What are your goals for 09?

Started by Max Wolf, December 26, 2008, 01:45:22 AM

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Max Wolf

what are you goals for the new year?

get a web comic started
Draw a DMFA  fanart
get better at drawing
some how find a way of amber drawing one of my characters (yeah right, like this will happen)
get 3+ lv 80s in WoW
Find a better job or find a way to make some more money


Let's see.

Get a DeviantArt account.
Lose a few pounds.
Write a song.
Get a good sleeping pattern.
Save money.
Be healthy.

That's about it.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Lady Buggery

Keep my job,
be better about updating my comic
work on improving my novel
write poetry again
if I loose my job get another job
try and stay sane


continue running2win.
learn how to use my wacom tablet (that i got for christmas)
learn how to draw.
learn how to use correct grammar/spelling.
get a part in the spring play.
do more in my ASB position.
practice my drums more.
learn acoustic guitar.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


1: Lose weight.
2: Lose weight.
3: Lose weight.
4: Finish those damn commissions.

That is all.



Not necessarily in that order.

As for the rest, I haven't really thought that far ahead.


get my self on the right track for a healthy living
pay off my credit cards
get some money in the bank
but a freaking dish washer
make my man smile everyday.


Conquer the known world.
Conquer the unknown world.
Conquer the not-at-all known world.
Work on evil laugh.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


My goals?....hmmm...

Figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.
Get a job
Use money from job to get my own house.
Con my way into getting a girlfriend. (when you look like I do, this is really the only option to attain such a legendary relationship.)
Hopefully loose my virginity to said girlfriend.
Find a way to look older since people don't seem to believe I'm 21 (one guy at my DnD meeting said if I showed up at a bar when he was a bouncer, he would report my I.D. to the police as a probable fake.)
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Jim Halisstrad

1:) Drink.
2:) Drink more.
3:) Punch twelve babies.
4.)  ???


1) Ace School
2) Get better at everything!
3) Use more gun.
4) Cake  :3


1. loose weight (what a surprise)
2. Get a better paid job (again a one time original)
3. get a new girlfriend
4. get going with webcomic (now, haven't I read something similar around here)

Boy, am I shallow!  :<


Keep up with my schoolwork,
Guarantee a work study position for next year.
Program something nice that isn't based on an assignment, probably an automated conspiracy theory generator... (ah, I can dream)

That's really it for me, at the time.


I have no friggen clue and maybe that's why I'm so aimless at the moment...


1. lose a bit of weight ... come spring.
2. continue to observe for anything that indicates things are changing for the better.
3. Hope that someday I'll get a GF that's out of this world.
4. try and make an RP that actually does well...seriously.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

I never really do well with New Year's resolutions, but here goes.  :U

1. Get a job

2. Make some money from said job and also with commissions, make enough to travel to places I'd love to go to, maybe meet my friends

3. Get my license (thinking on motorcycle more than car, what with the money we have and all)

4. Get ready to go to graduate school
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


1. Keep up going to the gym.
2. Finally get a full license to drive a car (motorcycle doesn't cut it in the winter)
3. Get my passport sorted out so I can leave this country if I so choose.
4. Get caught up on all of my video games (yeah right.. stupid rpgs... makes that one real hard)


*Charles cannot reveal his goals... as they have been deemed classififed*   :shifty
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Jigsaw Forte

1) Finish Episode 2 of Last Resort (so I can finally put together the first book!)
2) Get Into Grad School
3) Lose a few pounds
4) Get a booth at either MomoCon or Furry Weekend Atlanta (ideally both!)
5) Get a Frickin' Driver's License...


I'm starting the story I promised my sister I'd write for her,
Finishing my 4th in the series I've been working on for years,
Figuring out all of the little tricks of Photoshop,
Figuring out all of the little tricks of my tablet,
Trying to figure out why trying to stay in Canada sucks for everyone,
Fix the problems I'm having with freakin' staying here,
After the above is fixed, get a job
Keep said job,
Live (as) happy (as someone can),
and try my hardest not to die trying :)


No world conquering as of yet, but I have managed to develop a Wandaba Style.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


1. World Domination College
2. Write More
3. Survive


1. Plot what is the most suitable course of action for the coming years, given the current economical situation and the shifting economic model.
2. Attempt to stay ahead of the common person.
3. Get started on a story / novella.
4. Learn how to create sophisticated 3D-models properly.
5. Spend more time with people who I probably won't see again for many, many years.


1.  Finish my 3 novels I'm writing....or at least get back to writing them.
2.  Finish the DMFA fan-fic idea.
3.  Make an honest attempt at teaching myself to draw.
4.  Get a girlfriend (for gods sake I'm almost 27 and never been on a date....how sad is that)
5.  Stop getting distracted by WoW so I can actually achieve my goals.
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.



1. get a new job so i can pay bills  :< (december layoffs can bite me)
2. try to go back to school so I can get a job doing something other than crap graphics
3. stay healthy
4. try to suck less.


1.  To finish making my kantele.
2. That is all. Everything else is what I must do, thus I have no freedom of choosing wether I will do it or not. Duty comes first. Everything else is optional.


Eat meat in no more than one meal each day.
Read things that aren't textbooks. Orwell is waiting.
Buy more used things.
/kicks the internet over