[Art] Zina: Check it out. It's an update. (12/13/07)

Started by Zina, July 11, 2006, 06:03:27 AM

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Is Janus cute?

Why, of course!
19 (57.6%)
No, I hate Janus. GOD.
4 (12.1%)
4 (12.1%)
I guess, if you're into that kind of thing.
6 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Faerie Alex

In Soviet Russia, cow-bear judges you... :/

Ichabod looks kinda scary-happy there. (No, those comments have no relation to each other.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


um, actually it looks more like Gir in a cow suit, which is still awesome.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.



Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 29, 2007, 04:32:08 PM
um, actually it looks more like Gir in a cow suit, which is still awesome.

No, that's not awesome at all. That saddens me.
This is exactly why I hate Jhonen so very very hard.


why? it's not like he stole your Ideas... unless you submitted something naughty to slave labor graphics.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 29, 2007, 10:55:16 PM
why? it's not like he stole your Ideas... unless you submitted something naughty to slave labor graphics.
No, I just don't like Jhonen's work and I don't think I draw anything like him. And people telling me that I do simply because it's "dark" or whatever gets real old real fast.
I don't see how this picture of a bear looks like Gir in a cow suit. It looks like a bear drawn in the same style I've used for years now.
I've had many inspirations in my life, but Jhonen isn't one of them. And he never will be.


I think the Chibi style simply lends itself to the comparisan hon

because of the smallish bodies, and large heads people will see connections that arn't there.  The only thing that would lead me to the gir connection would be the obvious seams they both have. 

But thats it and it hardly makes them that similer


Yeah, we don't mean to offend you in any way or anything.
If it makes you feel any better, your art is much more entertaining. :3 Especially with bees~


I guess it gets under my skin more than it should because I really do dislike Jhonen and his fanbase. No one wants to be compared to something they really dislike. Especially when I feel my 'chibi' style is more like something from Sanrio than Jhonen's work.


Quote from: Zina on May 30, 2007, 12:48:53 AM
I guess it gets under my skin more than it should because I really do dislike Jhonen and his fanbase. No one wants to be compared to something they really dislike. Especially when I feel my 'chibi' style is more like something from Sanrio than Jhonen's work.

Well, now we know and knowing is half the learning. I'll just have to remember never to mention the name around ya. Lest I risk a fist-marked-face...


I wasn't comparing your work to Vasquez because it was "dark" or whatever it was the swamp brownish green of the bear, the seams of the costume , and especially the eyes, what made me draw the conclusion.

Besides we have no true evidence Gir's Design was even conceived by Vasquez, remember Invader Zim was also helped along by that guy who did Lenore, as well as interns  and a volley of other Nicktoon Artists.

They probably chose/ created the cutest version of Gir based on all the different concept designs. Vasquez gets all the credit for the same reason that Hannah Babara is credited with the creation of Scooby Doo, when in truth  Iwao Takamoto was actually Scooby Doo's Creator.

FYI: Iwao Takamoto  died at the age  of 81 this year.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Maybe it's my monitor, but the bear looks brown to me. Just....brown.
Roman Dirge helped write some of the episodes of Invader Zim. None of the character designs bare any resembalance to his style.
I see some similarities, but not enough to make me think it looks like Gir in a cowsuit.
I guess I can't draw anything with seams or large, vacant eyes anymore since that's apparently Jhonen's turf. Oh well.

Sorry if I sound bitchy. I suppose I'm sick of hearing the same thing over and over. For whatever reason, people feel the need to compare, and since Jhonen is all mainstream now, it ends up being to him. Once, I was had a comic store with a girl I knew from school. She picked up a title from SLG, glanced at it for less than two seconds, and said "Oh look, another person trying to rip off Jhonen Vasquez." The style looked nothing like Jhonen's, aside from the fact they were both black and white.
Jhonen Vasquez is seriously the gate-way drug into the world of "goth" comics. The thing is, Jhonen's style of inking, storytelling and 'humor' is far from original. He's just the most well known. If I had a nickel for every time someone thought my little sketchy comics looked "just like something Jhonen would do", I'd probably have, like...a dollar or something.
People have been doing this for much longer than Jhonen, and doing it much better than him. And those are the people that tend to be my real inspirations. Jhonen Vasquez is just a watered down version of something much better.

llearch n'n'daCorna

If it helps, Zina, I still can't see the Gir resemblance.

... although that looks more greeny-brown to me. *shrug*

It reminds me more of, uh... something else that I can't put my finger on, but will undoubtedly come to me the moment I step away from the computer. :-/

I know it's something distasteful, though. When I remember, I'll let you know...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Really? Looks caramel brown to me. Must be my monitor, then. D:

Prof B Hunnydew

Why why do you have to do this to me.. Now, I have to draw some cow in a bear suit....Gods it is going to be ugly....

HA HA  :mwaha


You can feel happy, Zina.  I like your stuff, and I hate Jhonen's work.  Therefore, they must look nothing alike ;)

Don't judge my logic.   :B

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Jim Halisstrad

Off topic, but wow, two people who actually dislike Jhonies crap in the same place on the internet?

Thats like... hearing someone say they hate Sephiroth (I call him Sepherpansy) from ff7 at an anime con.


My artwork/comics have been compared to psychonauts, kingdom hearts, neko the kitty, and others.

It's not worth being jealous or upset over either.  Stupid comparison's aside,  I also believe it means your artwork would be successful in attracting the same crowd as the other artist.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I'm...not jealous of Jhonen. And based on what I've seen of his fanbase, I really could do without attracting the same crowd.
Being compared to other artists is all well and good. I get compared to VG Cats or Sanrio quite often. But being compared to someone you really despise? Not so much.


Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on May 31, 2007, 12:22:24 AM
Thats like... hearing someone say they hate Sephiroth (I call him Sepherpansy) from ff7 at an anime con.

If you pay all the plane and entrance expenses, I can arrange that. :3

Metal Juggernaut


It's the final two weeks of school, so things have been pretty slow going. To be honest, this is the first time I've actually been able to sit down and color something seriously since my computer died. Which is really sad. :[

Full image here
Tee hee, he's water-bending. :E
Commission for Jedi. I'm pretty happy with the coloring, despite having to do battle with my tablet every five minutes. He's supposed to be shifting in his stance, so he probably looks off balance. Oh well, she liked it. S'all that matters.

Full image here
Quick pic of Ichabod to keep me sane before I jump back into school work and commissions. He says hi, by the way.


Hi Ichabod, we miss you. :3 And good luck with the workings, Ziner.


I'm still trying to figure out why I like the Talonar picture so much.  I guess I just like sinister people >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.



Oh lord. I forgot to update this.

Art dump for youuuuu

Full image here
Commission for Net-cat. I was gonna give him the original at Anthrocon, but I never ran into him.
I had fun with the coloring, dur dur dur.

Full image here
Hahahahaaaa. I got a lot of comments regarding this about how people "felt bad" for me. Just to clarify, none of this comic is true.
Except the part where my dad answers phone calls IN SPACE. It's true, I've seen it!

Full image here
Last of the Bee comic you will ever see.
The alternative ending, that I think is much much better than the original. I mean. C'mon.


ps. I love you.

Matt and Dylan giving an interview. He wanted them to be wearing "B'z-esque" clothing. Still working on it. Matt's pose needs tweaking, but...yeah.

Hahaha animuuuuu. Janus, Penny and Slipdance are all cosplaying as characters from One Piece. GUESS WHICH ONES. :B

Ok, I'm done. For now.


Quote[Bee Comic]
That's a total rip off SpongeBob! D:

Good arts, though. :3


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on July 12, 2007, 06:14:44 AM
Quote[Bee Comic]
That's a total rip off SpongeBob! D:

Good arts, though. :3

People keep saying that, but I honestly have no idea which episode they're talking about. D:


Probably none, because they're insane people who spend too much time worshipping the show to be aware of anything else maybe?