The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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"Alright," Marethial told him, "Look for some symbol on the side.  Lots of armies like to do that to easily identify what supplies they have at just a glance."

When Quav left, Marethial turned back to the others, "Alright, Keothi, Marosharr, and Eiram, and need your help in setting the disks."


Quav returns from scouting and says, "I saw the ship, they weren't barrels but jars, and on the side was a circle. It appeared to be black due to the fact it was on the edge of my vision."

Reese Tora

Marosharr checks the bodies on his side of the river, to make sure of them, then springs back accross the river.

"How many are the boatss and how many on them?  I think we could disstract them eassily enough with an attack if we pretend to be driven off."

"You need me to help set up the diskss? how may I be of sservice?"

{OOC: Let me know how many, if any, spot or search checks I should make for checking the bodies for signs of life.}
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Ket drops back down and folds his wings back in. "Is there any infomation that we can get off of these boddies like a note or something like that because by the look of these things they were kind of a scouting party."


"Well I only saw one ship and it was rounding a corner about 120' out and considering that is on the edge of my vision I think it would be rather hard to count how many of the jar's there were. I had to use my spyglass to see one of the jars," Quav said explaining things as they were.


(okayd this with DM!)

Ket looks up at the explaintion of the symbol on the side of the barrels. "I know that symbol that is one for oil... if i remember it right. Also I can help you with those disks."


"Oil you say," Marethial gets an idea, "Okay, we need to set up those discs first."

They set to work, and Ket shows them key points in the tunnel that'll allow it to collapse more efficiently.  Marethial instructs them on how to set the discs, and then they place three of them, finding one extra.

"Hm, perhaps we could use the remaining disc for the distraction."

"Distraction nothing, if those boats are carrying oil, we may collapse the entire wall and not just the tunnel," Josh announces with severity, "We need to stop those boats before they can get close to the wall.  It would be simple enough to set off the oil.  But we'd need some sort of fire attack from long range to do it.  If we're lucky, we'll not only take out the shipment, but some lizardfolk from inside the city may try to take the tunnel to see the commotion and set off the discs themselves."

Reese Tora

"Oil, iss it?"

Marosharr shrugs a shoulder, and pulls a few arrows with large slotted metal heads from his pack.

"I have these arrowss, they catch fire in flight.  If the fire can get to the oil, I don't think they'll find anything else worth worrying about.  Might they not, however, have taken care against fire?"
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"They're pots, meaning they should be thick enough to possibly resist being pierced by an arrow.  We'd need something to start a hole.  From there, it all goes downhill."


"Well I could try putting a hole in one of the jars with an eldritch blast," Quav said.


"Alright," Josh said turning to Quav and Marosharr, "Ready yourselves at the bend in the river.  When that boats come around it, Quav, you put a hole in the pot, Marosharr, you follow up with the arrow.  All we need is a leak to light them up.  Before they realize what's happened, they'll be lit up like a sunburst.  Everyone else, get back over the wall while we prep for the attack."

Josh moves to face the river around the bend.  He waves Quav and Marosharr over.

Reese Tora

Marosharr slinks to the area Josh indicates and takes up a station with a dragonbreath arrow stung to his bow, hiding himself to wait his moment to fire an arrow into the soon to be broken jars of oil.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quav moves to where Marosharr and Josh are and readies himself to fire an eldritch blast when the time is right.


Ket moves back to the wall and flies on top of it waiting for the others also.


Marethial waves everyone else back up the rope.  Keothi climbs the wall himself, to allow room on the rope for others.  He even has Saeoun ride on his back, to help speed things up.

"Eiram, Min, you go first.  Malakin, if you've got it in you, climb the wall alongside Keothi.  We don't know how much time they have, so we need to move fast."


Min starts climbing up the rope per instructions.


As everyone finishes ascending the wall, the boat finally turns into view.

"Now, fire," Josh orders Quav in a hushed tone, "Send off the arrow once you hear the pot smash."

Reese Tora

Marosharr takes aim, and releases his arrow at the at the leaking jar of oil.  It bursts in to flames as the force of it's flight forces air over the volatile chemicals in the head, and the flaming arrow strikes into the leaking oil.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The arrow screeches through the air as the wind ignites it and envelopes it in flames.  The lizardfolk at the head of the boat watches with surprise, which quickly turns to horror, as the arrow streaks by and hit the jar of oil that had mysteriously cracked open.  The flames spread across the oil, and suddenly...BOOM!  THe jar goes up, and the explosion hits the next jar, and the next, and the next.  Soon the boat is blown to smithereens as flaming debris shoot out into the swamp, and into the jars of the boat behind it.  A brilliant chain reaction had started, and soon enough, five boats had flown off into the swamp, setting the place afire.  What little oil remained stucks to the leaves of the plants, and slowly oozed its way down what remained of the river.

"Come on!" Josh waves to Quav and Marosharr.

They run to the rope, and quav goes up first, followed by Marosharr, and then a slow moving Josh.  Finally, they reach the top with the others.

"Quickly now, tie the rope back to the other side.  We're not out of the woods yet, not till we get back to the temple."

Reese Tora

As Josh clambers onto the parapet, Marroshar begins hauling up the rope, positioning it so it again drops down inside the city's walls.  He scans the area below the wall and quickly climbs down to keep the lower end secure.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Josh waves the other over.  Both Keothi and Malakin simply slide down while the others use the rope.

The park has fallen silent, with only the sounds of burning flames from outside being audible.


Malakin, once every one is down looks to Josh for instruction..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"One moment."

Josh listens intently, and then hears the resounding explosions coming from the tunnel.

"Now, Let's get back to the temple."

"Of course, we'll want to retrieve the halfling druid Ferrin from the shrine in the park," Marethial notes.

The group heads out, picks up Ferrin, and hurries back to the temple of Kord.  They follow the wall, watching the flames burn and the enemy shout as they try to put it out.  The group finally gets back to the temple, and a cheer rises from the troops there.

"Mission accomplished, everyone." Josh declares.

"Sir, we've secured the prisoners," One of the soldiers reports, "and have found some dormitories in the temple where you can rest."

"That will probably be a good idea.  It's been a long day, and the enemy will be in too much disarray to mount an attack.  Everyone try to rest as easy as you can, the day we face tommorrow may have even more in store for us."


Ket looks around at the temple then heads back outside. Expanding his wings he moves to the nearest tree and lands in it.

Reese Tora

Marroshar finds his way to the dormitory, and divests himself of his heavy equipment and armor, placing his gear in his pack, and hanging it at the foot of an unclaimed bed.  He stretches his arms high above his head, and stands on his tip toes, stretching out all his muscles as he lets loose a tremendous yawn.  It's been a tiring long day, and this has been his first chance to really rest since breaking camp this morning.  He sits on the bed, and continues to sinuously roll his muscles and work out the kinks and tensions of the day, while taking in the details of the room.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Eriam sat him his room thinking. he absentmindedly rubbed his hound's head. he was remembering the trip back. While passing back through the park, Eriam noticed something carved into a rock in the  Frog Park. it was a messages in trail signs an a signature. The message read, "To the East of Southward, Three tens Ks.  See you on the Misty Isle." While cryptic, Eriam's survival skills are good enough to translate. it read to him "Head 30 kilometers Southeast of this position to the next location." this however was not what concerned him. it was the second line. The second line was merely a signature. but it was one he would know anywhere. it reminded him of the letter that started him on this journey.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Sven wandered around in traces of his mind shuffleing his feet slowly looking at the ground most the time and felt almost somewhat nearly broken up of something on his mind and most likey wanting to explain it all but it was too soon to explain at the moment so he mostly stood close to the team stable as he could without dissapointment and relaxed the memory inside his head so he wouldnt be bothered with it while most the time he scented a battle was admists along the journeys he was in with his group he was in with


Josh checked around the Cathedral, making a mental note of every soldier he came across.  At the ends of his rounds, he returned to Marethial.

"We're missing a few of the troops," He told her.

"Some did leave to escort the refuges to the docks." Marethial noted.

"Yes, but Chavez and Keothi were with us up until we left the park.  I fear they're MIA.  We may need to go over our latest spoils of war."

Josh returns to outside, and finds the merchant's cart.  However, Simon was not in sight.  However, he could see a light at the back door of the cart.  He stands before the door, with a sign that reads, "Welcome."  He turns the knob, and steps inside to a surprising sight.

The inside of the cart seemed physically impossible.  It was a shop, with a 20 by 20 foot floorspace outlined with glass display cases.  5 feet behind the cases, the walls stood covered in an assortment of weapons, armor, accessories and other items.  At the back of the shop, Simon stepped from a door leading to a darkened space with a red glow.

"Ah, Lt. Avalon," Simon said with a gleeful tone, "it is a pleasure to see you again.  How can I help you today?"

"I assume my men dropped off the latest aquisitions?"

"Ah yes," Simon whipped out his tablet, "+1 Full Plate (2650 GP), 2 Full Plates (3000 GP), 3 Masterwork pincer staffs (924 GP), +2 full Plate (5650 GP), Ring of Protection +1 (2000 GP), 2 Bracers of Armor +1 (2000 GP), 13157 GP in cleric goods [3 Bags of Teeth (6000 GP), Liquid Vortex (3300 GP), 3857 GP], +1 Heavy Wooden Shield (1157 GP), +1 Aquatic Scourge (8320 GP), 3 vials Giant Wasp Poison (630 GP), 870 GP, 2 +1 Sianghams (4604 GP), Clear Spindle Ioun Stone (4000 GP), 2 vials of silversheen (500 GP), 120 GP, 11 Full Plates (16500 GP), 11 Heavy Wooden Shields (77 GP), 11 Masterwork Spears (3322 GP), and 6600 GP."

"I fear we're down to it being split 10 ways, some of the men have gone missing."

"Oh, how unfortunate," Simon taps fervently on his tablet, "Well then: (76081-1600)/10 = 7608 GP each.  I'll add it straight to your accounts.  This brings your personal account to 202 PP, 19604 GP, 12 SP."

"Would you be able to upgrade my armor?"

"Of course, what kind of upgrade would you like?"

"A simple enhancement."

Josh removes his armor with the help of marethial and lays it upon the counter/display case.

"Hm, this should be simple enough-"

"I need it done by tommorrow."

"Uh, well, that could be doable, we'll have to work all night though-"

"Good, I'll return in the morning."

Josh leaves the shop with Marethial in tow.

They return to the barracks in the cathedral.  There, Josh notices Eiram.

"Something on your mind, soldier?"  He asks the ranger.

Meanwhile, Marethial comes across the distraught battle sorcerer.

"You seem troubled," She tells him, "Anything wrong?"


Quav and Min find their to the barracks and remove their armor and equipment, setting them at the foot of a  couple of beds. "Min you are free to look around this town and talk to the people. I shall remain here in case my appearance with you becomes a problem," Quav said as he streached out a bit and then rested on a bed. "I have no desire to look about this place at the moment and your appearance has never caused me trouble before and I doubt it ever will," Min said in response as he sat on the bed across from Quav.