The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Eiram calls his hound to him with hand gesture then with out a word the two are gone. Eiram and his hound approach the area trying to move silently to catch the chanters unaware. as the near them they enter the brush and hide . Eiram then stares out from the underbrush trying to spot   what kind of ceremony was going so as to report this findings back the the group..
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Reese Tora

Marosharr nods and moves ahead of the group, taking care not to be seen or heard by whoever may be chanting.  He noislessly slips forward towards the sound of chanting, trying to make use of what little cover there might be for him to use.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"What can you see?" Josh whispers over to them.


Malakin stays put, not wanting to risk alerting the opponents. Staying low he waits patiently for the scouts to report..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"Im sure he will find something soon sir" as he ajusts some straps on his coat


Josh shushes him with a raised hand, and continues to look to the scout and ranger.


Eiram whispers back to josh " there are toads in a simpler facing away form up and chanting  to some statue of a toad"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"What formation are they in?"  He whispers to them.


Eiram responds. "they are in a half circle facing the statue and away form us. the seem pretty focus on their chant so if you want to try ambushing them then this is probably the time to do so"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Any ideas," Marethial whispers to the spellcasters.


"Well I can think of something...Hope I have time" he whispered quietly

Reese Tora

Marosharr spies the chanting creatures, and makes note of thier positions, then heads back to his task force with all due stealth.

In a low whisper, he reports his findings.  "I have seen a number of those fish people chanting in a semi circle about something.  I could not make an accurate count of them, nor did I see what it is they are gathered about."
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


He looked to his friends in the group and whispered "Alright...Everyone stand back..I Got a spell that can help"  he creates a fire and aims it at a opening in the foilage


Everyone backs away from the brush.

A red bead shoots from Sven's finger, zooms through the foliage, and explode upon the back of a kuotoan and explodes.  Numerous screams can be heard as the foliage is burned away, and reveals 8 kuotoans burned to a crisp, with three still on their hands and knees.

"To arms," Josh yells drawing his sword and rushing forward.

The kuotoans cower before him, except one, who Josh easily kicks to the ground and lays his blade across its throat.

"Area secure, sir," Marethial tells Josh as she approaches, her weapon also drawn and pointed at the nearest kuo-toan.

"I doubt your lightning could be any worse than what I have endured today, and I'm certain you would be ill fit to deal with the consequences," Josh speaks to the third kuo-toan, pressing his blade further into the neck of the one he has on the ground, and don't even think of running, or the sorcerer that charred your allies will strike you down as well."

Josh turns to his troops, with an arm and a blade still around the kuo-toan, "Monk, see to the statue, I'm sure you can reduce it to rubble in record time."

The kuo-toans scream, but are quickly silenced by Josh and Marethial.


Well, that was a waste of spells..Still we need to give the prisoners a chance to surrender. Those who give up and swear on your goddess that you will not try to hurt us or escape will be treated well and spared...


"Clerics tend to be rather zealotous, can't trust them to follow anything but their deity's decrees," Josh says standing the kuo-toan up, "We'll need to have them properly restrained and returned to the base for imprisonment.  For now, they are prisoners of war.  I'll need three people to escort them back to base while we finish up here.  The scout, monk, ranger, and bard can not volunteer.  They'll be needed in order to finish the mission successfully."


The monk moves forward, eyeing the statue. "Consider it done."

(roll to connect:

He charges at the statue, ducking low as he brings his fist up to his chest, clenched tight as an almost feral intensity flashes in his eyes. With almost a growl, he looses a bass-filled shout and drives his fist into the center of the statue, pieces falling off the edged with each strike. He brings his fist back, taking a low stance and focusing all his energy into the clenched fist...his eyes flare open as with one powerful motion, he drives his fist into the center of the statue...after a moment of silence in repsonse to the thunderous blow, the statue explodes in a shower of dust and pebbles, debris crumbling around him. As the dust fades, the chill in the air gradually decreases.

A smile creases his lips as he stands amidst the rubble.

(crit. strike 1:

[connect/strike 2:]
( [rolled 25/25, confirm critical])
(confirmed, roll for damage:


Sven steps forward to volunteer to take the prisoners back yet there was a some sort of saddness but relaxed look apon his eyes


The kuo-toans bulging eyes turn beady with there mouths agape as the statue is reduced to dust.  They cower before the might of the goliath.  Josh turns to the others with a smile.

"Well, now that we have that out of the way, that only leaves us with two more things to do," Josh looks to Sven, "Sven, you, Amarillis, and...Sasha shall escort the prisoners back to base.  Also, they must carry the equipment of their comrades, that should keep them from running away too fast."


Sneaking had never been a strong point of the shifter warrior so she had not been near enough to the front of the group when the kuo-toans were rushed. The battle had been over before it had truly even begun. She stood near as they were rounded up to be taken back.
She was a little upset to be sent back but she saluted her commanding officer. "Yes, sir."  She glared down at the slimy creatures and almost found herself wishing they would try something on the way back. At least back in the city she would be able to help clear it out, or at least she hoped.
Sword in hand she waited for Swen and Amarillis to lead the prisoners off. She could take up the rear guard.


Very well..But I feel that you are making a mistake...I am just not sure how..


Ket finally moving again. "Ummm... what i do?" Looking to Josh because he seems to be in charge.


"This last step requires people with a bit more...mobility.  Though I myself am not prepared for the task, I must remain here, to see to it that the task is completed."

Josh sends off the group escorting the prisoners (Amarillis, Sasha and Sven), watching until they're out of sight.  He then turns back to the rest.

"Alright, this is it.  We're booby trapping the tunnel.  The reason I chose you people is because of what I require for us to get to that tunnel unnoticed."

"There are rumors of a hidden tunnel, but we're not sure if we can rely on that," Marethial added, "They are only rumors, and fortunately the enemy hasn't found it by the looks of it.  That's why you people remain.  We're going to need to scale the wall, and we know you can do this without much trouble, or sound for that matter.  Now come, we must move quickly."

The group moves to the opposite side of the park, till they reach the far West side.

"Alright, this is the closest spot in the park to the Tunnel that feeds the river into Saltmarsh.  This is where we scale the wall.  I'm afraid I'm a bit unskilled for this, but the rest of you do fine.  Unless we find that tunnel, you'll be on your own.  However, I think Marethial could ride on Keothi's back.  If he could scale the wall as fast as he did last time, he shouldn't have any trouble with a little extra weight."

Josh turns to the bard, "I think you know a way to get over on your own."


"I can easily get over this all. My armor allows me to sprout a pair of wings and fly for a few minutes," Quav said as looked at the wall. It wouldn't take too long for him to get over the wall. A couple rounds at the most.


Ket spread his wings out and takes off just hovering over them waiting for them to come over because he wasn't too graceful with a sword as the other were. "I am ready."


"The wall is only 20 feet tall," Marethial told them, "It shouldn't take that much time to clear it."


"Hmmm..You know I just had something come to my mind but i think it can wait Josh.." As he had some sort of depressed tone but understanding mood

Reese Tora

Marosharr eyes the wall with an expression of annoyance on his face.  He looks for any sort of hand holds, or for any projections a rope could be snagged on near the top.

"I ssuppose I sshould tell you, ths easy sscaling of ssheer blank wall is beyond my skillss."

Marosharr pulls a length of rope from his pack, and begins tying knots along its legth.

"If someone would be so good as to tie an end at the top of the wall, I'm sure we can all be up it in short order," he states, looking at Josh's armored form.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"Hm, might just be enough.  Someone tie off to their waist before ascending the wall.  Then tie it off once you get to the top.  We'll be able to follow shortly after."


"I'll do it," Said Quav as he grabed the rope and his armor sproted wings. He rose into the air with the rope and secures the rope to the wall when he reaches the top. He goes down the other side of the wall to wait for the others with ket.

Min scaled the wall by climbing up the rope and waited at the top for the others to climb up.