The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Sasha watched the hound finish the orc, then launch itself at the next one. She smirked and turned her own attention, and her silvered steel, to face the other orc who had swung at her.
Her first swing is on target. (1st swing - 1st primary 22 damage 15) Her second strike though finds wood instead of flesh as she misjudges how close a nearby timber was. (2nd swing - off-hand 12 (Natural 1) )
Cuaght off gaurd by the disruption in her attacks, she can only hope her third strike happens to catch flesh. (3rd swing - 2nd primary 15 damage 9)


The orc begins to lose itself to its wounds and falls to the floor, dead.

Amarillis sees the orc filled with arrows by Eiram, and decides to add another.  The arrow hits the orc for 8 damage, and the orc succumbs to its pincushion state.

OOC: If you'd like to jump in, Rakuras, You still can.

Edit: Guess not now.

The 4 remaining orcs lob another volley of javelins, aiming for Eiram and Sasha.  All the javelins either miss or bounce off their armor. 

Zander grows tired of the orcs, and readies his sling.  He begins to gain momentum in his swing, but looses his grip, the sling ending up hitting the back wall behind him.  He decides to tell his wolf to attack the orc Eiram's hound was fighting.  The wolf rushes in and stands at the hound's side.  The wolf skirts under the orc's defenses and bites hard.  It's teeth sink in for 9 damage.  It tries to pull the orc off its feet, but the orc stands it's ground despite the pain.

Saeoun moves forward as well, in order to see to the injured Sasha.  He gives up his bless water to cure 18 points of damage, healing Sasha quite thoroughly.

OOC: Okay, folks, make your moves.


(round 4 of 11 shifted)

Sasha glanced back over her shoulder and nodded to the cleric. She would offer more of a thanks after the last orc had fallen.
With a feral growl Sasha takes a 5 foot step at the javelin throwers, picking one at random she drives her twin blades into the invader. (1st attack - 1st primary 24 damage 13 2nd attack - off-hand 27 damage 15)
Pulling the bloodied blades from her victim Sasha swings a third time, but misses as the orc stumbles from the wounds. (3rd attack - 2nd primary)


OOC: did you also know that the orc was five feet away and thus a charge would be impossible?


((OOC - My apologizes I thought the javelin throwing orcs were over 10' away. I will duely edit my previous post.))


Eriam draws his bow aiming for the  spear orc in the Fourth postion. attack
damage Eiram frowns as he sees the poor spread of his attack. 'my should wound  must be effecting me more then I thought" he mutts as he  attempts to move over to get a better angle for attacking. With a glance to the side he sees that his found is hared at work on the last orc it was sent to attack he nod. it was good though Battle tended to leave a bitter taste in his mouth he knew it was necessary..
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Gary had been idly poking around the area, and noticed a bag on the merchant's cart. It was full of spiked triangular metal things. He could definitely see how they could come in handy.

He raised the bag into view and shouted to Gilman, "Hey. How much is this?" he asked


"2300 GP, my boy, though it's worth it the more you use it," Gilman's eyes saw the light crossbow Gary carried, "You seem to be something of a sniper.  Perhaps you'd be interesting in a sight for your crossbow.  Perfect for making those long ranged hits.  Only 150 GP, and I can have it fitted in a matter of minutes."


Gary knew a bargain when he saw one...or when someone else told him that it was a bargain. "I'll take it." he muttered, giving the money over to Gilman.


Gilman took the money and handed the bag to Gary, who handed over his crossbow.  Gilman went inside the cart, and 5 minutes later, came out with the crossbow.  It was still the same, but two scopes had been set on it, the first screwed onto stock of the crossbow, and the second fixed to the front, screwed on either side of an opening where the bolt could still fly through.

"Make sure to only use it for the longe shots, it'll be too slow for closer shots."  Gilman said handing it back over.


Ameriss shoots at the nerest orc
21 hit
nicks the orc
2 damage


The orcs snarl, breathing heavily, then slower, and slower, and slower. The orc in front of Sasha falls backward and lies dying on the floor.  The two orcs that remain drop their weapons, raise their hands in the air.  The orc in front of the two dogs looks at them shakily.  Zander calls off his wolf, then looks to Eiram.

The man tied up in a chair tries to move in his chair, but ends up falling over on his side.


As a healer, Saeoun is naturally concerned. He quickly moves to the person tied in the chair, first removing the gag, then working out the knots. At the same time, he assesses the wounds (if any) and general health of the captive. In a gentle voice, he says, "Hold still, we will have you out in a second."


As the gag is removed, the man coughs and sputters, running his tongue over his teeth to get the taste of the dirty cloth out of his mouth.

"Thank You," He finally said getting up from his undone bonds, "Those ruffians burst in here, waving this shiny goblet in the air and knocking me to the ground.  The next thing I knew I was tied up and forced to watch as they down my supplies like the greedy bastards they were.  I believe I've seen that goblet before, during the sermons at the Cathedral.  There it is."

He points to a gold cup that had rolled to the side of some crates.  It's rim was encrusted with red gems set a half inch away from each other around the outside.  He then notices the man who untied him was looking him over.

"I believe I'm alright, aside from this nasty bump they gave me," He rubs a large swollen area on his balding scalp, "I must thank you for saving me, it's the least I could do.  Ah, I know."

He begins checking around his crates, looking for something.


with a whistle and a tap of his toe Eiram calls his hound to his side. he rubmes his hound between the ears praising his subvocally.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Amarillis yells to the still standing orc
<common> Lay down your weapons and you shall not be harmed! I will help treat both your's and your friends wounds<common>
moves to side of dying orc and attempts untrained heal check to stablize
rolls 16 +0 DC15 succeds
Then carefully binds the orcs hands together using her silk rope making sure that it cannot escape and is not further injured.
rolls 20+3+2= 25


Sasha took a single step back as the orc before her fell from the ranged attack. The shifter glance from one of the remaining orcs to the other, watching as their weapons clanked to the floor of the tavern. A growl of disappointment rumbled in her throat as she glared at the would-be invaders. She snorts as they alllow Amarillis to bind them then finally sheathes her blades.
Turning her attention to the original reason for being there Sasha shifts back to her normal form as she crosses the room. Crouching at the crates she picks up the goblet and crosses back over to Amarillis. "The goblet has been recovered, ma'am."


"Here we are," The man said finally pulling out a rectangular box.  He pried off the lid to reveal 5 bottles.

"I got these a short while ago, heard they sharpened a person's senses.  Thought they might prove useful in case any of my best customers might decide to actual walk themselves home after a rowdy night.  I already mixed them with alcohol, though the stuff isn't that powerful.  Should still make for some fun."

He hands the box over to Zander after he had picked up his club.


Amarillis acepts the goblet and adds it into her harverstack.
Thank you, favored of the companions Sasha.
<celestial> May the guidence of the holy lion be granted to you, and the the wisdom to fight for good be your shield<celestial>

OOC: the talisid comment is meant to remark on the great cat heritige of sasha not her class. Amarsillis just choose the most apropprete prayer she could  Think of.


OOC: Um, Zander's the Lion of Talissid, DV.  Sasha's just the warshaper.

The clerics following Saeoun enter the brewery, seeing that the fight was over. Two of them prepare a stretcher and lay the injured orc upon it, while the others begin gathering the bodies.  A shaky Joulzen mills about them gathering the equipment of the fallen orcs.  Zander has the two orcs that remain standing help with the bodies.

"Ah, allow me to fetch a cart for all that," The man says rushing off into the back.  Moments later, he appears back out front with an open cart and mule.

They begin piling the bodies into the back, along with the equipment.  The two clerics with the stretcher carry the orc alongside.

"I suppose we should be returning to the cathedral now," Zander tells Amarillis, "Everything looks ready to go here."


Upon seeing the goblet, Saeoun starts forward, an expression of extreme interest on his face. Facing Amarillis, he says, "You are correct, it is from the Cathedral. A powerful Holy item, used for blessing water. I would like to carry it, if I may."


"Well, let's get it back to the temple," Zander says taking the driver's seat in the cart.  The back of the cart was filled up, only the passenger seat remained.

"At least it isn't much of a walk back."


Saeoun nods at Zander's suggestion, motioning for his clerics to follow and walking behind the cart.


The group heads out, and makes it back to the cathedral in a matter of minutes.  The clerics haul in the stolen items and three living orcs, and Saeoun leads the way into the cathedral.  The priest is there to greet them.

"Welcome back.  Ah!  And I see you brought back the sacred vessel.  Thank you, Saeoun, Pelor truly shines down upon you.  The clergy and I shall see to the rest."

The priest takes the Sacred Vessel from Saeoun.  He stares at it for a moment, then presents it to Saeoun once more.

"You have served the forces of good well, my boy, and I believe you shall serve them even better with this to aid you.  I only asked that it may be returned once this horrible siege is over.  I will make sure that there is still a cathedral to return it to when this is all over."


Saeoun bows, and accepts the goblet. "Thank you, friend. I will bring it back when the invaders are repulsed, you have my word."


"Thank you for your aid in the tavern." The shifter nodded to Saeoun as she thanked him. "But, we shouldn't linger here. There are still more invaders within the city's walls." Sasha stated, matter of factly, as she moved to stand beside Aramillis.  Her eyes kept glancing back to the doors as if worried of another assualt on the temple.


"We should meet up with the others at the third temple," Zander told them, "At least, that was the plan once we had finished things here at the Cathedral."

The group heads back to the cart outside and leaves, heading for the Temple.  As they begin to pass the wrought iron fence of the graveyard, a familiar catfolk jumps out from behind the corner.  Moments later, Josh and the rest of his team appear as well.

"Ah, Saeoun, Amarillis, I see you've settled things at the Cathedral," Josh said looking at the cart, "Send any supplies or equipment you may have confiscated to the Temple of Kord, Gilman set up shop there and should be able to start assessing their value, and my men can deal with the prisoners and bodies.  With that out of the way, I'll need you to come back here.  We'll be entering the graveyard soon, as one of my team mates was taken there by some of the orcs.  I don't know what that place may hold for us, but having a cleric will certainly help things."

The cart is taken to the grounds of the Temple of Kord, and Gilman and Co. get to work sorting everything while Zander returns.

Reese Tora

Marosharr reaches the intersection of the street that runs next to the grave yard, and glances down it in either direction from the protection of the shadows.  He spies a group of soldiers and priests approaching, and slips back up the street to report to Lt. Josh.

The catfolk returns to the main body and addresses his commander.  "Sir, there is a group of what appears to be out people approaching from the north west."

Josh nods in acknowledgement of Marosharr's report, and continues towards the intersection.

Marosharr says "By your leave," then darts forward again, and turns the corner ahead of the main group.

Quote from: Manawolf on September 20, 2006, 12:57:45 PM
"We should meet up with the others at the third temple," Zander told them, "At least, that was the plan once we had finished things here at the Cathedral."

The group heads back to the cart outside and leaves, heading for the Temple.  As they begin to pass the wrought iron fence of the graveyard, a familiar catfolk jumps out from behind the corner.  Moments later, Josh and the rest of his team appear as well.

"Ah, Saeoun, Amarillis, I see you've settled things at the Cathedral," Josh said looking at the cart, "Send any supplies or equipment you may have confiscated to the Temple of Kord, Gilman set up shop there and should be able to start assessing their value, and my men can deal with the prisoners and bodies.  With that out of the way, I'll need you to come back here.  We'll be entering the graveyard soon, as one of my team mates was taken there by some of the orcs.  I don't know what that place may hold for us, but having a cleric will certainly help things."

The cart is taken to the grounds of the Temple of Kord, and Gilman and Co. get to work sorting everything while Zander returns.

As the two groups exchange thier greetings and orders, Marosharr slips over to the wrought iron fence, and peers between it's bars, out across the lawn of the graveyard, looking for any sign of the enemy forces amongst the headstones and stone buildings, as twilight shrouds the scene in shades of grey cut through with and stark black shadows.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Marosharr sees little more than rows of tombstones with winding paths around three low hills.  At the top of each hill is an ornate stone crypt, standing in the moonlight.  Looking up, he can see that the top of the fence surrounding the cemetery is adorned with patterns of evergreen leaves.

"Enter with care, troops," Josh says walking through the iron gates, followed closely by Marethial.

Josh moves along a path between the graves, looking from left to right.

"Hey, you!" A voice yells out to them, "What are you doing here?"

A rather hairy human comes running up to them with a shovel in hand and a full sack over his shoulder.

"I am Lieutenant Josh Avalon of the royal army," Marethial whispers in his ear, "Have I been correctly informed that you are Noshi the caretaker of Saltmarsh Cemetery?"

"That I am, sir" Noshi says standing erect and saluting the lieutenant, "What is your business here, sir?"

"We are searching for a subordinate of mine that had been carried off by some orc invaders.  Have you seen two orcs carrying an elf woman by any chance?"

"No sir, but I did find this," Noshi let's down the sack on the ground.  The sack opens to reveal three sets of armor and weapons.  Marethial kneels down, and her blade begins to glow with light, illuminating the contents of the sack.

"Someone look them over," Josh says pointing to the sack, "What of the equipment's owners?"

"I found nothing but the gear, sir.  I don't know where they went."