03/24/09 [CVRPG #978] - Duck and Roll

Started by Lego3400, March 24, 2009, 12:58:52 AM

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Heh, how she does that does elude most people...

On a serious Metroid canon note, the Powers actually converts Samus into a ball of energy (you can see this in Prime). People have tried to replicate it but except for one instance it has had horrific results.


Man, ruining all our fun by pointing out "canon". ;)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


D: Sorry! I thought it was interesting trivia and now was a nice time to bring it up.


In the pursuit of a good joke, even canon shall bend to the creator's will! Especially when it's someone else's canon. Next week, Sora from Kingdom Hearts is revealed to actually be an alcoholic, while Ash from Pokémon comes out as a Furry! Why? Because it's funny!

Actually, I did not know how Samus fit into that ball. Heh, you learn something new every day.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


While that _is_ the canon explanation, it's so utterly lame and vague, implying technological capabilities that really should allow Samus' suit to be way more fricking powerful than it is, that I've always preferred the good ol' yoga explanation. I consider it about as canon as I consider the Star Wars prequel trilogy to be canon, or Matrix Reloaded, or.......just about anything I don't like, I guess. I'm picky.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


There is no spoon.

Quote from: Cyarus on March 25, 2009, 02:30:56 PM
While that _is_ the canon explanation, it's so utterly lame and vague, implying technological capabilities that really should allow Samus' suit to be way more fricking powerful than it is, that I've always preferred the good ol' yoga explanation. I consider it about as canon as I consider the Star Wars prequel trilogy to be canon, or Matrix Reloaded, or.......just about anything I don't like, I guess. I'm picky.
That's a contradiction there: you don't really accept the explanation for how Samus fits into the power sphere, and yet you compare it to the level of canon you hold for the prequel trilogy, which you obviously hold to be totally canon. Which is it? ;-)

Actually, considering how bloody ill Samus would feel upon unrolling from her yoga ball position after rolling around so much, offhand I'd say it's an act of mercy that she gets turned into energy when she goes ball mode. My two cents.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Sure, but if that suit can simply reduce physical matter to energy and then reconstitute it perfectly...assuming that it also stores all information of the environment in its sensors during the time she's in Morph Ball mode and then digitally uploads it to her brain when she's humanoid again, essentially creating memories to replace the time she spent in that, and meanwhile the suit's AI handles Morph Ball mode on its own, which begs the question of whether humanoid locomotion is that much more difficult that the AI can't be used all the time...then she really shouldn't have any limit as to the amount of missiles she can carry, as they can simply be stored "as energy". It's a really fricking lame Hammerspace explanation and I'm not buying it; Hammerspace loses a significant chunk of its badassery when reduced to an inconsistent sci-fi explanation as opposed to "My sheer hatred for you has manifested this giant mallet!"


Eh, that's one way of putting it. Really though, the ball seems too small as it's normally portrayed to hold an adult woman, though this could be easily fixed by rendering the ball bigger. Also, it could be that for a suit that size, there is a limit to how much energy it can safely contain in order to justify the compression: that limit could be roughly the size of an adult human, leaving no space for missiles or other systems. A larger or more bulky suit might be able to hold more, but for Samus' style of combat a larger suit might not work. Alternatively, the storage system might not work on anything besides biological matter, meaning that even Samus' clothes are stored: in this case, she's scanned and stored, and then the entire armor folds up into that ball with her Zero Suit or whatever it's called inside. Of course, the closest I've ever gotten to playing Samus was on Super Smash Bros. on the N64, so I might not be the best possible source of information for this.

Also, not to toot my own horn, but a story I'm working on has an inventor who's created a miniature computer-controlled pocket universe (a sort of technological bag of holding) called the Hyperspatial Mass Reclaimer, that basically folds a "bubble" around a scanned item. An improved version allows for much faster recalling of weapons stored in this fashion by completely building the system into the weapon or object in question, and it's called the Hyperspatial Mass Reclaimer - Superlative Parallel Connection system. Also known as the HMR-SPC system. Yes, I have no shame. To be fair, he pronounces it "Hummer-spec."
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


We're not talking about a simple matter compression, which would simply kill her. This was a claim that she's stored as "energy"; whatever the hell such a vague sci-fi statement means, it doesn't matter how much space there is, as energy (of most types, especially the sci-fi types) doesn't have a non-negligible requisite volume per unit. So your argument that the suit needs to be bigger to use the same woman-shrinking functions on missiles is dead. And how the hell would transmuting organic material into energy require a special method that non-carbon-based elements don't? Does she come back lacking all the iron, calcium, and other ions that weren't lucky enough to be bonded to a carbon atom at the time? v_V

Now pocket universes are an entirely different matter, and as long as you throw enough technobabble words at the reader and don't set arbitrary limits on the total volume of items a pocket universe can hold it'll be fine. ^_^


Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 02:25:53 AM
We're not talking about a simple matter compression, which would simply kill her. This was a claim that she's stored as "energy"; whatever the hell such a vague sci-fi statement means, it doesn't matter how much space there is, as energy (of most types, especially the sci-fi types) doesn't have a non-negligible requisite volume per unit. So your argument that the suit needs to be bigger to use the same woman-shrinking functions on missiles is dead. And how the hell would transmuting organic material into energy require a special method that non-carbon-based elements don't? Does she come back lacking all the iron, calcium, and other ions that weren't lucky enough to be bonded to a carbon atom at the time? v_V
I'm just trying to throw out possible justifications. Really, I honestly have no idea aside from a gameplay perspective. But I imagine there would have to be an upper limit on how much the suit can store as energy, and maybe Samus is that upper limit, and the suit can't store any more matter for the purpose of safety. Really though, it is a handwave that raises more questions than it answers. Making the sphere a little larger, hinting that the parts are in the bubble shoulder armor, add a mind-reading control system that in suit mode helps enhance control, and then having some kind of gravity manipulator alongside her spine to keep her from feeling the affects of rapidly spinning around, would all make a lot more sense. Or would it? I'm not sure.

QuoteNow pocket universes are an entirely different matter, and as long as you throw enough technobabble words at the reader and don't set arbitrary limits on the total volume of items a pocket universe can hold it'll be fine. ^_^
Yay! For the record, technically an HMR-SPC designed weapon can hold an unlimited amount of parts, but they all have to be tied into a single system, meaning that one weapon or gadget is the most that can be stored. As for the regular HMR... I think that it takes more time to load a larger object, but since the character never stores anything larger than a missile launcher that requires rapid unloading it never really comes up.

As for arbitrary limits, there is a character in this story who designs Bags of Holding that can only hold ninety-nine objects of almost any size. There's a top limit for two reasons. One, stacking too much stuff in the magical dimension of a bag of holding risks causing a collapse, which will expel all items stored inside the pack at supersonic velocities: a top limit makes this slightly less likely. Two, he thinks it's funny to have a limit of only ninety-nine instead of a hundred. He has a weird sense of humor. He also designed what is basically a metal bikini with a magical forcefield that can take truly disgusting amounts of damage and leave the wearer unharmed. Again, weird sense of humor.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


"Magical" forcefield, or "sci-fi" forcefield? If you actually meant the former, I shall refrain from any sort of commenting on the technological plausibility of your Hammerspace explanations, for obvious reasons.

........Annnnnnnnd, I'm hijacking this thread, aren't I. I can sense the dirty glares on the back of my neck. It's a good thing I'm still the newest member; once I've got any sort of seniority over anyone, those wrath-filled eyes are coming out of your sockets and into my collection, ya hear? You all only get a short intro of relative politeness before my usual Superpowered Evil Side shows itself. (-.-)

But, yeah, a big issue with implying that Samus' suit can somehow physically reconstruct her at will is that she'd basically have the ultimate hospital in there with her. A few broken bones from a bad fall off a cliff? No worries; the Samus from a week ago didn't have any, so who says this one must? Phazon poisoning? Fear not; she can just reload her old backup self at will! So, yeah, having the ultimate biological fabber is a bit of a portable DEM. :P


Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:16:31 AM
"Magical" forcefield, or "sci-fi" forcefield? If you actually meant the former, I shall refrain from any sort of commenting on the technological plausibility of your Hammerspace explanations, for obvious reasons.
I'm an aspiring writer, not a scientist. Don't tell my grandpa, he still thinks I want to follow in his footsteps. And in this case, it is a "magical" forcefield. You can't fit my setting's forcefields into something as small as a metal bikini, let alone something that powerful. ;-) Belt unit, at minimum. Or a smaller one that's wrist-mounted, but that's more of a buckler. And really high-tech that few people have or can build. And also tends to have power issues. But I'm really getting off-topic here...

Quote........Annnnnnnnd, I'm hijacking this thread, aren't I. I can sense the dirty glares on the back of my neck. It's a good thing I'm still the newest member; once I've got any sort of seniority over anyone, those wrath-filled eyes are coming out of your sockets and into my collection, ya hear? You all only get a short intro of relative politeness before my usual Superpowered Evil Side shows itself. (-.-)

But, yeah, a big issue with implying that Samus' suit can somehow physically reconstruct her at will is that she'd basically have the ultimate hospital in there with her. A few broken bones from a bad fall off a cliff? No worries; the Samus from a week ago didn't have any, so who says this one must? Phazon poisoning? Fear not; she can just reload her old backup self at will! So, yeah, having the ultimate biological fabber is a bit of a portable DEM. :P
Eh, thread hijacking happens. Don't worry, though: if it comes to ripping eyes out of sockets, we'll gang up on you and put your eyes in a special place. With a pretty brass plaque and everything. That you won't be able to see. Because you won't have your eyes anymore. :mwaha Also, a troper? Heheheh. Nice to find one who has already been corrupted by the Trope Wiki.

Not familiar with the term "fabber" (fabricator?), I think I can give another handwave here: maybe the storage system can only hold one pattern in the "buffer" (calling on Star Trek terminology again), so whatever got stored is whatever you get back. You can't store an older pattern, and it always gets overwritten by the new pattern that's being uploaded. Additionally, the old patterns would be missing more recent memories, and whatever device the suit possibly uses to load new memories into Samus' head while the suit's in its Morph Ball configuration (haha! Finally remembered the name) can't upload more than the few minutes that the Morph Ball is usually used for. I'm starting to stretch here, aren't I?

Heheh: at this point we've probably put more thought into this than the guys who handwaved this in the first place. I'm having fun!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


"Your setting's" forcefields? So you have an actual forcefield explanation? I'd be interested in hearing it, despite your proclaimed non-scientific tendencies.

*ignores the pitiful attempt at a threat*

Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMNot familiar with the term "fabber" (fabricator?)
Guh, get thyself over to the archives of Schlock Mercenary, dude!

Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMI think I can give another handwave here: maybe the storage system can only hold one pattern in the "buffer"
....So use multiple "buffers", whatever the hell "buffers" are supposed to be... >_>

Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMMorph Ball configuration (haha! Finally remembered the name)
If reading my posts' usage of that precise phrase triggered your memory, I'm not entirely certain it's valid to act triumphant about your resulting recollection of the term.

Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMHeheh: at this point we've probably put more thought into this than the guys who handwaved this in the first place. I'm having fun!
Surprising. Most people put up with my overanalytical dismembering of handwave attempts for four minutes, or three forum posts, tops. I'll confess myself to be very slightly impressed, although I get the feeling it's a "humor the new guy" thing. :P


Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:02:16 AM
"Your setting's" forcefields? So you have an actual forcefield explanation? I'd be interested in hearing it, despite your proclaimed non-scientific tendencies.
The short answer is, they work. Really, despite the words and names and jargon thrown around, they basically just exist to do what I want them to, though they do have their limits, and there are a handful of types (barriers and shields are the weaponized versions, BTW). Basically, they're all a form of energy shield contained and shaped into some form of mathematically-defined solid shape, like a plane or sphere.

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:02:16 AM
Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMI think I can give another handwave here: maybe the storage system can only hold one pattern in the "buffer"
....So use multiple "buffers", whatever the hell "buffers" are supposed to be... >_>
Um, a buffer is basically the area on a Star Trek transporter that stores all of the particles until it can be beamed to the transporter site, and the same for the reverse trip. In this case, I'm basically saying the pattern storage device: it still takes a LOT of data to store the precise pattern to bring Samus back after turning her into energy, and the data storage limits for the suit might be limited. Again, I'm just trying to justify what might well have been an off-the-cuff response from a creator. It really doesn't make sense, actually.

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:02:16 AM
Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMMorph Ball configuration (haha! Finally remembered the name)
If reading my posts' usage of that precise phrase triggered your memory, I'm not entirely certain it's valid to act triumphant about your resulting recollection of the term.
Ah, missed your usage of it. That's what I get for posting at one in the morning.

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:02:16 AM
Quote from: Jairus on March 26, 2009, 03:33:08 AMHeheh: at this point we've probably put more thought into this than the guys who handwaved this in the first place. I'm having fun!
Surprising. Most people put up with my overanalytical dismembering of handwave attempts for four minutes, or three forum posts, tops. I'll confess myself to be very slightly impressed, although I get the feeling it's a "humor the new guy" thing. :P
I'm not humoring you, I find this genuinely fun, mainly because I'm the kind of nerd who likes figuring this stuff up. Maybe after a night of sleep I'll have a better answer. Good night!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


It's probably my rampant paranoia speaking, but I'm expecting an "Oh, that explains why you're utterly batshit screwed-up-in-the-head and all that" when I say I don't really sleep much...like, at all.... <_< But, yeah, g'night, I guess. I see how it is. Leave me to figure out the scientific details all on my lonesome, will ya?

As for the idea that mere information would take up too much space in the suit, considering our current abilities to store massive quantities of information in a tiny volume I can't possibly believe that Samus' uber-suit is incapable of storing a few thousand of her "patterns", precise to the cubic nanometer. I mean, it'd really be a blue-print more than anything; the details of her body are fairly standard for a human. She doesn't need every molecule recorded as-is; basically, the suit needs to hold a detailed pattern of one of each type of cell/neuron/inorganic molecule/etc, knowledge regarding how many of each type belong where, and that's about it. Missiles would be even easier due to the leeway for imprecision.

Huh. Basic blue-prints like that would essentially allow minor tweaks, if the suit's AI were in a prankster-ish mood...if Samus entered Morph Ball mode and came out with a completely different physical body, would she still be Samus? CUE PSEUDO-PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION LULZ


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 02:25:53 AM
We're not talking about a simple matter compression, which would simply kill her. This was a claim that she's stored as "energy"; whatever the hell such a vague sci-fi statement means, it doesn't matter how much space there is, as energy (of most types, especially the sci-fi types) doesn't have a non-negligible requisite volume per unit.

Er... Yes, it does. It's variable depending on your technology, but why did you think D cell batteries have more power than AA's?

It might be MUCH larger, but seriously, e=mc^2 means there's a heck of a lot of energy present in the average human. Throw in the suit, and you're looking at, what, about 200 or 300 lbs. Total conversion means that's enough energy to vaporise a large chunk of the earth. Hiroshima looks like a wet firecracker compared to that (as I understand it, H used perhaps as much as several milligrams of actual uranium converted to energy - most of the uranium is there to provide sufficient mass to make the operation happen, and enough mass to allow the other atoms to collect outgoing radiation and make the chain reaction work. Almost all of the radioactive particulates remain spread all over the countryside, which is why it's such a nasty bomb...)

Sure, technology is much higher, but even so, there are physical limits. It could be argued that the hand-wavey argument breaches some of those, but I'm gonna leave it there anyway...

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:16:31 AM
........Annnnnnnnd, I'm hijacking this thread, aren't I. I can sense the dirty glares on the back of my neck. It's a good thing I'm still the newest member; once I've got any sort of seniority over anyone, those wrath-filled eyes are coming out of your sockets and into my collection, ya hear? You all only get a short intro of relative politeness before my usual Superpowered Evil Side shows itself. (-.-)

I hate to break this to you, but I think I get seniority over almost everyone. ;-] And Darkmoon has a much bigger evil side than you do. Good luck with that, though...

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:36:55 AM
It's probably my rampant paranoia speaking, but I'm expecting an "Oh, that explains why you're utterly batshit screwed-up-in-the-head and all that" when I say I don't really sleep much...like, at all.... <_< But, yeah, g'night, I guess. I see how it is. Leave me to figure out the scientific details all on my lonesome, will ya?

As long as you're as coherent and polite as this, don't sleep at all for all I care. ;-] You're more coherent than some of our posters when they have had sleep, so...

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 04:36:55 AM
As for the idea that mere information would take up too much space in the suit, considering our current abilities to store massive quantities of information in a tiny volume I can't possibly believe that Samus' uber-suit is incapable of storing a few thousand of her "patterns", precise to the cubic nanometer. I mean, it'd really be a blue-print more than anything; the details of her body are fairly standard for a human. She doesn't need every molecule recorded as-is; basically, the suit needs to hold a detailed pattern of one of each type of cell/neuron/inorganic molecule/etc, knowledge regarding how many of each type belong where, and that's about it. Missiles would be even easier due to the leeway for imprecision.

Arguably, the system "doesn't work that way" - not only do you have to store the entire energy stockpile, you need to cover for any losses in transmission (entropy, y'know) and store the relative connections, which requires yet more energy, in large amounts. Extremely large amounts.

But, again, we're starting to veer into "not physically possible" territory. And, of course, the MST3k Mantra, y'know.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 06:39:36 AMIt might be MUCH larger, but seriously, e=mc^2 means there's a heck of a lot of energy present in the average human. Throw in the suit, and you're looking at, what, about 200 or 300 lbs.
What. The. Fuck. E=mc^2 has _nothing_ to do with what you're describing. There is absolutely no reason to convert the suit's mass directly into energy. We are not splitting its nuclei and thus releasing the binding energy of each and every one of her atoms. You've got the formula entirely backwards. Your blasphemy is comparable to trying to use the Doppler equations (for sound compression as a function of velocity) in order to calculate how close the sound waves would be to the moving object itself. (-.-) Seriously, that made less than no sense, so I hope I'm misunderstanding what you said.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 06:39:36 AMAs long as you're as coherent and polite as this, don't sleep at all for all I care. ;-] You're more coherent than some of our posters when they have had sleep, so...
*eyes the top of this current post warily*


Okay, Cyarus, it's nice to see an active poster on the forum, and one that cares about the topic they are debating.

However, your tone in many of your posts have been toeing the line (if not right on over it). Try to calm yourself down and act a little nicer to those around you.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 10:02:51 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 06:39:36 AMIt might be MUCH larger, but seriously, e=mc^2 means there's a heck of a lot of energy present in the average human. Throw in the suit, and you're looking at, what, about 200 or 300 lbs.
What. The. Fuck. E=mc^2 has _nothing_ to do with what you're describing. There is absolutely no reason to convert the suit's mass directly into energy. We are not splitting its nuclei and thus releasing the binding energy of each and every one of her atoms. You've got the formula entirely backwards. Your blasphemy is comparable to trying to use the Doppler equations (for sound compression as a function of velocity) in order to calculate how close the sound waves would be to the moving object itself. (-.-) Seriously, that made less than no sense, so I hope I'm misunderstanding what you said.

... So, she's converted to energy, but not converted to energy?

Help me out, here. Is Samus converted to energy, or not? If so, then every atom in her must also, ergo, be converted to energy. In which case, the amount of energy is equal to the mass converted multiplied by the square of the speed of light. This is a very large number, and since you were saying that energy is easy to store, and I was saying that the more energy you store, the more space it takes up - perhaps not as much as mass, but still a fair bit, if only to stop it shorting itself to ground.

e=mc62 si not the binding energy of the atoms. It's the sheer mass involved, entirely. The binding energy, both strong and weak nuclear force, strong as they are, is barely even a flicker compared to that. Or, at least, that's my understanding. It's entirely possible I'm misunderstanding this, too.

Care to enlighten me? Without the abuse, this time, perhaps?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*puts his paddle and whip away*  But I thought you liked abuse.



Yeah, sure, no abuse today. Me stupidly studying at my dorm and not noticing the time, when I should have been taking the test for which I was studying, and consequently failing it in a ridiculous wave of irony, was yesterday, not today. Insert some sort of nonsensical apology here for events entirely within my control overriding my mood and all that <_<

We were saying that we would simply need to store the information required to recreate Samus as-is. That would be the energy involved. Creating a blueprint of a house does not require an amount of energy equal to the speed of light times the square of the house's mass, not even if that blueprint comes (in the case of the Morph Ball configuration) in the form of a ridiculously detailed 3D computer model of each individual brick's placement in the house, as well as a precise explanation of the components and dimensions of a brick. Computers don't annihilate cities when they short-circuit, so it's quite unlikely that they contain that much energy. :P

So when you said "Throw in the suit" for mass calculations, I really don't get what you're trying to say. Why would the suit be converting itself into energy? Care to enlighten me? And use all the abuse you wish; I'm not a sarcastic prick who can't take a similar (though certainly inferior!) arsenal being used against him. ^_^

(Edit: Guh, I always forget to check "Don't use smileys".)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 26, 2009, 03:17:40 PM
*puts his paddle and whip away*  But I thought you liked abuse.


Time and a place for everything, Mao. ;-]

... about twenty minutes after school lets out, behind the bike sheds, mmkay?

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:32:46 PM
Yeah, sure, no abuse today. Me stupidly studying at my dorm and not noticing the time, when I should have been taking the test for which I was studying, and consequently failing it in a ridiculous wave of irony, was yesterday, not today. Insert some sort of nonsensical apology here for events entirely within my control overriding my mood and all that <_<

Heh. Okay, I can understand that. Apology accepted.

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:32:46 PM
We were saying that we would simply need to store the information required to recreate Samus as-is. That would be the energy involved. Creating a blueprint of a house does not require an amount of energy equal to the speed of light times the square of the house's mass, not even if that blueprint comes (in the case of the Morph Ball configuration) in the form of a ridiculously detailed 3D computer model of each individual brick's placement in the house, as well as a precise explanation of the components and dimensions of a brick. Computers don't annihilate cities when they short-circuit, so it's quite unlikely that they contain that much energy. :P

Computers don't generate three dimensional animate objects, either. One presumes that after Samus takes the suit off (the exterior suit - see below) she's still alive and mobile, and not merely an artificially intelligent hologram.

After all, that one has been done, hasn't it?

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:32:46 PM
So when you said "Throw in the suit" for mass calculations, I really don't get what you're trying to say. Why would the suit be converting itself into energy? Care to enlighten me? And use all the abuse you wish; I'm not a sarcastic prick who can't take a similar (though certainly inferior!) arsenal being used against him. ^_^

The "zero suit", I think it was called. Rather than the external suit that turns into the morph ball, I was thinking the inner layer - obvious I have no idea what the respective sizes are, but she's shown as being somewhat muscled, yes? I'd say.. what, maybe 150lbs for her in her skin, then? It's still a heck of a lot of mass to turn into energy.

After all, we're not suggesting she's merely being remembered, then the atoms that make up her body are crushed into a soupy mess, only to be regenerated into a person after the morph ball unmorphs. Or are we?

Quote from: Cyarus on March 26, 2009, 03:32:46 PM
(Edit: Guh, I always forget to check "Don't use smileys".)

Oh, you can use smileys. It just depends on which smileys you want to use...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 03:47:38 PMComputers don't generate three dimensional animate objects, either. One presumes that after Samus takes the suit off (the exterior suit - see below) she's still alive and mobile, and not merely an artificially intelligent hologram.
That doesn't change my point at all. I still don't get what you're trying to say.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 03:47:38 PMThe "zero suit", I think it was called. Rather than the external suit that turns into the morph ball, I was thinking the inner layer - obvious I have no idea what the respective sizes are, but she's shown as being somewhat muscled, yes? I'd say.. what, maybe 150lbs for her in her skin, then? It's still a heck of a lot of mass to turn into energy.
.....Still don't get it, although the reference to the Zero Suit makes somewhat more sense than the Power Suit...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 03:47:38 PMAfter all, we're not suggesting she's merely being remembered, then the atoms that make up her body are crushed into a soupy mess, only to be regenerated into a person after the morph ball unmorphs. Or are we?
OH! I see. You're referring to the mass that's gonna be used to recreate her based on the information that's stored. I gotcha now. But, um, yeah, actually, the blender/liquifier option is exactly what I was suggesting. We've already established that she can fit in the Morph Ball if she doesn't have to be alive; otherwise, if it were simply too low in volume for her at all, the yoga explanation would be _beyond_ silly. :P

So, yes, aside from a minimal increase in her kinetic energy there shouldn't be a rise in the energy the suit has to contain. (Liquid having more kinetic energy than solids should be the extent of it.)

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 03:47:38 PMOh, you can use smileys. It just depends on which smileys you want to use...
Well, I like my ^_^ to be as unchanged as my (-.-) and v_V, you see? <_<

llearch n'n'daCorna

Well, both the energy that comes from "decreating" her, as well as the energy required to recreate her. If she's stored as energy, rather than merely inanimate mass, then that's a _lot_ of energy. Running her through a blender and removing the bubbles, though, is a lot easier.

... putting the pieces back together again later is a bit tricky, but not as tricky as the "whole entity to energy" trick.
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I did say that a suit-held fabber was a DEM waiting to pop out in a later game or manga. :P It's tricky indeed, but probably the easiest way to make it work, and has the added benefit of not giving her an infinite amount of missiles as I'd mentioned before.


Rebember her suit was built by the Chozo spesficily for her. The various upgrades she finds may be general upgrades any powersuit can use. There are also upgrades for the suit built by Humans and the Luminoths and they may not mesh perfectly with the exsiting Chozo tech she has which explains some of the holes.

That and the energy thing is likely just a explanation thrown in to explain a gameplay mechanic that made sences in 2D games but not 3D games