The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Josh looks over to Min for a moment, "It's too dangerous to wander the town right now.  It is under siege, after all."


Eiram packs up his personal belonging and heads to were they last met as a group. there were things that he wanted to know and to the leader of the party was a good place to start.  He needed to know what he had gotten himself into.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Slowly Sven looked at Marethial carfuly and said with a calm tone. "Hmmm nothing really m'lady..I am fine yet its mainly the past that mostly troubles me the most of my thought." Neverless Sven went to sit onto his bed carfuly staring out the window in a quiet thought on his mind that brings him much of his mother and how life was for her and inhumanly justicefied for what she was.


Malakin finds his way to the barracks and takes the closest free bed. After removing the less comfortable segments of his armour he sits down on the edge and begins examining his weapons in silence making sure they are in tip-top condition..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Ket pulls out one of his many journals and starts to read in. After a little bit he then draws out a pen and ink and starts to write into the journal about the day's experience, like what information he gave out, what he thinks of the party members, and so on.


Amarillis looks at the Merchants and asks "Have you the item I asked for?"
They hand her a black bottle ingraved with runes, "That will be 20,000, I'll deduct it from your total. You have 3,254 gp left "

She retires to a room and sets into a meditive pose, searching for the holy flame that gives her her powers. She finds yet another spark that glows in her heart and grasps the understanding of a new spell.


Eiram got up and stretched. then he left his ream and headed to the merchant's cart. he need to buy some more arrows and there were a few other things he wished to buy as well.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Ah, Mr. Eiram, good to see you.  What can I get for you today?"


Eiram smile though he was not happy. " i would like a bundle of arrows and information on a place called misty isle"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


There were plenty of arrows in the armory, so they're free of charge.  You may wish to get a quiver of ehlonna though, that's proven helpful to a number of rangers.  As for the Misty Isle-"

"THE MISTY ISLE!" Someone shouts as they throw open the curtain leading to the backroom.  Gilman walks out and nearly pushes Simon aside, but the gnome steps out of the way before that happens.

"Sit down, my boy, this is a rather tragic tale," The dwarf informs the ranger as he flips through the pages of his book, "As I'm sure you have heard, during ancient times, the elven deity Corellon Larethian put out the eye of the orc deity Gruumsh.  To have his revenge for this loss, Gruumsh conspired with Kurtulmak, the deity of the kobolds, and with their combined power, they stole away the wondrous elven settlement known as the Misty Isle.  Corellon and her followers attepted to find her lost brethren, but even the most powerful elven diviners could not discern the location of the island.  All they could learn was that the elves that lived their were still alive, and that they are now prisoners in an unknown land.  With that, an order of elite elves was created, known as the Seekers of the Misty Isle.  These elves are most from the flock of clerics and rangers, and with there skills, they search endlessly for the Misty Isle.  However, in all their years, the Seekers have found little more than a smattering of clues as to where the Isle now resides, as it could be anywhere on the Great Wheel.  Some scholars, including myself, believe that the island may exist within a realm occupied by Gruumsh or Kurtulmak, and most likely heavily guarded.  For all we know it may be kept at the heart of Gruumsh's territory on the Battlefields of Acheron.  Surely, it may be the only place the Seekers haven't checked, for they have sacrificed their combat skills for better tracking prowess, and in the end, Gruumsh's sanctuary would be surrounded by thousands of his best warriors, if not millions.  The life of the Seeker is oftentimes a solitary one, and their ranks are composed primarily of outcasts who have little else to live for but to go in search of a futile dream.
"In any case, if you are interested in that quiver, it is only 1100 GP."


Ket after finishing up his journal entry, he starts to hum a song looking at the many things around him.


As smoke rose from around the city, the troops took to their beds.

Wakeup call came at 8 the next morning, just enough time for the spellcasters to recover their spells.  The troops were marched to a quick breakfast of rations before moving to the courtyard outside the temple.  Josh surveyed the sky, seeing the smoke still rose.  In fact, it seems even more smoke was coming form outside the city.  It took to the sky and blocked out the sun, leaving a nauseating gloom over the town.

He returned his gaze to his troops, and saw an approaching ranger, one of the town's watch turned scout.

"Status, nothing too serious happened while we regained our strength, did it?"
Josh asked.

"The enemy was put in dissarray from the explosion by the marsh.  However, while the tunnel was sealed, several of the town bridges were lost.  Only one of the major bridges and the one by the now collapsed tunnel still stand.  I believe it was our side that destroyed the bridges, to keep the enemy from crossing over too easily.  However, the two bridges that remain were secured by the enemy thanks to their position nearby the embassy.  The enemy has been held back for the most part, but I fear that the embassy is the foothold they need to push further onto this side of the river.  Also, the East gate had to be sealed when another orc force started from the East.  They almost got over with the help of Gambol, but the two units you placed at the gate managed to slay it before it made it over the wall.  However, they were locked outside the gate, and were soon overwhelmed by the enemy."

"Then our objective is clear," Josh turns to his platoon, "Troops, today we see to securing this side of the river, and taking back the remaining bridges."

Marethial takes out a map and lays it down a nearby supply crate:

Josh points to locations 22, 35, and 36.

"These are the bridges," Marethial explained, pointing at 35 and 36, then to 22 "And this is the Lizard Embassy.  It's original purpose was to resolved differences with the lizardfolk and the people of Saltmarsh.  Now the Lizardfolk have turned into a base of operations for themselves.  Since the other bridges were destroyed, the lizardfolk have moved all their units to the embassy and bridges, hoping to secure them while they recuperate from the loss of the other bridges."

"If we are to take back the town, the Embassy must be taken Today!" Josh slams his fist.

"Master Avalon," a familiar voice spoke behind him.  Josh turns to find Simon, "Your armor is ready.  I hope it is to your satisfaction."

Rawk hands over the armor, which appears to have been polished alongside its enhancement.  Josh sets to work immediately suiting up, but continues to talk.

"Due to their positions, we must take the bridge closest to us first.  It is furthest from the embassy, and we will need to secure it, or will be surrounded if we try to take the embassy first.  Once the bridge is secure, we can bottleneck those bastards.  However, it'll take a little more power to take the bridge.  Watchman, see to the East gate and tell them to bring the cannons to the bridge South of the Lizard Embassy.  They will be crucial is breaking up enemy defenses on the bridge.  Go now!"

The ranger runs off, heading for the East gate.

"As for my spellcasters, you will be assisting the cannons, but only to a degree.  A fireball or two each, but you must save the rest of your energy for taking the other bridge and the embassy."

Josh finally finishes suiting up and flexes a little to get comfortable.

"Once the enemy defenses have been softened up, the grunts will swarm the bridge.  I've seen what a mob of peasants can do to a single person, let's see what a mob of soldiers can do to some halfwit lizardfolk.  As for the rest of you...what is that buzzing?"

Josh's gaze returns to the sky as a buzz pierces the air.  Moments pass as nothing arises, when suddenly, a giant wasp flies into view, high in the sky.  It is soon joined by another, then another, and another.  Suddenly an entire company, about 50 wasps, fly over the wall.  They continue their flight, heading straight for the temple.

"ARCHERS, AT THE READY!" Josh bellows, "PAIR UP AND PICK YOUR TARGETS!  GRUNTS, GRAB YOUR BOWS FROM THE ARMORY AND JOIN IN SHOOTING THOSE THINGS DOWN!  The rest of you," He turns to his team," Do what you must, but see to it that those things go down before they can try anything, and try to get a look to see if they're carrying anything.  They could be attempting a bombing run for all we know, and we can't let them take this position!"


"Ok, Ket, Sven, Quav and Min, Follow me!" Amarillis Shouts. She waits for her comrades to follow her. They then round the corner and make their way through the winding streets...the streets seem oddly deserted for a town under siege..The reason becomes Quite Apparent as soon as they round the next corner.

As they turn the corner they see a nightmarish scene. A tall figure in armor and helm, both covered in red blood and green icor with patches of white ash, with great spikes jutting from the breastplate and helm, holds a sword to a dark robed figure's neck with one hand while holding the robed figure tightly in the other. As you watch the armored figure decapitates the robed figure who crumbles into dust. Suddenly you become aware of the countless fragments of animate tissue that surround you still twitching despite their separation from any body or mind. The terrible figure turns toward you and charges. Amarillis's voice rings out "Sylsaelasri". And the figure halts and looks directly at the group and gives you a good look at him. A beardless male with his left eyelid sewn shut, not disguising the missing eyeball however, flame red  hair with streaks of golden hair running through and green-gold eyes. He has a elven cast to his features but is far too tall to be a pure-breed elf. The helm is shaped like a great eagle and glints of gold and bronze peek through the gore. The armor spikes are revealed as the wings of  golden eagle who has in it's beak an embedded silver chain leading to a stylized golden phoenix. The entire armor is covered in feather patterns in fact.

"Amarillis Selire!, You came!"  Intones the figure, sheathing his sword. Amarillis rushes forward and stands before the man. "Ortil, Nimin..." She starts only to be cut off by Ortil "How many years will it take for you to realize that Ortil  Starillisslan is dead! Only Ael'haeath Starillisslanque remains..... as much as you want Ortil back, he died 34 years ago with her and you need to accept it, Selire!" "Then why does Ael'haeath call me Selire still.... Ortil Nimin?" The man who calls himself Ael'haeath and Amarillis calls Ortil, looks down at her and says <elven>"Because you still call me Nimin...and because Ortil left you with such a burden."<elven>

Sorry for moving other people...But I did want to get this moving..and get my cohort.

Those who speak elven will recogize Nimin as a term for "Younger brother" and Selire as one for "Older sister"

Ael'haeath roughly translates to "Knight of the eternal sun".
(If you speak elven you can make an Knowledge (Religion) check) (Ket can make a Bardic Knowledge check...He has a +2 circumstance bonus on either check)

Starillisslan is "Son of the fire star" or a son of a noble house called Starilliss, Starillisslanque is a "Lost Son of Starilliss" or a male exile of house Starilliss.
(If you speak elven you can make an Knowledge (Royalty and Noblity) check (if you don't have ranks forget it)) (Ket can make a Bardic Knowledge check)


Eriam hurriedly grabs his bow and new quiver filled with arrows. in moments he is ready to take his place with the other archers his loyal hound in his shadow like always. he draws his bow aiming at one of  the wasp and prepares to fire
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Ket looks up and sees all of the bugs coming and cast Inspirational Boost. Then when it is done, he starts to sing but from the start of it, it sounds normal but moving more into it you hear words that seem to be coming from Celesta itself. (Everyone gets a +4 to saves against fear, and attack and damage rolls.) And Opens his wing starts to move with Amarillis but now as quick as the others and moves on top of the wall to get a better view of the battlefield.

(Non-leathal damage=5)


While the "We can do it" beat to Ket's song was uplifting, Marethial rushes over and casts Shield of Faith on him, to make him less of a target.

"I need a guage on those fliers!"  Josh barks, "Everyone opens fire once they come within 100 feet, but we need to know how high they are up before that can be done."

Reese Tora

Marosharr pulls out his bow, and tries to guage the distance to the wasps.

"They're at 80 yards!" he shouts, as they begin thier descent towards the group.  "I see something ridding them." he adds, as he pulls an arrow and nocks it.

He takes aim and readies himself to shout out when the wasps close to 100 feet, and to fire his bow.
Marosharr squints down the length of his shaft at the approaching wasps, trying to make out what is riding them.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"They are beginning their descent.  Ready your arrows!"

The archers pull back their bowstrings, the tips poised and ready to fire upon the enemy once they are within range.


Malakin hurries into a position to cover the others with his spear, he draws a javelin and prepares to throw it once the wasps are with in 100ft...
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Quav fires an Eledirtch spear towards one of the wasps and hits it for 19 damage. The wasp is hurt but it still lives.

OOC: (in response to post below this) I know where Quav is but that doesn't mean he can't fire at one of the wasps



OOC: Damn, somehow I went to think you were just outside the temple gates.  Let's write that off as done in the round before leaving to follow the rest of the spellcasters.  He moved 30 feet, catches what Marosharr said about their distance, and so he takes the standard action to fire off a shot before continuing on his merry way.

I feel like a movie director when I'm DMing.

Also, I could use Ket staying at the temple to help support the troops.  He is the bard after all, and he'll prove far more helpful there.


OOC: Manawolf that is fine with me that he stay at the temple.


The wasps grow closer.  Even Josh can now see the riders on their backs.

The time finally comes, "FIRE!"

The arrows fly, two at a time to each of 5 of the wasps.  With the help of Ket's inspirational music, all but one arrow finds their mark.  The first wasp finds itself hit with 19 damage, the second a devastating 23, the third 16 damage, fourth 14, and the fifth a mere 7.

The wasps continue, now at 60 feet above the group.

OOC: the characters who have their arrows trained may now fire as well.

Reese Tora

Marosharr looses his arrow at the incomming wasps as they come within 100 feet. The first arrow arcs up and strikes the wasp, followed by a volley of two more arrows.

The three arrows impact the lead wasp with brutal accuracy, but fail to bring it down.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"Second pair, fire on the Marosharr's target!" Josh orders.

The two turn their bows to the lead wasp, and fire.  The arrows hit, and the wasp falls into a spin.  The lizardfolk hits the ground first, smacking 22 HP out of it.

The other archers fire, but there aim seems harried, as only 3 others hit.  The first pair manage to deal 16 damage, and the wasp follows it's leader to the ground.  The rider lands with the cracking of bones, as it is left broken on the pavement in 21 less HP.

The final arrow hit the third for 6 damage.


Eiram draws back and fires at the wasp. he smiles as the arrow hits

Erimes smiles then attackes with full force
again again
striking with arrow after arrow
after arrow
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The wasp comes crashing down, within another lizardfolk rider dead upon the pavement.


Malakin throws his Javelin towards the closest wasp:
To hit: 14 + 10 = 24
dammage: 2 + 5 = 7
Then readys another.
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Despite the distance, the javelin hits the wasp the second pair of archers had hit.

ID = 187280
Username = Josh
Note = attack
Date/Time = 3/23/2007 7:40:59 PM
Dice = 1
Sides = 20
Mod = 15
Rolls = +3 +15
Total = 18

Josh moves in to attack the downed lizardfolk that was still alive.  He deals 11 damage from the blade, and 6 damage from holy energy.  Marethial moves in as well to finish the job.  She hits for another 6 damage, yet it still hangs on.

The Lizardfolk grabs hold of Josh's leg, and Josh feels a strange burning sensation.  However, he grits his teeth, and the pain quickly passes.  With the flip of his sword, he drives it home into the lizardfolk's skull, and the final burning of holy energy causes the life of flicker out of the enemy.

The remaining riders grow weary after seeing the act, but they still press onward.  5 of them zoom toward Josh, and the wasps turn to impale him with their stingers.  However, their stingers bounce off the knight's full plate.

Two of the wasps fly back up, heading for the clock tower, or more accurately, the top of the banner upon the cathedral.

The rest buzz over the troops at 30 feet, throwing down javelins on the defenders.  Many of them concentrate their javelins on Josh...but their aim proves lost.  Instead, they clatter on the pavement, and the rest prove useless against the well armored and light footed soldiers.

"Archers, aim at the wasps by the standard!" Josh points with his sword, "Five to each of the two."

The ten archers split into two groups, and open fire on the wasps.  The first one gets hit for a collective 24 damage by 3 of the archers, and 4 hit the other for a whopping 42.  The second goes down, along with its rider from 100 feet, and both land with a splat.

"Finish off that wasp," Josh yells to his subordinates, "It can not be allowed to remove the standard!"

Meanwhile, the spellcasters, while far from the cathedral, begin to hear the buzzing noise once more.  They look up to see 10 of the wasps overhead, at 120 feet.

OOC: New round, go nuts.