The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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With a Roar and flash of light a glowing bear appears in posision to flank the entomer fighting Sasha, the celestial  Bear attempts to aid sasha's attack,
Since the bear just needs to hit AC 10 and got a 15, Sasha's first attack this round  gains a +4 to hit (+2 flanking,+2 aid attack), and  +2(flanking) for every other attack.

meanwhile, Amerlilis casts Cat's grace on Sasha (sasha's Dex mod changes to +7)


Sasha was, at first, surprised by the bear's sudden appearance, but when it attacked the entomber she gives it no further thought and continues her own assault. Using the animal's attack to her advantage Sasha flanks the enemy and lashes out. To the shifter's dismay her first two attacks are not nearly as effective as she would have liked.
(1st attack – 1st primary 21 damage 9
2nd attack – off-hand 22 damage 9
3rd attack – 2nd primary 28 damage 13 )


The entomber is reduced to nothing but dirt and a bag left at its side.


Eiram draws his bow again aims at the tomb tumbler nearest him. His first volley had wasted three arrows he only hoped that this second one did not.


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The second shot hits the entomber, dealing 8 damage total.

OOC: it seems that an entomber was not destroyed in the greater turning attempt.  The chanters had turn resistance, and didn't leave enough HD damage for the entomber.  There are now 3 entombers left, since the 4th was just taken out by Sasha.  The 3 are the ones near Marosharr.


Malakin now moves into range of the closest entomber with his spear and attacks swiftly:

To hit = 30
Dammage = 19
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Even with its toughened hide, the entomber still get hit hard for 14 points of damage.


Quav Fires another Eldrich spear towards the nearest entomber ((Attack))The attack did a total of 12 dammage to the entomber.

Min, wth his shadowy panther by him, Ran up to the nearest entomber and attacked with his scythe and failed to do any dammage.


The bolt is lodged in the folds of the entombers rags.


Svens hands glow and he casts Scroching ray safely without harming his friends but apon a safe rage apon the spectrial beings



A large figure makes short work of the surrounding fence, hitting the ground running as he barrels towards the enemy. A blur of white cloth flies past as his large frame drives straight for the nearest enemy...

...and a tightly-clenched fist connects solidly with it's jaw...


Saeoun steps over to the side and angles his shot at the entomber that had just been socked by the newcomer.  The light zooms right to the entomber's head.
Saeoun's Searing Light burns the entomber to the extreme for 62 points of damage, leaving a hole through its head, and turns to dust in a matter of moments.

OOC: Yes folks it's true, a critical hit with a spell will deal double damage.  That does means it's limited to spells that you make an attack roll for, but that's impressive nonetheless.

The two remaining entombers look in time to see the third reduced to nothing, and look to the cleric responsible.  They both try to move in but the first is stopped by Malakin's spear.  The spear hits hard, but it's only thanks to the entombers hide that it manages to still move.

They both reach the cleric and take swings at him, but his armor proves too tough for them to get through.

Just then, a small rumbling is heard, and a hand burst up from the ground.  It pulls itself out from the loose soil, and with a roar followed by a few coughs, reveals itself to be the caretaker who had been "entombed" earlier.  Marethial rushes over to help him, but Josh turns to the entomber that had been responsible in the first place.  He moves in and lays his sword upon the entomber.  His sword musters up 5 points of damage.  However, his blade burns even further with it's holy power, and the undead is engulfed in holy fire and reduced to ash.

"You are the last, undead, and you shall recieve no quarter," Josh announces.

OOC: New round.  It's time for the final beatdown.


Eiram draws his bow again aims at the last of the undead nearest him. His attacks had been losing his edge since his injury at the brewery but still he had to try.
he sighs as he watches the result of his volley.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Reese Tora

Marosharr rushes to the melee, and moves into a position opposite the undead creature from the beleagered cleric.  He swings out at the vile necromantic creature, but, in his haste, he doesn't take enough time to aim properly, and misses.  The scout holds his position, hoping to distract the rotting creature by his presence.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quav let's loose another Eldritch Spear to the remaining Entonber. (Attack) It hits for 7 dammag.

Min moves to the last Entomber and attacks once again with his Scythe as heis Shadow panther moves over to the entomber and attacks. ((attack)) Unfortunatly he misses the entomber at only attacks the air around it.


Sasha barely notices the entomber before her as it falls still, her attention alright focused on the next, and final, enemy. With a snarl she lunges across the short distance and strikes out at it. (attack {+2 for flanking, forgot to add that before rolling} 27 damage 15)

((I don't know for sure if it's more then a 5' step to reach it so I'll also post rolls for if it wasn't and Sasha getting her full attacks.))

(1st attack - 1st primary {-4 for 2W, +2 for flank I forgot, but I remembered for last two} 25  damage 15
2nd attack - 1st off-hand 16 {miss :p}
3rd attack - 2nd primary 9 {natural 1 >p})

Sasha grunts from the shock sent up her arm as her blade connects with a tombstone within reach.

(Str check to keep a hold of her sword)

((Christ, I should just stay with the single attack, those blew. I'll let Mana decide if Sasha held on to her sword.))


Seeing the shifter occupied, the entomber takes a swing at her, but misses just as she's able to free her sword.


EDIT: OOC: i dint know how far away the opponent is, so im presuming i have to move to attack the opponent..

Malakin Moves up behind the Last foe and attempts to strike it down..

To Hit:
2+21(19 + flank bonus) = 23

"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Gary shook his head in frustration and slinked closer to the fight. He took out his gurkha knife and leapt at the undead creature now being attacked from all sides.




The knife proves ineffectual, as the undead's tough hide prevent the knife from even hitting.  Even caught off guard, it had no less grace than its usual cow like momentum.


The bear stikes the last entomer with a glowing paw, (holy smite)
Guessing that hits
3+4str+20(holy)-5 DR/silver= 22

(if it doesn't die, than I sit there)


The entomber is reduced to grave dirt, and it's bag falls to the ground with a thud.

"Well done," Josh says sheathing his sword, "And a I offer my gratitude to the new arrivals.  Step forward and reveal your identities."


Quav walked forward and introduced himself, "Hello I am glad me and my ... companion could help you." He didn't want to reveal that Min was his slave yet especially since it might no t go over well with the group of adventurers. Min walked over to his master and said, "Besides no thanks is really needed. My name is Min and the Drow you see there is named Quav."


(OOC: sorry for missing a turn before, I had some RL drama to handle)

" called Keothi...Keothi Gathakanathi." Keothi stands, broad shoulders framing a powerfully large physique, his torso and arms wrapped in a ghostly-looking cloth. He walks forward a few steps, bowing lightly to Josh, large hands folded tightly at his chest: "You seemed as if you needed some assistance." He glanced at the other adventurers, nodding sagely in their direction "and to be included in a group as this to fight against those...foul creatures...was most gratifying."


Josh looks to the goliath, and then to the drow.  He slows draws his sword, "You have shown a hint of loyalty to the crown.  Do you swear to uphold the interests of the kingdom, and oppose its enemies, no matter their form?"


"My loyalty is to myself and my companion.. If you don'ike that then fine. I have nothing against those who are loyal to the crown and the kingdom," Quav said eyeing the sword. "It's a little complicated. The Kingdom could see Quav as an enemy along with me or, considering how most drow act, think I'm his slave. That in turn makes people dislike us, maybe even hate us. So, in turn we tend to try to look out for ourselves rather than everyone else," Min said trying to explain everything.


Josh quirks an eye, and Marethial leans forward, "Some things are better left unsaid.  This is war, so do you at least agree to fight for the kingdom?"


It's not as if all of us are loyal to this kingdom. After all they are but humans, as you must understand, Drow. If I may inquire are you one of the followers of the moonlight goddess? There seems to be a aura of light around you, and you do not bear any spider tokens. It would truly be a event to meet one of the sundered that wishes to make peace with the light. O:)


"We will fight for the kingdom as long as no one attacks me or Min," Quav said as he looked at Marethial in the eye. He then sighed and said, "It is true my veiw towards other races are very different than most drow. While some things about me make me different than other drow. There are some things that are the same."