CN: CTW - War Over - Briefing (upd: 2008-05-21)

Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, May 12, 2008, 03:21:53 PM

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Nope. CN time is 1 hour behind EST. So the update happens at 1 AM for you, 11 PM for James, and 5 AM for those of you on Zulu time.

Can you still make it?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

James StarRunner

Ya, Perplakistan is still too big for me, so I hit my other target again, destroying about 40 infra levels this time. :3

Oh, and two of my aid slots opened up. I'll be wiser about using them in the future.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Only concern with that plan, Tez, is the lack of a stagger. Unless you're suggesting James wait until after update, ie Friday morning?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'll stagger around 6:00 am on Friday.

1:00am is still kinda late for me.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



Quote from: James StarRunner on May 15, 2008, 01:25:29 AM
Ya, Perplakistan is still too big for me, so I hit my other target again, destroying about 40 infra levels this time. :3

Nice. Did you use missiles this time? :mowdan

I did ask you to wait in my last post, though. :animesweat Einsatz is the "official" leader of the alliance, although he may have unofficially ceded power back to their supposedly banished leader (the guy in hippie mode who started this mess). They must have contact with each other on IM/chat/etc. Your attack yesterday could have been written off as a tech raid. (Did he offer peace?) Now that he knows you have it in for him, they can alert the rest of the alliance. Some of them might bulk up or hit hippie mode before tonight's update as a result.

Ah, well... It probably won't matter for such small fries, which is why this little military exercise is good practice for us. :3 For an example of what happens to uncoordinated attackers in the big leagues, take a look at FreakSafari's war stats. They tried to blitz TOOL at update the night before last, but they had more counterattackers than attackers before it was over. And we're talking about the space of an hour or so here. A day later, half the alliance is in anarchy (and the rest are in peace mode).

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 15, 2008, 03:20:45 AM
Only concern with that plan, Tez, is the lack of a stagger. Unless you're suggesting James wait until after update, ie Friday morning?

I suggested hitting him "after" Aiyno/Joe finished their attacks, whenever that may be. James isn't big enough to make the opening assault, at least not while already occupied with Einsatz. In any event, staggering the guy is irrelevant unless we're passing him on to another alliance with smaller members. Coordinated attacks from three people should do ~100 infra damage a day at that size, and he's not going to grow while in anarchy, so even James probably won't be in range to re-declare by the end of the week.

I sent off some aids to our fighters. Do not spend it until after declaring war. (Well, James can spend his, since he's already at war. :3) These guys are already barely in NS range to attack. As it is, Joe may have to decomission troops and/or destroy infra in order to be in range to hit this guy if Ainyo attacks first.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Incidentally, before you attack, set your defcon to 1.

Once peace breaks out, set it back to 5.

It gives you a whole bunch of advantages - better attack strength, cheaper troops, better defence; and a bunch of disadvantages - more expensive bills, mostly, but also more unrest and less taxes...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yup. Don't fight a war without DEFCON 1. It makes a huge difference in combat strength. But I think you guys knew that already. :3

Oh, and Aiyno? Please raise your taxes! You don't want to be fighting a war with a gimped economy. :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

James StarRunner

Ya, I had mine on 1 for the attack, thought I'd switch it back to 5 for taxes, then go back to 1 after. Didn't know about the day cooldown though...

And I thought you meant to wait on Perplakistan, not Einsatz (whom I did pelt with missiles). He didn't ask for peace yet. But I'll ask this now then, what should be my course of action?


Ah, sorry I wasn't more clear. Well, since you've already done your attacks for the day, just continue as we planned. Hit Einsatz again tomorrow with everything you've got, and attack Perplekistan once the others have softened him up for you.

Go back to DEFCON 1 as soon as possible and stay there for the rest of the war.

Going DEFCON 5 in the middle of a war is actually kinda mean, I think... It sends your opponent a message that he's not even worth fighting at full strength. >:] Be careful though. I'd spend a lot of that cash I sent you on infra and improvements. Buy a dozen or so missiles. If he catches you at DEFCON 5 and lands an all out attack while you still have $3 mil in the bank, he's gonna have a LOT of funds to rebuild his nation. :dface Maybe keep a couple hundred k on hand for the battle. If you run into financial trouble, just holler and we can send you more aids. :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Wot he said.

I'm saving up for another wonder, so I've got just over 20 million standing by, and YC said he'd be happy to cough up 15 million if necessary. Since that's 5 separate max-pays, that's a big chunk of change - still, let's not waste it, mmhmm? ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Should I throw these 3 million Kyats into army already?
...I don't even know who to attack yet :B

of course if I don't have to I could boost infra... *cough*


Hmm... I fail at conveying information. :animesweat

Okay... here's the problem:

Perplakistan is only 3.6k NS, and whoever attacks first is gonna knock a few hundred NS off of that. That means that the first attacker can have no more than 7.2k NS and the second will probably need to be under 6.6k NS.

That means you really can't afford to build yourself up before declaring war. Once you declare war, then you can go on a spending spree with all the shiney moneys I sent. :3

You need around 50 points worth of bombers to do full damage on an airstrike, so it's probably not worth it to buy them at your level. Just spend it on troops, tanks, missiles, and the usual  infra/improvements.

tl;dr Declare war first, then buy stuff.


:gun1 :chainsaw


Target: Perplakistan

I think update is around 7 AM your time. (CN update is at midnight CST.) If possible, declare war and attack ~15 minutes before then and get in a second round right after the update.

:gun1 :chainsaw


Target: Perplakistan

Scheduled for ~6 AM EST Friday.

If Aiyno attacks first, you may have to disband some military in order to drop your NS low enough to declare war. (You can't be over twice his NS.) You may even have to drop a bit of infra. Just use the cash I sent you to replace it after you declare.

:gun1 :chainsaw


Target: Einsatz

Continue attacks as usual.

Target: Perplakistan

Attack after at least one of the others has softened him up for you.

:gun1 :chainsaw

WHAT TO DO FIRST... (These are in order for a reason.)

1. Colect Taxes/Pay Bills.
2. Go DEFCON 1 and stay there for the rest of the war.
3. Declare War.
4. Buy shiney things.
5. Attack!

:gun1 :chainsaw


1. Deploy troops.
2. Fire 2 Cruise Missiles.
3. 2 Bombing Runs (if available).
4. 2 Ground Attacks.
5. Replace troops.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

James StarRunner

Well found out who my target's tech partner was:

Quoteyou attacked my friend and tech deal partner. If you don't cease attacks and pay him reperations you're costing me 3million $. I dont want to have that cash go to waste so send peace and reps immediately


Yeah, we know about him...

Don't reply. We'll handle the diplomatical end after the op goes officially live.


GLU had a chat with RoT leadership on our behalf. That guy shouldn't give you any more trouble. :3
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

James StarRunner

Quote from: Tezkat on May 15, 2008, 07:10:10 PMGLU had a chat with RoT leadership on our behalf. That guy shouldn't give you any more trouble. :3
Ah, good. I didn't know what to say since I didn't intend on paying him back.

Anyways with my attack on Einsatz tonight, I seem to have killed off over a quarter of his infra and tech in total these past 3 days.

Has Perplakistan been softened up yet? He still looks pretty formidable to me. There's no way I can wage a lasting war alone with him in my condition (and with being spread out fighting my other guy).

llearch n'n'daCorna

Not yet. It looks like we missed the start of the war.

Incidentally, if you have a look at the row of icons in the Alliance Affiliation box on Viewing your nation, there's Statistics, Rankings, Map, Wars, Aid, Spies, in that order. If you hit the Wars one, it lists all the wars being fought either for or against your alliance.

Which means it's easy to find out that you're the only one currently fighting. I suspect either someone got lost, or we confused which day it was we were supposed to be attacking...

In fact, there's only 3 wars currently on for that alliance... which suggests that pretty much everyone is doing much the same...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Nice job, Joe. :mowcookie Perplakistan dropped by like 100 infra in one round.

He's soft and squishy for you to attack now, James. Just be careful... he usually logs in around lunch time CST, so he might be sharp and pointy again soon. Regardless, he probably won't be in a position to counterattack with anything but missiles against a three way assault.

In case any of you were curious as to why we're hitting these guys, the official DoW is up. In a nutshell, the ex-leader of Blitzkrieg provoked a war with Elysium and was added to the perma-ZI list as a result. Since it seemed to be mostly his fault, they spared the rest of the alliance. Blitzkrieg repays the generosity by reinstating him as an alliance leader under a new identity a few weeks later. His first official act under the new name? Trying to trick Elysium into granting them a protectorate status. :animesweat The jerk's currently sitting in peace mode while his alliance takes the fall for him. Again. Maybe they'll learn this time?

Going forward, since the war is now official, you guys might want to reference them being enemies of Pegasus in your war declarations, just so these guys know what they're dealing with.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Nice sig image, there, Tez. Lovely flag and claw.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks. Been using it in all my CN-related forum sigs.

I adapted some of my kitty macro photoshop collection to the new DMFA flag. It makes our new flag look pretty sexy. :3 I still need to colourize the foreground, but I do like the effect.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Is it just me, or is there some correlelation betwen the fact that this guy is called barbarossa, and Operation Barbarossa was when Hitler betrayed Stalin? AND that this guy's alliance is called blitzkrieg?

And by the way, I've been having a lot of fun reading all this. In the beginning, the chats you posted and the things you said sounded almost like you guys are part of some shadow conference trying to take over the world xD
Jeez, this whole thing is almost bona-fide TV quality entertainment :boogie

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


attack before 7 AM....

Holy frig.. 7 in the morning :B

I think I'll just attack this evening as late as possible.

we all know Aiyno needs his sleep, otherwise Aiyno not perma-sleepy but perma-not-there-at-all-sleepy


Heh. Actually, it was supposed to be 7 AM this morning. However, since the update blitz opportunity has already passed, and he already has one attacker on him, there's no military reason to hold off for the quad now. He's sharp and pointy again, though, so James can't hit him yet.

He's also begging for mercy: :animesweat

QuoteI was attacked by a member of your alliance, I see that you are a protectorate of Elysium, an alliance who recently ass#$*@d me. (Never did find out why.) I'd like to prevent that from happening again, please tell Joe3210 to call off the attack.

What do you guys think? Should we keep hitting him or give him a day to plead his case? Einsatz is obviously complicit in the stupidity that got his alliance into this mess and deserves to donate as much tech as possible to our cause, >:] but I'm not a fan of punishing the little guys for their leaders' deeds.


Heh... turns out we were right after all. It's a pretty speech, although the crux of his argument remains "Please trust me, I'm a liar!" :animesweat

However, unless there are any objections, I'm going to call a temporary ceasefire until we figure out how this should play out. So now new DoWs for now. (But those of you already engaged don't need to declare peace just yet...)

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on May 16, 2008, 03:57:14 PM
Heh. Actually, it was supposed to be 7 AM this morning.

Other obligations, aka: work practicums

I will obey the ceasefire.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I enquired with Great_Lakes_Union, since mhawk wasn't around.

22:06 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> What's up?
22:06 <llearch> ah... been some conversation between Perplakistan or whatever his name is...
22:06 <llearch> and Tezkat.
22:06 <llearch> and there's Hanz's post in the CN forum.
22:07 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Perplakistan?
22:07 <llearch>
22:07 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> I saw, and just responded
22:08 <llearch> mmm.
22:08 <llearch> The rest of the details:
22:08 <llearch> Said nation sent this message to Tez:
22:09 <llearch> I was attacked by a member of your alliance, I see that you are a protectorate of Elysium, an alliance who recently ass#$*@d me. (Never did find out why.) I'd like to prevent that from happening again, please tell Joe3210 to call off the attack.
22:09 <llearch> and as Tez says of Hanz's little speech, 'It's a pretty speech, although the crux of his argument remains "Please trust me, I'm a liar!"'
22:09 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Exactly
22:10 <llearch> the question remains: Do we keep hammering the rest of his alliance, or do we let them off?
22:10 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> As I said, we tried playing nice the first time and got burned for it
22:10 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Keep hitting
22:10 <llearch> right you are. Official word: Stomp flat.
22:10 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> :D
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The guy I attacked sent me this:
Wanna tell me why you attacked me? Its not like I have any tech...

Any more orders?
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



I wrote him a fairly detailed explanation for our attacks against him yesterday. He hasn't logged on to read it yet.

Regardless, you may continue attacking until further notice. SOAP's hitting both of our targets now as well. :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Will do. :mowwink

QuoteYou cannot attack Perplakistan at this time because their battle odds are at 1% and are not high enough to fight your forces. The government of Perplakistan has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of Perplakistan as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



Quote from: Joe3210 on May 17, 2008, 07:58:57 PM
Will do. :mowwink

QuoteYou cannot attack Perplakistan at this time because their battle odds are at 1% and are not high enough to fight your forces. The government of Perplakistan has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of Perplakistan as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory.

Victory! Now to attack something myself...

okay... maybe that is quite impossible.

llearch n'n'daCorna

If you can declare on someone, you can start throwing missiles at them, at least...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears