The Return

Started by Amber Williams, December 02, 2008, 01:42:23 AM

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Amber Williams


In the good news, it seems the vast majority of the car's damage is aesthetic...and all the important bits that make the car actually vroom vroom seem to be more or less ok.  The bad side being, that since it was just me and I was out of the country when it happened, I doubt my insurance is going to help out unless I lie and say I was in the country when it happened.  But even then I would have to go to three different shops for estimate, most likely in the states, and that is not something I feel comfortable at all doing what with the border breathing down my back.

I can't deny that this has been a rather stressful year, and not the best of financially. Mason and I got hit badly with some bills during the summer and despite our best efforts, we never did fully recover and so have been sort of teetering on the "if anything goes wrong, we are screwed" mark.  It seems everytime we get a little bit of a saving, something comes along and completely snarfs it and we are back to square one. It's incredibly frustrating.

However, I reflect and realize that there have been far worse times had and people have gone through much worse before us.  And while it is easy to fret and panic about the possibility Mason could just up and lose his job due to the economy...I am trying my best to keep things up from my end.  And that really is where things are at now.

The car, while annoying, is a secondary worry. Right now my main focus is the immigration paperwork. And as it stands, that has its own share of hurdles and fumbles.  Mason and I both...well...we both suck royally when it comes to goverment papers.  It isn't our forte, and right now we have actually considered outsourcing the help via an immigration lawyer. One of our friends in Canada recommended a particular one and we are both hopeful that with someone who actually knows what the process is...that will speed up the process triple-fold.

So here is where I am at I suppose.  Next week I intend to start a couple auctions to raise up money, not only to try to help get Mason and my own bank account back on our feet, not only to offset the usual monthly bills that Mason and I pay (rent, food, utilities, Sallie Mae Loanshark bills), but to also try to get enough to help offset what will likely be a new payment plan if we do manage to find an immigration lawyer.

I am not sure how much its all gonna cost. But when I do find out, odds are that will be the total.  It is my hope to finish the stuff I already owe and that way come January I can make good on a fresh start.  

It's gonna be a hard month for me. It has been somewhat a hard year in general.  For everyone really.  And really, if push comes to shove, I will just have to force myself to take some time off and work on the paperwork myself if need be.  But I really dont want to do that. I love doing the comic, despite my sometimes whining of being tired.

So yeah. Next week, expect some auctions. The week after, odds are I will have some donation drive with incentive of some sort. It's going to be a brutal December for me...but in the end, I would rather rake over the coals for this month than deal with the stress of what could happen next year if I dont.


Hello Mrs. Williams!

Good news on the car, me finks, although I am a tad bit confused. Why would it matter which country your vehicle was in when the damage occurred?

As for the governmental red tape, I think everyone here could easily understand if you had to put DMFA on a hiatus in order to tie up issues IRL.. If there is anyone here who would like to see Mrs. Williams deported or worse, please step forward now.

My shotgun's loaded.


Sometimes the border is a pain in the @$$.  When I went to the border on the way to Winnipeg, they wanted my social security card which I left at home (which is a 6 hours drive) because they thought I was stealing an identity.  Luckily, there was a confirmation paper with the SSN (I once lost my soc. security card in the laundry) and it was good enough for them.

We'll understand if you can't update because you don't want to be deported.


We had a few accidents today in my city, but they were account on people being stupid instead of the inconveniences of ice. I'm glad the damage to the car was minimal, though, repairs would have sucked. And I'm glad you're in perfectly good physical condition, since the last time I got in a car accident I got whiplash.

:tighthug Hope you feel better soon, Amber, and get your border troubles in order. I'm glad you're staying tough about it. In general, I just really hope for the best with you. :)

As far as auctions go, that would be a pretty sweet way to raise money considering how successful the SAIA Librarian auction was. Give it a shot!

I mean, if you put the "female Abel" picture up for sale, I'd buy it. XD That thing was crazyyyyy... in a good way.


Good luck, Ms. Williams. I can't think of a person less deserving of this turn of events. If there is any help we can offer, I don't think anyone would not want to help out.

I'm sorry to hear about all these troubles, and I hope you can get them resolved soon.

Prof B Hunnydew

I am glad you're not hurt, and you made home alive....

Red tape is always a bitch...What form or forms are them missing that they can't finalize your status...?
(No need to go into it...If you don't want to.)  I would take a day or three and tried and find out what you need now, before you go to a Lawry

  As for insurance, they should cover you even if you were drive in Canada.... Isn't it almost the 51st state all ready?  Well, maybe or maybe..  They would never have vote Bush in or keep him in for eight.   Augh  Hisss Hiiss politics, never mind that..

Auto insurance from the states should cover trip beyond the northern border. or do you have to paid extra for that?



The last time I took a trip from Minnesota to western New York and back a few years ago, crossing Ontario just north of Lake Erie, one of the times I crossed the border into Canada, they wanted me to tell them the license plate number on my camper-van. WHAT?! Who memorizes their license plates (especially when owning multiple vehicles). They even had a camera aimed at the front (and maybe rear), so they could see the plates themselves. I had to get out and read the plate to them... then they let me through. How stupid is that?

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on December 03, 2008, 11:06:53 PM
  As for insurance, they should cover you even if you were drive in Canada.... Isn't it almost the 51st state all ready?  Well, maybe or maybe..  They would never have vote Bush in or keep him in for eight.   Augh  Hisss Hiiss politics, never mind that..

Auto insurance from the states should cover trip beyond the northern border. or do you have to paid extra for that?

Since she lives in Canada, I'd assume her insurance is based there, not in the US. US is where the accident was.

Now playing on Winamp: Frank Zappa - Dinah Moe Humm (SonicBlu's Time Machine Show - KWKAT)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Can't wait to see some of those auction options.  I think for most folks, even if they don't win an auction they'll likely just take what they would have paid for the item and donate it anyways.  Hopefully the actions provide the cash you need to at least start getting things back on track. 

Hopefully you can put the other stuff aside long enough to deal with these issues and the folks you 'owe' stuff to will have the patience and understanding to suck it up and be realistic.

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on December 03, 2008, 11:06:53 PM
  ... Canada.... Isn't it almost the 51st state all ready?  Well, maybe or maybe.. 


Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Mao Laoren on December 04, 2008, 08:30:03 AM
Can't wait to see some of those auction options.  I think for most folks, even if they don't win an auction they'll likely just take what they would have paid for the item and donate it anyways.  Hopefully the actions provide the cash you need to at least start getting things back on track. 

Hopefully you can put the other stuff aside long enough to deal with these issues and the folks you 'owe' stuff to will have the patience and understanding to suck it up and be realistic.

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on December 03, 2008, 11:06:53 PM
  ... Canada.... Isn't it almost the 51st state all ready?  Well, maybe or maybe.. 


Okay Okay  It is a very poor joke.... :funnyno

excuse me while I self-destruct :explosion


Stig Hemmer

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on December 03, 2008, 11:06:53 PM
Canada.... Isn't it almost the 51st state all ready?
(The Prof was talking about insurance, but I'll ignore that and start talking about immigration)

I suspect part of the problem is that Canada is very eager to prove that they are not part of the USA, therefore tying themselves into knots to show that people from the USA is treated just the same as any other pesky foreigner.

That being said, I find it mighty strange that they don't have a faster fast-track for spouses.

As for the "three seconds to disaster" image on the front page, I would like to say that it captures very well the feeling of those eternal seconds of doom. (Been there, done that.  I am also very glad I only hurt the car and not any people)
Stig Hemmer, at your disservice.


Sorry things went wrong, Amber! It's ice-and-snow season here in Michigan too, just had a wild ride home myself. At least your car's drivable!! That's what counts! Best wishes for a good outcome on the bureaucratic BS. :)