The ban game, v02

Started by meany, March 16, 2008, 03:22:06 PM

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Ryudo is banned for talking about Ren's equipment.

Ryudo Lee

Haz is banned for the same reason.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Ren Gaulen

Ryudo lee is banned for bringing that up in the first place.


Ren Gaulen is banned.

bcs h stl m lttrs tll y!

Ren Gaulen

Aiyno is banned because it was not I who stole his letters. Don't put the blame for this crime on me, I will never sink as low as to steal the letters from the people. >:[

Ryudo Lee

Ren is banned because I found where he was hiding the letters.  His fingerprints are on them and everything!

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo Lee iou a ban, be warned and banned.


Aiyno is banned for hardly making sense.


Haz, you're banned because a man doesn't need to make sense. All he needs ... is... actually, what gender are you Aiyno?

Oh well, you're banned HaZx. Peace!
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Pagan is banned for not looking at Aiyno's profile.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Llearch is banned for showing Pagan the true path, Also I feel somewhat at unease by being found gender ambiguous by someone with a picture of Regina as their avatar, although Pagan is obviously a male name.    :B

Ren Gaulen

Aiyno is banned because "Pagan" is not a name. It's the way of life - just like the Sword That Cleaves Evil. Now, Aiyno, become banned!!


How is "pagan" a male name anyway? And yes, Regina is part of my avatar, however, my avatar is meant to show my love for her. And your gender ambiguity comes from your avatar, Aiyno. It's rather girly, at least to me.

Now Ren, you had to interupt my conversation with Aiyno, so I ban you now. War!
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!

Ren Gaulen

War, you say?... :tumbleweed Very well! I shall call forth the power that... D:< No, wait!.. >:[ Remember what happened last time? :paranoid I don't feel like scorching the world again. Let us limit this conflict to a battle between the two of us, so the innocent bystanders won't get hurt. We shall fight like the true noble warriors that we are, until only one of us remains standing. Also, become banned. >:3


Eh, you don't feel like scouring the planet. But fine, fine. A small reinforced room then. Too bad the end will still be the same... you lose! Hahhaha.

Now become banned.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Pagan is banned because pagan is blocking me from exacting my ban revenge on Ren
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Ren Gaulen

E_voyager is banned because I have no idea what is he trying to avenge and what do I have to do with it.


Ren Gaulen is set on fire and banned to a hot place where things burn prettify forever.  :)

Quote from: Pagan on March 31, 2008, 06:20:12 PM
How is "pagan" a male name anyway? (note that I hardly know any religions and hardly care about religions, except when they influence my way of life.) And yes, Regina is part of my avatar, however, my avatar is meant to show my love for her. And your gender ambiguity comes from your avatar, Aiyno. It's rather girly, at least to me.

Pagan sounds male, because it ends with -an- like... rayman!  >:3
My old avatar that was not drawn by someone with a drawing abilities of a five-year old was more girly.. because it was a girl, with the same reasons as you as to having it, oh, and of course I knew why you had that avatar.  >:3

Ren Gaulen

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am fireproof.. Wait, what's that?? :erk




Aiyno was banned after being poked with a "Divine Banning Finger" technique.

Ryudo Lee

Ren is banned for yet another anime reference.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo Lee is banned by the king of cookies and cake!  :U

Ren Gaulen

Aiyno is banned by the King of Clubs (as in King of Hearts, King of Spades, King of Diamonds). The School of the Undefeated of the North shall rise again!!!

Ryudo Lee

Ren is banned for being creepy.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Ren Gaulen

Ryudo is banned for seeing creepiness where there is none. Don't make me hit you with the Club of the King (the sceptre, actually, but it weights a lot).

Ryudo Lee

Ren is banned for using black text on a black background in an attempt to be witty.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo Lee is banned by the magic of the card capture guardians
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Ryudo Lee

e_voyager is banned with a robot killing banhammer.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo Lee is banned to a land without reason.


Aiyno is banned to keep up my score against him.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!

Ren Gaulen

Pagan is banned simply because I must ban, no matter the cost!!