Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3

Started by ilpalazzo, December 15, 2008, 09:30:18 AM

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I just got this game, and honestly I think the second Red Alert is much better, could it be that Tanya is no longer done by Kari Wuhrer, Nor does Tanya sound as crazy as she used to. Whatever though, the game is still fun, I like having platoons of warbears and dogs attacking bases, the special abilities which each unit has are pretty neat, such as laser guidance which allows you to do more damage, or armor siphoning.

Have any of you guys played it yet?


There were  a few folks in the beta (and still playing) as mentioned here.  I haven't been able to pick it up yet myself, but I've been given good reason to based on what I've seen.  However WoW, Little Big Planet and a few others have eaten my soul time.


I've played through it. and well I agree that 2 was better it seems most of the new units lack something they had before.  for one the Tesla troopers seemed to have been nerfed hard.

It was still alot of fun,  and truthfully I love the story line but one thing annoys me

The allies still have chronospheres, mirage tanks, and prism towers, they shouldn't have that sort of tech if Einstein was killed before he could develop it.  the allies should have gotten a totaly new tech direction. 

The empire of the rising sun was a fun playthrough, but there reliance on treansforing tech to cover all the bases was some what annoying.

having to constantly monitor my troops of tengue or vx choopers took alot of the fun out of it.  as soon as you took your eyes off them it seemed like an enemy troop would swoop down and attack them from the opposite configuration they were set for. 

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on December 15, 2008, 10:16:13 AM
I've played through it. and well I agree that 2 was better it seems most of the new units lack something they had before.  for one the Tesla troopers seemed to have been nerfed hard.

It was still alot of fun,  and truthfully I love the story line but one thing annoys me

The allies still have chronospheres, mirage tanks, and prism towers, they shouldn't have that sort of tech if Einstein was killed before he could develop it.  the allies should have gotten a totaly new tech direction. 

The empire of the rising sun was a fun playthrough, but there reliance on treansforing tech to cover all the bases was some what annoying.

having to constantly monitor my troops of tengue or vx choopers took alot of the fun out of it.  as soon as you took your eyes off them it seemed like an enemy troop would swoop down and attack them from the opposite configuration they were set for. 

Chronosphere and the Mirage Tanks = iconic = in, would be my reasoning, really. And the RA3 version is the spectrum tower, which isn't prism technology.

As for the Empire, you really have to micromanage - though you could easily just leave half of a mob of Tengus/Strikers in their standard mode - that way you get all the coverage with none of the dramas. Not for everyone!

Then again I'm not particularly the tactical sort. Apocalypse Tank, comrade! One can never get enough of an evil Tim Curry.
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Well true they were called spectrum towers but they were still the same tech even looked and acted the same... they should have changed the effect some what  mybe make them Cryo towers or something.  If anything the Soviats should have had Chrono tech  since they were the only side with a working time machine

True again but then again the empires units are so fragile.  King oni are there only realy unstoppable land fighter and in the air they could pretty much get there butt handed to them by any of the other sides air superiority fighters.  Which a psychic commando unit and a psychic super weapon you'd also expect some sort of psychic trooper

Myself I prefured building up a powerfull well defended base and carpet bombing my enimes into submission

either with kirovs and dreadnaughts, or century bombers, and flattops

Evil Tim curry was cool but I also liked Emporor Taki as well

Janus Whitefurr

I hate the cryo technology. HATE. If only because the AI loves to spam it on me when I've forgotten my anti-aircraft support.

I'd be frightened of a Soviet Chronosphere, given the rickety technology you see half the time. Kinda like when you hit a super reactor for lethal damage, and it promptly nukes its surroundings. And Kirovs are possibly the most evil air unit ever if you can get them in bombing range of someone else's base without getting them shot down. Carpet bombing is really only viable if your opponent doesn't have AA though.

Well, there's also the Shogun from mission three of the campaign... but I think the game would be broken if you could build that. You really have to swarm their lower tech to have them match up, multiple tengus go down FAST to an Apollo or MIG. I imagine some people would be able to play them effectively, though.

Maybe we should take a roll call again for future online co-ops in skirmish.
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Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on December 15, 2008, 10:42:35 AM
I hate the cryo technology. HATE. If only because the AI loves to spam it on me when I've forgotten my anti-aircraft support.

I'd be frightened of a Soviet Chronosphere, given the rickety technology you see half the time. Kinda like when you hit a super reactor for lethal damage, and it promptly nukes its surroundings. And Kirovs are possibly the most evil air unit ever if you can get them in bombing range of someone else's base without getting them shot down. Carpet bombing is really only viable if your opponent doesn't have AA though.

I agree I hate the cryo tech... it seems like a stupid way to take the allies and don't even get me started on there stupid shrink feature they have.   It is useful  at times to soften up a bases defenses but still I'd rather have a vehical that does some damage.

Also Was it just me or did your Co commander seem to take part off the fun out of it.  they annoyed me so much I was tempted to bomb them myself

and as for carpet bombing Vs AA... it's not that hard.  12 century bombers on a single run can plow through most of it no problem.  You can even target the AA with the first  bombing runs to soften them up.  on a heavily defended strike zone I tend to lose about a third of my bombers but that still leaves me enough to pound them flat. throw in a wing of appollos to take down any fighters that might harass them and I'm gold.  It's an expensive strategy but it works

and with Kirovs it's even easier since unlike the bombers I don't need more then one airfield to build up my fleet.  8 or 9 kirrovs in flottilla baring down on one target.  I shepard them alon having them bombing anything they come across as a nice sort of ambling tour of destruction a wing of migs for air cover.

the only time I lost a large chunk of my flotilla before we hit the target was in an attack on a japanesse base they had kept there pychic commando as a guard dog.  she crashed 5 blimps before we got into range to bomb her

these probably wouldn't work against a human apponent but for the ai it's just fine

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on December 15, 2008, 12:55:56 PM
I agree I hate the cryo tech... it seems like a stupid way to take the allies and don't even get me started on there stupid shrink feature they have.   It is useful  at times to soften up a bases defenses but still I'd rather have a vehical that does some damage.

It has its uses, but the AI always seems to know how to use non-damage units like that far better than you do. I lost half a sea fleet (that had escorting AI) to those things once. I was not pleased.

Quote from: thegayhare on December 15, 2008, 12:55:56 PM
Also Was it just me or did your Co commander seem to take part off the fun out of it.  they annoyed me so much I was tempted to bomb them myself

Personality-wise they're pretty cool - I like the Allies and Giles the best (British with TEA~) - but co-ordination and tactics wise they are basically a spinning wheel. Good for meatshields, maybe. That's why player co-op is there, I guess.

Quote from: thegayhare on December 15, 2008, 12:55:56 PM
and as for carpet bombing Vs AA... it's not that hard.  12 century bombers on a single run can plow through most of it no problem.  You can even target the AA with the first  bombing runs to soften them up.  on a heavily defended strike zone I tend to lose about a third of my bombers but that still leaves me enough to pound them flat. throw in a wing of appollos to take down any fighters that might harass them and I'm gold.  It's an expensive strategy but it works

For static AA defenses easily, but any form of mobile AA - air or ground - is a hell of an arse to deal with. Much harder to target moving ground units with something as slow as a Kirov. Sometimes the Century can pull it off, mostly because they're faster.

Quote from: thegayhare on December 15, 2008, 12:55:56 PM
the only time I lost a large chunk of my flotilla before we hit the target was in an attack on a japanesse base they had kept there pychic commando as a guard dog.  she crashed 5 blimps before we got into range to bomb her

Yuriko is awesome and hell on you if you use heavy armour. She can wipe out things -fast- especially if she gains veterancy. And if you know how do to it right, you can get in range fairly fast with careful use of the jet engines on the arse of the Kirovs. I tend to just bull on through and drop support powers on characters like her, though.  :B
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on December 15, 2008, 03:11:37 PM
Personality-wise they're pretty cool - I like the Allies and Giles the best (British with TEA~) - but co-ordination and tactics wise they are basically a spinning wheel. Good for meatshields, maybe. That's why player co-op is there, I guess.

Oh the actors were interesting and intertaining but as for the rest of it I was just so frustrated most of the time

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on December 15, 2008, 03:11:37 PM
For static AA defenses easily, but any form of mobile AA - air or ground - is a hell of an arse to deal with. Much harder to target moving ground units with something as slow as a Kirov. Sometimes the Century can pull it off, mostly because they're faster.

Actualy I think Kirov's are more suited for taking out mobile aa rather then century's If you have them constantly moving in a straight line, and constantly bombing they can bulldoze over most anything in there way.  Wheen enemy AA moves to respond you simply alter the corse to take them near by.  as always I'll lose a few but hey oh well some times the charshing zep lands on a target

With century I basicly trust in speed and numbers to punch me through... toss in a cryo shot, or time bomb near the thickest defenses and no probs

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on December 15, 2008, 03:11:37 PM
Yuriko is awesome and hell on you if you use heavy armour. She can wipe out things -fast- especially if she gains veterancy. And if you know how do to it right, you can get in range fairly fast with careful use of the jet engines on the arse of the Kirovs. I tend to just bull on through and drop support powers on characters like her, though.  :B

I agree It's just a pity she didn't get an actress like the other two.

I'd usualy give her as an escort a pair of King Oni and they could do a fine job keeping her safe

Oddly I learned after playing RA3 that the soviets had a program during WW2 that trained crack female snipers to fight against the AXis


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on December 15, 2008, 03:11:37 PM
Yuriko is awesome and hell on you if you use heavy armour.

I actually think that she is the only specialty which is actually useful in the multiplayer.

Tanya is great against tightlypacked bases though, if you get her in one everything dies before she does.

The soviets sniper is only useful as ... well.... sniper, put her in a elivated place and she'll F thing up, but she isn't really worth the cash, I'd rather have a twin-blade any time than her.

of course, twinblades are bloody awesome, I still miss the artillery helicopter though :< It was so wonderfully lame to have a artillery that could relocate itself in a matter of seconds. :3

Also, is it me or are all the MIG's retarded? They hardly ever auto-defend themselves against Apollo's ( though the AI always packs the appolo's nice and close together so they die rather nicely.


The co-commanders are OK but the real fun of the campaign is in playing with a friend. Playing co-op is that's what keeps me coming back.
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