The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Hmmm dont worry I wont miss this fight for anything..I will follow you to the ends of the earth Marethial. "smiles with pride in his grey eyes*


The dagger hits the orc in the neck.  He screams out in pain and blood gushes from the wound.

He attempts to throw another javelin, but misses again.  The other, however, hits dead on.  The javelin hits Gary square in the chest for 16 damage.  Gary nearly loses his grip on the ceiling, but holds on.

"Ready your spear, pikeman," Marethial speaks to Malakin, "We meet our foes head on."

The group from the gate arrive at the crossroads in the middle of the religion district, "You four,"  She points to Malakin, Marosharr, Silas and Zedd, "Come with me, we're moving to the temple of Kord.  The rest of you, go onward to the Temple of Pelor, it's that big Cathedral over there."  She points to the temple on the next block with a shining beacon on top of it.

Marethial moves with the four to the entrance of the Temple of Kord, past the pillars of past champions that lead to its halls, while the rest move onto the Cathedral of Pelor.
OOC: two natural 20s in a row, that's just messed up.


Wincing in pain from the javalin wound, Gary decided to end this. He used quick draw to hit the orc that had injured him.

Thrown dagger Hit

Dagger Damage
4+2 = 6+3(blood loss) = 9

He quickly excaped by using the nearest window and crawled over to a face of the tower that the orcs couldn't reach, waiting for them to bleed to death.

Move Quietly


The orcs push for position at the window, but there necks continue to drip blood and there arms can't reach the ninja.  They jump out onto the roof, but they realize just as their fits of rage end how steep the belltower roof is.  They lose their footing and go sliding down and slamming into the roof on the lower part of the roof.  They continue to tumble down, then practically shoot off the end, spinning in midair, screaming with blood flying everywhere.  They land before the feat of a surprised blond woman in mithral armor.  She looks up to the ninja clinging to the belltower side.

"Continue ringing the bell," She shouts to the roof, "We shall clear out the rest of the temple."


Gary nodded and crawled back inside. He retrieved his crossbow and resumed ringing the large bell.


Malakin puts his javlin back and readys his spear again.. Then moves further into the temple..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


The four follow Marethial inside.  They soon see the wall of Avalon's soldiers standing at the edge of the arena.

"Stand aside," Marethial commands.

The soldiers comply, and open up to reveal Josh fighting off two orcs in the ring.

Reese Tora

Marosharr contemplates the tableu before the group for a moment.  "Shouldn't we be helping him?"

He steps forward and draws back his arrow, loosing it at the nearest orc.

{ 2 + 11 - [range modifier] = 13 to hit; 5 + 5 + 2 = 12 piercing damage }
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The arrow gets caught in the mesh of chainmail, but the orc doesn't even notice it.  It's hard to tell if it even broke the skin.


Malakin hesitates for a second but agrees: "Aye, we should!" Then charges forwards towards the nearest orc, lowers his spear and thrusts it into him as hard as he can!

Tohit: Powerattack:8  6+19+2-8=19

And if I hit, Damage: 3+5+14+16=38
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


The spear impales the orc, but it struggles free with what little strength is left in it.  It's eyes are filled with a wild sense of exhileration and fear.

Marethial sees her chance and attacks the wounded orc.  The orc is hit for 5 points, and it begins to stagger.  It's rage leaves it, and it falls to the floor.



The two beams meet and burn through the orcs armor, and the barbarian meets the same fate as its associate.  Josh stands over the two, then looks to his subordinates.

"Excellent work," He commends them, "Come, my soldiers, there are sure to be more in the armory.  It is time to clear out this infestation."

They all head past the arena, down the stairs into the underground armory.  They burst in, finding a group of 12 orcs helping themselves to the weapons and armor.

"Deliver a fireball, sorcerer!" Josh commands stepping to the side.

Zedd steps forward and sends off a tiny bead that then erupt in a blast of flame.

The 8 orcs in the middle of the room get caught in the blast and all take 26 damage.

The orcs that were subject to the fireball and sent flying to the ground scorched completely, with what hair they had now burned off their bodies.  The four remaining orcs look to the knight and his entourage.  They drop the equipment in their hands and reach for the ceiling.  Josh moves forward and proceeds to corral the four orcs with Marethial's help.  He then looks to the racks of weapons and suits of armor that stand before him, then turns to his own grunts.

"Men, I think it's time we traded up.  Grab the banded mail, tower shields and short swords.  With them you'll be a phalanx to remember."

The 10 soldiers proceed to don the armor and take the masterwork short swords and tower shields.  Josh turns to the rest of his troops.

"Marethial, inform Mr. Chavez that we have taken back the temple and can stop ringing the bell.  The rest of you, have the orc POWs tied up, and then meet me at the front of the temple.  The enemy must certainly know from the bell by now that they have lost the temple, and with such a store of supplies they'd be quite interested in taking it back.  We can not let this happen.  We shall meet them head on, and see who stands victorious."

Josh leaves the armory with his newly armored men in tow, and marethial rushes past him to deliver the message to Gary.

Reese Tora

Marosharr retrieves his arrow from the body of the first orc, but finds is snapped by the orc's fall.  He discards the broken shaft with disgust, and procedes to the temple's door to help defend it should orc reinforcements arrive.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Marethial arrives in the bell tower of the temple.  Gary stops ringing the bell to listen to her.

"We need you on the ground, Mr. Chavez," She told him, "We have prisoners in need of restraint and must to ready to repel an enemy attack.  We may need you to watch over them while we fight outside, so they don't try to escape."


Gary was able to hear the message when she got there, after shouting for her to repeat herself a couple times. He stopped ringing and climbed down the tower from out of the window.


"Mr. Chavez," Josh finds Gary standing outside, "See to the prisoners inside.  We don't want them running away during the chaos of the battle.  I also want 4 of you men to help him watch over the captives."


Gary nodded and walked over to the arena, noticing that the prisoners were being taken there. As he reached the entrance he noticed a broken cart. A single wheel continued to roll a few metres before falling down. This always happens during cart crashes so he decided to pay it no mind.

Gary shrugged and walked inside.


Silas watches Marethial dart off to alert Gary, and whistles at the orcs to have them follow. As they walk up the stairs and back into the arena, Gary is related the orders and Silas tries to think of a way to be helpful. He snapped his fingers and smiled in revelation, taking a length of rope from his pack and holding it up in offer to Gary, "Rope, I find, has numerous uses. Plainly here, to bind one or more unscrupulous foes together."


Gary just stared at the man for a couple seconds, clicking his mandibles together without even realizing it. Finally he just shook his head and took the rope. He managed to tie all 4 of the prisoners up tightly, the rope felt extremely strong.

Rope rolls


The orcs struggle, but find themselves completely helpless in the binds.  They weren't going anywhere.

Back outside, Marethial meets with Avalon.

"Is it set?" Josh asks her.

She looks to the bell tower, and he follows her gaze.  Hanging from the side of the building is a large blue banner, with the white symbol of the outline of a shield, and a sword standing before it.

The four soldiers that followed Gary return, reporting that the prisoners are secured.

"Marethial, tell Mr. Chavez to gaurd the entry hall to the building, if anyone gets by us, it's his job to stop them from reaching the belltower," Josh turns to the catfolk, "Marosharr, I presume.  I've heard of your skills.  I'll need you to keep a sharp eye out for any sneaky orcs.  If anyone makes it in, it's your job to help Mr. Chavez beat them to the tower.  I know a catfolk such as yourself should have the speed for it.  Until then, I want you sticking to the sides of the enemy force, keeping the enemy from surrounding us too soon along with keeping anyone from trying to go around to get inside," Josh then turns to Malakin, "Spearman, you'll be standing ready to hold the line against oncoming forces.  I'll be helping you with that, but you'll probably end up with the larger body count."

Josh finally turns to those he doesn't know that well, "Sorcerer, and I assume Bard, state your names.  I like to know the names of my new sergeants."


The bard gives a rather awkward looking bow and delightfully introduces himself, "Greetings! I am Silas MacNamera, traveling minstrel and currently bard in your service. I've come to Saltmarsh after a long journey but have found it ill-prepared for my welcome. I will gladly assist in reclaiming it, sir!"

Reese Tora

Marosharr nods at Josh's command, and slinks over to one of the statues studding the courtyard grounds.  He takes position behind it, about twenty feet forward of the entrance the spearmen are guarding, and 30 feet to the right, making himself unobtrusive and hard to see in the redening light of the setting sun.  He draws out another arrow and nocks it to his shortbow, ready to pierce the hide of the next green-skinned thug to invade this sacred ground.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Sasha followed the ranger as he and his animal companion followed the trail of the orcs. She had drawn her weapons again and clenched them expectingly.


"Named Sven King....Battle Sorcerer at your service sir"...he held out his hand in shake


"You've proven yourself capable, Sven.  I'll need you for when the orcs first come in.  I want you to lay a fireball right into the center of the first wave, get as many as you can.  We'll mop up the rest, but provide assistance if the mop up takes too long by using magic missile, if you can.  As for you, Silas, I need you to help spur us forward into battle.  With your help and the auras of Doragon, we'll push them back in no time."

Josh then turns to his grunts, "As for the rest of you men, Line up before the door to the temple.  If they want in they'll have have blow through a mix of wood, steel and bone.  If your flesh may begin to fail, Marethial will stand by to raise you anew."

Back at the Cathedral of Pelor, Eiram finally gets underway at tracking the orcs.  As they round the corner, Joulzen, Amarillis, and Zander meet them.  They can see Eiram hot on a trail and follow suit.  After only 5 minutes (3 for Eiram, but he had to wait for the others to catch up), the trail ends at a long stone building.  The smell of fermenting alcohol hangs around it, and a sign above the door shows a drunk blue frog dancing happily around an empty mug, his blue tongue hanging out and threatening to wrap around his legs.  Inside, the sounds of throaty laughter and belches can be heard.


<elvish> of course,  i should not have expected any better<elvish> <common with elvish accent> i believe that our quarry are inside. </accent> Erim  listens closely  to hear was is going on insider of the building
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Eiram hears little beyond the rucus coming from what he knows to be the orcs.  However, he also hears a sort of rustling, and what sounds to be muffled screams just below the sloshing of pouring liquid.  He also hears an orc tapping a spear on the floor away from the festivities.

Judging from the tracks he followed and the sounds inside, Eiram determines there are about 9 orcs in the building.


With a feral sneer on her lips Sasha approachs the front door. She stops short of opening it, waiting for others to move into favorable positions. The young warrior more then willing to be the first through the door swinging. In doing so she could catch their collected attention and allow the others to flank or cast any spells unnoticed. She gives the others a nod to signal her readiness to act as soon as they are.


Eiram slips into a postion by an opening that would allow him good sniping position and the ability to cover  Sasha with his arrows. he nods and looks to the others
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey