Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {3} - Closed

Started by Tapewolf, October 11, 2007, 03:18:56 PM

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Um, does Destania actually know martial arts? I thought she just taught pain and suffering class. I also find it quite strange that even though Jakob apparently knows martial arts, he has never clearly exhibited this ability when fighting.


Quote from: Gareeku on November 28, 2007, 06:05:00 PM
Um, does Destania actually know martial arts? I thought she just taught pain and suffering class.

(1)  http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_703.php
(2)  http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_734.php

You may disagree, but IMHO what Destania has taught Abel and demonstrated to Dan is a form of Judo.  Now whether this is open to all students or only certain ones, I'll admit we do not know.

QuoteI also find it quite strange that even though Jakob apparently knows martial arts, he has never clearly exhibited this ability when fighting.

Actually, he has done back in June:   http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,647.msg127510.html#msg127510

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

I'm still here I swear!

Eph is still stretched out in her deck chair.  :B


Oh joy of joys, another petty squabble. This seems to be happening all the time now, and quite frankly it is pissing me off.

James StarRunner

Aye. It's starting to feel more like the Jerry Springer show then an epic adventure.

Mel Dragonkitty

James, your post must have crossed with my edit. When my poor language choice was pointed out I altered it.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Quote from: Gareeku on December 05, 2007, 02:10:41 AM
Oh joy of joys, another petty squabble. This seems to be happening all the time now, and quite frankly it is pissing me off.

Why do you think Styg's under deck? Not only is it in character, but it also stops all the bickering that people seem to want to get out. And I'll have him stay down there until nightfall.

Also, aside from the out-of-sync-ness on Mel's and James' parts, I want to ask him something. Mel said that she had gone away before. Is it just the Angel super-senses that make you presume you heard her, or does everyone but me think that this is a very small boat? Or is it just that you have to try and get in every damn conversation and 'win' it?

I am not trying to be hostile here, and I can understand it if you are all just trying to be in character, but some of the things here, particularly the immaturity comments that seem both baseless and a whole lot more targeted toward the player than the character, just seem ridiculous to me. If anyone could offer some calm and reasonable explanations, I would be most happy, as it would hopefully relieve all this tension.

James StarRunner

Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on December 05, 2007, 01:53:20 PM
James, your post must have crossed with my edit. When my poor language choice was pointed out I altered it.
Whoops! Ya, I definitely saw the old one before it was edited. This will change things now. I'll change mine now.

edit> Ok, my last post was entirely changed.

Quote from: Stygian on December 05, 2007, 02:17:33 PM
Also, aside from the out-of-sync-ness on Mel's and James' parts, I want to ask him something. Mel said that she had gone away before. Is it just the Angel super-senses that make you presume you heard her, or does everyone but me think that this is a very small boat? Or is it just that you have to try and get in every damn conversation and 'win' it?

I am not trying to be hostile here, and I can understand it if you are all just trying to be in character, but some of the things here, particularly the immaturity comments that seem both baseless and a whole lot more targeted toward the player than the character, just seem ridiculous to me. If anyone could offer some calm and reasonable explanations, I would be most happy, as it would hopefully relieve all this tension.
No, the boat may be plenty big enough. James does have keen hearing though that goes beyond his angel senses. He had heard Cog's name already even though he wasn't in the room back in the tavern when it was given. There were a few other occasions where it should have been plain that James could hear remarkably well. James is a peacekeeper too. That's why he tried to quell the hostilities back at the tavern and why he's trying to get things to an understanding now.

My comments were meant purely in character though. Me and Keaton already demonstrated that even though her character holds grudges towards angels, that I as a player hold nothing against her player. Mel in character had said something before the edit that genuinely would have hurt James' feelings especially since she was there at the oracles when James became depressed after learning something about his parents. So James would have felt it was a personal attack. So of course he would have thought of her as immature then, it's not baseless. I hold no grudges to Mel's player, I don't roll like that. Mel is totally fine.

You however seem irritated with me both in and out of character. You claim not to be hostile, but your tone in saying, "Or is it just that you have to try and get in every damn conversation and 'win' it?" seems to contradict what you just said. Let's just keep the hostilities between us just between our characters and not as players, alright? I hope that's a reasonable and calm explanation for you.


Quote from: James StarRunner on December 05, 2007, 02:52:27 PM
You however seem irritated with me both in and out of character. You claim not to be hostile, but your tone in saying, "Or is it just that you have to try and get in every damn conversation and 'win' it?" seems to contradict what you just said. Let's just keep the hostilities between us just between our characters and not as players, alright? I hope that's a reasonable and calm explanation for you.

Quite a lot of one, though I can't really say that I see how you've perceived that I'm hostile toward you out of character. I pretty much jab at everyone in between, to a purpose. Keeps people on their toes and makes them think more. The comment about trying to win conversations I made because it honestly seems to be what either you, or James, is doing (see one of Ignatz's former thoughts for more illumination on this). And while mostly the arguments have been reasonable and the interaction understandable, if there is some sort of tendency for some to get on high horses, I wish for that to stay in character. No offense, of course. So far you seem to be, by far, the calmest one over all of this.

Of course, I'll have to add to that, that the calm and 'moral' people who think they're viewing the whole thing from the sideline most often are the ones who think they can criticize everyone else without taking a good look at themselves first... >:3

James StarRunner

Well, that 'jab', I perceived was you being irritated with me.

I have no horse though to keep me high. :P I'm just trying to keep this RP enjoyable for all. I criticize myself all the time. It's how I try to improve myself day by day.


Stygian, next time you feel the urge to make jabs at people, don't. It is pissing people off, including myself.


I like it better when I face things with focus and an angle of approach. Calm down, Gar. This is a game, and should only be treated as such. It's all a game. Moves and turns...

James StarRunner

And all people should be able to enjoy it too. Pretty much all games are meant to be enjoyed. I've read other comments about you in other OOC threads. Seems like you're ticking lots of people off. I wouldn't brush comments like Gar's aside. You may very well find yourself booted if you continue being a jerk.


Quote from: James StarRunner on December 07, 2007, 06:13:41 PM
And all people should be able to enjoy it too. Pretty much all games are meant to be enjoyed. I've read other comments about you in other OOC threads. Seems like you're ticking lots of people off. I wouldn't brush comments like Gar's aside. You may very well find yourself booted if you continue being a jerk.

With all the things in circulation, I can't really say you don't have a point, James. Mind though, that everyone, Hell, even people who don't seem to have the brains to, slander and throw dirt around. But put the balls to the wall, and you find out just who has the guts to stand up and by their words, and who will wimp out and instead talk behind your back and bait and see hostility everywhere.

For example, anyone could easily have taken that whole statement as a threat, James.

But fortunately, I'm not spiteful, and I know what this is all about. Not to mention I know you're one of the good guys, and I don't ever run crying to the mods when someone pokes me on the shoulder. :D

So, I'll just say a friendly 'up yours, let's leave this behind and get on with things'.


I would have thought that saying something once would stop this insult-flinging and general arguementative asshattery. It appears that i was wrong. I'll say it another way; Shut up.. If you keep this up, I will have no choice but to exclude you from the rp.


Quote from: Gareeku on December 07, 2007, 07:13:25 PM
I would have thought that saying something once would stop this insult-flinging and general arguementative asshattery. It appears that i was wrong. I'll say it another way; Shut up.. If you keep this up, I will have no choice but to exclude you from the rp.

Who's flinging insults and threats now? I made a gentle response and hoped I got the point across to James that I'm his friend and that I have not done anything to try and worsen that relationship, save being honest. And also, that I am not going to do anything to worsen that.

I don't know what the problem has ever been here. We have been playing our parts and characters to the letter. I have not received any sort of warning of a problem before, and no one has stated what the particular issue is this time. And in light of what is going on right now, that is why I cannot but suspect that you have been whispering in his ear, and that you are in some strange way trying to 'get back' at me for perceived insults by excluding me from an RP, Gar. And, of course, hoping to make me say something rash so you can report me to the moderators, well-timed now that they're clawing for my balls. It seems pretty low to me.

Still, if that is what this whole issue is about, something I do not really believe but which seems to be the only logical conclusion right now, I'll back out of the RP, no questions asked.

I can only say that I'm really sorry for whatever I might have done and that the whole deal seems quite a bit pitiful.


I think a calm breath might do everyone good here. I am not the GM, and what Gar says here goes. But I think this RP isn't the real issue here.
I'm not saying anyone is trying to trick anyone into doing anything, and I'm not saying anyone is doing anything untoward. I mean to say that this RP isn't really the root of the problem here. There is no point for unpleasantness here.


Quote from: Stygian on December 09, 2007, 07:27:40 PM
from his statement and tone one could at least draw the conclusion that he did not agree with the wolf's worries, and more importantly that he had quite sharp senses.
It shouldn't really come as a surprise, since if he heard that, he'd also have heard him saying how he disliked violence when he did the Judo thing.

And that reminds me, when Gareeku's replied, I'll have to do something about Styg's hearing  :mwaha

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Aaaah! Busy! Busy! Busyyyy!

I'll do my best to catch up, but please bear with me in the meantime. It's exam season, which also means it's grading season. I think I'll have some free time on Wednesday.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I'm supposing this ship is a little smaller than I thought - I assumed James and myself were still up on the second level, or somesuch. This far into it, I don't suppose it matters, but perhaps a little idea as to how big the ship is might not be a bad idea.


I was sure that i mentioned this before, but apparently not. The ship is quite large, so people can not have super-duper hearing and hear people on the other side of the ship. If people wish to join in conversations that other people are having but are in a different part of the vessel then they will have to actually walk to where they need to and not just talk from where they are.


I am prone to missing characters leaving set etc, but this is how I see it:
Gareeku and most of the others are on one of the upper decks, loosely clustered around the food hamper which Mel took up there, before going back down to the lower deck and hold where Ignatz is.  Gareeku then broke away from the main group to watch the water and Jakob is somewhere between him and them.  (When I wrote his query to Gareeku, he was IIRC still with the others)
Meanwhile, Ignatz is using his bat-hearing to catch snatches of the conversation floating down to him, but he can't reply, and the others he's with can only hear what he passes on.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 I was under the impression that Mel stormed away from the group, on the lower deck, and that James and myself followed her up, from which she later went back down and into the hold.

It's moot, at this point. But I suppose it's safe to assume that everyone is now in the same place, on the upper deck.


[forget I said that... I've decided to use it myself]

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hey, Tape - Wikipedia says that dogs hear up into the 45khz range. Perhaps Jakob has been listening to his tapes a bit too loudly? :3
Or has the wikimobile failed me again? I'm uncertain...


Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 10, 2007, 09:10:01 PM
Hey, Tape - Wikipedia says that dogs hear up into the 45khz range. Perhaps Jakob has been listening to his tapes a bit too loudly? :3

If you check some of the early OOC posts, specifically around the time Jakob is holed up listening to some Deep Purple, I took a compromise between dogs and people and I'm assuming that a wolf-furre's hearing tops out at around 35khz.  The exact frequency is less relevant - the idea is that Styg, who can apparently hear murmured voices from inside a cargo hold two or more floors down is likely to have a nasty jolt.

If it turns out that a Were's hearing does go up to 45khz (since they have more acute senses) Cog has just given himself away, and Jakob is going to have to increase the frequency in his whistle.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


And what about me?

Just because I'm still too busy to catch up it doesn't mean my character's not there.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on December 11, 2007, 05:52:25 AM
Just because I'm still too busy to catch up it doesn't mean my character's not there.
Indeed.  It's probably going to annoy Gabi as well.  I was going to add that actually, but you were already reading it...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

I know he has good hearing, but I have no idea what frequencies my character can hear. Heck, I don't even know what frequencies I hear in real life.

llearch n'n'daCorna

People hear, from memory (ie, I didn't look into wikipedia) somewhere in the 2-20kHz range. Some peopel can't hear above 16, and the seriously audio fanatics -may- manage 20, and there are some harmonic effects from higher ranges that affect people, as well...

But that's the range, as I understand it.

Heh. Wikipedia (here - scroll way down to the Frequency Variation section at the bottom) says the "usually quoted range is 20Hz to 20kHz". So I was somewhat wrong on the bottom end, but not the top.
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