04/22/08 - Bad Day

Started by Cogidubnus, April 22, 2008, 09:46:15 PM

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Not much to say that has not been said but I agree withe everyone; Take your time, Amber. We will all be here for you and be here once you are ready to resume.  Our  condolances are with you.
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.



Wow, life just dumped a big ol' bucket of meanie on you. I do hope the border issues clear up for you. Other than that, I'll just say, as always, if you need to take a break, go for it. Your fans will still be here when you get back. :mowsmile
Yap by Silver.


I know she never mentioned it on the forum, but I spent some time with Amber after Katrina and remember how she was trying to get in contact with her father.  One of her stepbrothers had been in contact with him, and she was trying to check up on where he was. 

Amber, I've been on both side of this kind of thing, and I know how horrible it is.  If you ever feel like talking about it, let me know. 

To everyone else, Amber obviously needs some money right now.  At least we can take care of some travel expenses for her so she won't have to worry about that.  Pay Pal her whatever you can.  I'm sure she needs it, and will greatly appreciate your help. 


As they say, it never rains but it pours.   :mowsad
You and your family have my condolences, and my sympathy. 


Oh my God... I'm so sorry. My prayers go to you and your family, Amber.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


i feel sorry for your loss and the troubles that you are having durring them i hope you you can solve them so you can can have time with family matters because afterall family does matter
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


My prays to you. 
If there is anything we can do don't hesitate to ask.
We DMFA fans are hear to help.

Lineaus Wolf

*hugs you* my sympathies on your loss amber, my prayers, and meditations go out to you in your time of loss/need, i think i speak for all of us who enjoy the comic when i say take all the time you need to heal and greave


My condolences; I'm sorry for your terrible loss.  :cry


Amber, I am truly sorry for your loss. May the Lord be with you and yours at this hard time, and remember that no matter what, we love you and support you greatly. You always make our days, so you hold a special place in our hearts.

Seth C Triggs

Please accept my condolences, and I hope for the best in sorting out the other stuff. But I am confident it will work out!

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW - http://www.bibp.com

Stig Hemmer

*hugs* Spend time with the family that is still around.  You need them, and they need you.  Us fans can wait.
Stig Hemmer, at your disservice.


I can only imagine what you are going through right now, Amber. When I think of what would happen if my parents were to die, the mere thought of it is unbearable. I can’t say I have ever been through it myself, but I nonetheless offer my deepest sympathies.


my mom died recently so i know what your going thru. :<

it does get easier, it just takes time

/much :hug and :mowcookie


/kicks the internet over



Always terrible news, its so hard to imagine someone close dying. Even the old are a surprise, they've been around so long you cant imagine a world without them. A parent dying,  at least its better then a parent burying their child, the only comfort is knowledge of a relatively painless death, that suffering was minimal.

but the suffering will always linger in those who remain.

i know another person who was just hit hard, and i have no clue how to comfort them either. In addition to the imminent loss of a mother, they also just found out their brother has been dead two years and they just now heard. Stuff like this no ammount of flowers or cookies can fix, but at least it shows someone else cares.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Guys... I hate to be a butt... but you can do more than offer condolences...

You can offer money.

Find the paypal button and send her a buck.  Send her five.  Or twenty.  Or a hundred.  Send her some money to help her take care of a few of these burdens so that we can get back to the story we all love.

You want to really help?  You have two sentators and a number of congress critters to contact.  Tell them about Amber, a native born American, and her problem with the Border.  Unless she's been to Islamabad the last few months there's no excuse for the kind of harassment she has to endure.  And yeah, most likely it will go into the great E-mail trashbin... but maybe it might nudge things in her favor.

And if you post on other forums then drop a thread to ask them for help too.  There are so many people who need help; now is our opportunity to actually help one we know.  Who never once demanded a single cent for access to her creations... to a comic that has for years given me happiness.

And Amber.  Do... NOT... feel guilty about our help.  Don't feel you owe us a special bonus quintuple feature.  All too often some one dies as we feel just as helpless for how to help their loved ones.  Let us give you something to feel in our hearts that we aren't completely helpless in this.

My final piece of advice, and then I'll leave you alone...  cry.  Cry, sob, blubber, and weep.  Cry till your throat is raw and your eyes burn and then cry some more.  Because the one thing worse you can do is not cry and hold it in.  It'll turn heavier and heavier until it becomes like a black hole, consuming everything inside you.  Don't shut off your grief simply because you think its better or easier to deal with the pain.  I did when my father died, and to this day I have no difficulty thinking what a heartless bitch I was for not crying when he did.  Don't do that to yourself.

We're here for you and we care for you.  You're not begging for money.  You don't owe us anything.  Just take it and do whatever you have to do to get better.  And we'll be here waiting.


Be glad of life, for it gives you the chance to learn, to love, and to look at the stars and dream.


Lots of Hugs for Amber..

Really sorry to hear about all that..

:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


At a time like this, the only thing that can make depressed person happy is lots of loving comfort from her hubby, and tons of chocolate!  Someone send Amber 1.5 Metric Tons of chocolate, and her hubby can give it to her with lots of loving hugs and kisses and caresses!  Stat!


I'm coming out of my self-imposed lurking to add my condolances to the ones already expressed.  I hope everything goes well and you can make it to the funeral in time. Take your time, take care of yourself and do not worry about the comic. I think I can safely say that we all understand that the comic's not a number one priority right now...

Again, my condolances to you and your family. And I'll be sure to drop a line here and there on other forums I frequent...


I've only just seen the strip and the rant. I'm so sorry to hear that!

Many times I've thought of replying to rants but refrained from doing so because I was sure someone was bound to have said what I wanted to say. Now that's the case too, and I know that whatever I say won't really make a difference, but...

I just want you to know, Amber, that I care for you. I'm one of the many people who do. You've made a difference in our lives and, while none of us is likely to be able to do the same for you, I want you to know that we'll always be there for you.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Somber on April 24, 2008, 02:06:52 AM
...You want to really help?  You have two sentators and a number of congress critters to contact.  Tell them about Amber, a native born American, and her problem with the Border.  Unless she's been to Islamabad the last few months there's no excuse for the kind of harassment she has to endure.  And yeah, most likely it will go into the great E-mail trashbin... but maybe it might nudge things in her favor.

Most of Amber's problems crossing the boarder haven't been in getting-into-the-U.S. related, they have been getting-back-into-Canada related, and related to her getting Canadian citizenship.  Just thought I'd remind eveyone.  Maybe some up there can help.

QuoteAnd if you post on other forums then drop a thread to ask them for help too.  There are so many people who need help; now is our opportunity to actually help one we know.  Who never once demanded a single cent for access to her creations... to a comic that has for years given me happiness.

A thread started up almost simultaneously on the Jack forum, and has been at or near the top of the list since.  She has a lot of friends there.  And I agree, money is a good idea right now.  Just PayPal her whatever you can.

Prof B Hunnydew

Hey Rafe

How are you doing after your brush with Death last week?    I hope you are doing better... Take your vitamins and go to bed... :hug

......I'll be sending money tomorrow (Friday)... and my prayers are with  you and yours, Miss Mab.   

Wishing you the best at this sad moment...  :hug  :hug :mowsad


   I just wanted to say that every time I look at this topic now, two songs instantly spring to mind--and they ring so truly at this time.
   First one, of course, may or may not have had something to do with the topic title;
   Daniel Powter's Bad Day.
   Then is one that is singing out in almost eveyone's posts;
   The Rembrants I'll Be There For You.
   I can only hope these songs help in some small way, since the meaning of both of these songs seem to match the description of what's going almost perfectly.


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on April 24, 2008, 09:52:00 PM
Hey Rafe

How are you doing after your brush with Death last week?    I hope you are doing better... Take your vitamins and go to bed... :hug

There were some similarities with Amber's situation and mine which I think might help her, but talkng about it is going to be up to her.  I'm still dealing with the damage that did to me, but I'm still alive and can at least sit up and type now.

But Amber's the one who needs help right now.  I want her to know that she has the strength to deal with this, and the prayers of everyone here.


From my family to yours, Amber, our deepest sympathies and prayers at this time.


--Nerikull Murakami
"When life hands you lemons, chuck them back until life hands you the winning lottery ticket!"


There's not much to say in a situation like this... Just know that there are TONS of people around the world who want to support you.

May the powers that be be with you.