Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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Yeah, I know how that feels, I've only got 1 final left, but I've been busy.

Personally, I don't see too many ways out of this for Raffiele, however, I do have some sympathy in this current situation, since he didn't get to post between two of mine/Corg's. I do share the dilemma as well, I don't want to lose you as a player, but I don't see too many ways in which Raffiele can get out of being killed. I do see two solutions for this:

1: I could DM-override Corg's latest post, and allow Tipod to have a 'right-of-way', on posting. In this, Raffiele might (though probably not) say something to convince Eilan and Kedered to keep him alive, or perhaps just delay it. Of course, if Raffiele doesn't, then there's nothing stopping Ked from just cutting his head off later.

2: Role with the punches, Raf dies, roll up a new character, and I'll find a way to glue him in later. (I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable 'un-personing' him in.) Problem with this is it puts Tipod on something of a delay, since there will be some lag in the approval/glue-in process.

Either way, I'm open to suggestions.


Seems like he painted himself into a corner that is rather tough.  Granted, you did hand him the brush... but he chose the colors.  There is quite the analysis that could be levied, but I think it boils down to an inevitable situation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, I try to work through incentives. I'm never going to force a player's character to behave in a certain way, though I do try to make it so that actions have consequences to them.

In the end, we decided on an IM conversation that there was nothing Raffiele could have done to save himself, so we've settled for killing him off and putting up a new character. I'm in the process of figuring out a way to glue him in.

P.S. Tipod, you're free to post your new character up btw.


From the PM, to your eyes.

Name: Bart Thom'sen
Age: 98
Gender: Male
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 195 pounds
Eye color: Dark red
Species: Demon, vaguely reptillian
Physical description: Relatively brawny and proportioned like your stereotypical hoodlum, Bart's overall frame is nothing particularly imposing. However, up close his form is disconcerting: very dark and rough flesh, hands which taper off into three-inch claws, prominent eyes, a mouth not unlike a small beartrap with assorted canines, and a lack of ears, hair, or nose. He carries himself rather casually, slouching and stretching his legs out whenever possible, and assumes an vaguely simian posture when moving quickly or fighting. No sign of wings, horns, or prehensile trail, but does sport a white Thom'sen family branding on his right bicep.

Backstory: The Thom'sen lineage is an extended family of demons descending from a single, obscure figure known simply as The Great Progenitor, a demon cursed for murdering fellow clan members and voraciously consuming their flesh and bones. With the stigma of being outcasts and cannibals, they took to living underground and in isolated settlements on the fringes of Narukh.

Born out of wedlock between a Thom'sen mother and a father from the dogmatic demon Clan Jacobii, young Bartholomew would have been a healthy little canine Creature like his cousin Raffiele, but Jacobii would have none of it. Cursed from birth by their petty magics, Bart came out as an implacable monster, still demonic but with a bizarre lack of animalistic features. The Thom'sens dropped the issue immediately rather than risk an open feud by challenging Jacobii custom and authority.

As he grew older, Bart took more to doing the marshal-side of things in family territories, mainly keeping the peace and shoving people around when they asked for it. Occasionally, he would attack being caravans under the convincing guise of "Ded'ae Body," an undead spirit angered by the presence of the opulent and aloof. Such activities usually ended with caravan guards being knocked unconscious or painfully disarmed, and the cargo being stolen and promptly thrown into the nearest river or off a cliffside. Though fun, Bart's regiment was nothing more than a timewaster.

With nothing else to do as diplomatic talks kept rival clans from knocking at the Thom'sen compound's front door, Bart has taken to asking around for his favorite cuz, Rafa, and see about taking a camping trip with Uncle Adil. After all, everyone needs a break from politics and constant danger now and again.

Personality: Casual and humorous, Bart often mingles quite well with anyone who isn't a complete monster. He is not quick to anger, doesn't pry into people's business, and can usually read someone's mood unless they're being obtuse. Like his cousin, Bart doesn't harbor much ill-will towards any particular species with exception to angels, feeling that they're manipulative and snide. Even then, a good angel will get a pass in his book.

Abilities: Like others in his family, Bart is gifted with great regenerative prowess and the typical demonic strength and reflexes, as well as a mystical affinity for fire; there's nothing he enjoys more than setting himself ablaze when fighting a particularly grabby opponent.

Unfortunately, that's where his advantages end. While he has a certain knack for pyromancy, the most he can do with it is set himself on fire and not be burned. Any other magical art is completely lost upon him. His regenerative powers also have their limits, as decapitations and any shot that pierces the brain are impossible to recover from.

Possessions: Padded leather armor with metal inserts, heavy slacks, boots, iron facemask, backpack, hatchet, dagger, sewing kit, assorted stamped coins of silver and gold, family bible, dried food, 20-foot coil of rope, white facepaint.

Color: Yellow (because hey, why not?)
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Just putting up here that while I'm following the IC thread, Ked doesn't really have anything else to say to Eilan, and since we walked out quite a bit to do our interrogation/execution thing, I'm pretty sure by the time we got back, the guys who are doing the fire stuff would have resolved stuff, one way or the other. So please, don't feel a need for my input until we can get Eilan and Kedered back to the orphanage.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Zanfib is saving small children.. Garis is murdering half-bit caretakers... and Chance is burning down orphanages...

Any more contestants in the alignment shift game? :P


Based strictly on your descriptions there, an outsider would deduce:

Zanfib: Chaotic Good

Garis: Chaotic Neutral

Chance: Chaotic Evil

That's horribly biased reporting on events now... seriously.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk on April 04, 2010, 10:47:26 PM
Based strictly on your descriptions there, an outsider would deduce:

Zanfib: Chaotic Good

Garis: Chaotic Neutral

Chance: Chaotic Evil

That's horribly biased reporting on events now... seriously.


Anyways.. sorry for lack of reply.. holiday and work crap going on.. I will do my best to get one up today if not tomorrow morning.


Cower in fear!

Name: Orenio F. Hatûk.

Age: 29.

Gender: Male.

Height: Four feet, ten inches.

Weight: 210 lbs.

Species: Were, meerkat.

Physical description:


  • Furre: Short, but stocky; powerful muscles stand out along legs, arms, and shoulders. Fawn fur, with silver horizontal stripes of various lengths going from the base of his tail to his shoulder blades. Black rings surround his eyes, which are a light brown color with small pupils; a pointed face; a thin, two foot long tapering tail is the same color of his fur, with the exception of a brown tip. Brown hair, turning gray in places, is kept short and in a swept back style. Small, black ears.
  • Human: Dark brown skin; brown, swept back hair graying in places; well built upper body muscles. Silver horizontal stripes of various lengths travel from the base of his spine to his shoulders. Pointed nose, with sunk-in brown eyes, thin lips, and a weak chin. Small ears.
  • Primal: A small, sleek, mongoose-esque creature, about eleven inches long, with a thin seven inch tail, tapering to a point. Fawn fur, with silver horizontal stripes along its back. A patch of brown fur atop its skull, with black rings around its eyes. Tiny paws end in short claws.
  • Clothing(Furre/Human applicable only): Simple cloth shoes with a stiff sole. Red pants with drawstrings at the waist and leg holes; the legs tied at the base of the calves. Loose red long sleeved shirt. Canvas satchel bag slung over left shoulder, to hang at right hip.

Biography: Orenio was born into a small mob of other meerkat Weres, spending much of his life underground, expanding the mob's network of tunnels, foraging, and attempting not to draw the attention of his sometimes neurotic parents. The first thing of note to happen to or around Orenio is when he purposefully did not alert his older brother to an impending cave-in, which resulted in said brother's death. He quickly escaped from the mob before they could fully learn of his actions, which would likely have resulted in a painful execution. Orenio became a wanderer, careful to not reveal too much about himself to anyone in case his family was tracking him down.

Personality: Orenio is emotionally unstable. He lacks social confidence, and thus doesn't talk or stand up for himself in a conversational sense. He has a healthy respect for authority, and while he doesn't trust easily, once earned, it is very firm. Orenio takes everything with a grain of salt, and has a pessimistic view on people in general. He is fiercely territorial of his personal property, his person, and the duties typically assigned to him; while he might not get physical with every infringement, he can be scathing, snippy, or downright mean. He recognizes that what he did in regards to his brother was wrong, and feels sorry for it, to the point he will not complain of physical pain or discomfort, out of a sense of self-loathing.

Abilities: Orenio can change forms, like all Were, at will. His Human form grants him immunity from magic, while retaining bipedal motion, and possible thumbs. His furre form gives him access to magic, while not being very precise with it, but having the benefit of bipedal motion, and possible thumbs. The Primal form gives him powerful magic, and the natural swiftness of his species. He is also a talented cook, and forager, though his food is rarely appetizing to others. Orenio can cast the much more simple spells (first degree, array-less barrier, dispel) without any preparation, and sometimes without vocalizing his spell. The more complex spells can take between twenty seconds, and two minutes to prepare, and then must be vocally spelled into being. Orenio has the innate ability to time how long he can maintain a barrier given any situation. His formal repertoire of spells is as follows:

  • Earthen Embankment; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees: This spell in the first degree creates a slab of rock, the exact dimensions of which are dependent on the energy dedicated to the spell, to act as a physical barrier between the caster and an offensive force. The second degree rises five slabs simultaneously to guard from multiple directions or reinforce a single direction. The third degree raises a curved slab, to create a dome of solid rock around the user.
  • Barrier (no array): A simple energy barrier that can be shaped into various forms. While having no outstanding weaknesses, it has no noteworthy strengths either.
  • Barrier (Lotus Array): Two dozen shaped barriers oriented around the caster. The barriers are shaped to resemble lotus petals, and can close or open in a similar manner. When closed, the combined barriers create an airtight environment around the caster.  While closed, the caster runs the risk of asphyxia; the barrier array is vulnerable to fire magic. While open, this barrier array can be used as a boat. All the barriers are linked, so if one petal fails, they all fail.
  • Barrier (Mirror Array): A single shaped barrier, designed to return all offensive energy to the point of origin. Cannot be programmed to differentiate friend from foe. Can be overloaded by a single powerful attack, or many weaker ones.
  • Barrier (Square Array): Creates a wall made of no less than twenty-five, and no more than fifty six-inch square barriers connected by magic. This barrier is mean to diffuse the energy from physical attacks by transferring them from square to square then out into the air. Not meant to block magical attacks. Each barrier is independent of the others, allowing the array to survive a few squares failing; but increases the mental strain of maintaining the array.
  • Barrier (Hexagon Array): Creates between four and eight linked hexagonal barriers, one foot long and five inches wide. This array is meant to neutralize magical energy by moving it between the barriers then out into the air. Not meant to block physical attacks. Each barrier is linked, so if one fails, they all fail. Prone to overloading due to frequent use.
  • Barrier (Room Array): This array creates a single shaped barrier that contours to a room's walls and ceiling, adding additional protection to those inside. Can survive having multiple holes punched in it. Does not cover the floor, doorways, or windows. Vulnerable to elemental magic. This spell is on the upper end of Journeyman level, requiring constant attention and at least 30% of the user's total magical energy to use effectively. Once the barrier is damaged, it must be dropped then re-cast to restore full shielding ability; because repairing it while active is a Master level ability.
  • Barrier (Perimeter Array): Creates a dome-like barrier around a set perimeter. In default form, it is simple a large array-less barrier, so combining it with other barriers to give it some strengths/weaknesses is recommended. Requires the majority of the caster's attention to maintain. [Note: Orenio can only create a barrier like this with a ten-foot footprint.]
  • Vanish, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees: Vanish spells make the user, other people, objects, or magical constructs difficult to spot visually. The first degree renders the target translucent, but will not hide any shadows cast. The second degree renders the target fully transparent, but still does not hide the shadow; in the third degree, the shadow is also covered by the spell. Continuously feeds off the targets energy while in use; reducing the power of any barrier it is cast upon by a factor of 23%. Any Vanish spells below the fourth degree continuously put off a magical aura, which can be minimized with careful control; and it can be defeated through certain ocular enhancement spells, or by dint of genetics.
  • Ward (Repel): A simple warding spell, consisting of a circle of drawn magic, then a rune indicating what is to be repelled in the center. This ward emits a field of magical influence that prevents contact of the warded area and the force being warded against. Each individual spell has a cap to the force they can repel, so multiple castings are frequently needed to be effective. Each ward takes a bit of time and preparation, and the ward must be exposed to the force it is supposed to ward against to ensure proper functionality. If the ward is overpowered, it may simply fail, or overload then violently explode.
  • Seal (Lock): A simple seal, designed to lock a physical portal (window, door, etc.) from one side, preventing it being opened. Can be overloaded by profound physical force or magical attack.
  • Dispel: Negates all or specific spells that the user has previously cast. In order to do that, this spell ruptures the containment of the magical energy sustaining the spell. While designed to disperse the caster's own magic, with some ingenuity, other spells can be disrupted with it; but the odds of success, or even safe disruption are single digit odds for practitioners below Master level.

Strengths Magically, Orenio is focused toward defensive magic: barrier/shield/wards, seals, invisibility. In his furre form, his spellwork is potent, but simple; nothing above journeyman level in sophistication.  Orenio is physically strong for his size. He can switch forms quickly, making himself immune to magic attacks one moment, then retaliating with potent magic the next. Orenio is skilled in the usage of knives, and other cooking utensils, as well as cooking in general.  His Were genetics give him heightened senses.

Weaknesses: Again, Orenio's magic in furre form is simple. A clever enough mage can work their way around it if they take the time to. He also has a severe lack of offensive and supplementary spells. A lack of confidence leads him to underestimate his capabilities. He can be killed in many of the same ways a Being can; stabbed in a major organ, hemorrhage, poison, etc. He has no experience in hand-to-hand fighting. Orenio is easily stressed. His human form, while granting him immunity from magic, does not grant the area around him the same power, and makes healing magic useless. If rendered unconscious, he will remain in the form he was at the time using.

Possessions: Canvas satchel. Change of clothes x2 (red clothes mentioned above, and similar blue clothes). One large mixing bowl. One medium mixing bowl. One small mixing bowl. Three wooden spoons. One meat cleaver, one bread knife, one pairing knife, one peeling knife, one saw-tooth knife, one large knife, and two medium knives. A whetstone.


Note: Edited from version submitted via PM in the following ways:

  • Typos fixed.
  • List of spells added.
EDIT: Okay, now they're all fixed. :> I think.
EDIT the second: See above; I've structured Orenio's knowledge of magic with the GM's permission.
EDIT the third: A whole slew of new typos fixed.


Ooo, nice. Always wanted to play a were myself. Hope to see you game side soon. ;)


Thank you. :> I hope to see y'all game-side too, so none of you get knife'd; ya hear?

Corgatha Taldorthar

Can't promise that :P

And you watch yourself too, hear?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Ghostwish on April 14, 2010, 08:34:14 PM
He reached into his somewhat singed pack, and produced a small, slightly glowing crystal.. It was a store of power for psions, and he carefully siphoned out what was in it. He carefully replaced the crystal back in his bag, and then promptly leaped back out of the frying pan, and into what was the next room in danger of being consumed..
I'm afraid I'll have to override the highlighted sections. Said crystals were never mentioned to me. Please correct this when possible.


Is it bad that I started reading the IC thread of Shattered Innocence and now can't stop?  It's like a good book.  *Brain om nom nom noms*

This is, and looks like, fun!
            <-- #1 that is!


To be honest I never would've thought it would reach 28 pages, gott'damn.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


And now while everyone is occupied with saving children and burning orphanages, I call dibs on Raffieles bounty xD
The story is very interesting so far :) I'm on page 16 20 at the moment, but I've read the last few pages, too ^^


Edit: So the group consists of 6 people right now? Kassin, Eilan, Kedered, Garis, Zanfib and Chance?


Sorry for double post :<
So... after PMing with The1Kobra and some rewriting here is my character sheet :) ('s way too long...)

Name: Phoebe Luscinia
Age: 26
Species: Female Phoenix/Mythos; Avian: Indian Blue Robin, Mammal: Genet
Height: 5 ft 11 in (and 16 ft wingspan) in avian form, 5ft 3in in mammal form
Weight: about 100 pounds, 45kg

In both forms she has a slender build and very similar markings: horizontal stripes on the back starting at the head and ending somewhere between the shoulders and hips (the middle stripe going down to the base of the tail), white crescent shaped markings under the eyes and black marks on the cheeks, larger spots on the back, become smaller on the sides and almost no spots on the front, vertical stripes on the tail. She has brown-golden eyes and darkblue hair.
In avian form she is generally more colorful. Her front is yellow, her back is blue. The markings are black on the back and turn more blueish to the front. On the wings she has two colorful eyes (similar to a peacock butterfly) with which she can actually see. They work more like compound eyes than "normal" eyes; they appear rather like a colorful marking but the color makes her mythos-side a lot more obvious.
In mammal form her front is more of a sandy-gray color, turning to gray with a note of blue on her back. The markings are black with a blue shine. The eyes from the wings turn to black eye-shaped marks on the shoulder blades. In light they shimmer in all colors of the spectrum.

Changing forms isn't easy for Phoebe. If she changes she will most likely try to stay in that form for the longest possible time. Changing more than twice a day is nearly impossible, on average she changes once a week/fortnight. She can stay in any "in between"-form (e.g. getting the wings, but keeping the long tail), but she has to concentrate very hard not to let it slip to one side or the other. (It is basically like rolling a stone to the top of the hill: it takes a lot of work to get it up, but once you got there, its easy to let it roll down on the other side. Stopping it midway takes a lot of concentration though.) Due to the differences of both forms she will feel very dizzy for the first few minutes after changing and a light feeling of dizziness can stay for several hours afterwards.
In avian form she is taller than in mammal form. This is due to the mass conversion (hollow bones, bigger lungs and air sacks, wings). In her avian form she is very light for her size and with training she should be able to become a really good and fast flier. Also the eyes on the wings can notice very fast movements.
While she is an omnivore, she will tend to eat way less meat in avian form than in mammal form and then mostly insects. (It goes to the point that she rather would change to mammal form to eat red meat than to try it in avian.)
In mammal form her eyes on the back cannot see anymore.
Due to her mythos side she has a longer lifespan, but that is still unknown to her. Under normal circumstances, she should be able to live 2000 years, more if she trains her mythos-side more. (Includes learning how to do more spells, change her form more easily, show more eyes and maybe tons of other stuff xD.)

Phoebe is a decent spellcaster for her age, she has been training her magic abilities for the past 7 years. Like all phoenixes she is naturally good with nature based spells (magic connected to the elements of water, wind, earth, somekind of control over plants (maybe animals, too) and the process of growing and decomposing, basically, anything found in nature, can be magically copied). Her spell-casting abilities don't vary directly with different forms, but as some spells work better with different "shapes" she may choose different spells for the same effect in different forms. She is not able to cast spells while changing forms and with the dizziness directly afterwards it's also hard to cast spells.
Phoebe is also a decent hunter. She has been on her own, wandering the country, for 4 years and has picked up some more skills on the way if she didn't already learn them in school. But although she doesn't mind hunting and killing prey to provide herself with food and tolerates killing of enemies she abhors mindless/useless killing and maiming.

Phoebe was born and has lived all her life in Astarea. Her parents brought her up quite normally and rather on the open-minded side. But with all the goodwill of her parents, Phoebe is a bit on the paranoid side, mostly when alone or lost in thoughts. Once she feels more secure about a specific area/a part of herself/a group, it will be a lot easier for her to "trust" the rest of the setting, too, but up until then, she'll at least constantly check for her backpack.
Once you have gained her trust, she will stay loyal and will open up more. If you start mistreating her or show a personality she doesn't like she will rather get more distant then hostile.
She likes teasing people very much, but she always tries to stay on the good side of a joke, so she doesn't actually hurt someone.
The reason she is currently "running around" is to become more confident with herself and to find out more about magic and being a mythos (She's not supposed to come back home, before she can show another pair of functional eyes somewhere on her body. :))
After slacking a bit in her studies and her general attitude she now wants to get a grip on herself and is very strict with herself. So after a day of self-disciplining she might be rather cranky, but on the whole she is getting back into shape and is quite happy with the results of the last few weeks.

She carries a backpack, with two sets of clothes, one for each form (her "mammal-clothes" are warmer than the "avian-clothes"). She has a frying pan, a set of cutlery, a cup and a very sharp 8 inch long knife. She also has a small bow and arrow quiver and the amount of money a normal worker would earn in 2 days (maybe something like 100$). And finally she has a few friends- and family pictures and a small bag with a few thingies like needles and thread, a pen, some wax, some paper, buttons and a few nice looking stones, she picked up on the way.

Fun Fact:
Phoebe wears a golden earring in her right ear and no one knows where it goes, when she changes her form :)

what the heck is teal?

I'm really sorry for making you all read this  :< If anyone wants to see a "picture" of Phoebe, there is one in my arts thread (it's marked NSFW, you have been warned) :3
And I'm also done with reading the whole story so far ^^
And if anything is horribly wrong with my English, please tell me now, else you'll have to bear with the current level :B


Corgatha Taldorthar

No need to apologize, this is a *very* nice bio. Looking forward to playing with you.

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


whee, someone else for Garis to mess with... i mean... <<

Anyways, as Corgy already said, looking forward to playing with you

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Ah good thing I didn't post the picture of her avian form xD It looks so crooked and off, I'm sure no one would be willing to "mess" with her :3
And maybe I should mention, that I've never done any RPing before. xD But I'm looking forward to it, very much =) 


Newly approved and for your eyes only!

Name:  Toalacuzlotlixao
Nickname:  Zot
Species:  Skink Being
Gender:  Male
Age:  27
Height:  4'10"
Eye Color:  Yellow

Appearance:  Zot is quite short by Beings' standards, but distinctly reptilian.   He is scaled though his scales aren't thick enough to stop any but the most minor of injuries.  His scales are mostly green, but there is brown, yellow, and black mottling down his back from the tip of his snout to the end of his tail.  This mottling goes about halfway around his body.  He has small claws on his fingers and toes and his tail is prehensile; both of which combine to make him an excellent climber.  Like any skink his tail can be pulled off with enough effort, though it will grow back.  Also, like the rest of his tribe, he is a vegetarian.  Since it is currently winter, and he is from a much warmer climate, he bundles from head to toe in multiple layers of leather and furs which leaves little beyond his eyes visible.  (Think dressed like Kenny from South Park)

Personality:  He is an idealistic, professional, prudent, religious, gregarious, chatterbox.  He is idealistic in the sense that he thinks that the world is inherently good, and if he just tries hard enough, evil will be undone.  He takes fighting very seriously, as he firmly believes that simply surviving will be a constant battle until the world changes.  He does not kill needlessly though, and tries to make sure that there is proper justification for the taking of anything; life, food, money, etc.  To help with this justification he relies a lot on the deeds of- and omens from the Gods.  He is gregarious and likes to go out to experience new things and meet new people, though true friendship is reserved for "family."  He is a chatterbox because if you talk to him about something he's knowledgeable on, or he feels he has something important to say, and then you'll get an earful, though outside of that he generally holds his tongue.  Because of his tendency to move, think, and talk fast many would think him spastic, but there's nothing random about it, he just lives fast.

Abilities:  He is very agile and is an accomplished archer and Fletcher.  He has a lot of practice surviving in wilderness areas and all of the abilities that come with such experience.  He is also a master with a multitude of poisons.  His magical abilities are limited to things that allow him to hunt better like camouflage himself, or improve on his considerable archery skill such as turning one arrow into many as he fires, imbue an arrow with an amount of elemental energy, speed up his ability to shoot, enhance his accuracy, increase his range, summon his bow to him, create a flare, or conjure arrows when he pulls his bow (though this is very taxing).

Items:  Composite bow enchanted for additional durability and his quiver is enchanted to hold many more arrows that it would appear to, and to produce one of the type he wants on verbal command.  It doesn't have an unlimited supply, and he has to fill it himself, but he's highly unlikely to run out of arrows from one fight.  A multitude of arrows: Target (plain small rounded tip), Broadhead (large barbed tip), Blunt (bulbous tip for bludgeoning), Bladed (Y-shaped head), Break-away (hollow tip designed to break off inside target while delivering a large dose of poison).  A blowgun as a backup weapon.  Blowgun darts.  A cloak that is enchanted to shift its colors to match its surroundings much like a chameleon; the protection isn't total, but it's pretty good if he doesn't move.  Satchel and bedroll.  Basic survival tools like a cutting knife and flint and striker.  Leathers and lots of furs to keep him warm in this climate.  Snowshoes.  Extra Bowstrings.  Small gourds filled with various poisons.  Poisons: Anesthetic, Paralytic, Hemotoxic, Neurotoxic, Hemorrhagic.  He has a couple of strengths of each.  He also has several stones enchanted to emit heat which he would use for himself, but they are usually tucked in his belt near his poisons to keep them from freezing.  These were stolen from somewhere when fall came around the weather started getting colder.

Background:  Zot is from a much warmer place far to the south of Atharra.  He comes from a jungle climate where his people live in tribes.  He grew up as a promising hunter and almost as soon as he was recognized as mature he became a Longsight, or an archer in charge of guarding the few actual open areas in and around the village.  Given the environment and the proximity of several cannibalistic tribes his people tend to lead shorter lives, and in an attempt to still fit everything in to their lives they tend to live faster than most beings.  When a couple of the nearby cannibal tribes banded together under a warchief he set out travelling to find something to bring back to his people to help them combat them.  Early in his journey he came upon and saved lost explorer from a cannibal hunting party, but the explorer was just as fearful of Zot since he couldn't tell the difference between one native and the next.  Zot was intrigued by this foreigner and so followed him when he fled.  Zot grew even more intrigued when he saw his first real towns/cities as these were obviously powerful people.  When no help was forthcoming he stowing away on a ship to find the even more powerful people that some inhabitants mentioned were far to the north.  This led him to Atharra where realized that he was in over his head and needed to do something more than just wander around aimlessly hoping that something would fall into his lap.  Money seemed like a good place to start, and with the high demand for mercenary work in Ithralia he started adventuring.  He is clearly a foreigner so even this has been difficult for him.

Color:  Maroon
            <-- #1 that is!


QuoteHis ear twitched slightly as he counted Garis' stride. One.. Two.. and.. He concentrated mentally.. and then promptly ducked to the side as he reached up, grabbing Garis by both his forearm and the offending tentacle. Then he pulled forward as he crouched ever so slightly, feeling the painful sensation of Garis slamming up against his burnt back.. before promptly rolling the unfortunate cubi over his shoulder, and quite painfully down onto the ground in front of psion. That wasn't the end of it though.. Zanfib immediately straightened up, even as his body protested, and brought his heel up.. before slamming it down on Garis' face.
I'm afraid this is well out of line. Do. Not. Godmod. It's a very simple rule. The actions taken also strain credulity once all factors are considered.

As is, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to do next. It's likely that I'll end up offing a character, IC actions having IC consequences and all. I'll decide on what to do tomorrow morning.


Hummm...  Let Zanfib get away after beating up Garis up, or let Garis kill Zanfib instead of being beat up.

If my opinion matters then I would say that just by the timing of the posts that Garis is unlikely to kill Zan outright because Zan is technically acting first.  However, both characters are taking liberties with the other person, so I would probably retcon to the middle of the fight and rewrite the outcome.  I doubt Zan would have time for the whole speech.  How likely is it that Zan can beat up Garis?  How likely is it that Garis can kill Zan before the latter can teleport?  How effective could interference from the other PCs/NPCs be?  I might have both players rewrite their actions to reflect each one interfering with what the other is doing, especially if the other characters want to get involved.
            <-- #1 that is!


I believe I asked y'all to not get knife'd.  :<

But there are two new characters, yayness! :V  A phoenix and a being;  such variety! Look forward to working with y'all when you pop in (and I do too, for that matter).

Yes, I know this is like ultra-late.  Stop picking at my slow response time! :<


This likely won't affect anyone, but I'm away for the weekend and won't be home until sunday evening (GMT+1). Just wanted to let you know this, for the very unlikely case of you waiting for me to post xD


Absence noted, thanks for letting me know.

P.S. Sorry about taking so long to get the introductions ready, it should happen in 2-3 posting cycles from here though.


Okay, Tipod, Meany, Ketchup, and Shachza, you're good to go. Thanks again for your patience.


Quote from: The1Kobra on June 05, 2010, 11:46:33 AM
Okay, Tipod, Meany, Ketchup, and Shachza, you're good to go. Thanks again for your patience.

YAY!  :D

The hamster on coffee is loose!

EDIT:  Brown and Maroon are very close in color, at least in this color scheme of mine.  I might have to request a change.  :o
EDIT 2:  Also, I have no idea what an Aztec accent would sound like.  Just pretend like my character speaks funny.
            <-- #1 that is!



It's past 2 am for me... I hope next time it won't take me so long to get my thoughts into readable form. xD