The Return

Started by Amber Williams, December 02, 2008, 01:42:23 AM

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Amber Williams

Just posting an update to my status:

I have returned to Canada. I wish I could say it was in high spirits, but unfortunately not so much.  The vacation itself was wonderful. It was great to see my relatives. 

The trip back....not so much.  There was an issue at the border. A big issue.  Lets just say I have about 60 days to get my paperwork in order before things go incredibly bad.

But really the biggest stress was that a 9 hour drive became a 12 hour one due to weather and terrible conditions...and even then it didn't help me out too much.  In the last 30 minutes of the drive (less than half an hour back in canada and half an hour away from home), my car hit a patch of unforseen ice and I fishtailed straight into a guard rail. 

No one was hurt, I hit no other car, and I was able to drive away (though incredibly shaky the rest of the trip)...however my car did lose its front grill and I do think the axle is likely dented if not broken cause there is definately something going on.  Thankfully it seems that was the extent of the known damage and it was mostly superficial in that the grill took the brunt. still is an auto-issue I really didn't want happening.

But I suppose I should be grateful that the airbags didnt go off or I didnt need a tow truck...or worse...that I didn't hit anyone during it and just managed to donk the car and some aluminum on the side of the road.

But as I said...I just got off a 12 hour drive and the last 3 hours in particular was...and I pardon my language...complete ass.  And I sort of feel like that right now.

I will probably post a notice of my return for Wednesday...and try to get the comic back up for Friday.

But honestly...and I am writing this minutes before I sleep so I admit I am a bit gloom and doom...I feel pretty downright bummed at the time and this was not the news I wanted to give on my return. It's astounding how an entire week of good times gets completely stomped by 3 hours of road issues and border.



I know your not hanging out in the forums, but I'll say welcome back, and glad you made it home safe despite a close call.  Let us know if there's anything we can do to help out, especially with the border issue.  Why do they keep giving you grief anyway?

Hope you feel better soon Amber.


Well, it's good to hear that you made it back home Amber. I'm sorry to hear that the trip back sucked so bad, though. :hug Get some rest, and I hope everything works itself out.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Hugs for the Amber.  :hug Sucks about your car, and I know it's exactly the kind of incident you wanted to avoid. I hope you at least get some good sleep and that things work out for you.<br /><br />My Weasyl!

Madd the Sane

My advice: Get the border thing cleared up ASAP.  You don't want that thing hanging over your head, causing stress.

Oh, and welcome back :animesweat
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Welcome back. Here's a little something to keep you company, besides your husband: :wcc

\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Ack.  I don't think I can really add much except that I hope things sort out cleanly, the border issue in particular.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I think it's appropriate to say that I owe Amber a random huggle.  :hug So there.

I was kinda sore at her when at the time, so it went unreported at the time.

I'm still sore, but, sympathy goes where due, either way, I hope things get sorted out.


Driving in ice sucks.. It's like a guessing game to which there are no prizes, only penalties. Glad you're okay, Mrs. Williams.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I don't really have much to say that hasn't been said already, but I'd still like to offer some moral support. Try to get the border thing cleared, and just try to relax after a shaky ice ride like that.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Ghostwish on December 02, 2008, 09:12:07 AM
Driving in ice sucks.. It's like a guessing game to which there are no prizes, only penalties. Glad you're okay, Mrs. Williams.

The prize is, you're still alive and in one piece.

After all that effort, it's a bit of a booby prize, but you're sure glad to see it nonetheless... :-/
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Troubles aside, I'm glad that your trip seems to have gone well.  Hopefully with a bit of rest and time everything else will get resolved.  I'm sure if you have to take a bit of extra time away from the forum and the comic as well to get things sorted, folks will understand.

Roureem Egas

Wow, that's rough. I'm glad you're back safe and okay, but Murphy really seems to have it out for you. Take care.


Quote from: Roureem Egas on December 02, 2008, 11:37:35 AM
Murphy really seems to have it out for you.
Murphy was an optimist.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Good luck i know you're a trooper and can get it done amber.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 02, 2008, 09:54:49 AM
Quote from: Ghostwish on December 02, 2008, 09:12:07 AM
Driving in ice sucks.. It's like a guessing game to which there are no prizes, only penalties. Glad you're okay, Mrs. Williams.

The prize is, you're still alive and in one piece.

After all that effort, it's a bit of a booby prize, but you're sure glad to see it nonetheless... :-/

I'd rather get my quarters back. >:(


Welcome back Amber !

From those of us who are in Canada if the United States is silly enough to make life difficult for you then we simply will have to keep you here safe with us  :hug
" Man is the only animal that blushes - Or needs to " Mark Twain


The United States ain't any better.

Why does the universe want to knock you around in a pinball machine?!  WHY? :cry

I too am really glad that it was a minor collision and no injuries. I say the guard rail had it coming! His beady little rivet eyes, all 24 of them staring at passers by, the cad.

From what you describe the damage won't be too costly, the wheel damage is whats most troubling. If it is just a bent axle it shouldn't be that much though. Insurance will probably be able to pickup the tab without a fuss.

It would depreciate the car's value but if you have them just fix the car to drivable you could pocket the rest of the insurance money. If you never plan on reselling it I'd say go for it.


Quote from: mopman on December 02, 2008, 11:47:40 PM
Welcome back Amber !

From those of us who are in Canada if the United States is silly enough to make life difficult for you then we simply will have to keep you here safe with us  :hug

Actually, you have to remember that going in to Canada, it's the Canadian guards who cause the trouble. Any grief she got was from Canada.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I don't know if it's strictly necessary to create a new topic for today's newest rant, but I'm glad to see that you're not going to let this drag you down, Amber.  :hug

Listen, I know that you're probably not going to see this, but why not take a week or two or two from the comic and get the paperwork done and over with? Really, I don't think we'll complain, and it'll be one less stressful thing out of your hair, and it'll be a lot better for you.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


I... hope everything works out, Amber.

Paperwork's horrible.


Huh. Well, going from today's rant, I have to say this. They may say 'No Rest For The Wicked', but that extends to others as well. Should you not meet your deadline, then don't worry, what happens happens, and you can get through it.

I couldn't find an appropriate smiley (Because none of them are serious), and well. All I have to say is stay strong.


Oy. That situation is a load of suck, Amber. But you are quite the trooper, from what I've seen in your rant. If you don't make a comic, that is perfectly okay. You go ahead and get over what happened at your own pace.  :hug
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Darkmoon on December 03, 2008, 12:18:52 AM

Actually, you have to remember that going in to Canada, it's the Canadian guards who cause the trouble. Any grief she got was from Canada.

oops my bad  :mowtongue
" Man is the only animal that blushes - Or needs to " Mark Twain


I'm wondering why she should be having so much border trouble when she's married to (I assume) a Canadian. I've noticed nothing in the rants about paperwork for him, just her.

Now playing on Winamp: George Frideric Handel - Violin Sonata (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on December 03, 2008, 11:39:23 AM
I'm wondering why she should be having so much border trouble when she's married to (I assume) a Canadian. I've noticed nothing in the rants about paperwork for him, just her.

Canadians don't usually have trouble getting back into their own country. Americans rarely have trouble coming up to visit, either; it's when they like it so much that they decide to stay that paperwork becomes an issue. Marriage speeds along the immigration process, but it doesn't automatically confer citizenship or anything.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Damn.  I hate when stuff like that happens >.>  Never any fun at all <.<  I feel for you Amber, I really do.  Take all the time you need.


dang >.< ... Black Ice , as it is called, can cause lots of accidents on the road. I'm just glad you weren't injured.

And as for the border issue...I hope you can make it through it.

Edit- Also...Your middle name is Michelle?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on December 03, 2008, 02:04:26 PM
Your middle name is Michelle?

I find it more interesting that her husband's name is Mason Williams (any Steamroller fans around here?).
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


I must say I'm sorry to hear about such troubles. I certainly hope it all gets cleared up soon, now's a bad time of year for that kind of thing.

But I'm glad to hear you're not giving up. You're not a quitter at all. Now, show 'em your Bankai! Or, something like that.