Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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I think we generally have a hiatus while AC is on, in terms of pretty much everything pauses. :-]
Ah, it's ok. As long as it returns when we do.

The EKG is flatlining, gimme a defib, stat!

Is it alive? Will this RP continue? AC has been over, yet no one's posted ever since before it started. I hope this isn't dieing, I am eager to see it continue!
:eager :eager :eager :eager :eager :eager


Please don't do that.

I'm working day and night and I don't have enough time to run the rp right now because by the time I get in from work most nights I'm too tired.


Ok, I'm sorry. It's just that AC's been well over and no one has returned. Just wanted to see if there was any life left. I certainly hope there is.


There will be, but as I have said, as well as others before me, the rp is on temporary hiatus. Please don't make pointless posts like that. I know it sounds like I'm being snappy, but I'm tired as fuck.


I understand. I will refrain from losing patience in the future.


No sweat. We've got all the patience in the world (well, me, at least), Gareeku, and you don't have the time. I'm content with waiting, as I know it's the right thing to do.


Quote from: Stygian on July 26, 2007, 08:06:56 PM
No sweat. We've got all the patience in the world (well, me, at least), Gareeku, and you don't have the time. I'm content with waiting, as I know it's the right thing to do.

I think Stygian hit the nail on the head with that one. I totally agree with him--I'm perfectly content with waiting as well. Don't let anything stress you out, Gar.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

James StarRunner

I figured things were a little hectic. Don't worry, we can find something else to do in the meantime... *plays DMFA fighter* XD

Aisha deCabre

I'm sure we can.  :P  At least for those of us who have to wait for computer access are quite relieved actually for a haitus, especially if you belong to more than one RP.  :rolleyes

You get your rest, Gar.  We've all got patience. ^^
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Late reply in agreement with everyone else. As you can probably tell, I've been busy too.

Don't worry, Gareeku, take care of yourself.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I know this thread hasn't been posted in for a long time, but seeing as it's still on the first page I thought it would be a bit pointless to make another thread.

Basically, now that I'm back, I wondering whether to pick this RP where it left off. On the one hand, I would love to see this rp continue. I've put so much effort into this (or what effort I can spare at least), and I don't want it to die. Then again, on the other hand, the rp seems to have been dying a slow death for some time, what with people unable to pose or disappearing off the face of the earth, and with me being busy with university and then summer work, plus the time when I snapped at people when I was stressed. After all, there's no point in trying to keep a sinking ship afloat.

Therefore, I want to see if people actually want this rp to continue. If they do, then great, I'll get it back on track when I've sorted things out. If not, then I'll ask the admins to close it, so that it can be "buried", so to speak.


Well I think it should be made clear that I still harbor a great deal of interest for this RP, so I'd love for it to continue. You can still count me in, Gar.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Goes into the voting booth and pushes the "Continue" button.

Mel will be back if it resumes.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Gareeku, I would be very interested in seeing this continue.  However, it must be said that towards the end of its run there were a few things which contributed to it being less than smooth.  I will speak frankly, in the hope that they can be avoided this time around.

Firstly, as you have already said, the snapping.  I realise that this was most likely due to stress, and I can empathise with that, but only up to a point.  If there is too much hostility in the OOC thread, the game ceases to be fun, and I regret to say there were times when this threshold was crossed from my point of view.   :B

Secondly, you seemed to have a very fixed idea of what was supposed to happen.  Now that is not a problem in and of itself, it's the cornerstone of storytelling, after all.  Where it started to get awkward was when people didn't do what was supposed to happen.  What you could have done was work around it, modify the plan to accommodate the new situation, maybe even suspending it entirely and reusing the idea later on in a different setting.  Sadly what generally happened IMHO was that you would get frustrated and snap at people.

One memorable example of this was the magical restraining gem in the fight.  The situation was such that everyone was stymied until the gem could be destroyed.
Several people tried to do this and were rebuffed.  Eventually it became clear that you wanted a specific character to destroy the gem, and no-one else.  Mel, as I recall.
Now maybe there was a sound reason for this, but for the life of me I can't see what the difference was between Stygian, James or Mel smashing the thing.  I mean this in the best possible way, but if you had told us in advance that there was one person who had to do it, the rest of us could have planned around it.
  Getting angry because someone else had broken it prematurely when you were the only person who knew how it was supposed to play out can only serve to alienate your players, I'm sorry to say.  Again, I mean this in the best possible way.  I realise that you were probably having a terrible time at work or something when this was happening, but to be blunt, if you piss off your players, they will leave the game.   :B

**EDIT** Bad example there - Mel did actually get the gem first.  In my defence, it must be pointed out that three other players (from a cast of about seven active players) missed this point  >:3

Thirdly, direction, or 'what is the RP setting out to achieve?'
In a way this ties in with point two, above.  Originally it was billed as a story, jointly-written by the players under Gareeku's lead.  Towards the hiatus it seemed to have narrowed somewhat.  Again, I am thinking of the gem sequence, and point two springs to mind.  If the aim is to have a joint-written story, you are looking for creative writers as much as players.  Point two applies.  Creative players will think of ways to achieve a goal which don't sit well with your plan.  This is not always a good thing, but again, you need to deal with it constructively if it is a problem.  There came a point where I restricted myself to writing Jakob's thoughts for the most part, because anything else ran the risk of annoying you.  That might be the sort of playing style you were looking for at that stage but it is a far cry from a jointly-written story.  :(

In short, what is the aim of the RP?  I can see different aspects to it:
1. Playing it like an adventure game - following the GM's plot as it unfolds
2. Writing a joint story - i.e. creative writing
3. Socialising - a chance to have your character interact with other forumite's characters

Each of these has a different requirement for the way the game is managed... especially in terms of finding a balance between a serious story and a fun game.
Now it doesn't matter which of these you choose, but if you advertise it as (2) then I don't think you have much grounds to complain if your players take the initiative  >:3

Finally.  Background information, or 'trying to establish a common view of reality'.
As Gabi said, the role of the GM is to provide background information and answer questions.  I will try to approach this civilly but it is one of the things which I feel very strongly about.  If you look at transcripts of tabletop RPs, the GM will describe the location briefly, and the players, requiring more detail will ask the GM detailed questions which the GM will answer, usually with a good deal of forethought.  As a rule I will ask a question if I need an answer.  "Are we in an inn or a tavern?" is a question about what facilities are available to the player and I will ask it to avoid having my player do something impossible like going upstairs when we've already established we're in a single-floor house.  "What are the walls made of?" is a question that determines whether my player can go through it.  Plaster against wing-tentacles is no contest  >:3
If you don't like the question, say "it's up to you.", but please, please don't get angry.

Anyway, like I said, I'd very much like to be part of the continuing game, but I remember the hairy moments we've had in the past, so I'm posting this in the fervent hope that it will help make things work out better for the game :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


From what I can remember, Tapewolf, the gemstone arguements happened because as Mel was holding it and about to do something about it, you just yanked it away from her and broke it yourself. I was only snappy then because I felt that doing that was, to be blunt, wrong.


Quote from: Gareeku on September 25, 2007, 04:06:19 PM
From what I can remember, Tapewolf, the gemstone arguements happened because as Mel was holding it and about to do something about it, you just yanked it away from her and broke it yourself. I was only snappy then because I felt that doing that was, to be blunt, wrong.

I've completed the, uh, essay.  I hope it's useful.  IIRC it wasn't actually me who tried to break the gem.  Yes, I wanted to do something imaginative with it, yes, you had other plans, but as I recall it was James and Stygian who tried to stomp it.

Yes, it looks like you're right in that instance.  That example doesn't really apply, however this was not the only time it happened :(

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Very true. I probably should have re-read it first. XP

After reading your explanations, you do raise some very good points. I think what we need to do is use the OOC thread more effectively. By this, I mean putting ideas forward, including myself suggesting possible outcomes to events etc, and then discuss.

However, I must state, and I mean no offense by this, there have been times where people have forgotten about tact and discretion, which was one of the reasons why I would get annoyed and snappy. I'll admit it, I'm not a tolerant guy when it comes to stuff like that, and so I will snap at people, but that's just me. In my personal opinion, there needs to be some toning down in terms of opinions. I have noticed that there has been some strong opinions being thrown around, and couple with the lack of tact or discretion is probably the trigger for my snapping.

However, moving on, the main issue, as I have stated earlier, is that I, we, need to start using the OOC thread for what it was actually created to do; discuss the rp.


Quote from: Gareeku on September 25, 2007, 04:33:41 PM
However, I must state, and I mean no offense by this, there have been times where people have forgotten about tact and discretion, which was one of the reasons why I would get annoyed and snappy. I'll admit it, I'm not a tolerant guy when it comes to stuff like that, and so I will snap at people, but that's just me.  In my personal opinion, there needs to be some toning down in terms of opinions. I have noticed that there has been some strong opinions being thrown around, and couple with the lack of tact or discretion is probably the trigger for my snapping.

Yes, that's very true.  While I try to see the best in everyone, I do also have a very short temper myself...  anyway.  James has 'net problems again although they should be clearing up now from what I understand - point is he might be a bit patchy in his attendance.

As for the game itself, someone else will need to post, assuming we're going ahead with this  (presumably we're currenly doing for a roll-call of active players).

In character, I'm a bit stalled until I know what's happening with the demon and his reinforcements.  Clarification on Gareeku's health might be handy too... IIRC many of the other characters were either incapacitated or 'faded out' through non-attendance.
Jakob is going to have big problems when he sees what Keaton's been up to  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm going to hold off continuing the rp until I know for sure that it's what people want. If that's the case, then I'll set about getting it off again. I can always take temporary control of James' character while he gets his internet sorted out, so long as I don't end up taking on about 3 characters at once. :P

Paladin Sheppard


As my post at the top of the page indicates, though I am not a part of this RP, i really want to see it continued.

James StarRunner

Mwahaha! I'll bleed all over the demon! My face will hit his fist so hard that he'll beg for death! :3


Yeah...once i get the rp back up and running i'll make sure that he's healed. :B



I was originally going to do something like this to Arc, but my understanding is he's left the game now.  Jakob's trenchcoat is part of his halloween costume - those who have read CJP chapter 28 should recognise this gun and its capabilities  >:3 

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


you could have mentioned that it was a paintball gun BEFORE I said that the "bullet" went through the demon's shoulder, Jakob. now it just looks silly.

James StarRunner

James StarRunner

Seeing that it's a reply to Gareeku... I guess I'm telling... Gareeku.


Ah. Then I guess I must speak more clearly.

What Gar seems to be irritated at is not so much the failing to mention the gun being a paintball gun in the first place so much as the silliness of the action.