Need help translating

Started by Nikki, June 11, 2008, 01:27:27 AM

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I found a song that i really like...trouble is, it's in spanish.

i was wondering if someone could translate it literally for me? i'd like to know what it is saying ^^;;

Vai minha tristeza,
e diz a ela que
sem ela não pode ser.

Diz-lhe numa prece
que ela regresse
porque eu não posso mais sofrer

Chega de saudade...
A realidade é que
sem ela não há paz, não há beleza.
É só tristeza e a melancolia
que não sai de mim, não sai de mim,
não sai...

Mas, se ela voltar,
se ela voltar!
Que coisa linda!
Que coisa louca!

Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar
Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca!

Dentro dos meus braços,
os abraços...
hão-de ser milhões de abraços,
apertado assim,
colado assim,
calado assim!

Abraços e beijinhos
e carinhos sem ter fim!
Que é para acabar com esse negócio
de você viver sem mim!

Não quero mais esse negócio
de você viver assim!

Vamos deixar desse negócio
de você viver sem mim...

those are the lyrics and i'm not sure if it is in spanish or Portugese...

much thanks if you can help ^^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


It's Portuguese.

Too bad I have no idea what it says and posted this crap instead.


Bablefish makes it  hardly comprehensible and depressing , so I guess this isn't the most positive song around, at least not a party hit.

Google translate:
Vai my sadness,
and tells her that
without it can not be.

It tells you a prayer
she returns
because I can not suffer more

Enough of nostalgia ...
The reality is that
without it there is no peace, no beauty.
It is only sadness and melancholy
that does not come out of me, does not come out of me,
does not come out ...

But if it back,
if it back!
What beautiful thing!
What crazy thing!

Because there are fewer fish to swim in the sea
What the beijinhos I give in your mouth!

Inside of my arms,
the hugs ...
you will be millions of hugs,
so tight,
dressed well,
draught well!

Abraços and beijinhos
and carinhos without end!
What is to stop this business
of you live without me!

We do not want this business
well, you live!

Let's leave that business
of you live without me ...
* Aiyno notes that any person could have done this :B


poetry and syntax do not get along very well
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Jack McSlay

lol, babelfish made some really weird mistakes there.

here's something more accurate
Let go my sadness,
and tell it that
without her it cannot be.

Tell her in a prayer
may she come back
because I cannot suffer anymore

Enough with the missinghood*...
The truth is
without it there's no peace, there's no beauty.
It's only sadness and melancholy
that doesn't get out of me, doesn't get out of me
doesn't get out...

But, if she comes back
if she comes back!
What a beautiful thing!
What a crazy thing!

Because there's less fish swimming on the sea
Then the kisses i shall give you on the mouth!

In my arms,
the hugs...
may there be millions of hugs,
tight like this,
glued** like this,
muted like this!

Hugs and little kisses
and caring*** without end!
Which is to end this thing
of you living without me!

I don't want this thing
of you living like this anymore!

Let's drop this thing
of you living without me...
* don't know if this word even exists, can't think of a better translation to the word "saudade", which is the noun that refers to when there's something you remember and you miss (like a dead person, ex-girlfriend or someone who is too far for you to visit)
** altough "colado" literally means "glued", in this context it means "tightly closed"
*** I coudn't think of a proper word to replace for "carinho" either. it refers to rubbing gestures that express affection/love in general
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I would guess "longing" and "caress" as possibly translations from your notes, Jack.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber