Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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Quote from: Gareeku on April 12, 2007, 07:29:36 PM
That sounds ok. Word of warning though, We're not going to be driving everywhere, so at point it might get destroyed. ^^;

I don't care if I have to drive it through a bus full of nuns to save your ass. :B


ok.  I'd now like to get a roll call, if i may.

Gareeku - Gareeku
Stygian - Ignatz
Mel - Mel
Aisha - Aisha
Tapewolf - Jakob
RJ - Blaze (currently being controlled by me.)
Gabi - Gabi (currently being controlled by me, unless someone else wants to volunteer)
Sheridan - Arc
Paladin - Ephrael
James StarRunner - James StarRunner
Keaton - Keaton

People who are leaving/ have left:
masked_bandit_lord (i'm now assuming he's left, seeing as he only made like, one or two posts, before disappearing.)
Lucas whatshisface

If there's anyone I left out, please let me know.

EDIT:- Ok, seems like Paladin has changed his mind.


That looks good although you seem to have missed James.


Eek!  And Keaton too.  I knew there was someone else missing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: Gareeku on April 15, 2007, 07:53:56 PM
"The bounty hunters..." the demon murmured. "Kill them, and bring the money back while you're at it."

Oh yeah, that's the way to do it.  And then you claim any bounties on them too...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

And while they're at it, the temple group kinda needs to get moving too.  :B  Sheridan, Tapewolf, somebody can make a reply, I was kinda waiting for one.

Some of us are still unaccounted for I think, too...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I'm waiting for you lazybutts to actually, you know, get down the stairs. Arc's perception is above-average, but not good enough to spot you lot all the way at the temple entrance from where he is right now, not at night, even with his innate nightvision.  :B


Um, guys? The assassins are what they are for a REASON. They're not going to be shot down in under a minute, even with all these super duper guns, which i'm actually uncomfortable with in the first place.


There are handguns capable of firing rifle-caliber ammunition, but they're rare enough as real-world weapons for them to be even rarer in Furrae. They also tend to have low magazine capacities and are also very unwieldy.

And there's no way in hell you'd fit 7-8 rifle-cal shots into a revolver without it being stupidly sized and practically impossible to hold up.

GTFO out of anime land.

Yes, I am backing up Gareeku.

Do not question my logic.


Word of warning; I will be making a post that will be controlling all characters currently still in the temple. the reason why I am doing this is because there has been WAY too much time spent there, and because of that, the timezones between the "temple group" and the "Pathrim group" are all messed up - the "Pathrim Group" is now in the early evening while the "Temple group" is still in the early morning.


Ever seen the russian revolver that uses 7.62x51mm ammo? Ever seen a rifle round evened out and necked off so that it resembles a regular gun cartridge, only much longer? There are revolvers chambered for .308 caliber with seven-bullet cylinders. There are the materials to make it all fit together. There are designs and models from way back.

If you think that I can't fuckin' hold a five or six-pound gun straight, or even less calculate the forces involved in firing such a gun chambered for the right ammunition, compare them, make up designs and just generally think it through, then you're insulting me. I'm no bloody moron. And if you just generally think that I'm a weakling, then another idiotic and unwarranted insult.

Use your imagination, as Einstein would have said. Then calculate a bit. And then ponder that you wanted to bring in a fuckin' Hokum into the picture, and you'll see that you should have kept your bloody mouth shut!

Now, no more flaming there. Instead, I want to say that I don't intend to post more until people realize there's no more reason to drag their balls in the gravel and get to the rescuing of Gareeku, which I think is a big priority.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 19, 2007, 06:34:03 PM
Word of warning; I will be making a post that will be controlling all characters currently still in the temple.

Good.  That's actually the reason Jakob is fussing around with the backpack, to put him into a neutral state for the scene change.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Um, Tape? If you look at one of Stygian's recent posts you'll see that the guards' bodies aren't "lying around". They were standing up in attentive poses, only they were dead.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 19, 2007, 08:59:28 PM
Um, Tape? If you look at one of Stygian's recent posts you'll see that the guards' bodies aren't "lying around". They were standing up in attentive poses, only they were dead.

Gah, I actually knew that full well.  I guess it was past my bedtime.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


QuoteGabi was surprised by Jakob's gesture. She hadn't been able to see what he did when they buried corpses before, and she hadn't expected him to be religious. Even if it was not her religion, the thought of him having faith in something bigger than himself seemed to bring him a bit closer.

Heh.  He's actually apostate - not least because the CoCTH was 'only for Beings'.
Generally he's fairly agnostic, but things which really upset him will make him regress enough to recall his religious upbringing.

As for faith, it's an interesting issue.  He's aware that there's some kind of afterlife although he's not sure what (and Az is going to remain pretty tight-lipped about that if you're following Future History).  There are also gods and godlike entities in Furrae, so it's not quite so much faith as proof.

(I'm ashamed to admit that "May your journey end in light" is from David Gemmell's religion :rolleyes)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Note that it was an IC post. I have read Jakob's story, but my character hasn't. And she knows that some entities have enormous power, but Gabi still regards them as individuals rather than gods and as such wouldn't worship them.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on April 20, 2007, 05:37:16 PM
Note that it was an IC post. I have read Jakob's story, but my character hasn't. And she knows that some entities have enormous power, but Gabi still regards them as individuals rather than gods and as such wouldn't worship them.
Granted.  I wasn't quite sure if it was clear from my writings, and besides I figured it might be a useful anecdote :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thanks for taking care of Blaze, Gareeku... I'll try and catch up on the story as soon as I'm able to.


No probs RJ. I'll keep control of Blaze until you can make a post.

Tape, as Jakob entered the cell he would have the ice dagger attack Mel made, but you made no mention of that in your post. ^^;

Also guys, i'd like to get a roll call. If you are still active on the rp then please make a post in here saying that you are. The reason is, is because there only seems to be like 5 people posting at the moment, and I am getting worried, as I've seen absolutely nothing from James, RJ (but considering her situation then it's perfectly understandable), Pal (although he -has- posted a little time ago), and Sheridan.

Please can you just say you're still in this, and if you can, just take 5 or 10 minutes out to make a post. It doesn't have to be of outstanding quality, just please make one so I know you're still in this. I really don't want to see this rp crumble, but if people can't be bothered to make a post once in a while then that is the way that it's going to go.


Quote from: Gareeku on May 07, 2007, 08:38:37 AM
Tape, as Jakob entered the cell he would have the ice dagger attack Mel made, but you made no mention of that in your post. ^^;

Depends on the time sequencing.  I was assuming he'd got in the room before that happened, although I can adjust things or make it more clear if you like.

A couple of points about what I've done:

1. If moving Gareeku to safety at this point is going to interfere with some plan that the rest of us aren't party to, note that Jakob hasn't finished the incantation so it can be aborted if need be.  I'm leaving success or failure up to Gareeku.  By the looks of it he's either going to have to be teleported, or leave in a stretcher after the battle.

2. I've never had him teleport while invisible before, but given the black flash it's likely that he's going to have some kind of dark halo appear around the edges of his form which others may notice.

QuoteI really don't want to see this rp crumble, but if people can't be bothered to make a post once in a while then that is the way that it's going to go.
Yeah, that would be a damn shame.  To be honest, I don't know what's happened to James, period, although it seems he was last active on the 24th.

But yeah, I'm game.  I would have been more involved in last night's battle sequence if it hadn't happened while I was deeply lost in Morrowind.  (Also I didn't want to add an incoherent 2:30am post while it was still in progress...)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Heh I'm still here I just want to give time for other people to post...which was a while then there was that massive amounts of posts.



Anyways, I also find it funny how some people are on here for like, hours, yet can't make a single post in the rp that would take ten minutes tops. Just an observation i've made...

James StarRunner

Miss me everyone?

Thanks for handling my character for me Gareeku. I'll take it from here.


No probs James. Good to see you back. :)

By the way, maybe i should have mentioned this earlier, but what Jakob has done to the jewel can't be that simple. The jewel had indeed changed the environmental settings so that the demon was the only one able to use magic. However, the actual enchantment held within the jewel is protected by a cryptic lock to prevent others from changing the environment settings other than the others already installed in the jewel.

Also, if you look in James' post, he's already crushed the jewel under his boot. And besides, I was intending to have the jewel roll to Mel's feet, seeing as she's not the fighting type and therefore will not be able to help. So the jewel is currently at Mel's feet. Please alter your posts accordingly.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ouch. I'm afraid I've been too busy lately and now I'm confused as to what's going on. Could someone please help me catch up?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Right. Ok. Let's see...

As you know, Gareeku was kidnapped by Stygian (under the name of Ignatz) and Mel, who were after his bounty. They dragged him off to a town called Pathrim; a coastal city which isn't too far from a volcano, hence the volcanic landscape that the city is in. Following the bounty hunters, the group in the temple also go to Pathrim after the bounty hunters. After a time of searching around the city, they finally stumble upon a large mansion.

Meanwhile, Ignatz and Mel have delivered Gareeku to the one who had put the bounty on his head; a ram demon (whose name i actually still have to come up with, to be honest). After collecting their reward and leaving, the ram demon has Gareeku imprisoned and decides to send out a squad of assassins to kill Ignatz and Mel and reclaim the bounty money that he had given them. However, Ignatz and Mel disposed of the assassins when they were attacked, and realising that they had been betrayed, go after the demon in revenge.

Arriving at the mansion after Ignatz and Mel had already headed inside, the group find the guards standing outside the side entrance of the manions to be dead. Sensing something is up, they too head inside. Eventually they come across the prison cells in the basement of the mansion. After a scuffle with the guards, the group find Ignatz and Mel with the imprisoned Gareeku, who is badly injured. After a fight between the group and the bounty hunters, the ram demon decides to make an entrance and teleports them to another, much large room in the mansion on the 1st floor.

The battle against the ram demon then begins, with the bounty hunters and the group reluctantly teaming up against him. However, in the room is a magical ornament, which prevents the group and the bounty hunters from using magic. Meanwhile, Gareeku is now in the grasp of the demon, and is injured even more as the battle begins. As the battle continues, Mel then finds the magical ornament after a bit of searching; a jewel the size of a baseball embedded in a corner of the ceiling. After retrieving it, Mel is then set upon by the demon, who quickly reclaims the jewel and puts it inside his robes.

However, Gareeku then summons up as much strength as he can in his weakened state, and after firing off a bolt of soul energy (which is NOT MAGIC, for those of you wondering why Gareeku is able to do so), manages to propel himself away from the demon's grasp and retrieve the jewel. Landing on the floor, Gareeku lays there as the jewel rolls from his hand to Mel's feet.

*phew* and that's about it.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Gareeku on May 20, 2007, 11:07:23 AM
However, in the room is a magical ornament, which prevents the group and the bounty hunters Meanwhile, Gareeku is now in the grasp of the demon, and is injured even more as the battle begins.

Erm. I think this sentence is missing a bit in the middle somehow :-]

*sneaks out again*
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Quote from: Stygian on May 20, 2007, 12:21:45 PM
Finally! With the accursed magic-restraining gem out of accounts, there was nothing to stop them from tearing that asshole of a demon apart
Unfortunately Gareeku has redacted that bit :(

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E