04/22/08 - Bad Day

Started by Cogidubnus, April 22, 2008, 09:46:15 PM

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Mostly, I like to dance.

Looks like you're caught in a bastard, girl. Godspeed breaking out of it.

Oh dear.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Rafe on April 25, 2008, 12:18:31 AM

There were some similarities with Amber's situation and mine which I think might help her, but talkng about it is going to be up to her.  I'm still dealing with the damage that did to me, but I'm still alive and can at least sit up and type now.

But Amber's the one who needs help right now.  I want her to know that she has the strength to deal with this, and the prayers of everyone here.

It is good we still have you around, Rafe...  :hug

 I sent a donation to MissMab paypal.. But I forgot to write a note with it...   Hopefully, Amber can get to family and friends and/or is still looking in on us to see these posts....  We are all here for Amber and we are pulling for you.  

Love and Hugs

I will have draw something for Amber, for this...

Old Wolf

Amber, while technically my first post in this forum should have been in the Villa, I just wanted to pass through to offer you my deepest condolences; a kind crossover denizen gave us the sad news over at the Freefall forum. The small drop I placed in your bucket was ten times bigger in my heart, and my thoughts are with you as you move into a new season of your life. :hug

-The Old Wolf

MT Hazard

Amber, having only experienced the death of pets (2 gerbils, 2 gold fish, 4 rats, 1 guinea pig) I can't fully understand what a close relative dying must feel live. But if its as heart wrenching as I imagine that you have my sympathy and best wishes.

One song that came to mind reading this topic is Dido's  'See The Sun'
I'd recommend it.

One thing that bothered me about the death of the pets was that I didn't seem to really 'feel' their deaths, I only cried for one, the goldfish (Which makes no sense to me, I didn't really like him) I guess it's the shock more than anything, if you have any kind of warning, even subconsciously, it seems to prepare you a little.

To all those who have lost loved ones, my sympathy and best wishes.

Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 



I registered at this forum for the sole purpose of expressing my best wishes in your times of trouble.

Death happens; life goes on.  Right now it all seems as it it's too much.  But it will get better with time.  It may never stop hurting entirely, but it will get better.  Remember that there are people around you, in real life and on the net, who are family and friends, who love you, like you, respect you, and admire you.

You'll make it.



My deepest condolences for you on the loss of your father. Take as much time as you need, take more time than you need... Don't force yourself to do anything for us.

We will be back if / when you choose to return. As I have sat here, looking at the various smilies, the only one that even remotely seems to properly indicate what I want to say is:  :mowsad


Dealing with the death of someone so close is a tough cookie. Loved as DMFA doubtless is, there are things more important in life than webcomics (shock and awe!), and recovery is one of them.

You and your family have my well-wishings and condolences. I would recommend, though, taking as much time as you need to grieve and rest. Flattering as text-messages filled with expressions of sympathy are, no amount of internet pals and bloggers can give you the reinforcement you might need. Please don't hesitate to take all the time in the world to spend with those you know and love in person. I can guarantee the fanbase will still be around when you get back. =P
(Whether that's a blessing or a curse some days, I'll let you make up your own mind.)

Chin up. You work hard and fill the world with colour - You're in serious deserving of some time off. ♥
