadows there are to conceal his advance, and keeping an eye and an ear out for any more orcs or goblins.

{ooc: Assuming we're still using the geography of the saltmarsh map, it's about 250 feet from the temple gate to the edge of the cemetary, so Marosharr should roll five or six listen, and spot checks, and twice as many hide and move silently checks, assuming he doesn't spot or otherwise encounter any enemies before reaching the edge of the graveyard.}
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


OOC: Let's just go with taking 10 for now.   I told you it would only be important if I ask for it, and since you're doing it as a constant, I'll only ask for a roll when it actually matters.


Malakin moves out with the rest of the people headding towards the grave yard, allowing marosharr plenty of room to scout..

OOC: nothings happening at the gate then?
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


As they begin to head out, a cart cuts around the corner and stops inside the gate.  It's doors and sides open, and out pop the gnome, dwarf and desmodu from before.  The dwarf and desmodu set to work gathering up the possessions of the defeated enemies.  The gnome oversees all of it, typing away furiously on his tablet.

"Gilman?" Marethial says questioning the gnome.

"Ah, yes, Lieutenant Avalon, Sergeant Marethial, lovely to see you again." He gives a pleasant response, "I heard of your exploits at the temple, and knew you'd need someone to help sort out everything, along with your new found spoils."

The Desmodu and dwarf begin organising all the gear taken from the orcs and lizardfolk.

"Now let's see." The gnome and dwarf look over the items one by one, until all the items have been examined, "Well, you've found quite a bit, it seems the enemy keeps its troops well equipped.  Here's what we identified: 2 masterworks longbows (750 GP), 2 +1 Large Greatclubs (4620 GP), 2 +1 spears (4604 GP), 4 vials of poison (2 black adder, 2 blue whinnis, 480 GP), 2 masterwork Greatswords (700 GP), 20 masterwork falchions (7500 GP), 4 masterwork chainmails (1200 GP),  16 Masterwork Studded Leathers (2800 GP), 54 javelins (54 GP), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 GP), +1 spiked full plate (2700 GP), 16 potions of cure moderate wounds (4800 GP), 4 potions cure serious wounds (3000 GP), 4 potions of haste (3000 GP), 20 Potions of Bull's Strength (6000 GP), 20 keen edge oils (15000 GP), and 300 GP.  Full value: 58508."

"That's more than last time," Josh says with surprise.

"Indeed, but I fear we must bring up a bit about our fee." The gnome approaches the knight.

"Fee?" Josh replies, "You will already be properly compensated by the king for your services, what more is there?"

"Identification costs.  If you're going to bring in so many potions and other wondrous items, we need to make up for the cost by asking a little something in return.  100 GP per magic item identified, which means 7000 GP for this group.  We don't include the fee for first time customers, but after the amount you brought in last time, we figured it was absolutely neccessary."

"Well, it's not too bad.  Very well, deduct the identification costs from the total amount."

"Then your new total is 51508 GP.  Divided amongst you-"

"Not yet," Josh stopped the gnome, "Not everyone in my unit is here.  I feel they must be paid the same as the rest of us for their hard work.  Hold onto your GP for now, we shall take our fair shares once everyone is here.  We planned to meet back up at the Temple of Fharlanghn, we shall check back with you there.  For now, my unit will be taking whatever items they feel they may need."

Reese Tora

Maroshar selects a haste potion and two Keen Edge oils from the available items, slipping them into one of his belt pouches for easy access, before slipping out the gate to scout ahead.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Gilman taps away on his tablet after seeing the catfolk run off with the potions.

"Deduct 2250 from his total..."


Gary peeped up shyly and raised a clawed hand, his sleeves were still covering his arms. To his relief.

"Uhhh...I guess I should take the poisons. I mean, just thought I might be able to use them and...stuff" He said, quailing under the pressure of being the centre of attention and looking downward. He began to just finish the sentence by mumbling quietly.


"While poison can be a dangerous thing," Marethial begins to speak, "Such measures may be neccessary in a time of war.  Use them wisely."

"If everyone is finished, it's off to the graveyard." Josh proclaims and begins to head out of the gates.

Edit: Meanwhile (FINALLY), over at the brewery, Amarillis moves in through the sword and stands to the side.  She sees an opening in the boxes and takes a shot through it with her longbow.  She sees an opening among the crates and fires upon the orc.  While on target, the orc hardly winces from the 3 point hit to its shoulder.

The orcs fly into a rage, knocking over crates to give them clear shots with their javelins.  The first one throws towards Amarillis, but it ends up stuck in the wall behind her.  The second goes for Eiram, but it bounces off his armor and falls harmlessly at his feet.  However, the third one finallystrikes him for a full 12 points of damage.  A final javelin flies and misses the injured ranger.  The final two orcs move to the sides of Sasha, standing on either side of the downed orc as they bring their axes down on the shifter.  The first axe misses the shifter completely, but the other proves more skilled in his swing.  The axe doesn't dig deep enough to hit anything vital, but still takes 13 points out of the shifter's flesh.

Saeoun sees the wounds his friends have endured, and brings a healing hand to the ranger (sacrificing detect undead to cast cure light wounds).  Zander moves in behind the cleric and throws his club at the orc Amarillis had struck.  The club whaps the orc for 8 points of damage.

OOC: Finally, people at the brewery may make another move.


Sasha howls in pain and rage as the orc's axe bites deeply into her side. She whirled on the second orc, the one that had struck her. The poor bastard had incured the shifter's full wrath. Flashing steel returns the brute's favor. (1st attack - 1st primary 23
damage 13) And with a snarl she brings her second blade around for an equally deep slash. (2nd attack - off-hand 29
damage 12)
((From what I've seen from the previous round that should have killed him. If not then the third attack is directed at the same orc, otherwise the third strike is directed at the 1st orc to swing at Sasha.))
Finally, flashing a savage grin, Sasha thrusts her longsword into the ugly brute still standing before her. (3rd attack - 2nd primary 17
damage 15)


The orc stands strong despite his deep wounds.


Eiram grunts with pain and lets the arrow fly.
in a counter attack the attack dose  about 9 points damage as he  steps to the side. thong the pain he fires again only to falter at the last second due to pain. Eiram's bow strings the ground and his shoulder throbs. unwilling to let these scum be the end of him he reach for the bow again. Eiram having recovered his bow he nods  to his hound to advance and attack the wounded orc at Sasha left standing on his feet.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The elven hound rushes in and jumps on top of a pile of crates in front of the wounded orc.  The boxes prove a little uneven, but the dog keeps its footing.  The hound leans over a bites the orc.  Its jaws dig into the orcs neck, who tries to stand strong, but find it strength fleeting just before falling to the floor.

Amarillis looks about, and her hands begin to glow.  She takes a 5 foot step to the right, and then releases a purified burning hands, scorching the three orcs on the right with 13 damage.  The boxes before them are scorched by the flames, but manage to stand strong.

The orcs sneer beyond their burned faces.  They release their next set of javelins, the first one missing, but the second hits the sorceress, dealing 8 damage.  The third even drops his axe and let's fly his javelin, striking the sorceress in the chest.  Fortunately, the javelin just barely misses her heart, leaving her only 8 HP less than before.

The other three orcs on the left draw their javelins again.  They all aim for the elven hound responsible for the downing of their brother, but even on the unstable boxes, the hound dodges all three javelins.

Saeoun sees the wounds of his ally the sorceress, and moves to her side.  The cleric puts a hand to the Amarillis' chest, and the javelins slide out from her sealing wounds. A small hole remains, all that is left that the positive energy was not able to heal at the time.

"May your wounds fester," The druid speaks, and a strange invisible curtain falls over the orcs.  Already, their wounds begin to itch as the decomposition sets in.


Eriam grits his teeth and draw his bow again. Rapid  shoot was need. kill an Orc or at least wound him to make the easy prey. attack damage second shot dammage    final shot damage he then order his hound to attak the third  orc.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Gary's attention was raised when that person...He was pretty sure Marethial was the name, mentioned war. He raised his head from it's usual idle position, idly looking at his strange feet. He started to rub his hands (claws?, talons?) in worry with none of the dexterity he had shown during the battle.

"A...a war? What do you mean? I thought that this was just a raid or..or something. I didn't think I'd end up in a situation like this." He said anxiously


"The city is under siege, dear aberration.  Orc and lizardfolk alike are working together to take it from us, but we must not let it happen.  The west side has already fallen to the invaders, but that is only for now.  We shall push them back, but before we can do that, we must gather our forces for the attack.  I have arranged for some help to at least stop the lizardfolk from infiltrating the city further, but it will need to be done under the cover of night and with the help of our allies.They have yet to return from the Temple of Pelor, but I have a feeling they're holding their own elsewhere."


Gary looked downwards and mumbled something that the others could barely hear. "I'm not an abberation. I've heard about those freaks. Like those guys who eat people's brains. I'm not like them"

He looked at his hands and wasn't so sure.


"Aberrations come in many forms, they're just the aliens of the Material World, in either mind or form.  You've shown you don't have their destructive tendencies.  Just because you don't look like most people doesn't mean you can't fit in.  You've proven your loyalties, and that is all the military asks for," Marethial places a hand on Gary's shoulder.


Gary just put his head up. "I wasn't like this before. I can't remember before I woke up here, but I know I wasn't always like this."