02/16/09 [DMFA #973] - piddle self and run

Started by Lisky, February 15, 2009, 10:52:31 PM

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Quote from: Basilisk2150 on February 15, 2009, 10:52:31 PM
apparently dan is still pissed about six years ago...
Regina nearly killed both he and Wildy, I'd be pissed too. I'm assuming that that's Wildy's blood on Regina's hands in the flashback panel where she first appeared.


Quote from: Tycoon on February 16, 2009, 12:14:35 AM
Parallels! So many parallels!

what parallels, deadly maid hiding in the shadows after assaulting a monster  does not equate to must escape, get mistaken for low ranking henchman, ow my ankle, OMG monster WTF!!!?.

EDIT, if you want parallels compare the "what makes a web comic great" to the later  story lines
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


God... I was a huge fan of Regina before she recently reappeared and I am still a fan of hers (because she's a psychopath, gotta love someone who'd murder for the lulz). But right now, with this comic, I really hope she loses. Just so I can see Dan rip her apart. A trained adventurer, who is both raging and focused (God, but I would love to hear his voice there, overflowing with malice and hatred), and he's managed to pull out four headed-tentacles. His opponent seems to think she is no match for him and she is probably right.

In other words, Dan is so hot right now.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Quote from: e_voyager on February 16, 2009, 12:06:01 AM
Dan Aaryanna would be proud! I'm not sure about you mom as you have yet to inflict pain to match the fear you've inspired in that poor undead demon girl.

This was my thought exactly!


So the horns on the tentacle-heads double as claws?  He's scratching up that pillar there with what looks like a tentacle head horns.


the tentacles can be claws or heads; they morph, remember.


Let's not forget that dan's cubi abilities are somewhat learned from Abel's (who learned from kria, and destania) This is so circular it hurts!!! http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Ab_019.php
Remember the past.
Prepare for the future.
Live in the present.


Quote from: LigerJet on February 16, 2009, 12:44:10 AM
So the horns on the tentacle-heads double as claws?  He's scratching up that pillar there with what looks like a tentacle head horns.

The tentacles are affected by a 'Cubi's shapeshifting abilities as well, you know. Those probably are simply giant claws.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 16, 2009, 12:47:06 AM
the tentacles can be claws or heads; they morph, remember.

gah, microwave messed up my internet and you beat me to it =/

Anyway, I'm kinda disappointed that I have to wait til Friday to see the real fun begin...


Tikki: it appears that your avatar was cropped from somewhere. May I see the original image?

Look at Abel's story, when Hennya bites "Cid". Look at front page. See something? :P
My laptop pooped out as I clicked submit. Old phat PSP to the rescue -.-

Edit: Let's not forget that Dan killed an adult demon twice. Without cubi abilities. When you adventure, you're killing things that are experienced. Regina is young. Dan has had experience in killing fighters. Civilians are defenseless.

Reginia's screwed.

Paladin Sheppard

Ted Schiller

Yay!  Demon's Slasher Flick.   Young demon couple getting it going out in the woods coming up next.  :D

With regards,


Oh that's so awesome.

Dan looks so terrifying and capable for once! xp


Quote from: Sukasa on February 15, 2009, 11:22:27 PM
I notice that Dan's headwings seem to have appeared since the last time we saw him, too.

I think the idea is he's actively using his Cubi powers and no longer really cares so long as Regina is killed (awww), to the point where he holds back his racism temporarily to reach his goal. That or he is so angry he's lost control.


well that and it requites concentration to hid them it's like tensing a muscle. if you  it might be easy to an extent but if you lose focus your lose your grip. after all it maybe easy to walk around with one eye closed if you practice but you get frightened or forgetful and you'll open you closed eye again.;
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

MT Hazard

Two moments of awesome in one arc, he's on a roll. Look out for plunging warp-aci though.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Note for those who didn't know. In the last panel, Regina's saying the equal of "Okay, new plan. Piss self. Run." Reason Amber used a different word for it is beyond me, since the word's shown up before. ("Nothing pisses off a Fae more than their great revenge being foiled by their target dying." Or something to that effect.)


Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:15:56 AM
Note for those who didn't know. In the last panel, Regina's saying the equal of "Okay, new plan. Piss self. Run." Reason Amber used a different word for it is beyond me, since the word's shown up before. ("Nothing pisses off a Fae more than their great revenge being foiled by their target dying." Or something to that effect.)
I dunno, maybe because piddle sounds funnier than piss?


Dan has upgraded from Class C+ random fight to Class B- boss fight in 6 years.  The similarities of Comic 907 and Comic 973 are astounding, though the switch in characters is what makes it so beautiful and histerical.  Too bad I can't sit back and watch Dan scare the crap out of Regina in person while eating popcorn.

Dark Pegasus/Aliph is considered a Class C+ bossfight for scale.  Origonally that would make Dan a Class C+ Bossfight but with the new addition of Cubi powers he gains a level.  Dan's bossfight status may be higher but I am being conservative.

Cubi are the hybrid offspring of Demons and Angels (neither are weak, just have different styles) so a Cubi VS Demon is not a one sided fight.

...I am officially at the edge of my seat.
Dan looks so intimidating, so focused and so AWESOME!

There is a whole list things of why Regina is in trouble.  The top two in no particular order are.
Dan is now a demon with all the power perks (even if he is using basic training and instinct) and Regina underestimated the recent power gap between her and Dan... even though it's mostly intimidation at the moment.
Freddy got nothing on Dan.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: senrath on February 16, 2009, 02:19:38 AM
Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:15:56 AM
Note for those who didn't know. In the last panel, Regina's saying the equal of "Okay, new plan. Piss self. Run." Reason Amber used a different word for it is beyond me, since the word's shown up before. ("Nothing pisses off a Fae more than their great revenge being foiled by their target dying." Or something to that effect.)
I dunno, maybe because piddle sounds funnier than piss?

I'd rather the latter word be used, but then again. It's due to my burning white vendetta against censorship. Kinda considering the word's shown up at least twice prior.


Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:54:38 AM
Quote from: senrath on February 16, 2009, 02:19:38 AM
Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:15:56 AM
Note for those who didn't know. In the last panel, Regina's saying the equal of "Okay, new plan. Piss self. Run." Reason Amber used a different word for it is beyond me, since the word's shown up before. ("Nothing pisses off a Fae more than their great revenge being foiled by their target dying." Or something to that effect.)
I dunno, maybe because piddle sounds funnier than piss?

I'd rather the latter word be used, but then again. It's due to my burning white vendetta against censorship. Kinda considering the word's shown up at least twice prior.

Personally I like the script of today's comic.  The use of the words Regina used was very strategic as they show her mental maturity. 
In that 6 years, Regina's growth rate probably remained stagnant while Dan advanced leaps and bounds both physically and mentally.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Jairus on February 15, 2009, 11:43:24 PM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on February 15, 2009, 11:39:00 PM
Quote from: Jairus on February 15, 2009, 11:18:43 PM
And I never understood that "if you kill him, you will be just like him" trope. Dan is fully justified in killing Regina for murdering innocent beings and planning to kill more, whereas Dan only kills when he has to. And write now, I can't think very clearly for some reason, so I'll have to come back to this in a bit.

Killing is too addicting, regardless of who your victim is--once you've crossed the line and taken another life, it becomes like a drug, and you have to do it again.

And again.

And again.

And eventually you'll come to lower your standards for who can die and who must live, just so that you can have prey....
Um... wow. That's just disturbing. Call me an optimist, but I really think that while killing might get easier, only someone who has problems would actually start enjoying it. Dan doesn't seem to enjoy killing Dark Pegasus: he did it because he had to. In this case, he'd enjoy hurting Regina because she hurt his friends: this is payback. Dan doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to become a murderer. At least, Dan right now.

I'm not necessarily saying it becomes more pleasurable--yeah, I did give that impression, I know--but at best it becomes less loathsome, if you take my meaning.  In other words, one becomes desensitized to it, to the point where it becomes like swatting flies.

Which is worse?


Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:54:38 AM
Quote from: senrath on February 16, 2009, 02:19:38 AM
Quote from: Minishear on February 16, 2009, 02:15:56 AM
Note for those who didn't know. In the last panel, Regina's saying the equal of "Okay, new plan. Piss self. Run." Reason Amber used a different word for it is beyond me, since the word's shown up before. ("Nothing pisses off a Fae more than their great revenge being foiled by their target dying." Or something to that effect.)
I dunno, maybe because piddle sounds funnier than piss?

I'd rather the latter word be used, but then again. It's due to my burning white vendetta against censorship. Kinda considering the word's shown up at least twice prior.

I'm with both senrath and Madmann in that (a) piddle sounds funnier and (b) it's very telling of Regina's mindset.  She's extremely immature and selfish, and especially as far as demon-lifespan maturity goes, I don't think she's got much credit.  Also, 'piddle' kind of brings up the idea of being so scared you can't even pee properly, whereas 'piss' is more like... well... pissing. Peeing profusely, if you will.  I think Amber wrote the script like she wanted to write the script, and I doubt any concerns about censorship in regards to the word 'piss' were even in her head at the time.  It may be four letters long, but it's hardly a censorship-worthy word.

*cough* I got so intrigued by the discussion there I forgot what I originally came to say, which was HOLY CRAP. Dan looks AWESOME and TERRIFYING.  *I* was scared.  :0 And shirtless!Dan is shweet, and I love to see him using his Cubi powers, though he's probably going to trip out about them soon.  Still anticipating an Abel/Devin reunion, too...  :eager


There is one way to escape from an angry Dan and that is with a naked Amazon


Amber never ceases to entertain me. I anticipate some smiting next update!  :mwaha


GOOOOO DAN! Man, does he ever mean business. Total love for the angry look- didn't think Dan had it in him! Regina is toast!


Ahahaha xD

It's so good to see Dan finally having a true badass moment.
And speaking of parallels and old comics: My initial connection was to this "Cubi can read minds" revelation, mostly because it's such a different take on this theme in terms of mood and atmosphere. Really highlights the more fundamental differences between Abel and Dan, I think. Or maybe I'm reading too much into this. :paranoid

...wait, with the new schedule now being Thursday to Monday, this means that this is our "Weekend" Cliffhanger! Noooooo! D:


Quote from: Baal Hadad on February 16, 2009, 03:18:15 AM
I'm not necessarily saying it becomes more pleasurable--yeah, I did give that impression, I know--but at best it becomes less loathsome, if you take my meaning.  In other words, one becomes desensitized to it, to the point where it becomes like swatting flies.

Which is worse?
So, which is worse: not caring for killing, but not enjoying doing it, or enjoying killing and doing it because it's fun? Offhand and from my perspective, killing because it's fun seems a lot worse than simply being desensitized to killing.

Now, if killing doesn't matter to you because you see everyone else as beneath you and not worth caring about... that's a different story entirely. But Dan doesn't seem to be that type, so it doesn't really matter at this point. At least, I don't think so.

Quote from: Sid on February 16, 2009, 03:45:29 AM
...wait, with the new schedule now being Thursday to Monday, this means that this is our "Weekend" Cliffhanger! Noooooo! D:
Ah, I loved that. Thank you.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Eh, no matter what the motive or mindset may happen to be, killing always ends with somebody dying.

I like Regina so far. She's one of the more interesting characters I've seen. Something about naive and murderous qualities all in one seems almost untouched. I might be wrong though.


Regina better hope Kria catches up quickly... or she is in a world of trouble. I think she failed her moral check. :P

Presumably Kria will have SOMETHING to say about Regina being killed in her home... of course, knowing her, it might be "Why, Dan, you are so sexy when you are mad."