Thanks a lot D=<

Started by Nekoboy, August 29, 2008, 09:09:43 PM

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Thank you soooo much for baning me for 3 days with no wanring or reason. Thank you soooo much for not even telling me why I was going to be baned or for how long. Allso Thank you for being mean to me over spelling errors, ignore my questiosn, locking my threads, and bullying me, I feel sooooo welcomed here. *bangs head agenst keybored*  :banghead


O ya and thanks for baning me so all my e-mails on this  site dispeared and are ruined now  :banghead

Allso I like to take this time to ask for a new start. A clean slate if you will, btw about the locked topic I dont lie i read the ruels I'm just bad with names go ahead call me a lier but I told you the truth its not my fault if you don't bleave it, anyway can we start a new? please? I hate you (expect maybe 1 or 2) people here being jerks so can you all stop being grammer and spelling naizs? Allso who cares if I miss spell a word? its not the end of the world people....Moving on now.  >.> So can we please just cut the bull crap and star a new?


[Edit: sorry about this 2ed post >.<]


Actually, you can't say that they gave no warning or reason.  The mods warned you repeatedly.

Everyone could use a fresh slate, but they will likely never get one, as you can't make more than one first impression.  And your question, unless it was something other than the thread title, was answered reasonably quickly.

I'd love to have you start anew, but unless you're willing to accept the fact that you were the one who was wrong, I don't think you can.

If you have any problems with me or what I've just said, take it up with me in PMs.


It's all written down on the site, I am not trying to pick or bother you but you have to learn not to mess with mods..I do it,they do it..And so should you dear Neko and I want you to understand that you have behave like a mature adult and breath once awhile and no more future mistakes will come to you.


Quote from: VSMIT on August 29, 2008, 09:45:05 PM
Actually, you can't say that they gave no warning or reason.  The mods warned you repeatedly.

Everyone could use a fresh slate, but they will likely never get one, as you can't make more than one first impression.  And your question, unless it was something other than the thread title, was answered reasonably quickly.

I'd love to have you start anew, but unless you're willing to accept the fact that you were the one who was wrong, I don't think you can.

If you have any problems with me or what I've just said, take it up with me in PMs.

skiming thougth all the spelling crap it was hard to see any warning "f you keep doign whatever you iwll be baned for 3 days" there was no warning, all i did was make a post and wasnt ableot get on the site from then, no warning or reason, and yes i knwo i got a awnser quickly but some mdos and other peoep li will nto name keep acting like spelling naizs and really only 1 or 2 peopel where nice....anyway I'm not asking the others to get over there little thig nwith spelling.....sicne that really ahd nothign to do with my threads but really with the bullying and the omg you mis spelled a word your a horrible horrbile person and all that crap just gets to me.....allso ill say ti again no where in any of the threads said "If you keep doing (whatever thing) you will be baned for (amount of days) if you keep it up" no warning or reason >.>[]

edit: allso....I never said any names did i? >.>



i think all folks are asking for is for you to Take your time when typing out your posts, it isn't a race, you don't get any prizes for being the fastest to post, or chastised for being the slowest, you need to pace yourself, and take it easy when typing, you'll find you'll slowly become faster as time progresses as you improve your keyboarding skills.

That said, asking for a clean slate is all good and fine, but your behavior right now seems to be made up of whining, i suggest you act a tad more rational, and look at the larger picture here.
If you improve your spelling, it'll not only be fair on yourself, but on others who won't have to try to figure out what the heck you've just typed out.  :3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


This is very good advice and you should follow it when you post on another board after being banned from this one


Quote from: Turnsky on August 29, 2008, 10:37:49 PM
i think all folks are asking for is for you to Take your time when typing out your posts, it isn't a race, you don't get any prizes for being the fastest to post, or chastised for being the slowest, you need to pace yourself, and take it easy when typing, you'll find you'll slowly become faster as time progresses as you improve your keyboarding skills.

That said, asking for a clean slate is all good and fine, but your behavior right now seems to be made up of whining, i suggest you act a tad more rational, and look at the larger picture here.
If you improve your spelling, it'll not only be fair on yourself, but on others who won't have to try to figure out what the heck you've just typed out.  :3

And here fokes we have subject 1, the one who missed my intire point and is a jerk, this subject isnt about spelling so get off it, and i dont know how i can have a clean slate when you say im whineing when all im doing is making a point >.>

allso bill just shut it....I'm nto in the mood for your crap when you dotn even have an idea whats going on >.> besides i did nothing wrong on this bored so why do you say ill get baned?




Hey do you know the proper procedure when someone takes their time to write a post giving you advice

Because it sure as hell is not "ur a jerk stop it lay off asshole".

You prick.


Quote from: bill on August 29, 2008, 10:47:03 PM
Hey do you know the proper procedure when someone takes their time to write a post giving you advice

Because it sure as hell is not "ur a jerk stop it lay off asshole".

You prick.

I didnt insult you so dotn insult me you jerk....allso i never said nay of that dumbass.... >.> god i hate people like you they act liek they know everything when they dont.


okay Nekoboy, you've made your point very clear, let me make mine.

the Last thread started with people on about your spelling or lack thereof.
it eventually devolved to you sounding like an ignorant jackass about it.. the thread's still in the mine if you want to read it.
Also, i'm trying to be fair, calling me a Jerk isn't exactly a smart move on your part, but if you want me to be one, here we go.

You sir, are acting like an Ass. People tried and gave you some helpful criticism about your spelling, and eventually you ended up throwing it back into -all- their faces and devolving the thread into some meme based crap as seen on 4chan. Then you got a courtesy ban for a few days so you could mull over things for a while, it obviously hasn't worked, you have just as big of a chip on your shoulder as you had previously.
This isn't about your spelling, it's about your abysmal attitude in general, i really suggest you quit drawing attention to yourself with your asinine whining about "poor little me" and how everybody's on your back, and actually work to change that by not being a complete twit. Incase you wanted a quick hint, this thread in general wasn't a good way to go on about it.

Otherwise you're gonna tick off the mods again and end up permabanned. You're not being a productive member, all you're doing is acting the right royal dickhead and lashing out at folks, that sir, is often referred to as "trolling" and it is cited under the rules of this forum, and as soon as Darkmoon or Damaris clap eyes on this, you can probably expect some very dire warnings to be issued, if not decisive action which will involve bootprints on your backside.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on August 29, 2008, 10:58:10 PM
okay Nekoboy, you've made your point very clear, let me make mine.

the Last thread started with people on about your spelling or lack thereof.
it eventually devolved to you sounding like an ignorant jackass about it.. the thread's still in the mine if you want to read it.
Also, i'm trying to be fair, calling me a Jerk isn't exactly a smart move on your part, but if you want me to be one, here we go.

You sir, are acting like an Ass. People tried and gave you some helpful criticism about your spelling, and eventually you ended up throwing it back into -all- their faces and devolving the thread into some meme based crap as seen on 4chan. Then you got a courtesy ban for a few days so you could mull over things for a while, it obviously hasn't worked, you have just as big of a chip on your shoulder as you had previously.
This isn't about your spelling, it's about your abysmal attitude in general, i really suggest you quit drawing attention to yourself with your asinine whining about "poor little me" and how everybody's on your back, and actually work to change that by not being a complete twit. Incase you wanted a quick hint, this thread in general wasn't a good way to go on about it.

Otherwise you're gonna tick off the mods again and end up permabanned. You're not being a productive member, all you're doing is acting the right royal dickhead and lashing out at folks, that sir, is often referred to as "trolling" and it is cited under the rules of this forum, and as soon as Darkmoon or Damaris clap eyes on this, you can probably expect some very dire warnings to be issued, if not decisive action which will involve bootprints on your backside.

some helpful criticism about your spelling,? wth.....that was jsut a plan feild day for the jackass and bully in everyone, they wouldnt leave off it, hell i even had a few jerks saying "do you speak da english?" That was just plan bullying allso your missing my point i was baned no reaoson and no warning, anyone woudl be pissed about that, that was a childish move maybe if they said days ago "Nekoboy if you keep doing {whatever} we will ban you for {number of days} then that would have been better but nooooo nto at all, just baned me for no reason and i didnt even knwo what the hell was going on, allso If anyone didnt notice I'm tryign to put thsi off as a joke from my frist psoto n this thred but as i can see from some people (not you) maybe bill) that some peopel cant take a joke around here.... *sighs* anyway im mostly just mad sicne i was gievn no warning reason ro anbythig nand my e-maisl are all gone because of this D= allso one last thign please do not insult me when  I said nothing even close to what your calling me, and my threds where never about spelling untill every freaking spelling nazi came and started to tick me off.... >.<

{edit: One last thign im not trolling i made other posts here oyu know but im sitll new so dont get all made sicne i onyl made 3 threds so far....umm....maybe 4 not sure....}


actually if memory serves, you were banned for being a Troll in general, and as such, your spelling wasn't the reason..


and pointed out in:,4962.0.html

i could be all "grammar nazi" on your butt, but then again, it's your behavior that's coming under fire here. Which, as I've stated before, is nothing short of abysmal.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on August 29, 2008, 11:21:28 PM
actually if memory serves, you were banned for being a Troll in general, and as such, your spelling wasn't the reason..


and pointed out in:,4962.0.html

i could be all "grammar nazi" on your butt, but then again, it's your behavior that's coming under fire here. Which, as I've stated before, is nothing short of abysmal.

Mostly all they complaned abotu was my spelling heck if my memorie sveres rigth the first thred i made some mod said i could be baded for bad spelling.....witch is kidna childish if you think about it, anyway as i said im nto trolling i just asked a question and was attacked for spelling (mostly) and allso you cant say im trollign hwne im nto besides befsides the 2 question threds i have made other posts and i think anoter thred you know...
{EDIT: Ok i see this will nto help so this is the last tiem i will say a word about this old problem, i do not wish to cause any trouble if i ever do, so im leaveing hte past i nthe past and moving on (aka being the bigger person in this one) if there are any mods pelase lock this thred because i do not wish this to turn into a battale zone liek the last one did......thanks



Quote from: Nekoboy on August 29, 2008, 11:11:38 PM
some helpful criticism about your spelling,? wth.....that was jsut a plan feild day for the jackass and bully in everyone, they wouldnt leave off it, hell i even had a few jerks saying "do you speak da english?" That was just plan bullying allso your missing my point i was baned no reaoson and no warning, anyone woudl be pissed about that, that was a childish move maybe if they said days ago "Nekoboy if you keep doing {whatever} we will ban you for {number of days} then that would have been better but nooooo nto at all, just baned me for no reason and i didnt even knwo what the hell was going on, allso If anyone didnt notice I'm tryign to put thsi off as a joke from my frist psoto n this thred but as i can see from some people (not you) maybe bill) that some peopel cant take a joke around here.... *sighs* anyway im mostly just mad sicne i was gievn no warning reason ro anbythig nand my e-maisl are all gone because of this D=

Hey now.

I didn't chew you out. I didn't spit on you. I didn't insult you. At the most, I criticized your inability to make a decent excuse to cover up your laziness, and that was barely even a jab. I gave you genuine advice. Probably not very good advice, but that was more than what other people were giving you.

So if anything, Nekoboy, this proves one thing: you haven't been listening to anyone, even the people who have been reasonable and even-tempered with you. You just tune out anyone who says something minutely displeasing to you.

Anyone reasonable would have stopped doing what you had been doing after Darkmoon got involved.

Okay, but since this all seems to be rooted in your inexplicable unawareness of how to change your theme, here you go. Finally, instructions! In four, easy-to-understand steps!

1. You click "Profile" on the bar at the top of the forums, just underneath the information displaying your PM number and name and the title of the forum.
2. You go to "Look and Layout Preferences."
3. You select your theme by clicking on "change"; it should be beside the name of the skin you're using under "Current theme."
4. This will guide you to a page with multiple options, complete with previews. Choose one that you think will be less visually-impairing. I recommend the DMFA Skin; it's quite fetching and it comes with Mows.

There, I have rooted out your sole excuse. Now start behaving rationally.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 29, 2008, 11:26:31 PM
Quote from: Nekoboy on August 29, 2008, 11:11:38 PM
some helpful criticism about your spelling,? wth.....that was jsut a plan feild day for the jackass and bully in everyone, they wouldnt leave off it, hell i even had a few jerks saying "do you speak da english?" That was just plan bullying allso your missing my point i was baned no reaoson and no warning, anyone woudl be pissed about that, that was a childish move maybe if they said days ago "Nekoboy if you keep doing {whatever} we will ban you for {number of days} then that would have been better but nooooo nto at all, just baned me for no reason and i didnt even knwo what the hell was going on, allso If anyone didnt notice I'm tryign to put thsi off as a joke from my frist psoto n this thred but as i can see from some people (not you) maybe bill) that some peopel cant take a joke around here.... *sighs* anyway im mostly just mad sicne i was gievn no warning reason ro anbythig nand my e-maisl are all gone because of this D=

Hey now.

I didn't chew you out. I didn't spit on you. I didn't insult you. At the most, I criticized your inability to make a decent excuse to cover up your laziness, and that was barely even a jab. I gave you genuine advice. Probably not very good advice, but that was more than what other people were giving you.

So if anything, Nekoboy, this proves one thing: you haven't been listening to anyone, even the people who have been reasonable and even-tempered with you. You just tune out anyone who says something minutely displeasing to you.

Anyone reasonable would have stopped doing what you had been doing after Darkmoon got involved.

Okay, but since this all seems to be rooted in your inexplicable unawareness of how to change your theme, here you go. Finally, instructions!

1. You click "Profile" on the bar at the top of the forums, just underneath the information displaying your PM number and name and the title of the forum.
2. You go to "Look and Layout Preferences."
3. You select your theme by clicking on "change"; it should be beside the name of the skin you're using under "Current theme."
4. This will guide you to a page with multiple options, complete with previews. Choose one that you think will be less visually-impairing. I recommend the DMFA Skin; it's quite fetching and it comes with Mows.

There, I have rooted out your sole excuse. Now start behaving rationally.

Ill look into it later and pelase read my last edit, as you can see im leaveing the past in the past for now...{edit: wait mows :3 ill look into rigth away i love thoses things.  :mowsmile   {edit 2: wow thats a lot better i can see now :3 thanks}

Amber Williams


Ugh...I wont lie. I am rather displeased that this is all going about and that I have to escape my happy little art-slave table to type about things I dont have much interest in.

So listen up wimmenz cause I will only be saying this once!

To Nekoboy:
If you want the past to be the past, then you best start working on making your present and future impressions a whole lot better.  I expect the next time you post, if you choose to, to actually be something relavent and NOT you complaining about the past or how you feel something is unfair.  If you expect everyone to move on, you should take the first step and actually do the same yourself.

There are a quarter BAJILLION threads all up in this forum. From a DMFA-specific forum to games to art and what have you.  I would hope that you could find something in them that allows you to contribute and talk about things with other people rather than making a thread dedicated to complaining.

If you feel the mods are being unfair, fair enough. I will discuss stuff with them in the mod-lands.  However, I wouldnt expect a lot of sympathy and apologies from them. If I were you, I would focus on trying to behave in a way that makes them reconsider their previous actions...rather than stomp your feet and demand that they do.

Become a good member. Prove those that disapprove of you wrong and show them that you can be a better person than they expect.

To everyone else:
Get off mah darn lawn! :U

And for the love of cookies, you dont need to have seventeen people repeat the same thing over and over again. The horse is dead folks. Its been beaten so much I thought this was the Chicago cubs stadium. D:

If a person is giving you trouble and you offer advice that they turn around and ignore...walk away.  Odds are they are gonna trip up over something and then Darkmoon is going to ravage their weakened corpse like a dingo or something.

To myself:
Get back to work you lazy artist! *whippish*


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 29, 2008, 11:26:31 PM
Anyone reasonable would have stopped doing what you had been doing after Darkmoon got involved.

Am I really that bad?
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I really could swear I posted something like "stop misspelling words or I'm banning your ass." If that's not a clear warning, then I don't know what is. *shrugs*

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber