The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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"A fine blow," Josh declares, staring at the third sneak Ket had just pegged around the corner, "Keothi, see to it that the little sneak doesn't get away."


Amarillis comes galloping in on the back of her warhorse with Nilo perched on her head. (She's a good 600ft away, 60ft move speed run x4 swamp (trail) x3/4=180 ft per round, She will reach the fight in 4 rounds)


Eiram picks up his dropped bow and aims at the blinded lizardman.
arrow damage
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Reese Tora

Marosharr takes a stride towards the river, and pushes off of the bank, jumping accross with cat-like ease and grace.  He lands on the far bank, upstream of the group of sneaks, just next to one, and Lashes out with his sword.  His cold blade takes the creature by surprise, Creweling cutting into it, and piercing it in a vital place.  The cold blade jolts the creature with frost, and it tumbles, lifeless, to the ground.  Marosharr quickly withdraws his blade from the creature, and sprints some distance upstream from the remaining two.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The mount is deprived of its rider, and left helpless.

"Good work.  Well then, monk, let's go with the one that can still see the fate that awaits him."


Malakin watches Marosharr jump the river and does not follow, instead he pulls out a javelin and throws it towards the nearest opponent still standing..

To hit: 18+11=29
Damage: 5+5=10.

EDIT: (OOC: and if i can attack twice with javelins with a full attack then..)

To hit: 15+6=21
Damage: 2+5=7.

(EDIT again for the spell check :P)
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Malakin nails the sneak that can still see.  It manages to remain on its mount despite the blow.\

OOC:Hm, Papi seems to have gone absent for a while.  Oh well, let's get this going again.

Keothi jumps across the river with relative ease.

He takes hold of the sneak's leg.  He tries to pull the sneak out of the saddle, but it won't budge.

The sneaks and their mounts finally shake off the blindness.  One of the sneaks tries to circle around Keothi, But Keothi lays a kick to the leaper's jaw.  The sneak is sent hurtling off as the leaper mount is sent sprawling to the ground lifeless.  The sneak rolls with the fall, and continues onward, still spurred by Josh's taunt.  It leaps across the river, only to find a pair of swords waiting for him.  Marethial's blade slips from her hand,  But Josh's sword pierces the sneak as it comes down upon the other side of the river.  He rips out another 11 damage from the sneak.  The blade flares with holy energy, dealing another 11 points of damage.  While extremely bloodied, the creature still stands.

With the monk occupied, the other sneak sees its chance.  It kicks the sides of the leaper, and the two go flying over the river.  It just makes it across, but then beelines to the wall and climbs it with ease.  It attempts to close in on Josh, but ends up stopping short.

The final leaper, finding itself surrounded, wounded, and without a rider, attempts to withdraw, running scared.  However, it doesn't get far, as Ket finds plenty of time to crack his whip against its side as it tries to pass.  The leaper falls in the mud, dying.

"You picked a good day to die," Josh announces to the sneak before him.  He brings his sword to bear against the sneak once more.  He deals another 10 points of damage upon the creature's skull.  Holy energy courses through its mind, and a look of utter horror appears upon the sneak's face as it falls into the muck, convulsing in its last moments of life before death.

OOC: New Round, finally.

Reese Tora

Marosharr sheathes his sword and moves to a position directly accross the river from the remaining sneak, readying his shortbow as he moves.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Amarillis moves 240ft Guiding with Knees (DC 5 12+8=20 Success) and casting fly on herself (Concentration DC 15 6+12=18 Success) Next round into the fight!


Despite the shots, the sneak remains fastened to his mount on the wall.


Malakin quickly tracks the sneak riding towards the wall, takes aim and hurls a second javelin as it climbs:

To Hit: 16+11=27
Dammage: 6+5=11
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Ket, already having his wings out flew up to get a better view of them and casts Insidious Rhythm on the mount.


The mount pauses for a moment.  A distinct ringing enters its ears, and it covers them with its claws.  However, it forgets that it was using those claws to stay on the wall, and accidentally falls off.  The mount takes 3 damage from impacting with the ground.  It manages to pick itself up, but just barely as it wobbles on its hind legs.

"Now is the time," Josh moves past Marethial with his sword over his head.

He attempts to strike the sneak, but it manages to dodge the blow on its mount.


Keothi takes a flying leap across the river, landing with enough motion to dive into an enemy, driving his fist into his stomach for 9 damage.

[rolls verified by DM, sorry I lost the links >.<]


And with that blow, the situation dawns upon the sneak.

"Lay down your arms," Josh orders the sneak, "You are surrounded.  If you surrender, you'll make it out of this alive."

The sneak looks around, seeing that it is surrounded.  It then looks to Josh and raises its weapons.  Josh raises his shield, but looks on with astonishment as the sneak stabs its blade into the skull of its mount, and through its heart.  It freezes, then begins to slip from its mounts back as the thing begins to collapse.  It wears a display of teeth on its face, whether it is a pain-filled grimace, or a mocking grin, is uncertain.

Josh glares at the pair of corpses, then sheathes his sword and shield.


"What shall we do now?" Quav asked as he looked at the corpses on the ground. He was honestly curious as to what to do. Min walked over to Quav and sighed as he looked at the corpses ion the ground and sighed. At times like this he would sometimes wish he could be one of those amoung the dead and at the same time be glad he is alive.


Eiram looks around. this was truing out to be something other then what he expected when he signed on. he sighed. ah well he's committed and he would give his best.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Damn it," Marethial says in a sort of hushed tone, "We can't leave these bodies here.  They'll be too suspicious of the tunnel to set off the disks."


"We could drag them back to town and have them burried or something. That or throw them in the river or something," Quav said unsure of what to really do with the bodies.


With a graceful dive Amarillis swoops down to the ground. "Sorry I'm late...but I happened to see the Spawn's choice..I fear I know the reason. There is a party of somethings moving barrels down the river. Ket has better eyes than me he may be able to identify the creatures.  I could see them as I crested the wall."

She pauses and turns to Quav..."I saw some traces of my brother's work while catching up to you...If he sees you Drow...well... surrender is your best bet, Otril is a bit insane. and he has a great hatred of Drow...almost as great as his hatred of undead. I  was supposed to meet him here in a week and I fear he came early just as I did. I would morn your death...I feel that you are trying to remove your taint and I would like to see that happen....just like I would like him to retract that dammned vow...." Her voice trails off and she looks off to the side.

OCC: I'm mentioning Otril for a reason...I'm almost to 9th more battle should do it..and I'm taking leadership at 9th...and he's my cohort..and yes insane does discribe him (I'm thinking of having him take a level or two of the beserk PrC from Deities and demigods...I think that should tell you a bit about him)

(Mana I have a Script for his intro already written so tell me when to plop it in)


"And that's why I travel with Min. We have a... unique relationship. It's rather complicated and I fear it would only make you think worse of me," Quav said not wanting to go into the history of him and Min.

Min sighed and sat on the edge of the river. He figured that Quav was being a little arogent and knew what would happen apon his death.


" I do not mean to impliy that you cannot defend yourself...but that very few things enrage him more than fiends or Drow..and he left the house due to those rages..Lia and I are the only ones who can shock him out of them and if I am not there...well he won't kill you if you surrender and do not display your taint. He takes after our Shiradi great grandfather so he's not very elven in apperance...So please take care...Drow....Quav"


"My history, both ancestral and personal, might be enough to convince him otherwise. In fact if you knew you would probley place me with the rest of my kind. Most people do but then again you don't know my history," Quav said with a slight smugness. He knew either way he wouldn't surrender when he has done nothing wroung.


" Your fiendish blood? if that is the ancestral history you mean, then I know of that...It's hard to keep such a thing hidden if you use it's power so often, and blood does not always tell ..but if you feel I have misjudged you Drow.." She pauses and then starts up again "Perhaps you may be right and you are damned but pehaps you have the potental to reclaim the light...Perhaps you will reverse the fall of Araushnee or perhaps you will fall further...but I have learned that the only things one cannot ever know is the potential of one's soul...and the the final straws that break one's faith or outlook "

OOC: Quav and Otril have a few things in common (at least on the surface) and Amarillis is starting to see that...


"So you know that my ancester is a devil, But what you don't know is that is the very reason I travel with Min. If want to get technical Min has to travel with me. He is my slave. It's more complicated than you think though," Quav said with a smile, "But it's not for me to tell."

Min stood up and said, "He's right... It's my story so I should tell it. You see one of my ancesters was cursed to live a life of sertitude to one of Devil ancestry or a devil so they will be free apon their death. But if they choose to live a free life then they will not be free in death. The only way to lift the curse though is by having a demon and a Devil work together."


" And so you have a keep with the one who shares that...Quav, your curse frees Min from his...and so in some small way you keep this curse for are not just using him. Min could find a different master, am I right? So he stays with you because he chooses you. The Seldarine can be cruel. Your curses in a way connect you two. "

She looks up at the sky for a moment then looks at Quav "I mentioned that vow before...My brother, Ortil, was my twin...well he still is...He was the Heir before me and had well...a perfect life. He married his childhood love, a nymph and cleric of Elebrin Liothiel named Sylsealasri. He was a cleric of Correllon Larethian and was very near to becoming the head of the church.... Sylsealasri was two months pregnent with their first child. A border town reported problems with a drow necromancer and a few packs of zombies. My brother went and so did Sylsealasri..despite his arguments..a few lower ranked clerics and some warriors would get there a few days later."

" I'm still not sure just what happened, but when the reforcements arrived... Sylsealasri was dead and Ortil was on the brink of death...with a clouded left eye. They healed him..and he told them the only thing I know about those three days...That the drow was being used by a virtuous drinker called Karn."

She looks around for a bit before continuing.
" He asked for Sylsealasri and apon learning of her death....ripped out his left tainted eye. Of course, he was a powerful cleric in those days, and atempted to revive her...only to fail time and time again. Finally he cast a powerful spell to let him find out from Correllon Larethian why his only love was barred from him...I was there when the answer came..and he made that vow. Now you may not know this but...our house has a bit of divine blood...that of Correllon Larethian himself...and alot of eladrin blood in our veins....So not one of the house ever worshiped another god.....until that day.

She raises her head and stares into the sky as she speaks
'Because her child was tainted and to restore one is to restore both, rather than let the child be born I must keep her soul at my side' that was the answer he was given...I don't think his mind could take that 'betrayal'...I think the madness started then...anyway, he...well shouted  'I swear on Sylsealasri that I will pay no more homage to the god that kept my love's soul, who will not even let me join her in death, nor will I love or marry till she is returned, the blight that took her from me is eraticated in full or the demon god that set the demon that took both her and my eye is dead!' He denouced the house and the heirship...and left. 10 years ago he came to the house and left  a necklace that had belonged to Sylsealasri that was missing when she was found...around the neck of our newborn sister. He follows Ayillia now."

Looking back at Quav "In a way you remind me of him"


Josh rolls his eyes, "Not the best time for stories about family.  Hm...perhaps if we attack the boats carrying the barrels, they'll take that to be our main mission here, and distract them from the charges set in the tunnel.  Yes, but how to go about it, this long night is starting to wear thin on us, and the convoy is most likely heavily gaurded."

"If we only knew what kind of barrels they were carrying," Marethial wondered, "Perhaps it's, it's too damp in the swamp to keep that stuff dry, and I doubt the lizardfolk even know what a gun is."


"Sorry about that and I'll go up ahead and see if I can identify what's in the barrels," Quav said volunteering to go ahead.