The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Reese Tora

Marosharr walks 10-20 feet ahead of the main group, eyes and ears peeled for any suspicious activity.  Well, any activity, really, as this is a graveyard, and any activity would rather be suspicious. 

He puts his hand to his short sword as the Caretaker runs up to the party, but relaxes as Josh addresses the man with apparent recognition.  As the two talk, the agile catfolk wanders about, keeping within 10-20 feet of the group, within earshot of the conversation, watching for any signs of movement... or clues to the wherabouts of the owners of the armor and clothes found by the caretaker.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


(I think that searching gear means I can take 20, right?)

Gary looks through the gear, trying to see if there is anything out of the ordinary.

...Taking about 2 minutes to do so. *egg timer*


OOC: You may, but it would take you a full 2 minutes to look them over that thoroughly.

"I'm asking you to check the contents, not find an interplanar portal." Josh says after about a minute.

Reese Tora

While Josh and Gary, and presumably everyone else, is occupied in examining the gear that Noshi brought to them, Marosharr approaches the man to ask some questions.

"Where did you find that gear?"
"How was it laying around?"
"Are any of the crypts where you find the armor open or easily entered?"
"Are any of them large enough for many people to hide in?"

He asks the questions at a reasonable pace, leting Noshi answer each before asking the next.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"I found them lying on the ground past the hill.  It was rather strange, no signs of the owners anywhere.  I was planning to take them to the military when you showed up."

Gary finally finished looking over the contents top to bottom.  The gear from two of the sets were made by orc hands, and the final one is the equipment of the elf rogue that went missing.  There are small streaks of blood on the armors, but hardly enough to warrant a deadly wound if they were inside the armor.  There were also a few drops of an unidentifiable white substance, almost a goo of some sort.

Before Gary can say anything, a noise sounded further into the graveyard.  For the keener eared, it almost sounds like the rapid shifting of soil.  The fog begins to clear, and four shadowy figures can be seen by those with low light vision.  Marethial raises her sword.

"What is it?" Josh asks.

"Graverobbers, I believe." Marethial answers.

Reese Tora

Marosharr breaks off in mid question, turning towards the sound of shifting earth.  He drops into a crouch and draws his sword as the shadowy figures come forward through the dim remains of twilight.  The cat folk focuses his keen eyes, trying to discern any detains of the approaching four figures, but is unable to due to distance and the cloying gloom.

Marosharr moves obliquely towards the figures, keeping some head stones between him and them, in order to get a better look.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Everyone else moves towards the figures, and the caretaker crouches next to Marosharr.

The figures look humanoid, though their appearance is still hard to discern.  One stands before a coffin, and another bends over and touchs the ground.  A moment later, a coffin pops up, the earth rolling off it and back into the grave.  The first pulls open his coffin, and then grabs the corpse inside.  It stuffs it into a sack, which retains it's shape despite just having a human body shoved into it.

The other three figures continue to raise coffins and take the bodies.  They still don't notice the group approaching.  One of them stops and looks around, but then returns to the coffin it stands over.

"What're they doing here?" Noshi asks Marosharr, "I can't see anything."

Reese Tora

"I can't tell what they are.  They're using magic and taking bodies."

He moves closer still, using the cover of the head stones to stay hidden, and ready to dash off at a direction perpendicular to that of his companions.  He pads as softly as posbile so as not to aleart his quary, and takes a better look at what they are and what they are doing.

<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Gary looked up to see the guy pad away softly. He didn't like being the centre of attention so he shyly moved away quietly and followed him, keeping his crossbow at attention. He used his darkvision to look at the source of the noise as he walked

Move silently:




"WHAT?" Screamed the caretaker.  He got right up, as Marosharr slinked off, and marched towards the figures, "YOU THERE," He shouts, "STOP RIGHT THERE."

The figures get up from the coffins and look at the caretaker.  As he gets close to them, the nearest one pulls back and throws a punch at the man.  The man dodges, barely, but the others move in.  The second lands a blow, but Noshi stands strong.  The next one lays a powerful blow, and sends the caretaker into the ground.  A bulge of earth is all that remains.

The scout and ninja get a look at the perpetrators, and they don't appear to be of the living.  These shrunken and disfigured humanoid carcasses move under the power of its own animation, though the details of its shape are blurred beneath a coating of filth and grave dirt.  They stare out with bulging eyeballs and silent with a sewn mouth.

"Troops," Josh commands, "repulse these undead thieves.

Josh begins to move closer, when suddenly a pair of ghostly figures rise from the ground.  These wavering figures begin a song.  The haunting melody echoes through the air, calling for the group to dance.  The music makes their souls shrivel, but it also makes them smile, How can something be so awful and so wonderful at the same time?

OOC: Everyone make a will save.

Reese Tora

Marosharr feels some force effecting his mind, but is able to shrug it off.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation



Gary quailed against the song at first, beginning to succumb to it's numbing melody. But found deep steel underneath and resisted it.

He quickly fired a shot off at the horrible things. He tried to not look too closely at their features and just shoot them before they came any closer.




Quav looks at the ghosts from 120' away and fires an eldritch spear towards the nearest one. ((attack)) He hits it and deals 5 dammage to it. He then turns towards Min and says, "Go in the direction I shot and try to help adventurers as best you can." Min then runs as fast as he can in the direction his master and friend, Quav, commanded.

((WOOHOO ^_^ I can help))


Sven sets his mind straight  Results: 20+6=26     and thus uses magic missle Result: 4+3+2+2+4=15

Reese Tora

Marosharr jumps out from behind the headstones, and rushes up to stab at the nearer of the two ghostly figures.  He springs towards it.  His short sword bites into the ethereal figure, and the cold effect seems to cause the ghostly substance to whiten and craze in the area of the wound.  His attack executed, Marosharr springs back again to a distance of thirty feet, and at an angle, taking him away to the left side of the group of enemies perpendicular to the direction of the rest of the party.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Sasha grinded her teeth as she watched the two figures desicrating the finaaly resting places of those who had shuffled off the mortal coil. At her commanders command the shifter leap from her crouching postion. Her advance tthough was stopped short as the ghostly dou rose up and began their ghastly tune. Sasha wanted to ignore the huanting melody but found herself unable to ignore it. The shift found herself at its mercy.

((Man, it sucks to be a fighter when it comes to Will saves. :p ))


Though shocked Eiram musters his will trying to save himself form despair.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Eiram lowers his bow, giving into the horrible melody.


OOC:  Dooom! Dooooom! All hail the natural 20!
Will save =28
IC: The music slides right off of the glorious sorceress.
Makes Knowlage religon check
Now that should give me at least type(undead) name, and 1-2 major points of interst
the sorceress recogizes the crypt chanters and entomers
"The specters are weaked by light, and the zombie like things must be struck by silver"
Begins to chant <celestial> Oh, heavenly father, master of the flame of our house, shining light that blesses the elven people, cleansing flame of the true sword, grant me the love of your house and send to me the bear that guards thy door, and lift the poor souls comdemmed to earth to the eternal forest of thy love.<celestial>
OOC: in one turn a celestial bear will apper for 8 rounds


Saeoun only shows disdain for the song of the dead.  As if possessed by his deity, Saeoun steps forward and raises his symbol of Pelor above his head.  His power shines as if from a person beyond even his own power.  A blinding light radiates from the sun of Pelor, and the crypt chanters discoporate into the mist, and an entomber is reduced to dust and grave dirt.  With the song of the chanters silenced, Sasha and Eiram find their minds free from the melody.

OOC: Sasha and Eiram can both make their moves this turn now that the song has been silenced.  Net's character also still has a move to make.

"Know that you are not welcome here, undead,"  Josh says to them with sword outstretched.  He releases a gout of fire breath, burning the entomber Gary had pegged, for 19 damage.  Marethial stands stoic, ready for anything the Entombers might do.


Eiram stands  shaking. both with anger and fear. her calls his hound  and draws his bow. looking for a target or a friend in jeopardy
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Eiram can see the three remaining entombers in the mist.


Malakin falters as he attempts to shake off the effects of the song...

OOC: Sorry im late ;)
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Malakin shows little need to shake off its effects as the song has stopped.

OOC: THEY'RE DEAD!  EVERYONE CAN MOVE NORMALLY NOW!  The Crypt Chanter's song dazes creatures only as long as the song is played.  Since it has stopped, you can still make your turn this round.


OOC: woops sorry :P thats what i get for ariving late >.<

Malakin advances on the closest opponent, spear down and ready to react to anything they might attempt..

OOC: edit how far away are they ?
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


With the song of the spirits fading in her ears Sasha was finally able to shake off the effects of their wicked song. With a growl she pulls both her blades and advances on the defilers. ((I assume they're within 30'. If not then disregard the following attack.))
The shifter swings her silvered blade at the first unfortunate creature to fall within her reach. (Attack 21 damage 10)

((edit: actually the attack roll should be 23 since she's not attacking with both swords this round, there's no penalty. Damage isn't effected by that.))


OOC: About 30 feet away.

The blade slices right through the entombers flesh, leaving a nasty wound made nastier by the accumulation of grave dirt.

"Ranger," Josh calls out, "fill that entomber with arrows.  We'll down him soon enough."


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The three entombers look to the scout nearby and surround him.  They each take a swing, but prove too slow to keep up with the catfolk.

"Come now," Josh shouts approaching the undead, "Surely you can't be that pathetic?"

Josh draws his sword and stares down the entomber closest to him, leaving it shaking in its filth.

Marethial moves up with him, keeping her guard up.

OOC: the new round is here.

Reese Tora

Marosharr easily dodges the clumsy blows of the foul undead creatures.  He somersaults along the line of the ghastly creatures away from the party.  His acrobatic maneuver allows him to avoid the first and second of the rotting creatures with relative ease, and the third is unable to attack him as he shoots past, lashing out with his sword and disorienting it while he slips past, though his blade strikes with little force, meerly dislodging some grave dirt as it glances off the creature's leathery dessicated skin.  He moves past them, back towards where they had first stood, and a little beyond that.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation