The War Continues (D&D RP OOC Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 12, 2006, 05:58:36 PM

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Reese Tora

Quote from: Manawolf on March 30, 2007, 07:28:41 PM
There are about 30 wasps flying at 30 feet above the temple courtyard.  PICK ONE!

And I'll need a pdf of the book if I'm going to use anything from Dragonlance.

at 30' off the ground, that makes the range to them 25' from directly beneath, right? (since the characters are firing using bows in their arms, not bows on the ground)

I'd hate to think that Marosharr ran to directly beneath one and then shot it out of the sky.  (OK, I know it would have moved past him before hitting the ground due to momentum, but still...)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


I will get you scans in a week....But we agreed on this last time I was in LA...


However Since we had like 5 feats approved I'll post them.

Keeping your word is of great importance to you.
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any saving throw if failing that saving throw would result in breaking a promise, oath or sworn duty.
Special: If you willingly break a promise or oath, you lose the benefits of this feat until you atone for your actions
Flyby Breath
Prerequisite: Fly speed, Breath Weapon, Flyby Attack
Benefit:When you are flying, you can use your breath weapon as a free action, provided you do nothing else but move this turn. You cannot use Flyby Breath while using the Run action. You do not gain any "extra" uses of your breath Weapon.
Normal: Using a Supernatural ability is a standerd action, which limits you to a single move action in the same turn you use your breath weapon.
Strafing Breath
You can sustain your breath weapon when you use it on the wing, covering a larger ground area in it's effect.
Prerequisite: Fly speed, Breath Weapon, Flyby Attack, Flyby Breath.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon while flying (either with a single move, using the Flyby Attack feat, or with a double move, using the Flyby Breath feat), you can extend the area covered by you breath weapon on the ground. You can use your breath weapon over a distance up to half your fly speed if you move in a straight line along that distance. To determine the affected area, find the area your breath weapon would normally affect on the ground, then extend that area in a straight line the desired distance. Measure the extended distance from the center of the effect.
For example, a adult blue dragon has a fly speed of 150 feet, and its breath weapon is a 100-foot line of lighting. Normally its breath weapon would cover a single 5-foot-by-5-foot circle on the ground, since a line is 5 feet wide and 5 feet high. Using Strafing Breath it can cover a area 5 feet wide and 75 feet long (half its fly speed).
An old red dragon has a fly speed of 200 feet, and its breath weapon is a 120-foot cone. If it is flying at a altitude of 80 feet, its breath weapon affects a cricle on the ground with a radius of 80 feet. Using Strafing Breath, it can cover an oblong area 80 feet wide and 180 feet long, with both ends shaped like half circles
Spear of Doom
Few can avoid death on your spearpoint when you brace yourself for their attack.
Prerequisite:Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When you use the Ready action to set a spear or spear like weapon against a charge, you gain a +4 bonus on your attck roll and deal double damage to a charging foe. If you use your readied action to attack a foe who enters a square you threaten without charging, you still gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll, but you do not deal double damage.
Normal: Setting a spear or spearlike weapon against a charge allows  you to deal double damage against a charging foe or attack an approching foe when he enters a square you threaten, but you do not gain any attack bonus for doing so.
Special: This may be selected as a fighter bonus feat. Weapons that may be set in this manner include the spear, longspear, trident, halberd, and dwarven urgrosh.

Tremendous Charge
You know how to use your mount's power to make your lance attacks even more deadly.
Prerequisite:Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat
Benefit: When you emply a heavy lance in a mounted charge, you can choose to use your mount's Strength score instead of your own for determining your damage bonus. For example, if a human fighter with a Strength score of 14 mounted on a heavy warhorse (Strength 18), you would deal 1d8+4 damage with your lance instead of 1d8+2 damage. You deal double damage for using the lance in a charge, as normal.
After you roll your attack and damage, the lance you use must make a DC 8 Fort save or be shivered into pieces
by the tremenous charge.
Normal:  Lances deal double damage when used in a mounted charge, but you use your own Strength score to determine the damage bonus. Lances do not have a chance to break in normal combat.
Special: This may be selected as a fighter bonus feat. You must be armed with a Heavy Lance or similar weapon. You can use this feat while mounted on a flying creature, such as a dragon.


I'm going home for spring to space issues, my books are staying at I will not return till at least the 15th...Thank you (The dragonlance one is going so I can scan the spells)


um... ^^;; sorry about not posting
but my job has me working nights and I only get one night off

so trying to jam everything I need to do on my night's off is kinda hard

Draconic Saint

Is this RP still open to join? If so, what level may I start at, and what's the method of stat generation?

Because... if you had a palce for Black-Stripe here, that would be super.

Gladiator class. Draconic Template. A lizardfolk roughly the size of a minotaur, born into slavery and forced into gladiatorial matches, finally earning his freedom. Unfortunately, fighting is all he knows how to do... so he's taking his gladiatorial fame and strength into the war... to find a place for himself. If you want the link to Gladiator class, I have it... Lizardfolk is in the Monster Manual 1, and the Draconic template is in Races of the Dragon. His ECL is +2, so even though he's a level 6 Gladiator, he counts as a level 8 character.


Unfortunately, you can only take classes I have from the books I own.  I sent you a PM to start with the matters, but it would go much faster over AIM or if you have a messenger that can work with AIM.


did I kill the rp or something?
if so I'm sorry


Probably should have said this earlier, but this is on hiatus till finals are over.  that'll be about two weeks from now.


We both have major papers...Mana's sick (At least when I last talked to him) and I sprained my right ankle...again.

In my free time I'm creating the next segment after the gestalt.... a chance to snag some Leagcy weapons...If you have one your intrested in PM me...maybe it'll fit.

Reese Tora

which book(s) should we be looking in for legacy weapons?  You never know, there might be one I feel appropriate to my character... or not  :V

Also, when do you want the gestalt class stuff worked out? I havn't been doing much beyond figuring out how my feats 'n skills would change.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Not for a while, and most weapons of legacy are in the book by the same name (though there is a helm in Dragon Magic).  The gestalt I'll work out with you when the time is right.


Tome of Battle and Weapons of Legacy, (Just as a warning it's not going to happen until AFTER the gestalt rebuild),


Alright, with finals behind me, the RP is back on.  Let's see, I think we still need Malakin, Ket, Eiram, and everyone besides Zaon among the spellcasters.


...*glomps mana* YAY *needs to post in horror RP to buy mirror*

Reese Tora

I gots finals for another week or two, dep[ending on how this Tuesday goes. :B
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


good luck then Reese :D I hope you do well

Reese Tora

Me too, considering that there's a local con (only 20-25 miles away :B ) that I visited today, and I need to balance studying (read: finishing assignments procrastinated on) to the time that I want to take off to fisit the con tomorrow.

I'm taking a short break every once in a while since my work is almost all writting in a notebook, and it cramps my ahnd to write for too long.  Unfortunately, not long enough to concentrate on being in character. (Did I mention I have about 260 sentences to do, plus another 60 definitions, plus about 1700 words worth of essays plus 18 quotes plus 6 maps of countries to draw, and it needs to be done by tuesday? Did I mention I was procrastinating? :U )
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Reese Tora

Mana said he'd move the thread along is someone didn't get in gear and post by this weekend.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


I've been waiting on DV, but I'll see if I can't be Ket on cruise control to next round.


Sorry for the wait....Mana you'll need to take over....Finals are Killing me....I've gotten ~10 hours of sleep in the past week....and even less the weeks before. (Who assigns four 5-page papers in a row ending on the final, plus a painting or 8-minute musical number two weeks before finals?) (That's just one class!...and I need to study for tests, and pack.....oh, and help others study).....Now for my wonderful hour of sleep!


Ah yes.  I forgot that my school has its finals about a month before everyone else.


Okay, I'm gonna take a head count on who is still willing to proceed with this RP?

I would also like to say I have added Dungeonscape, Cityscape, Complete Champion and weapons of legacy to my library, and the stratotum is a viable class to take at this point.


i'm waiting for the go to attack again
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Reese Tora

I still stop by to see if anyone is happening. :P
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation



I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey