The War Continues (D&D RP OOC Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 12, 2006, 05:58:36 PM

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Well, just to let you know, my parents had me do my own christmas shopping, and I got Complete Mage, Dragon Magic, and Fiendish Codex 1&2.  Probably won't be as funny as both of us getting each other Book of Vile Darkness, but we'll see.


Yes! I got you something you are not getting....I have a list on amazon...your gift is on there....try to figure it out.

That was very very odd.....let's see if it happens again....that would be 2 years in a row. Would that mean we have a "profound mystical undertanding" ?


Hm, Complete Scoundrel doesn't come out until its time for my Birthday, and I usually shy away from Campaign specific books (I'd like to make up my own worlds, thank you, though it does help to get some info on what kind of terrain or locales to put in).  Spell compendium I wasn't sure if I would be needing, as new spells were coming out all the time and I practically had all the spell lists in my current books already.  That Magic Item Compendium was also an interesting idea, though it brings up my previous statement.

Frankly I'm working on a bit of a budget this Christmas (Sister having to get dentures and getting your house repiped aren't cheap), and I was pretty much working with a 100 dollar budget in the way of christmas presents.  Of course I also wanted to see about getting a mini PS2 once the price hit rock bottom (very likely with PS3 now out), but it would come down to either the system or the books.

Edit: Great, now I find out Stormwrack's like 1 of a 3 piece set (alongside Frostburn and Sandstorm).  I'll have to remember those for my birthday as well.

If you can't tell, I'm crazy about character options and venue ideas!


Well character options are the coolest thing you know.  Having a mind Flayer as a party member is the coolest thing i could have done in a evil campine that i am doing with friends.


Yeah, but when you have a LA of +7, things get troublesome, since now if you're going to be facing other monster with class levels, you could be in trouble.

Anyway, what's your purpose here?  Interested in joining?


Sure i would love to join

and so far the DM that i have has sent us up against a bunch of little things not big thing and all i have to do in mind blast and then BRAINS!!!!


Oh, things will be getting interesting soon enough.  This is the last mission of the day.



Well, the creation process and insertion would go a lot faster over AIM.


Mana I need to correct you a mind flayer does have a LA of +7 but it's ECL is 15. So a 1st level mindflayer is a 16th level PC. Fiend folio has a half-mind flayer...but I left it at school...I think it has a +4 level ajustment...and as a template a ECL of 4+HD(class levels).


I'm well aware of how troublesome a LA+7 with racial HD can be.  I am still using the reduce LA variant, and actually it would make some characters more doable in my gestalt campaign I'm planning (you need to gain class levels to reduce LA, but I'm allowing racial HD to coincide with a class for gestalted characters).

If you're already confused, I'm not holding it against you.


Quote from: Manawolf on November 23, 2006, 06:28:56 PM
I'm well aware of how troublesome a LA+7 with racial HD can be.  I am still using the reduce LA variant, and actually it would make some characters more doable in my gestalt campaign I'm planning (you need to gain class levels to reduce LA, but I'm allowing racial HD to coincide with a class for gestalted characters).

If you're already confused, I'm not holding it against you.

Gestalt only initially seems to allow for base class combinations and not racial template classes.  However, I haven't followed that very closely, is their an official caveat to this or are you implementing a "house" rule for that?

I'm only asking because there may be a similar campaign beginning locally and the person running it is a strict rules lawyer.  I'd like some evidence to pursue my case if there is any, otherwise I'll plead down another avenue.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


This will not be happening in this least not for a while if I ever think things through.  And yes, I am combining a number of variants for the gestalt idea, and the dual classing of racial HD and classes is just a way to make monster races more playable in that campaign.

To be honest, I'm still not sure whether to run the gestalt RP I have in mind here or on the Jack forum (I've told people from both forums about it).  It was going to be sea based as well, thanks to Stormwrack.  Seemed fitting to dual classing in a campaign which would involve dual enviroments (going from land to ship to water to land and back again).


If no one is going to make any preperations, then I'll just move us into the Frog Park.

Reese Tora

Mine are done. I'm just waiting for the orders to move out/scout ahead.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


I'm ready. I just had to deposit Sasha's money and grab the pack.




i need to know my modifier for a reflex save.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



Arrgh...I am so taking a Light Spell next level!....And if only I could cast a Pure Fireball...Then I wouldn't have to worry about Allies.....Execept for Mal of course.


I don't have the book on hand, but I believe there's a feat, Shape Spell I think, that lets one shape a spell to avoid hitting allies.


Yes, there is a feat that allows you to make a concentration check to hit all but one ally with a spell, but DV is already getting two metamagic feats to cut down on the damage she would do to allies.  Perhaps in the future she could also call for someone to cast resist energy before the spell as well.


I saw a neat feat in Dragon that made it so a spell wouldn't damage inanimate objects, it was called Relic(something).


I don't have that book until christmas, but that wouldn't help that much since we're talking about friendly fire.


I think I need to add one more Tidbit why I'm not taking any more metamagic feats....I'm Playing a Spontanous caster, ok.. I can cast normaly thanks to PH2, but I like purify and consacrate. This is the last level I will damage allies...execept mal...fully. Most of the spells I'm taking are from BoED so they don't damage good people...


New round, folks, and a new player.  He'll have this stat sheet up shortly.


Ketmundeva or Ket for short: CG Level 6 Killoren Half-Celestial Bard

HP: 59
STR: 14
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 18
CHA: 22

Fort: +4 (+8 against poison)
Ref: +9
Will: +9 (+11 against enchantments)

AC: 22 (flat-footed 18, Touch 14)
Attack: +4 (+5 w/ Songblade, +6 w/ whip dagger)
Skills: Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +17 Perform (Singing) +15, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering +12, Dungeoneering +12, History +12 Nature +18, Nobility and Royalty +12, The Planes +12), Bardic Knowledge +11

Languages: Common, Sylvan, Celestial, Gnome, Elven, Auran

Feats: Killoren Ancient, Improved Flying, Words of Creation

Spells Known:
0 (3): Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Mending, Ghost Sound
1st (5): Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Inspirational Boost, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear
2nd (4): Insidious Rhythm, Tongues, Cure Moderate Wounds

Spells per day- 0 6/day, 1st 4/day, 2nd 3/day

Songblade, +2 Might whip dagger, +4 Mithral shirt, Bedroll, Waterskin, Sack, 7 day's trail rations, a Spell Component Pouch, and Heward's Handy Haversack.

216 PP, 5 GP, 3 SP.


Sign this! or nothing will happen........and those annoying anti-game people will rule on the resulting ignorance

Oh....I will be checking....Beware the Shadow Squirrels


So, how about that potion I just downed?