The DMFA Radio Project

Started by Tezkat, July 08, 2006, 04:22:11 PM

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Quote from: Hilary on August 09, 2006, 02:03:21 PM
QuoteAnd I don't know how 'bishonen' is pronounced either...
A pronunciation can be found here at the wikipedia article, but my computer is too old, clunky, and stupid that whenever I try to listen, it freezes up.

Bishounen is pronounced "bee show nen". You're supposed to stretch out the "o" sound slightly, almost like "bee sho-oh nen" (the long "o" is often dropped from the romanization), but that won't be as noticeable when you're shouting. Japanese is pronounced the way it's spelled, so you just have to remember how they pronounce each vowel sound:

"a" rhymes with ah.
"e" rhymes with bleh.
"i" rhymes with bee.
"o" rhymes with go.
"u" rhymes with zoo.

Uh... I had some other comments to make, but I got distracted and forgot what they were.  :mowdizzy

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I'm having one or two problems with the next bit of SAIA.  If anyone can produce a decent squeak-squeak-squeak sound for the cart, that would be helpful.  I'll keep trying, though.

Also, if I mangled a famous (but out-of-copyright) piece of music because I'm not a sufficiently competent musician, would anyone mind..?

P.S, moderators - if you wish to move this to Tower of Art, that's fine by me.  I'm kind of assuming the reason it's survived here for so long is because Amber somehow vetoed it..

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Okay, here's the next instalment of the SAIA arc:

Known problems:

  • Need a better squeaking sound
  • Fa'lina:  too loud (my fault), Blade's recordings are damaged, don't have a recording for #536
  • Vending machine isn't ready yet, also cookie sounds
  • Score is too dynamic.. use compression?
  • No-one has offered voices for Dave, Kate or the blue succubus watching Dan roll away

Originally I was hoping to use The Sorcerer's Apprentice, locked in time with the squeaks.  I have a demo clip of it, in fact, but that piece of music is extremely complex and I couldn't do it without stealing.  I gave up the struggle and used Anitra's Dance from Peer Gynt instead.  Yes, it's a rearrangement of the MIDI I wrote for 'A Day at the People Factory'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Still sounds pretty great. The only problems I noticed are the ones you have already pointed out. :januscat

James StarRunner

Ya, looks like it still needs a lot of work like you pointed out.

Looks like Insane really had to step up to the plate for Abel this time. I've been noticing improvement too. And holy cow, that must be the most upset I've ever heard myself! (I scare myself...)


Quote from: James StarRunner on August 21, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
Ya, looks like it still needs a lot of work like you pointed out.

In part I released this to try and get people to fill in the missing roles.  You don't want me to do them now, do you?  :twisted

QuoteLooks like Insane really had to step up to the plate for Abel this time. I've been noticing improvement too. And holy cow, that must be the most upset I've ever heard myself! (I scare myself...)

What about 609?

Anyway, I'm going to try and fix the score later tonight and maybe some of the levels if I have time.  The squeaking still eludes me, though...  I used the castors on my bed for that, and it still sounds wrong.  Any idea how it is done in films or cartoons?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

609? You sure? I thought it would have been the growling part on #485.

As for the squeaks, I don't think I can help there. Everything here is old, but nothing really squeaks. We had a VCR that developed a really good squeak, but we trashed it long ago.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I was just thinking - I jsut went through and oiled all the squeaky doors...

I *did* have an idea or two, though damnedif I can remember them now. Oh, yes - would a slow squeak, sped up somewhat and mangled via sound processing, be somethig that might help? The idea I had was something like indicating that the cart that, I presume, Ink supplied to Abel, was, as is appropriate for Ink, specially crafted to be annoying and off-balance...

Given Ink thrives on aggro, making a cart that frustrates whoever is listening to, or pulling it, seems just like his cup of tea.

So to speak.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I just remembered that my old red wagon is out in the shed, buried under mounds of crap. I'll see if I can find it and make it produce a suitable squeaking sound.

And just to let you know, my sister and I haven't forgotten about the kid Abel lines, we're working on them.^^ We just don't have a lot of overlap time when we're both at the house these days.

May Rewanz

What about the squeaks for the "Squeaky Koala of Doom" used in Warrior for Hire?

Speaking of which...
I know that this has been under some debate for some time...what with the slight alteration to Lore's part in Dan vs. Pegasus...but I went ahead and did this just for the fun of it.
I now have on my computer images set to the Warrior for Hire arc (turned it into a movie pretty much), albeit in three pieces.  I also happen to have a YouTube account...which I can upload them to and make it private so that only those with the links can watch (I'm pretty sure that's how that setting works).
Do you guys think I should go ahead and post the links here...or should we ask special permission of Amber since there were slight alterations to the images, albeit only cut/paste alterations?


And, now the busy part of my summer is over and done with.

Any lines that need redoing, I had a list of DMFA things somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. So, yeah >> Will also get started on the Abel story bit stuff soon.


I can probably do Bon tomorrow if you'd like, since I'm not busy. . .  (ot) and I'll be starting classes for the fall semester next week.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

James StarRunner

Err... Bon's a girl. Actually while I'm at it, I believe Nightmyste who Poofy played is actually a girl too.


Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 21, 2006, 08:05:02 PM
What about the squeaks for the "Squeaky Koala of Doom" used in Warrior for Hire?

That sounds too much like a squeaky toy.  Also I've just got one sample of it - I need several to prevent it sounding repetitive, which is the big problem with the castors at the moment.

Quote from: insanekaosx on August 21, 2006, 10:00:36 PM
And, now the busy part of my summer is over and done with.

Any lines that need redoing, I had a list of DMFA things somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. So, yeah >> Will also get started on the Abel story bit stuff soon.

I'm pretty sure it will be on one of the forums.  If not, I'll make another list, but not right now.

Quote from: James StarRunner on August 22, 2006, 02:02:37 AM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on August 21, 2006, 10:56:02 PM
I can probably do Bon tomorrow if you'd like, since I'm not busy. . .  (ot) and I'll be starting classes for the fall semester next week.
Err... Bon's a girl. Actually while I'm at it, I believe Nightmyste who Poofy played is actually a girl too.
Could have fooled me.  Do it anyway, Gabriel - otherwise it will probably have to be me anyway.  (How can we get more voice actresses?)

Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 21, 2006, 08:05:02 PMSpeaking of [Warrior for Hire]...
I know that this has been under some debate for some time...what with the slight alteration to Lore's part in Dan vs. Pegasus...but I went ahead and did this just for the fun of it.

At one point I was working on a modded set of strips for that section.  I didn't get too far, though - just the first couple of frames.

I now have on my computer images set to the Warrior for Hire arc (turned it into a movie pretty much), albeit in three pieces.  I also happen to have a YouTube account...which I can upload them to and make it private so that only those with the links can watch (I'm pretty sure that's how that setting works).
Do you guys think I should go ahead and post the links here...or should we ask special permission of Amber since there were slight alterations to the images, albeit only cut/paste alterations?

Amber seems to clam up when people use the p-word, so don't bank on a speedy reply.  Be that as it may, I'd definitely like to see it even if the links are kept private.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I know of one particular squeak that always gets used for squeaky things of that exact sort, but I just don't know where in the net-web i'm going to find it... And I don't think anyone should forget if something is moving faster, the squeak should probably end up getting exponentially higher pitched before being impossible to hear... right? I don't have anything to squeak in here... I don't even know what i'm talking about anymore *dies of confusion*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 22, 2006, 04:31:50 AM
Quote from: insanekaosx on August 21, 2006, 10:00:36 PM
Any lines that need redoing, I had a list of DMFA things somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. So, yeah >> Will also get started on the Abel story bit stuff soon.
I'm pretty sure it will be on one of the forums.  If not, I'll make another list, but not right now.

I have a list, but I haven't been keeping it up to date...

If someone wants to pm me specific updates, I'll happily pile them in, but I haven't had time to listen to all the sequences and make notes...

Oh, yes. it's at with the scripts.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

May Rewanz

Found one squeak sample...It's horrid...but it may help.

As for the movie...maybe post the first part as a preview...and then the rest when I get a response from Miss Amber?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 22, 2006, 06:59:02 AM
As for the movie...maybe post the first part as a preview...and then the rest when I get a response from Miss Amber?

As long as it's clearly attributed, to the original copyright owner, that meets the copyright laws.

What it doesn't meet is the expectation of politeness for Amber, really. I mean - how much warning have you given her that you want to do this? At time of posting, I make it 11 hours and 3 minutes. Assuming she has a computer, is reading the boards right now, and doesn't sleep, that's ok. I think all three of those are somewhat questionable, don't you? :-)

Not that I'm objecting - I'm merely suggesting that you might want to give her a week, say, to respond. After all, we expect her to be getting her machine back sometime this week, with luck, right? Surely she gets a chance to get it set up how she wants, with her pallets and drawing tools and stuff - that sort of thing can take days to sort out, if not weeks. If you were in her position, wouldn't you want to be allowed some time to sort things out?

.. and that's not even taking into account the Canada Migration v2.0...

Just my 2p...

Edit: You didn't mention emailing her, and, given her machine situation, chances are she's lost whatever emails she had, so...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

May Rewanz

Touche'.  And yes...I have added in the file itself who the comic belongs to and where it can be found at...for all three parts.  And yes, I do realize that it's highly unlikely that Amber will have a quick response...which is why I suggested the preview.  Another reason that I suggested just putting the first part up was because of one of my other which I needed to show an as-complete-as-possible-at-that-time piece to the owner of the webcomic before I could post on the forum to ask for voices.  So the preview would kind of be like saying "Yes, I am serious about this"...or something to that extent.

And as for contact...I have e-mailed her regarding this...and once again do realize that it could take (and I quote) "5 billion years to respond".   :mowwink

Thanks for the input, I really do relish this stuff.   :mowsmile


Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 22, 2006, 07:25:00 AM
Touche'.  And yes...I have added in the file itself who the comic belongs to and where it can be found at...for all three parts.  And yes, I do realize that it's highly unlikely that Amber will have a quick response...which is why I suggested the preview.  Another reason that I suggested just putting the first part up was because of one of my other which I needed to show an as-complete-as-possible-at-that-time piece to the owner of the webcomic before I could post on the forum to ask for voices.  So the preview would kind of be like saying "Yes, I am serious about this"...or something to that extent.

Indeed.  A balance has to be struck between getting permission and then not being able to act on it, and having the entire thing turned down by the author.

With LoDT, the first published recordings were made last June.  I completed the first draft in July and began working on the final version.  Around October(?) I formally asked Amber for permission, but didn't get an actual refusal until January after two emails and one PM spaced over many weeks (the final mixdown of the album having happened in December).  I'm not holding this against Amber you understand, I'm just sharing my experiences in asking her for permission, and I've seen similar things from others.

Anyway, whatever she may think, I'd still like to see it.

As for contact...I have e-mailed her regarding this...and once again do realize that it could take (and I quote) "5 billion years to respond".   :mowwink

Thanks for the input, I really do relish this stuff.   :mowsmile

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

May Rewanz

Yeah...I know that this could be turned down...but at least I only spent about a day on it (there really wasn't much to do...just cut and past rectangles and stuff).   :mowsmile
Although I am thinking about holding off on hosting the first part publicly, since if it is turned down I don't want it to "end like Dark Angel", cut off after only 2 seasons...or in this case 1 part.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Lest it be taken the wrong way - I wasn't suggesting you might be about to do something, merely offering my opinion as to how it might go down the wrong way, should you take the steps you looked likely to take, reasonable as they may seem...

And if that sentence makes no sense to you, I need more sleep :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

May Rewanz

No worries Llearch, your reasons are sound and I myself was slightly hesitant to put the preview up in the first place.

And with the school-year coming (Mine starts did that happen?), I think we could all use a more sleep.   :mowtongue

llearch n'n'daCorna

Scarey news - My son's school starts in a couple weeks. Two weeks, tomorrow, even.

Where -does- the time go...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


everytime I try to register with
Warning: mkdir(/home/files/public_html/files//12746): File exists in /home/files/public_html/includes/ on line 20
Unable to create user folder for userid: 12746. Check directory permission. Registration halted. User not registered.

I recieve this page  before I can complete registration I've tried five times, with different user names and passwords.

they are at putfile, and I could send them to you Through e-mail if you would like, and I can post them here 

bon line 1
bon line 2
bon line 3
bon line 4
bon line 5
bon line 6

all done.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Be it known that I dislike Putfile, since I have to crack the page open and view the source code in order to get at the WAV file.  Six isn't too bad, but 20 or so and it's just nasty.

Anyway, my main point, my two main points, my three..  Among my many points are the following:

1. I like Gabriel's rendition of Bon.

2. I have replaced the SAIA 4 recording with a new one.  The volume levels for the cast are more normalised.  The music has been compressed and otherwise tweaked to give it a more even level throughtout.  And I messed around with the squeaking a bit.

3. I now have Catherine's flic, but I haven't really had a chance to watch it through.

4. We need Nirfy and Kate.  Minilion offered to do Dave, I think, we'll see how that turns out.  I've also got and annoy Blade over the Fa'Lina recordings  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

May Rewanz

Nirfy's the "bishonen" one right?  I might try for that...if that's okay of course.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Interesting point. About 90 seconds in, Dan pronounces "sadist" as "sad"+"ist", rather than, as I'd expect, "say"+"dist"...

Not that I'm complaining, mind. It's just the cognitive dissonance as my mind rolls over it, like a pram over a railway crossing....

I could also comment about the popping in Fa'lina's tracks, however you've already mentioned that :-) And, since I'm using a fairly well-insulating set of headphones (I could record a short track of the average background noise in my workspace, but it's basically white noise - 4 pc's and a laptop, 2 UPS's... not to mention the mains power meter on the wall, and the gas meter over the other side...

yay for working in a basement. On the upside, at least it's reasonably warm here. And not too warm. On the downside, the dehumidifier is sucking 5 litres a day out of the air.... and when it rains, the water pours in the side... *cough*

More seriously, and usefully, I note that recording in the living room, at night, was nicely quiet once the door was shut, so if there's something that you'd like recorded, that my voice might suit, speak up...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

So, am I to understand that you really do still need a Nirfy-recording? I was somehow under the impression that you didn't. Ah well, if you feel so inclined to listen, I feel the need to warn you of the horror.  The shear unadulterated PG-13 horror.

Mind you that I currently haven't the access to my own account so I cannot record on Audacity, as such this was done on Microsoft Sound Recorder. Since I understand that this makes it of a lower quality than preferable, this is really only to get an idea as to if this works. If it does than I suppose I'll just have to do my best to get myself on over to beloved Audacity.

Well then, Ja Ne.


.....lower quality? How? If you're recording something in it, the only thing you have to worry about is the 60-second-at-a-time limit.