Joy oh Joy I got robbed

Started by Paladin Sheppard, February 16, 2008, 08:44:58 AM

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Paladin Sheppard

Thats right folks! Someone has walked into my house sometime on friday morning (ie real early) and stolen not one but two backpacks and my wallet. The bags contained some fairly expensive electronics and several letters I needed badly.

Just so this isn't a woe is me thread what have you had stolen from you, big or small.


about a month ago someone stole about a third my family's DVD collection, eowyns boots, and my wifes memory card for her camera.

among the stolen DVDs were several boxed sets like dillbert, the critic, avatar season one, beavis and butthead, two large anime collections now out of print,and the legend of zelda animated series. also stolen were half our disney DVDs and eowyns my little pony DVDs..... stealing from eowyn is just plain low.

in all it totaled about $1,100 just in DVDs as a replace cost, even though we arent going to replace them in the near future due to fundage and some no longer exist.

we didn't even notice for several days as only the disks were stolen, the cases for most were left intact.

a detective is on the case, and has been provided with the suspects names, rough location, and as they were dumb enough to leave their tax information their social security number as well. also a wiccan friend of ours (eowyns godmother, super protective) has asked for some hair, which we have, for acts i can only call unspeakable
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


one of the vending machines at my university occasionally "forgets" to count quarters you put in it.  Other than that, I've lived a more-than charmed life.

Well, Brun, sounds like a really sloppy robbery job.  My opinion's always been that someone breaking into your house with malicious intent has willingly forfeited their own humanity, so I'd say go ahead and give the hair to the woman.  Then point and laugh.

I thought Wiccans had a rule against harming people, though.


Uh, in Highschool someone stole about $200 from my locker. It was fund raising proceeds that had to be handed in, ya see. So that came out of my (and my parents', thank god) wallet.

Dagg, Paladin, you're having a bad few weeks. :<
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Brunhidden on February 16, 2008, 09:01:38 AM
about a month ago someone stole about a third my family's DVD collection, eowyns boots, and my wifes memory card for her camera.

among the stolen DVDs were several boxed sets like dillbert, the critic, avatar season one, beavis and butthead, two large anime collections now out of print,and the legend of zelda animated series. also stolen were half our disney DVDs and eowyns my little pony DVDs..... stealing from eowyn is just plain low.

in all it totaled about $1,100 just in DVDs as a replace cost, even though we arent going to replace them in the near future due to fundage and some no longer exist.

we didn't even notice for several days as only the disks were stolen, the cases for most were left intact.

a detective is on the case, and has been provided with the suspects names, rough location, and as they were dumb enough to leave their tax information their social security number as well. also a wiccan friend of ours (eowyns godmother, super protective) has asked for some hair, which we have, for acts i can only call unspeakable

Your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover theft?
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


My most memorable encounter with theft occured on a family trip to Prague when I was a kid. My mom got pickpocketed in a shop. They managed to miss the wallet with her money and credit cards, instead swiping the one containing all our passports and travel documents. So we ended up doing a whole lot of "sightseeing" in the waiting room of a little embassy. :dface

The punchline: Earlier that day, my parents had insisted on holding on to my passport for me... in order to "keep it safe". :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Only thing I recall ever being stolen was some X-Men cards when I was.... 6? Me and my brother showed em to our babysitter and her boyfriend. We went to bed later. Never saw the cards again.

As far as out and about, I always keep all of my things in plain sight of me. Even my wallet's in my front pocket so I'll know if anyone's reaching for it. (Though I want to start carrying a fake something or other around with me. If someone takes it and looks inside, it'll say something like "Haha, gotcha *****!". As far as at home, we have multiple locks, and any door not visible from the front of the house with the porch light is blocked with a door jack.

Hope you recover from your loss though, Pal. Specially since you usually need all the cash you can get, what with all the commissions you make on FA. >.>


Quote from: Tezkat on February 16, 2008, 02:33:40 PM
The punchline: Earlier that day, my parents had insisted on holding on to my passport for me... in order to "keep it safe". :animesweat

That's one of those lines I'd NEVER let my parents live down if something like that happend.

The worst theft experience I've gone through involved a roommate. We had allowed one of our roommates(1) friends to crash with us for an extended time, eventually had him just become a roommate(3) himself. Then another roommate(2) wound up moving back to the US. He left his comp behind for us to mail to him later. However when me and my fiance came home from christmas holidays we found that our roommate(3) had gutted roommate(2)'s comp and stole all the major components leaving just the case and hard drive behind.

Sorry about the roommate(#) was done the post when I realized how absurd it sounded and didn't feel like going through and putting names in cuz the brackets were quicker.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Kenji on February 16, 2008, 10:32:18 PM
(Though I want to start carrying a fake something or other around with me. If someone takes it and looks inside, it'll say something like "Haha, gotcha *****!". As far as at home, we have multiple locks, and any door not visible from the front of the house with the porch light is blocked with a door jack.

Use the pullstring from one of those wine-bottle party poppers or something like it.  Even better if you can find something that either
1: sets off a bright flash and a loud bang or
2: throws pepper or blue dye in their face or
3: a combination of the above ideas.

Hmm, i should do that, too.  :mwaha


The closest (and funniest) incident I've been in was when I was with my friend who had a backpack on a bus somewhere. His bag wasn't closed properly. So, we were talking and minding our own business when somebody screamed, with their hand in my friends bag.

Well, "good" thing he had his pet snake in there...

Otherwise, nothing has been really stolen from me.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Volfram on February 16, 2008, 10:56:24 AM
I thought Wiccans had a rule against harming people, though.

It's something like "if you hurt someone, expect three times the hurt to come back to you.", as I understand it. On that basis, I'd say said grandmother is willing to live with the pain...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 18, 2008, 07:39:38 AM
Quote from: Volfram on February 16, 2008, 10:56:24 AM
I thought Wiccans had a rule against harming people, though.

It's something like "if you hurt someone, expect three times the hurt to come back to you.", as I understand it. On that basis, I'd say said grandmother is willing to live with the pain...

So what would that mean if I exterminated the entire human race?   >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Based on what Box said, if you're Wiccan, you'd count the entire human population, triple it, and you'll experience death that many times.

If you're not Wiccan, you can probably use a different formula.  I believe Christianity would be condemnation to Hell unless you repent, and Islam would be 72 virgins.

Wow.  That puts things in a whole new perspective. :erk

llearch n'n'daCorna

Depends on if you kill any other islamic people.

And if you can get an Imam to approve it, that makes it even better...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Volfram, it's all about what you DO to other people, and how that will come back an affect you.  Not all the pain in the world.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Quote from: Volfram on February 18, 2008, 10:48:39 AM
Based on what Box said, if you're Wiccan, you'd count the entire human population, triple it, and you'll experience death that many times.

If you're not Wiccan, you can probably use a different formula.  I believe Christianity would be condemnation to Hell unless you repent, and Islam would be 72 virgins.

Wow.  That puts things in a whole new perspective. :erk

Based on photographic evidence of older versions of the Quran research theologians have discovered large portions of the islamic holy texts have changed over time, and much of it was originally in more then one language.

Why is this important? apperantly that passage was written in syrian instead of arabic, and it promises 'grapes' not 'virgins'.... also, did they ever state virgins of what gender or age? i think having seventy two wrinkly old people of either gender would be a nasty fate

also i believe theres a loophole in wiccan stating that facilitating the retribution of others does not incur that pain yourself, as you are merely assisting that pain reaching the rightful owner.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


When I was 6, burglers broke into our house in England the night we returned from a vacation to Europe. We disturbed them, so they took off without finishing the job, however they had still managed to remove quite a bit of stuff, including some collections me and my brothers had been working on.

I think whats worse is that later I found out our insurance expired midnight the night after - yet they insisted it was midnight the night before, refusing to pay. We were leaving England two weeks later, so my parents had neither the time nor money to persue the claim. We were later sent a notice from the police that the robbers had been caught, but nothing of ours got recovered. Fun stuff.


Quote from: Brunhidden on February 18, 2008, 04:58:21 PM
Why is this important? apperantly that passage was written in syrian instead of arabic, and it promises 'grapes' not 'virgins'.... also, did they ever state virgins of what gender or age? i think having seventy two wrinkly old people of either gender would be a nasty fate

Wait, so the Islamic "heaven" is 72 grapes?

That's not even enough for a decent bottle of wine!  I'm going back to Christianity.

I believe, however, that the gender of said virgins was specified as "both."  Which means some people would probably be happier than others.  I also think "young" was specified, but I'm even less clear on that.  Not being much of an Arabic or Syrian guru, I haven't done much study on the Quran, and apparently the English translations are all screwed up.

[disclaimer]This entire post is meant with either speculative or humorous intent, and not intended to offend anyone.  If you are offended, then I apologize, and remind you that reading my posts is not mandatory.[/disclaimer]


Quote from: Volfram on February 18, 2008, 07:15:09 PM
Quote from: Brunhidden on February 18, 2008, 04:58:21 PM
Why is this important? apperantly that passage was written in syrian instead of arabic, and it promises 'grapes' not 'virgins'.... also, did they ever state virgins of what gender or age? i think having seventy two wrinkly old people of either gender would be a nasty fate

Wait, so the Islamic "heaven" is 72 grapes?

That's not even enough for a decent bottle of wine!  I'm going back to Christianity.

I believe, however, that the gender of said virgins was specified as "both."  Which means some people would probably be happier than others.  I also think "young" was specified, but I'm even less clear on that.  Not being much of an Arabic or Syrian guru, I haven't done much study on the Quran, and apparently the English translations are all screwed up.

[disclaimer]This entire post is meant with either speculative or humorous intent, and not intended to offend anyone.  If you are offended, then I apologize, and remind you that reading my posts is not mandatory.[/disclaimer]

Bah!  Offending people is the mostest fun in the world! 

Death to all races except me!  (Charles is a race unto himself, the pinacle of human evolution!  All others are scum-beings wallowing in the filth below the ivory tower upon which he stands, triumphant, casting the gaze of his brilliance down and burning the maggot-men with the fervent heat of his aura!)  I am the morning star!  I shall ascend unto the heavens!   :mwaha

*Charles = Lucifer.  So, you can all tell him to go to hell.*   :giggle
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Quote from: Volfram on February 18, 2008, 07:15:09 PM
Wait, so the Islamic "heaven" is 72 grapes?

That's not even enough for a decent bottle of wine!  I'm going back to Christianity.

In the ancient world grapes were synonymous with comfort and luxury. if it says 'lead a good life/die fighting evil and i will give you grapes' it means 'in death you shall have the comforts you were denied in life'. it makes far more sense then a religion that states you cant commit adultery, women cant wear anything provocative, and all the classic good behavior rules and then states that in the afterlife you can rape people as much as you want. its like saying heaven for Christians lets you kick small children and shoplift while  the Viking afterlife is sipping tea quietly and watching opera.

who knows, this may allude to a future discovery that whatever passage forbids alcohol (i believe it specifies nothing fermented of grain or vine) may also be in error... but hey, they can always drink mead, its made from honey

out of random thread related curiosity- is there any religion which does NOT forbid theft?
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on February 20, 2008, 01:20:33 AM
out of random thread related curiosity- is there any religion which does NOT forbid theft?

Eh, Islam allows theft so long as it isn't stolen from another Muslim, but that's more like turning a blind eye for the cause (which is found in almost every religion, although theirs is actually written under the "destroy the infidel at all costs" clause).

My final answer, however, will be the First Church of Kleptomania.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Valynth on February 20, 2008, 01:31:17 AM

My final answer, however, will be the First Church of Kleptomania.

I am totally stealing that idea.  8)


Quote from: Feroluce on February 20, 2008, 03:18:49 AM
Quote from: Valynth on February 20, 2008, 01:31:17 AM

My final answer, however, will be the First Church of Kleptomania.

I am totally stealing that idea.  8)

Irony achieved.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Stygian stole my virginity. He won't give it back. :<

No seriously, I've never had something stolen from me as far as I can remember, though I remember going through paranoid delusions when I was a little kid that someone had stolen a cheap ring I got from someplace. I got so worked up over the thing that I called the police in hopes of them sending someone to find it.

So yeah, that's the most interesting theft-related incident that's ever occurred in my life.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Movers stole $75 from my room when my family moved to New England.

That was my life savings up to that point  :cry


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 23, 2008, 12:05:20 AM
Stygian stole my virginity. He won't give it back. :<

~Keaton the Black Jackal


...While we're on the subject, ever had something stolen that you were ultimately glad to lose?


Quote from: Stygian on February 23, 2008, 12:36:04 AM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 23, 2008, 12:05:20 AM
Stygian stole my virginity. He won't give it back. :<

~Keaton the Black Jackal


...While we're on the subject, ever had something stolen that you were ultimately glad to lose?

an internet girlfriend count?

And y'all didn't think I could get any lamer, did ya? ;)


my sanity was stolen, a few of my zippos, a pipe, cds, dvd, a parcel i was sending to equidna got stolen, that had 16 dvds, a cd, a necklace, some stuffed toys, i had insurance on it aswell but royal mail refused to pay it, so i lost around £110 in the end ($220) including the money i paid for the postage and insurance.

id say around £3,000 worth of stuff so far.


My mom's purse got stolen when I was much, much younger. I can't even remember it. But, our house keys and my glasses were in there, so that kinda sucked.

Her wallet was also pickpocketed on a crowded train in Madrid, which had some money, two or three credit cards, and all four of our passports.
We had a lot of fun on that trip. </sarcasm>


In this one party that I was in, someone stole my last beer while I was having sauna. I'll hunt that dirty thief down, one day.  >(