Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Started by thegayhare, December 16, 2008, 05:23:34 PM

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Well for all of you out there who might have missed it Cartoon network is airing anouther batman series.

Batman The Brave and the bold
Link to the official web site
It airs friday nights at 8 pm

I'm still not sure how to take this one.  It's focus is on team ups between batman and various other superhero's often featuring brief cameo's in a teaser style opening (such as fire helping him take down gentleman ghost or the Atom helping him beat felix faust)  followed by something more substantive for the remainder of the ep.

The animation's look and style point to  a lighter batman then from recent cartoons hearkening back to the earlier look of batman, in everything from his costume to his batmobile. 

I'm also not sure about the new batman's voice actor.  In keeping with the lighter tone of the show they went with Diedrich Bader, best known for his role as Oswald on The Drew Carey Show .  I'm not sure it fits with the charactor of batman.

But for all that I rather like it.  The lighter tone is a nice change of pace, and they have managed to get some realy great lines for bats in the show...

My favorites so far include a scene from the very end of the blue beetle ep where they apear back on earth at almost the same time they left

Blue Beetle "it's like no time passed since we left"
Batman " Due to the Quantum anomolies of  worm holes none has." Batman's thoughts "Course thats just a fancy way of saying thats weird."

the scene takes place at 5.30 in the clip

and a scene from the x-mass ep when Batman punches an evil robo santa's head off

Batman to some kids "Pretend you didn't see that."

The scene takes place 7 minutes into the clip 

So what do you folks think?


One look and I already dislike it. No Kevin Conroy? What were they thinking?

If they want to make an awesome Batman cartoon, they just need to bring back the Batman: TAS team, give them modern animating tools, and tell them to go nuts. Seriously.
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein

King Of Hearts

I like it... but I cant take it seriously because I keep having Oswald from the "Drew Carey Show" in my head whenever Batman speaks.

Also... win for having my favorite Superhero ever... granted Jaime is a bit more geekier than he is in the comics. Still love that he banters with Khaji Da and everyone else thinks he's talking to himself.


Quote from: Cvstos on December 16, 2008, 05:59:57 PMIf they want to make an awesome Batman cartoon, they just need to bring back the Batman: TAS team, give them modern animating tools, and tell them to go nuts. Seriously.

I prefer the first season of Batman:TAS to every animated Batman that came before or after, so they can keep the old animating tools.

Quote from: King Of Hearts on December 16, 2008, 09:19:56 PMI like it... but I cant take it seriously because I keep having Oswald from the "Drew Carey Show" in my head whenever Batman speaks.

Yeah, I have a hard time with Batman yelling ``Hey, Peter, man!  Check out channel 9!  Check out this chick!''

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


looks decent, most of these heroes i've never even heard of, save for aquaman and green arrow. Though i think it probably won't be popular with what most children watch these days. Just look at the majority of the rest of the shows they're airing. I for one, prefer justice league, and super friends when i was able to watch it.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


Oh boy!  Let's bring back the Super Friends!

God... that show was corny.

Wonder Twin Powers, ACTIVATE!

Form of... erm.. dang, can't do that joke here.  I'll shatter the rating.  Involves incest.  ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I just realised this puts a whole new spin on the ep of the drew cary show where drew won the batmobile...  but I think in that one Oswald was robin not batman


Quote from: Alondro on December 17, 2008, 09:33:08 PM
Oh boy!  Let's bring back the Super Friends!

God... that show was corny.

Wonder Twin Powers, ACTIVATE!

Form of... erm.. dang, can't do that joke here.  I'll shatter the rating.  Involves incest.  ;)

OK, yeah those two were awful. And those little kids were annoying too. But i giant head in a swamp, that's pretty cool.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.

King Of Hearts

um... they already did a Superfriends homage in JLU.

Season 5 had the Secret Society, and Season 3 had the Ultimen who were based on Samurai, Black Vulcan, Apache Chief, and the wonder twins.


bleck, commas.


wait wait wait, Vulcan?
*google searches*
I think you mean black vulcan, for a minute I thought there was a star trek based justice league character. ok. whew.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.

King Of Hearts

IIRC there was a DC sword using character named Vulcan... and his son was once poised to join the Titans.

Janus Whitefurr

While I'm not too sure about the whole awkward Batman thing, the entire idea of the Blue Beetle has me interested. If only because down here we didn't get the whole comics age so I have to rely on wikipedia to tell me what the hell is up with a guy who has a sound-sensitive bug-thing attached to his spinal column.

The light-heartedness is good, though does seem a little campy at spots. I suppose it depends on whether you like that or not. Cartoon Network down here needs to give me my Zeta Project again. Or I need to find DVDs or something. Neatest spinoff of Batman Beyond ever. :<
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on December 18, 2008, 11:40:19 PM
IIRC there was a DC sword using character named Vulcan... and his son was once poised to join the Titans.

well vulcan is actually the roman name for the Greek god of fire.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.

King Of Hearts

ya got to read read Blue Beetle, Janus. awesome comic... currently 4 trades out right now... the 5th will prolly be the last since the series is now ending.

My fave superhero, a legacy character that works. And with an INCREDIBLE supporting cast. Powerful enough to don a Hadron colider on his armor but sweet enough to fly his grandmother over the skies of El paso.


I gotta say that I'm loving Brave and the Bold.  It's a pretty great action ride, and I have no problem with a major change of pace from the usual super seriousness of Batman.  A little silly mindless action is always good.

Some of the comments here (and elsewhere) about BatB make me wonder why so many people are apparently missing the entire point of the show.

The characters aren't dumb and silly because DC has no idea what they're doing; The characters are cheesy and the plots are paper thin because they're supposed to be.  This show has taken the silly and overdramatic cartooniness of the Superfriends and they've made an over the top comedy/action series. 

I kind of gathered that it was a deliberately campy show just from the initial trailer, and the intro sequence even has Batman climbing sideways up a building, straight out of the 60s live-action series.

Aquaman's first appearnace is posing atop a pair of dolphins, for goodness sake.  If you think the show is supposed to be taken the least bit seriously, then you're doing it wrong. 

Quote from: Cvstos on December 16, 2008, 05:59:57 PM
One look and I already dislike it. No Kevin Conroy? What were they thinking?

That the audience should be made very clear that it's a very different take on Batman?

Also it's not part of the DCAU. 

WB seems to use alternate VAs for already-cast roles whenever approaching anything not DCAU canon.  For example; the Tim Drake Robin (who, as told by Bruce Wayne, was with the Titans) had a different actor than the nameless Robin in the Teen Titans series.


so they're basically spoofing all that we love and cherish?
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.

llearch n'n'daCorna

All that you love and cherish, maybe.

The rest of us have lives and shit.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: scorpio803 on December 20, 2008, 05:36:17 PM
so they're basically spoofing all that we love and cherish?

no It's not a spoof...

It's one of the many sides of batman.  He's not always been the dark and brooding figure thats been popularised lately.

This is mearly a return to that more fun, light hearted batman.  This isn't the christian bale batman, or michel keaton batman, it's not even the goerge clony batman (though thats pretty close) this is more like the adam west batman.

It's not a spoof, it's not poking fun, it's simply a return to the more fun, and light hearted side of the comic book world. 

I mean look at some of the villains they've shown. Sports master (what a silly costume by the way) Kiteman (in flashback form) or how about the clock king, with his ridiculously elaborate clock themed death trap.  These are not spoofs of these villians these are actual villians wearing costumes plucked straight out of the comic pages


I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


Meh. I watched the first couple of episodes. Can't say I particularly liked it. Now, I don't mind campy humour or wacky antics. I loved the Teen Titans animated series, for instance, and I enjoyed Adam West's Batman as a kid. But I got the impression that The Brave and the Bold is over the top without any underlying substance to ground it, so it comes off as little more than a string of one-liners.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Okay, for one, Funhouse isn't even a DC comics villian.  That second clip, I first thought they were gonna bring in the Toyman.

As for the voice and the whole concept, GAHHH!!!!


Quote from: Cvstos on December 16, 2008, 05:59:57 PM
One look and I already dislike it. No Kevin Conroy? What were they thinking?

I'm no expert on voice actors, but Batman kinda reminds me of Zeta... also the new series could be trying to seperate itself from the sterotypes of the other batman franchise. Unfortunately, Blue beetle reminded me of batman beyond.  I've only seen three episodes, I think the the clock king is a far leap from the other continuity also...and the show is kinda lame. I dunno Batman's utility belt jumped the shark in the blue beetle episode, of course the show has a more traditional application of cartoon physics to it than  the Conroy series. It's a shame they seem to be going for a cross between Ben 10 and Johnny Bravo/Samurai Jack. the episodes are good for maybe one viewing and background noise, but I wouldn't go so far as to say more than it lacks the spark of the Conroy anthology... then a again it's only had three episodes, and the first  episodes of Batman: the animated series wasn't it's best.... If you recall the Conroy series somehow mixed up  Joker and the Riddler for a the worst first episode ever.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I couldn't get into this.  It just feels too out of place for me I guess.  I know that I wasn't a fan of the old Adam West version either, so I guess that shouldn't surprise me.