Sweeping Darkness (OoC)

Started by Darkmoon, December 31, 2007, 02:55:29 PM

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I've been batting around the idea of starting up a game, something fun, but not overly dramatic. Casual, I guess is a good way to put it. I'll cover the basics here, and, if anyone is interested, feel free to sign-up.

Otherwise, well, we can just set it adrift in the ether.

Setting: What once was a quiet little town is now the staging ground for an army of good versus evil, light versus dark, creamy versus crunchy. It started with an influx of goblins, kobolds, the occasional ogre -- creatures not normally seen in this quiet part of the countryside. But the tide of beasts only became worse, as the undead, dragons... even demons, came forth to terrorize the lands.

The townsfolk, fearful of the evil creatures that have become a constant part of their lives, have sent out requests for any and all heroes to come and lend them aid. Although the money isn't great, it is a good cause, and there is always the promise of a grand adventure.

Besides, you never know, there could be a greater threat lurking in the distance. Whatever has called forth these beasts could be just a pawn controlled by an even greater evil. Only investigation will show.

Characters: This is an open RP. Any character types, styles, etc are welcome. Bear in mind that much of the countryside is humanoid (humans, elves, dwarves, etc), so while any character can be played, not all will be as welcome.

If you're playing, post a short character bio here, following these guidelines (yes, you can use this as a template):

Backstory: Nothing more than a couple of paragraphs, telling what you've done, why you've accepted this assignment. You don't need to share details you want to keep secret. This is basically what you'd tell any of the people that are out adventuring with you.

Race: Pick to your heart's desire. Human, zombie, weregerbil...

Powers: Desired powers and abilities (like control over a particular element), as well as the ability to speak to animals, flight, fighting style, preferred weapons, etc.

Appearance: Your looks and styles.

Other Notes: Anything else you feel is noteworthy.

Final Notes: There will be a game system running underneath this game, something of my devising. It's nothing complicated, but, if at any time you want to do something and I say you can't, or there's some reason why you failed at doing it, you may ask for the reasons why, and I will be able to tell you, with detail, why such and such didn't work.

Also, God-Modding is not tolerated.

Once we have some people join in, well then, I'll get in touch with each of you by PM to set up any details, ask any questions, and finalize all the characters. I'd like to get this thing up and running in the next couple of weeks if possible.

Characters Currently in the RP:

Name: Tarson Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Half-Golem

Appearance: Stands stands about 6'6". Has a large powerful built (Solid build). His hair is auburn, shoulder length and is normally tied back into a ponytail. He also has a goatee. His right arm seems to have been taken from a stone golem as well as his right eye socket.His right eye is all black with a small red pupil, his left eye is hazel. He normally wears a black hooded sweatshirt, dark cargo pants with combat boots. Some times he wears a black muscle shirt instead of the sweatshirt. When he wears the muscle shirt it is clear to see that his whole right arm are is from a stone golem from the shoulder down. He has scars all over his chest and one scar on his face that goes from his forehead to his jaw on the left side of his face.

Personality: He's not very talkative. If someone talks with him he will carry on a conversation but he doesn't tend to start any himself. He tends to keep to himself on most everything. In a fight he will back the people he is with to his death. It takes him awhile to find someone trust worthy enough for him to call them friends.

History: Tarson was born to fairly well off parents in a small town. His father ran a smithy there. The older he got the more he worked with his father. His father's business had them going to a near by large city alot. One day his father and him where in the city delievering weapons and armor, while there he meant a girl. They started seeing each other whenever they could, usually she would sneak out to meet him somewhere. Once her father found out about it and forbid her to see Volt any more, it seems her parents where wealthy people in the city. When she said no, her father paid some men to take out Tarson. The men went too far and killed Tarson's mother and father, while he was out at the local Martial Arts school.

Tarson went to the city to confront the girl's father and let her know that her father had his parents killed, plus tried to kill him.Only when he got there he found that the girl was sent to another part of the city with her new husband and the men that had burned his house down where there waiting for him along with the girl's father. While confronting the father the men jumped him. The next thing he knew he was on the verge of death in the gutters. He wouldn't have survived if a man where not passing by and decided he could use Tarson for experiments. So the man had him taken to his lab. When Tarson awoke he was barely human. It seems his body and bones where strengthened through some form of spell or ritual. His strength was inhanced aswell. His right arm, shoulder and eye where completely replaced with parts from a stone golem. Atleast that's what he thought because the stone felt like living tissue to him. The stone arm had ruines carved into it. The ruines seemed to give him the ability to charge his right arm with electricity. He ended up haveing to work for the man until his debt was paid back, although he didn't understand what the debt was. He became the man's attack dog, with his martial arts skills and new enchanced body he was good at his job. Tarson soon wished that he was left to die though, the girl he loved was married to another man, he's never see her again and he would never get revenge for his parents death. This all happened to him around the age of 17. He served the man for 7 years until the man was killed in while Tarson was off on a mission. While many of the others that worked for the man faught for control he simpley walked away and became a drifter. Going where ever the winds took him. That's how he ended up in the small town and decided he could used his abilities to their advantage.
Weapons: His hands and feet. Plus the power of his arm. He carries a bastard sword on his back, it's all he has left of his father. He is skilled with it but not many other weapons.

Abilities: He can charge his right and with electricity and hit opponents with it. He either chooses to charge his opponent and hit them in the chest with his charged hand (Shush I know what it sounds like) or he can send electrical charges through the ground by driving his hand into the ground. He can do this with up to five opponents. The max distance of this ability is 100 yards.

Name: BRT-75
aka: Tank
Race: Golem (Warforged)
Class: Fighter/WF Juggernaut

Gender: N/A (male personality)
Age: 5 years
Height: 10 ft (not counting spikes)
Weight: 1,140 lbs (not counting oversized greathammer)

Appearance: BRT is a giant. With his height, he towers over pretty much anything else around. He actually often even has trouble getting into any building; he has to squat down and squeeze through. For some reason, most doorways are a little bit wider after he goes through them...He appears very heavily armored and very finely crafted, and has armor spikes all over himself. His armor is almost completely black. He seems to have been crafted with rough features, but his plating is still smooth. His fists are somewhat oversized (relative to the rest of him). His eyes glow red.

Personality/Demeanor: BRT is a rather reserved individual. He speaks in a gruff, deep bass voice. He seems uncaring about anything around him, just as long as he gets to crush something with his greathammer. His idea of subtle is "place underneath foot and step". He isn't particularly bright, but not a total thickhead; he can carry on a conversation, but use big words and he's liable to grab the speaker's throat and tell them to speak simpler or stop talking (not really). He has a (sometimes annoying, sometimes very problematic) tendency to smash first and ask questions never. He also doesn't give a flying homunculus what anyone calls him, even Clunky McRustbutt. Just as long as it's clear who's talking to whom, he's fine. Give him whatever name you desire. (Seriously, call him something simple and appropriate, like Smash, or Breaker) He nearly always listens to DFX, but if you give him a command that involves him smashing something, or some other simple task, he's liable to listen unless DFX says otherwise.

History: BRT was one of many experiments by a wizard who specialized in constructs. The wizard sought to make his constructs more alive, and experiment number BRT-75 was one of his early successes (though the wizard would say he failed a little in the brains department), even though BRT is not as 'alive' as subsequent creations. From then on, BRT basically worked guard duty and manual labor. However, after a couple of years, a neighboring village found out about these experiments, and became very afraid as they believed the wizard was creating terrible abominations. In a massive angry mob, they stormed the wizard's enclave and forge, destroying all research, prototypes, and everything else the wizard had crated. They even killed the wizard and razed his entire estate. Only BRT and another experiment numbered DFX-28 managed to escape, the only surviving relics of that wizard. They now aimlessly wander the countryside, and find it difficult to approach any village, as they are completely unknown and foreign, thus most people generally react with outright hostility toward them.

Abilities/Combat: BRT always has a monstrous greathammer with him, which he uses liberally in combat (and for many other purposes besides, even if it's not correct). It's big enough that he can turn a human, quite literally, into a pancake with one well-placed overhead blow (it's basically little more than a massive, thick steel cylinder attached to a long and likewise thick steel pole). His fighting style consists of simply starting out by doing a full-blown charge against an enemy to ram them, and then smashing anything he can reach with his greathammer. Anyone who gets really close to him may risk getting impaled on his armor spikes f they aren't careful. His massive size and weight is enough to overcome nearly any physical obstacle. Need a door busted down? Right here. A boulder in your way? Look no further. That huge monster pestering you? Not another word.

Strengths: BRT, obviously, is very strong. He can lift massive loads, and crush most things smaller than him (which is most things) His strength allows him to wield his greathammer, if not with ease, than with power. His outer 'shell', so to speak, is crafted from adamantine, giving him great toughness and ability to withstand punishment. If he manages to gain speed with a bull-rush charge, there really isn't much that will still be standing; usually he will just go right through. Basically, with his strength, his armor, and his greathammer, he is a veritable tank. And, being a living construct, he has infinite stamina, and will never tire or become fatigued.

Weaknesses: For all his strength and armor, BRT is one slow-ass bastard. He has difficulty gaining any speed or momentum, and when he does, though he becomes near-unstoppable, he can't change course worth shit. All someone has to do is sidestep, and BRT will just keep going, his own momentum carrying him forward. It may even be possible to trip him, if you've got something solid enough. Likewise, while not much can survive being crushed by his greathammer, that's not to say he hits anything all the time. It takes a few seconds to raise it up for a blow, which usually give most things time to scurry out of range. Speaking of which, he has absolutely no ranged attacks. Ok, so he might be able to chuck a rock or something, but his aim probably isn't too good. While he can survive egregious amounts of physical punishment, attacks from a magical source can do considerable damage to him. If there is a magical shield or barrier that can withstand his blows, there really isn't anything else he can do.

Name: DFX-28
Nickname: None.
Race: Golem (Warforged)
Class: Artificer/Engineer

Gender: N/A, male personality
Age: 3 years
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 420 lbs (not counting equipment)

Appearance: DFX is considerably shorter than BRT, though he is still a respectable height when compared to others. And compared to BRT, his design and build is much more compact. He is still sheathed in metal, but it is nowhere as thick or heavy as BRT's. Like BRT, he seems elegantly crafted, but his design is much more sophisticated. He adorns himself with belts and bandoliers filled with all manner of tools, and carries a pack on his back stuffed with more items and materials of crafting. His eyes glow blue.

Personality/Demeanor: Personality-wise, DFX is a much deeper individual than BRT. He has prodigious knowledge of crafting, building, repairing, and engineering, as well as some arcane lore. He always has a creative solution for a problem. At least, when it doesn't involve BRT smashing it. He has a tendency to go on about explaining how his things work, sometimes big words and complicated phrases (much to the ire of BRT). He has a great curiosity for anything strange and unusual, always wanting to find out how things work. He cares very much for his tools, and loathes anyone else touching them. He harbors much distrust for any 'fleshling', having witnessed his home, and what amounted to his family and father killed in a mob, as well as often being attacked on sight whenever he or BRT nears a town, because they are mistaken as the monsters.

History: DFX was one of the last experimental creations of the wizard that built him, BRT, and many other constructs, most living. DFX was designed to be a crafting and enchanting assistant, to help the wizard perform more experiments and create more constructs. Unfortunately, this did not happen, as shortly after his creation, the wizard's forge and enclave was attacked and razed by a huge village mob. After seeing his brethren and the wizard slaughtered, he grabbed the last operational construct (BRT) and fled. They now roam around together without much purpose or direction.

Abilities/Combat: DFX really is not a fighter, but he has a considerable range of skills at his disposal. He can build, craft, or repair almost anything, including himself and BRT. It helps that he carries such an assortment of tools and materials that not having the right tool for the job is a rare, sometimes shocking occurrence. He also has ability in arcane magic, which he uses to supplement his skills. It mostly deals with enchantment, material creation, and material manipulation. If you've got a broken battleaxe, or lost your sword, he will put it back together, good as new (with 'improvements'), or make a new one from scratch entirely. Some of his tools are even enchanted to fly around and do things automatically with his direction (he only needs to think to control them)

Strengths: DFX can repair almost anything; there is very little he doesn't understand. He is generally a quick learner, and picks up on new things easily. As long as he has the materials, he can make all kinds of armor or weaponry, and usually enchants it. He can pick up very quickly on the innerworkings of just about any mechanical device or technology he comes across (he can disable almost any lock with ease), as well as analyze arcane magic when he encounters it. He can also, when direly needed, cast instant repair or mending spells on damaged items (but usually on either himself or BRT). However, this drains him, can sometimes be inefficient, and he usually prefers to work on something with his own hands anyway.

Weaknesses: DFX cannot fight worth crap. In combat, he is near completely useless. He usually has to hang behind BRT and let him do the dirty work, all the while trying to repair any damage done to him. Sure, he can through a heavy-metal-fisted punch, but if someone is close enough that he would have to do that, he's already in serious trouble. While he does carry around materials, they are more for making repairs to things rather than making new things. He usually has to use his magic to create the raw materials needed to make something from scratch, which can be quite draining. Also, he can't cast any directly offensive or defensive magic, as he doesn't have any spells like that (though he can enchant things to have offensive or defensive capabilities).

Name: Armita Zhelion
Race: Human
Class: Wizard / Battle mage
Gender: male
Age: 16 years
Height:  5'5''

Appearance: A blond, long hair, silvery blue eyes  and a skin clean enough to belong to a high elf, Armita is exactly as you might imagine a paladin in his shining plate mail armor, saving ladies from fiends and protecting the people from all sorts of terrible things. Except that... wearing a pale yellow shirt, covered by a long jacked and dark grey trousers that have been sewed together a one time too many, his set of clothing reminds you that not all those who are blessed with beauty are selfish enough to take use of it. Heavy boots and a dusty back crown the image of poor adventurer. Always has few crows close to him (see more belove)

Personality/Demeanor: Chilly but jolly. Armita isn't the most social person you might've met, but he shares his smile with the poor and the sick. Always willing to lend aid to stranger with out any promise of profit, sometimes to a point to be called naive to the face.

History: Many people have seen less death in their whole lives than Armita has witnessed in his few years. Wars, genocide, oppression and depression. Armita comes from the dreadful Northern wastes, where strong exploit the rest, where wounded eat the dead and the rent is just quite awful. Armita can thank his mother who named and looked after him when he was still too young to be able to survive on his own. He doesn't remember about her that much anymore, because at the age of seven, Armita's mum died To a disease, which left him survive alone in a harsh environment. What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, goes the saying and in Armita's case that is more or less true. No death or pain shakes his mind, and perhaps this why he has taken of liking of the company of the dead. Making them walk, talk and do his will. The real people, how ever, have marked his talent of such things for a bad sign and often have started to execute their own justice, which has dropped Armita's trust to the living even more. Still, he remains optimistic about the people has yet to meet and is always willing to give a second change anyone who's willing to ask for it. "Forgive and forget" as his mother used to say.

Notes: An intresting feat that Armita carries around is a flock of crows. Not a curse nor a blessing, the birds keep Armita company where ever he ventures, making him impossible hide, but also impossible to sneak upon to, when there's four crows on his shoulders and more flying above him. The quantity of crows depends on the birds themselves, changing between 2 to 11. At one time, Armita tried to get rid of these creatures by throwing rocks at them, but only manged to make them quite mad at him for rest of the week. At one time he tried naming the birds, but soon noticed that the birds weren't the same when he tried remembering what to call them. Armita cannot command them, or even ask a small favour from them. What ever draws them to him is not giving him any control over them. Other than stealing small portions of his food and random pecking, they do not cause too much head ache to Necro... I mean Battle mage. Nor are they that much of a use. Bullying a dog or two is the most combat they can manage and when it becomes a real thing, they nearly with out exception seem to take a bit of a distance to their "master".

Abilities/Combat: Soon after her mother's death, Armita learned the way of magic. Perhaps this was a gift from his father that he never really met or perhaps the northern lights were particular strong on the night that he was born. He doesn't know. He doesn't care. He doesn't even bother to ask. The fact is that he can raise corpses to do the dishes or wield a sword, or animate a barb wire to hold a bully long enough for him to make his escape. Because people don't seem to like him bringing the dead with him while he's visiting a town, he has not claimed the tittle of a necromancer. A Battlemage is much more people friendly and lets him make alive friends from time to time. As a melee weapon, Armita carries a spear that he picked from a dead solider. "Not the finest weapon of the land, but it does it's job. I hope"

Strengths: Being able to wield a spear and cast a spell earns a man some amount of respect, even to a young lad as Armita. He is more than able to hand himself in a combat and even willing to do so. After all, fighting is what he's been done as long as he's been able to stand with his own two legs.

Weaknesses: Even though some spells come naturally to Armada's, he still carries and studies his spell book, which is perhaps his most valuable possession. The protective attitude has led him into trouble more than once. Every morning he reads through a whole book, trying to uncover more spells and to remember the old ones. This task is often very time consuming and demands concentration. The other source of his power are the dead. If there are no corpses around, a big deal of Armita's spells are as good as his crows' droppings. The animated dead can always be left outside the population, but then his control over them weakens considerably and they might start wandering off, start fighting each other or just drop dead. again.

Armita also eats twice as much as any other youngster of his age, because he feeds the crows that follow him. Other wise they'd probably just steal from his plate or become otherwise more of an annoyance.

Name: Bocks o' Monkeys.

Backstory: Nobody knows where Bocks came from, nor what it.. she... he... whatever, what he wants. He just.. is. He turns up when nobody is looking, and his monkeys tend to provide some assistance for the folks around him, if he's that way inclined. They sometimes deliver messages from him, on pieces of paper, signed Bocks. For some strange reason, the monkeys never, -ever- deface these. Nobody is really sure why, since the -unsigned- messages get defaced regularly. Tracing his history, he's appeared in times of need, particularly when people don't realise they need his assistance. Of course, it's sometimes difficult to tell what assistance he actually provided, since usually if anyone saw him, the monkeys were playing around, or were sitting there inscrutably picking non-existent fleas off each other, or thumbing their noses at people, or something...

Race: A box. Any race he's been in, he lost, unless nobody was watching. Of course, when I say "he" I use the nomenclature purely for convenience, since nobody is actually sure which gender he or she is...

- Quantum locked; ie, can't move when anyone is looking. When people -aren't- looking, however, is much more mobile. And silent. And disturbing.

- Has monkeys. Monkeys will climb out of the box, and, when necessary, do tasks. Said tasks will be accomplished in the usual monkey fashion - some working for, some against, some fighting, the odd pair coupling in the background, etc, but with a general aim of completing said task. Unless, of course, they've climbed out of their own accord, in which case all bets are off.

- Also has large insides. Not infinite, but certainly tardis-like; much larger than the outside. There's a well in there somewhere. Also an Orangutang, for the big jobs.

- A 3ft cubic box, made of what appears to be a nice maple panelling with oak corners, and four square panels on the top that open outwards (one on each side) top allow egress of the monkeys. And the buckets. And whatever else they might bring with them.

- Has some vaguely fractal engravings on all six sides. When the panels are closed, it's difficult to tell which side they're on, and Bocks will sometimes appear to have lain down on one face. Or possibly there are panels on all six faces - nobody has ever gotten a clear answer about that one.

- Will appear to be watching people at times, although nobody is clear as to how, since Bocks has no eyes...

Other Notes:
- Susceptible to fire. If set on fire, the monkeys will form a bucket chain from the well inside to the outside, and pour water on the fire - and, as expected, also on each other and the general vicinity, and anything else they find it amusing.

- The monkeys aren't -quite- as stupid as they seem. Especially the ones that deliver message notes. In times of need, they will show up wearing armour and carrying bows, with which they're not terribly accurate - but then, who needs accuracy when you can fire 50 or so arrows at once? They also have short swords - well, short for monkeys, anyway. More like daggers than anything.

Name: Aeo Dall
Age: 20
Race: Tiefling
Gender: Male
Occupation: Warlock/ Treasure hunter

Appearance: Roughly 5 foot 10 weighing almost 140 lbs.  Aeo wears a bright red shirt with  yellow sleeves, under neath he wears a chain shirt.  Blue pants and black boots are often  his choice ion lower wear.  He is tanned, but still has a light skin tone with two small  horns coming out of his head.  He has fire red hair and pointed ears.  He often give off a  feeling of perversion.

Personality: A liver of life and all it's joys Aeo rarely spends a moment moping or  depressed.  He is quick to jump at the call to adventure and often finds himself in over  his head.  While Aeo is cheerful and pleasant he does have a few lines that when crossed  can turn him into a raging beast of infernal power.  He's not quick on the uptake (See  Idot).

Powers: As a warlock Aeo has powerful infernal connections and is able to limitlessly use  them.  He can produce the infernal "Edlritch Blast" and is well versed in manipulating it  to his please, often imbuing it with the essence of Fire, Cold, acid and the power to sap  his enemies.  He can manipulate the powers to jump to other random enemies as well.  He  also has the ability to shape shift into a powerful demonic form, however he must be in  extreme durres (about to die) or under extreme emotional stress and he looses control of  himself during these times.  To protect himself from wandering thieves he has trained  himself to use a mace which he has enchanted with a moderate fire enchantment.  He calls it  his Matchstick.

Strengths: His infernal powers almost never exhaust and are incredibly formidable.  They  can cause horrible deformities if they do not kill.  Aeo is also naturally charismatic,  though he finds it hard to gain peoples trust.  He doesn't really know why though.   Despite his aura though he is capable of making friends quickly if people let him.  He  tends to protect such friends and often regards them in high esteem.  They are however,  not spared his lechery if female.  Despite his fair sized ego Aeo often finds himself helping out more than a few "underdogs", it never bothers him as he has a great sense of charity.

Weaknesses: While he's not a real idiot, Aeo is not exactly book smart and tends to trust  to much and if betrayed rarely trusts the person again.  Physically he is barely strong  enough to use his mace and can tire quickly if he doesn't pace himself and like most magic  users he can't take much damage.  Also if he snaps into his demonic form he looses control  and predictably wake up with little to no memory of what has happened.  As a tiefling he  has a particularly weird aura that surrounds him and usually scares women off and ticks  off most guys, an aura of perversion.  It doesn't help that he's a bit of a lech and will  hit on most females.  Aeo also does not know how to behave around dwarves, gnomes and  other short statured races, he is usually chased out of such towns very quickly and only  recently has begun to understand that such races do not like being compared to children  (it took a gnome wizard running a lightning bolt through his horns for that to get through)  and of course it should be obvious that he is DENSE.  While he is quick to understand  things in life threatening situations, the wheels tend to slow and even grind to a stop in  most other situations.  If he's in a bar expect lechery like you've not seen.  Did I  mention he couldn't find his way out of a tunnel?

History: Aeo grew up in a small town and was raised by the local priestess as he was found  on the door step of the local church.  Thankfully Aeo was left in the hands of a caring  and compassionate person.  Unfortunately Aeo grew up to embrace the "lesser" part of his  nature as his adoptive mother calls it.  When he came of age he set out on a small  adventure to a nearby town and nearly got drug head first into a weird conspiracy, if  hadn't been for the fact that a local heor solved the problem he probably would have ended  up dead.  Since then he has been honing his skills and traveling the country side in  search of treasure and a great "Awesome-mind-bogglingly-cool" adventure.

Often times he's found himself in adventuring groups that have simply abandoned him due to  his highly grating and overly cheery personality.  In fact in his last group the  necromancer almost strangled him because he wouldn't stop smiling.  He ended up being  forced to leave he heard news of a grand adventure forming in a small town.  Yeah, he  headed the wrong way for an entire day.

Notes: Aeo is based of a D&D character of mine.  I've tried my best to translate him to  this RP, but if anything needs changing let me know.  I've also playfully embellished some  aspects of his personality.  Except for the lechery... yeah...

Name: Aireluin Silithiel
Age: 120
Race: Fiana Sidhe (child of a faerie and an elf)
Gender: Female
Profession/Occupation: Light Dragoon (also called a Knight Gunner)

Description: She stands roughly 1.82 meters (~6ft) in height and weights a deceptive 73 kg (~162lbs).  Due to faerie heritage, her form is lithe and built like a gymnast.  Her tone is pale like that of cream, smooth and supple, for she carries no scars.  The eyes are a sparkling emerald green and her hair is short in length and the color of fresh Japanese cherry blossoms.  Her lithe form also means her chest size is small, and she can easily be mistaken for a male, albeit a very feminine one.

Personality and demeanor: Aire is a conflicted one, she wishes to be determined and steadfast, but can be very unsure of herself if venturing into things she has little experience in.  She possess patience and is soft spoken, but stands firm on things she is sure about (like the sanctity of life and the protection of her friends).

History and story: Aire comes from a land of unusual contrasts.  The city she hails from is one of heavy magic use and more "modern" technologies mixed into a hybrid of form and function.  She was raised among a lower tier noble class and was squired (in reality pushed off and away by her father) into the guardian knighthood at the earliest possible age.  She was fostered under general tutelage and mentored by a knight generalist until she was old enough to choose her path.  For some reason she always found herself enamored with light guns and those that used them.  She choose the path of the dragoon and worked to master her path.  After her time of appointment to knight, she approached her father, hoping to finally earn his acceptance.  He turned and walked away from her without a word.  On that day she left the knighthood and sought her own path, disillusioned by this rejection.  Her leaving was not necessarily an authorized act, but she is not considered a deserter, merely errant.

Powers and abilities:

Affinity to Light magic - her elven ancestry grants her an affinity with light magics.  The Knight Gunner/Light Dragoon profession is also a Light magic specialist, though it focuses on the damaging aspects of the element and secondaries the healing aspect.  Because she is faerie elven, her best healing magics are partially empathic, drawing it within herself and purifying it internally.  She is very strong against Light attacks and magical abilities/affects.

Martial training - as a knighthood, her profession's strengths are martial weapons.  She is not as skilled as a dedicated warrior because of a split focus on light magic, nor is she a versatile as an archer as her weapon is magical based and has a lower rate of fire generally.  It is, however, more powerful then a bow or crossbow and out ranges them.

Magical training - as a Light user, she has the full spectrum of abilities, but is far more limited then a mage due to the split focus with martial training and a focus on damaging aspects of the element.  Her healing and protection abilities are secondary, and her ability to deal with undead and dark magics is very limited.  However, she inflicts a lot of damage to undead.

Weakness and limitations: most of her factors are story based, but her species and element affinities carry a few drawbacks.

Dark sensitivity - a reliance on Light makes her a bit weak against Dark magical attacks and influence.  It is not an glaring vulnerability, just as Light is not a massive strength, but it balances her equation nicely.

Material vulnerability - her half faerie blood gives her a weakness to lodestone, highly magnetized iron (known as magnetite - iron II and iron III oxides).  As this is relatively uncommon, it rarely provides her much of a problem.  The only affect of the material causes her magics to suffer penalties and her wounds to hurt and bleed more then normal.

Additional notes: She is a user of light plate armor, light guns (rifle and pistol), one-handed swords and shields.  As a knight she can ride a horse, read and understands heraldry as well as etiquette and fashion.   

Specific notes:  light guns are really little more then stylized wands and rods.  They developed handles and a loading mechanism (a firing hammer that must be cocked in order to work) as ritual in their use.  They do not specifically use any ammo, other then magic, but they have a low fire rate.  The weapon fires a single searing blast of light energy with a reasonable impact and high damage, but also a high amount of flash/fire and relatively loud as it is coughed forth from the barrel.  The weapons are nicknamed dragon guns, as they roar and spit fire, hence the term dragoon for the class.

Name: Alcir Dalstone
Race: Human, turned Undead
Gender: Male
Age: 167 (34 alive, 133 undead)
Class: Mage

Appearance: Alcir always wears a thick, black hooded robe. Since he was not dead long before rising again, his body had not decomposed noticably and his skin wasn't discolored much. However a good amount of the right side of his face (from the cheeck up to the hairline and from the nose nearly to the ear) is now covered by a dull metal plate that has been bolted into place. Under the robe, he wears thin black pants and a similar long sleeved shirt.

History: Somewhat interested in magic as a child, Alcir decided to study it at the young age of thirteen. The small academy he joined taught him basics of most magic and then told him to specalize, he chose frost. One classmate of Alcir grew to hate him because of envy of Alcir's skill.
A couple of weeks before Alcir was due to graduate, the master sent Alcir and this one classmate to "borrow" a book from a nearby necromancer. After they had gotten the book, the classmate betrayed Alcir and slew him. A short time later, Alcir awoke as an Undead. Why the necromancer had risen him as a sentient undead and sent him on his way, Alcir never knew. But he didn't question it and ran.
Because of his new race, Alcir could never completly join back with society. He was able to become a part of a network of dark magisters and necromancers and he kept up with the wide world as much as possible. But even these shadowy interactions were rare and eventually faded away.
Alcir became a complete recluse, only seeing people when they came into his hideaway, these people turned a fled when they realized an Undead was in the cave.
A couple of years ago, Alcir became fed up with being called a monster and decided to become a hero to gain honor and good fame. So far, it hasn't worked well.

Personality: While Alcir was personable and always able to laugh when he was alive, becoming an Undead has turned his character a bit darker. Since he withdrew from the world, he didn't have anyone to talk to besides himself, so even now he will converse and argue with himself. Since he has taken up heroing as a profession, he's been trying to regain his sociable characteristics.

Powers: Due to years of study in frost while alive and undeceased, Alcir is quite capable of any frost or cold related magic. After his undeath, Alcir realized he had an affinity for dark magics and has gone into a heavy study of that subject. Though he has no knowledge of physical combat, Alcir keeps two jeweled daggers on him at all times due to their useful enchantments.

Notes: Alcir's cape is enchanted to be far below freezing on the inside, both to prevent decay and theft of the robe.

Name: Enigma Volontros
Age: Appears to be in his 30's
Race: seems Human
Gender: Male
Profession/Occupation: Magic Ware Peddlers

Description: stands 5'11". Dark skin, hazel eyes, athletic build with short black hair. He dresses in dark clothes and tends to travel most around dusk and dawn.

Personality and demeanor: A little flighty at times, Enigma lives up to his name being something of a puzzle to all that meet him.

History and story: Much of Enigma's history is unknown. There are rumors and tales of him going back almost 100 years, but so far, no-one has confirmed that he is the same one that the tales describe, and not someone trying to cash in on the name.
Powers and abilities: Most legends say Enigma can can use magic but in recent years no-one has seen him cast a single spell. An average fighter, he tends to avoid fights whenever possible and works both sides of a situation if he can. He travels through mysterious means but aside from that, he's quite human.

Martial training: A street fighter, Enigma seems to borrow bits and pieces from many fighting styles relying mostly on weapons or kicks to attack his opponent. His favorite weapons are short blades and poles.

Magical training: This is lost to legends, and only Enigma knows the truth, if he truly is Enigma

Weakness and limitations: As a peddler of magical tools he deals with all kinds, and they tend to be volatile at times; such that he needs extra care that he only carries as much as he plans to sell or use. This sometimes can inhibit or enhance the use of magic in chosen fields. or can inhibit the using of and opposing field  Because of this he must chose what to use and what to leave behind very carefully. He also has no special defenses again any magic short of whatever tool he's actually using at the moment

Material vulnerability: Anything that can hurt a human will hurt Enigma. While he seems to have a high tolerance for pain, he's not invulnerable and can be knocked out or killed via normal means.

Note: Enigma used both light and dark magic but both sparingly and very rarely. They are more for transportation than for fights or healing or raising the dead.

He's a magic tool peddler and thus has to know at least enough about his tools to demonstrate them. He travels using means unknown to others(air magic) . He has a high tolerance for pain but other than that he's as human as most people and he has legends about him going back 100 year, which means he may not be the real enigma but a fake using the name.

Name: David Grand
Race: Human - Magic Modified

Backstory: While the origins of Chaos have and cannot ever be clarified, it is known to those few who have seen him in action know that he considers himself more a force then a person. While this is highly presumptuous of the man, most let it slide to the obviously unstable nature of his mind. There are those, however who see beyond the first glance and recognize a strong and powerful mind. Though apparently blind, Chaos is known to disregard this fact and some even have seen the patterns of Chaos appearing where he says he needs to be.

Though investigations usually yield no information, on night an adventurer was able to get the blind man inebriated enough to get one story out of him.

"No one wants to be like me. I used to be a diviner, note used. Name was David, I think. Grand? I think now that I am the perfect example of what happens when things go wrong. It's hard you see, to stay on track when things seem so obvious, but to know that you can never guess, to seem so clear, but to be disgusted. Well, I meddled. That what we do, we seers when we get that bite of ambition. I tried something that I had no right to do. What's worse was I succeeded. After, well, I find that I can't keep my mind on things long enough to do anything of great note or power anymore. I have too much to do. You know that I have just decided to give up? Pleasure and fun are my masters, those and the wind and road."

Powers: After a magical 'accident', Chaos found that he had a form of limited Omniscience. Gaining instant physical knowledge of all things nearby. While this often allows him access to great amounts of knowledge, he often has trouble sifting through and prioritizing his information. ("Of course that man has a gun, so does the assassin that went in your friends room three minutes ago! Relax, he can take care of himself." ) In addition to this, he seems to be a capable physical fighter and has a descent grasp on magic (Though none have actually seen him cast)

Appearance: Chaos often changes clothes to suit his moods, but he always keeps his eyes covered. Once in a while though a person might catch him looking people in the eyes or checking out that woman... His hair is a light brown, build is spry and voice is a light baritone.

Other Notes: If this character seems easily abusable, he is. This is my generic character that I tend to use in open RPG. Thus it is easily scale-able to the appropriate power level. Also it can easily rev upwards when needed. I do have a multi-dimensional story to explain the set up, however I've always been afraid that it would sound cheesy. But I do have a quote that I like to use to show both the scale and balance of the character.

"I know everything, but everything is a huge book, and I only got to read it once."

Name: Mime
Class: Mime
Occupation: Mime

Backstory: She's really rather silent about this.

Powers and Abilities: Miming.

Active Players:
Daimien (Tarson Hunter)
techmaster-glitch (BRT-75, DFX-28)
Omega (Armita Zhelion)
familyghost (Aeo Dall)
Azlan (Aireluin Silithiel)
Pagan (Alcir Dalstone)
e_voyager (Enigma Volontros)
Ghostwish (Malcurth Snowfur)

Inactive Players
llearch n'n'daCorna (Bocks 'O Monkeys)
Damaris (The Mime)

Guy who Never Joined
Chaos (David Grand)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


 That weregerbil sounds sweet. What are the tech limitations, if I may be so bold?


This seems like a DnD-esque adventure to me...Not bad.


No real tech limitations. Try to keep things within a medieval style, but that doesn't exclude steam-punk. There will likely, eventually, be steam-punk style golems, so the option is available to everyone.

It is sorta D and D-esque, in-so-far as it's a fantasy setting. However, it's not a set "Dragonlance" (or the like) world, not even partially. Besides being fantasy, the similarities to D and D pretty much taper off there. ;)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Hrmm might try to put a character up. Let me know what ya think.

Name: Tarson Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human mixed with stone golem
Appearance: Stands stands about 6'6". Has a large powerful built (Solid build). His hair is auburn, shoulder length and is normally tied back into a ponytail. He also has a goatee. His right arm seems to have been taken from a stone golem as well as his right eye socket.His right eye is all black with a small red pupil, his left eye is hazel. He normally wears a black hooded sweatshirt, dark cargo pants with combat boots. Some times he wears a black muscle shirt instead of the sweatshirt. When he wears the muscle shirt it is clear to see that his whole right arm are is from a stone golem from the shoulder down. He has scars all over his chest and one scar on his face that goes from his forehead to his jaw on the left side of his face.
Personality: He's not very talkative. If someone talks with him he will carry on a conversation but he doesn't tend to start any himself. He tends to keep to himself on most everything. In a fight he will back the people he is with to his death. It takes him awhile to find someone trust worthy enough for him to call them friends.
History: Tarson was born to fairly well off parents in a small town. His father ran a smithy there. The older he got the more he worked with his father. His father's business had them going to a near by large city alot. One day his father and him where in the city delievering weapons and armor, while there he meant a girl. They started seeing each other whenever they could, usually she would sneak out to meet him somewhere. Once her father found out about it and forbid her to see Volt any more, it seems her parents where wealthy people in the city. When she said no, her father paid some men to take out Tarson. The men went too far and killed Tarson's mother and father, while he was out at the local Martial Arts school.
Tarson went to the city to confront the girl's father and let her know that her father had his parents killed, plus tried to kill him.Only when he got there he found that the girl was sent to another part of the city with her new husband and the men that had burned his house down where there waiting for him along with the girl's father. While confronting the father the men jumped him. The next thing he knew he was on the verge of death in the gutters. He wouldn't have survived if a man where not passing by and decided he could use Tarson for experiments. So the man had him taken to his lab. When Tarson awoke he was barely human. It seems his body and bones where strengthened through some form of spell or ritual. His strength was inhanced aswell. His right arm, shoulder and eye where completely replaced with parts from a stone golem. Atleast that's what he thought because the stone felt like living tissue to him. The stone arm had ruines carved into it. The ruines seemed to give him the ability to charge his right arm with electricity. He ended up haveing to work for the man until his debt was paid back, although he didn't understand what the debt was. He became the man's attack dog, with his martial arts skills and new enchanced body he was good at his job. Tarson soon wished that he was left to die though, the girl he loved was married to another man, he's never see her again and he would never get revenge for his parents death. This all happened to him around the age of 17. He served the man for 7 years until the man was killed in while Tarson was off on a mission. While many of the others that worked for the man faught for control he simpley walked away and became a drifter. Going where ever the winds took him. That's how he ended up in the small town and decided he could used his abilities to their advantage.
Weapons: His hands and feet. Plus the power of his arm. He carries a bastard sword on his back, it's all he has left of his father. He is skilled with it but not many other weapons
Abilities: He can charge his right and with electricity and hit opponents with it. He either chooses to charge his opponent and hit them in the chest with his charged hand (Shush I know what it sounds like) or he can send electrical charges through the ground by driving his hand into the ground. He can do this with up to five opponents. The max distance of this ability is 100 yards..
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Y'know, I may actually join, I just thought of a charcater. I might be back later.


Quote from: Daimien on January 01, 2008, 04:45:14 PM
Hrmm might try to put a character up. Let me know what ya think.

I like it. Good way to think a bit outside the standard. I may tweak the limits and strengths a bit on the lightning magic, but other than that, I see nothing unworkable. ;)

Good character.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I'm bumping just once to remind those who expressed interest that, without aigning up, this will fade away. ;)

Course, who knows... maybe I'm not taking the hint.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd have signed up, but the sellers are still pissing me about with the house. :-/

Still a month away from moving. We'll see how things go.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, it'll take time to setup the characters and get the setting ready. Why not post up a character? That way we can show two ready people for the game, and it might actually happen. ;)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I might play, as long as i can have a guy with a big, diaphragm laugh.


Hey, that's you to play. I don't write the character interactions, I just tell you when you're doing something stupid.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


it looks like fun but i get the feeling that i'm either not dark enough or too dark for this game.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Working on my profile. Might have it up later today.


A fresh game? (more or less, anyway)

I might feel a bit green with you old forumists, but I'm not gonna let that affect my roleplaying. No sirree.

I'll get you a character by the end of this week. I got an idea or three brewing in my mind already. Just sit still.


Quote from: e_voyager on January 28, 2008, 01:50:31 PM
it looks like fun but i get the feeling that i'm either not dark enough or too dark for this game.

Creativity is what's important, not "darkness".
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Ha! Finally got it all done. Actually, it's two separate profiles, but the characters work together. In fact, they are mainly based off of two charcaters I'm actually using for a real DnD campaign now. They are the classic "brains and brawn" pair. And even though you said this was an open RP, and all races are allowed (if not welcome), I'm fairly certain you didn't think of the...Warforged >:3. Especially since you said your RP doesn't actually have much in common with DnD, and the Warforged are from the Eberron setting. How I've managed to work them into here is that they are creations of an independent wizard. But, if I am mistaken, and warforged are indeed a known race, I can edit their history a bit. Note that while I am referring to them as warforged now, IC they won't have that name. They will just be the 'living constructs'. Also, while I did specify their 'classes', they really don't actually go by any DnD rules; it's just to give you an idea of how they lean. For example, though I listed DFX-28 as an artificer, he doesn't cast 'infusions', he does arcane magic normally, if a little limited. Likewise, while BRT-75 is listed as a warforged Juggernaut, he doesn't actually really have most of the class features as actual abilities, excepting being simply bigger, stronger, and tougher.
For those of you not familiar with warforged, here is their physical description, copied from the Eberron Campaign Setting:
   Warforged appear as massive humanoids molded from a composite of materials--obsidian, iron, stone, darkwood, silver, and organic material--though they move with a surprising grace and flexibility. Flexible plates connected by fibrous bundles make up the body of a warforged, topped by a mostly featureless head.
   Warforged have no physical distinction of gender; all of them have a basically muscular, sexless body shape. In personality, some warforged seem more masculine or feminine, but different people might judge the same warforged in different ways. The warforged themselves seem unconcerned with matters of gender. They do not age naturally, though their bodies do decay slowly even as their minds improve through learning and experience.
   Unique among constructs, warforged have learned to modify their bodies through magic and training. Many warforged are adorned with heavier metal plates than those their creator originally endowed them with. This customized armor, built-in weaponry, and other enhancements to their physical form help to differentiate one warforged from another.

Here are some references for warforged, to give you a better basic idea of what they look like. Ignore any Titans. (And yes, I do realize just how tall my BRT is, I actually measured it with a measuring tape vertically)

Name: BRT-75
Nickname: Now referred to as Tank
Race: Warforged
Class: Fighter/WF Juggernaut

Gender: Not Applicable, male personality
Age: 10 years
Height: 10 ft (not counting spikes)
Weight: 2,300 lbs (not counting oversized greathammer)

Appearance: BRT is a giant. With his height, he towers over pretty much anything else around. He actually often even has trouble getting into any building; he has to squat down and squeeze through. For some reason, most doorways are a little bit wider after he goes through them...He appears very heavily armored and very finely crafted, and has armor spikes all over himself. His armor is almost completely black. He seems to have been crafted with rough features, but his plating is still smooth. His fists are somewhat oversized (relative to the rest of him). His eyes glow red.

Personality/Demeanor: BRT is a rather reserved individual. He speaks in a gruff, deep bass voice. He seems uncaring about anything around him, just as long as he gets to crush something with his greathammer. His idea of subtle is "place underneath foot and step". He isn't particularly bright, but not a total thickhead; he can carry on a conversation, but use big words and he's liable to grab the speaker's throat and tell them to speak simpler or stop talking (not really). He has a (sometimes annoying, sometimes very problematic) tendency to smash first and ask questions never. He also doesn't give a flying homunculus what anyone calls him, even Clunky McRustbutt. Just as long as it's clear who's talking to whom, he's fine. Give him whatever name you desire. (Seriously, call him something simple and appropriate, like Smash, or Breaker) He nearly always listens to DFX, but if you give him a command that involves him smashing something, or some other simple task, he's liable to listen unless DFX says otherwise.

History: BRT was one of many experiments by a wizard who specialized in constructs. The wizard sought to make his constructs more alive, and experiment number BRT-75 was one of his early successes (though the wizard would say he failed a little in the brains department), even though BRT is not as 'alive' as subsequent creations. From then on, BRT basically worked guard duty and manual labor. However, after a couple of years, a neighboring village found out about these experiments, and became very afraid as they believed the wizard was creating terrible abominations. In a massive angry mob, they stormed the wizard's enclave and forge, destroying all research, prototypes, and everything else the wizard had crated. They even killed the wizard and razed his entire estate. Only BRT and another experiment numbered DFX-28 managed to escape, the only surviving relics of that wizard. They now aimlessly wander the countryside, and find it difficult to approach any village, as they are completely unknown and foreign, thus most people generally react with outright hostility toward them.

Abilities/Combat: BRT always has a monstrous greathammer with him, which he uses liberally in combat (and for many other purposes besides, even if it's not correct). It's big enough that he can turn a human, quite literally, into a pancake with one well-placed overhead blow (it's basically little more than a massive, thick steel cylinder attached to a long and likewise thick steel pole). His fighting style consists of simply starting out by doing a full-blown charge against an enemy to ram them, and then smashing anything he can reach with his greathammer. Anyone who gets really close to him may risk getting impaled on his armor spikes f they aren't careful. His massive size and weight is enough to overcome nearly any physical obstacle. Need a door busted down? Right here. A boulder in your way? Look no further. That huge monster pestering you? Not another word.
Strengths: BRT, obviously, is very strong. He can lift massive loads, and crush most things smaller than him (which is most things) His strength allows him to wield his greathammer, if not with ease, than with power. His outer 'shell', so to speak, is crafted from adamantine, giving him great toughness and ability to withstand punishment. If he manages to gain speed with a bull-rush charge, there really isn't much that will still be standing; usually he will just go right through. Basically, with his strength, his armor, and his greathammer, he is a veritable tank. And, being a living construct, he has infinite stamina, and will never tire or become fatigued.
Weaknesses: For all his strength and armor, BRT is one slow-ass bastard. He has difficulty gaining any speed or momentum, and when he does, though he becomes near-unstoppable, he can't change course worth shit. All someone has to do is sidestep, and BRT will just keep going, his own momentum carrying him forward. It may even be possible to trip him, if you've got something solid enough. Likewise, while not much can survive being crushed by his greathammer, that's not to say he hits anything all the time. It takes a few seconds to raise it up for a blow, which usually give most things time to scurry out of range. Speaking of which, he has absolutely no ranged attacks. Ok, so he might be able to chuck a rock or something, but his aim probably isn't too good. While he can survive egregious amounts of physical punishment, attacks from a magical source can do considerable damage to him. If there is a magical shield or barrier that can withstand his blows, there really isn't anything else he can do.

Name: DFX-28
Nickname: None, yet. Wants to wait for the right name for himself. Refer to him as DFX.
Race: Warforged
Class Artificer/Engineer

Gender: Not Applicable, male personality
Age: 2 years
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 720 lbs (not counting equipment)

Appearance: DFX is considerably shorter than BRT, though he is still a respectable height when compared to others. And compared to BRT, his design and build is much more compact. He is still sheathed in metal, but it is nowhere as thick or heavy as BRT's. Like BRT, he seems elegantly crafted, but his design is much more sophisticated. He adorns himself with belts and bandoliers filled with all manner of tools, and carries a pack on his back stuffed with more items and materials of crafting. His eyes glow blue.

Personality/Demeanor: Personality-wise, DFX is a much deeper individual than BRT. He has prodigious knowledge of crafting, building, repairing, and engineering, as well as some arcane lore. He always has a creative solution for a problem. At least, when it doesn't involve BRT smashing it. He has a tendency to go on about explaining how his things work, sometimes big words and complicated phrases (much to the ire of BRT). He has a great curiosity for anything strange and unusual, always wanting to find out how things work. He cares very much for his tools, and loathes anyone else touching them. He harbors much distrust for any 'fleshling', having witnessed his home, and what amounted to his family and father killed in a mob, as well as often being attacked on sight whenever he or BRT nears a town, because they are mistaken as the monsters.

History: DFX was one of the last experimental creations of the wizard that built him, BRT, and many other constructs, most living. DFX was designed to be a crafting and enchanting assistant, to help the wizard perform more experiments and create more constructs. Unfortunately, while he did get a good amount of crafting tutelage, this did not happen. A year after his creation, the wizard's forge and enclave was attacked and razed by a huge village mob. After seeing his brethren and the wizard slaughtered, he grabbed the last operational construct (BRT) and fled. They now roam around together without much purpose or direction.

Abilities/Combat: DFX really is not a fighter, but he has a considerable range of skills at his disposal. He can build, craft, or repair almost anything, including himself and BRT. It helps that he carries such an assortment of tools and materials that not having the right tool for the job is a rare, sometimes shocking occurrence. He also has ability in arcane magic, which he uses to supplement his skills. It mostly deals with enchantment, material creation, and material manipulation. If you've got a broken battleaxe, or lost your sword, he will put it back together, good as new (with 'improvements'), or make a new one from scratch entirely. Some of his tools are even enchanted to fly around and do things automatically with his direction (he only needs to think to control them)
Strengths: DFX can repair almost anything; there is very little he doesn't understand. He is generally a quick learner, and picks up on new things easily. As long as he has the materials, he can make all kinds of armor or weaponry, and usually enchants it. He can pick up very quickly on the innerworkings of just about any mechanical device or technology he comes across (he can disable almost any lock with ease), as well as analyze arcane magic when he encounters it. He can also, when direly needed, cast instant repair or mending spells on damaged items (but usually on either himself or BRT). However, this drains him, can sometimes be inefficient, and he usually prefers to work on something with his own hands anyway.
Weaknesses: DFX cannot fight worth crap. In combat, he is near completely useless. He usually has to hang behind BRT and let him do the dirty work, all the while trying to repair any damage done to him. Sure, he can through a heavy-metal-fisted punch, but if someone is close enough that he would have to do that, he's already in serious trouble. While he does carry around materials, they are more for making repairs to things rather than making new things. He usually has to use his magic to create the raw materials needed to make something from scratch, which can be quite draining. Also, he can't cast any directly offensive or defensive magic, as he doesn't have any spells like that (though he can enchant things to have offensive or defensive capabilities).

*whew* That was one of my longer endeavors...but it was worth it. If BRT needs any nerfing, just let me know and I'll power him down a bit. If you don't want me playing two characters simultaneously, just say so. I've actually got another idea I really want an excuse to create.
So what'cha think, D-moon?


They look fine to me. Rather golem like, which the system I'll be using covers. I don't see a lot of things in there that will be too difficult to work with.

That said, I'm a touch more concerned with BRT than I am DXT (although magic, in any form, is expensive to buy into for characters, so that might be an issue as well). BRT is a touch on the over powered side (when it comes to dealing with he weight, his strength, and his equipment. I can work around it, but there will certainly be some disadvantages I'll have to work in to make the character come out right without him being a god-mod.

I am curious. You're planning to play both these characters at the same time?
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Name: Armita Zhelion
Race: Human
Class: Wizard / Battle mage
Gender: male
Age: 16 years
Height:  5'5''

Appearance: A blond, long hair, silvery blue eyes  and a skin clean enough to belong to a high elf, Armita is exactly as you might imagine a paladin in his shining plate mail armor, saving ladies from fiends and protecting the people from all sorts of terrible things. Except that... wearing a pale yellow shirt, covered by a long jacked and dark grey trousers that have been sewed together a one time too many, his set of clothing reminds you that not all those who are blessed with beauty are selfish enough to take use of it. Heavy boots and a dusty back crown the image of poor adventurer. Always has few crows close to him (see more belove)

Personality/Demeanor: Chilly but jolly. Armita isn't the most social person you might've met, but he shares his smile with the poor and the sick. Always willing to lend aid to stranger with out any promise of profit, sometimes to a point to be called naive to the face.

History: Many people have seen less death in their whole lives than Armita has witnessed in his few years. Wars, genocide, oppression and depression. Armita comes from the dreadful Northern wastes, where strong exploit the rest, where wounded eat the dead and the rent is just quite awful. Armita can thank his mother who named and looked after him when he was still too young to be able to survive on his own. He doesn't remember about her that much anymore, because at the age of seven, Armita's mum died To a disease, which left him survive alone in a harsh environment. What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, goes the saying and in Armita's case that is more or less true. No death or pain shakes his mind, and perhaps this why he has taken of liking of the company of the dead. Making them walk, talk and do his will. The real people, how ever, have marked his talent of such things for a bad sign and often have started to execute their own justice, which has dropped Armita's trust to the living even more. Still, he remains optimistic about the people has yet to meet and is always willing to give a second change anyone who's willing to ask for it. "Forgive and forget" as his mother used to say.

Notes: An intresting feat that Armita carries around is a flock of crows. Not a curse nor a blessing, the birds keep Armita company where ever he ventures, making him impossible hide, but also impossible to sneak upon to, when there's four crows on his shoulders and more flying above him. The quantity of crows depends on the birds themselves, changing between 2 to 11. At one time, Armita tried to get rid of these creatures by throwing rocks at them, but only manged to make them quite mad at him for rest of the week. At one time he tried naming the birds, but soon noticed that the birds weren't the same when he tried remembering what to call them. Armita cannot command them, or even ask a small favour from them. What ever draws them to him is not giving him any control over them. Other than stealing small portions of his food and random pecking, they do not cause too much head ache to Necro... I mean Battle mage. Nor are they that much of a use. Bullying a dog or two is the most combat they can manage and when it becomes a real thing, they nearly with out exception seem to take a bit of a distance to their "master".

Abilities/Combat: Soon after her mother's death, Armita learned the way of magic. Perhaps this was a gift from his father that he never really met or perhaps the northern lights were particular strong on the night that he was born. He doesn't know. He doesn't care. He doesn't even bother to ask. The fact is that he can raise corpses to do the dishes or wield a sword, or animate a barb wire to hold a bully long enough for him to make his escape. Because people don't seem to like him bringing the dead with him while he's visiting a town, he has not claimed the tittle of a necromancer. A Battlemage is much more people friendly and lets him make alive friends from time to time. As a melee weapon, Armita carries a spear that he picked from a dead solider. "Not the finest weapon of the land, but it does it's job. I hope"

Strengths: Being able to wield a spear and cast a spell earns a man some amount of respect, even to a young lad as Armita. He is more than able to hand himself in a combat and even willing to do so. After all, fighting is what he's been done as long as he's been able to stand with his own two legs.

Weaknesses: Even though some spells come naturally to Armada's, he still carries and studies his spell book, which is perhaps his most valuable possession. The protective attitude has led him into trouble more than once. Every morning he reads through a whole book, trying to uncover more spells and to remember the old ones. This task is often very time consuming and demands concentration. The other source of his power are the dead. If there are no corpses around, a big deal of Armita's spells are as good as his crows' droppings. The animated dead can always be left outside the population, but then his control over them weakens considerably and they might start wandering off, start fighting each other or just drop dead. again.
Armita also eats twice as much as any other youngster of his age, because he feeds the crows that follow him. Other wise they'd probably just steal from his plate or become otherwise more of an annoyance.

Well, that's a good start, I think.


Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 12:47:18 PM
That said, I'm a touch more concerned with BRT than I am DXT (although magic, in any form, is expensive to buy into for characters, so that might be an issue as well). BRT is a touch on the over powered side (when it comes to dealing with he weight, his strength, and his equipment. I can work around it, but there will certainly be some disadvantages I'll have to work in to make the character come out right without him being a god-mod.
Like I said, I thought you might have some issues with BRT (the big one). If you really need me to shrink him a little (deceasing his power), I can do it. He will get slightly faster though. But he doesn't really have any equipment, aside from his greathammer. DFX is the one with all the equipment :B Speaking of DFX (not DXT), like I said, his magic really isn't directly offesive or defensive, he has to actually enchant things, which he can't and won't do often. Ususally he only uses his magic when he has to conjure up some raw materials to make something, or perform emergency repair on himself or BRT.

Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 12:47:18 PM
I am curious. You're planning to play both these characters at the same time?
Why yes, I am. That's actually the point; they work together. That's actually another underlying weakness to them: if they are separated, they are in trouble. BRT, while he is certainly not mindless, usually needs DFX to give him intructions on what to do, otherwise he's liable to simply smash everything he sees. And DFX needs BRT for personal protection because, like said, DFX can't really fight.
But that's the other thing I thought you might have a problem with. If you don't want me playing two characters, that is no problem at all, I've got another idea waiting to be typed.


Well, on the one hand, I think playing two characters is interesting (at time)... hell, I've done it myself on more than one occasion.

On the other, considering the nature of forum-based RPGs, with their InC, and OoC, and asides, and everything else, I'm not certain whether or not running two characters would be confusing.

As far as what I meant about the equipment, I'm thinking long term. The wizard made BRT, and that took equipment. BRT upgraded, and that took equipment. All of it took money, so, during character creation, I'd have to account for that money, even if you never got a chance in game to spend it.

Omega: Yours seems easy enough. Necromancy works a touch differently in my game than D&D, but what you outlined is workable enough. Magic is innate, and the only reason to use a spell book instead of just drawing the magic in and naturally casting "spells" would be if that's how you're trained to do it. The mind is a powerful thing, and if you believe you have to cast real "spells", then that's what you have to do, even if everyone else does it different.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 09:30:53 PM
On the other, considering the nature of forum-based RPGs, with their InC, and OoC, and asides, and everything else, I'm not certain whether or not running two characters would be confusing.
I don't really think that confusion will be a problem.

Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 09:30:53 PM
As far as what I meant about the equipment, I'm thinking long term. The wizard made BRT, and that took equipment. BRT upgraded, and that took equipment. All of it took money, so, during character creation, I'd have to account for that money, even if you never got a chance in game to spend it.
The wizard had his own estate, encalve, and forge. That was his equipment. DFX doesn't come close to the magical ability he would have had. The wizard could probably just conjure up whatever materials he needed. Heck, if he needs money, maybe he was related to a noble or lord and inherited something. I really can't see how the wizard is terribly important, he's just a mentioned figure in BRT-75 and DFX-28's history to give an explanation as to why there are two, and only two, 'warforged' wandering around your world. If you've got a different idea that could explain this, that's fine by me. Or even, if the warforged really are a race in your setting, that's fine too. I can edit the history any way you need.

But if you really think these characters are going to be a problem, just say so. I've got another character I can try.


As I said, it's not a problem, I just want to make sure you thought through how you're going to play them (and play them convincingly ;) ).

The warforged fit nicely in with my Golems, so that's not an issue. The money isn't really an issue, either, I just mentioned it so you're aware you'll likely start with less than everyone else.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 10:56:29 PM
As I said, it's not a problem, I just want to make sure you thought through how you're going to play them (and play them convincingly ;) ).
I do the best I can (which may or may not actually be 'good'. Depends on how you rate things like this)

Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 10:56:29 PM
The warforged fit nicely in with my Golems, so that's not an issue. The money isn't really an issue, either, I just mentioned it so you're aware you'll likely start with less than everyone else.
Weeell, they've been wandering around the countryside for quite some time, and have found it near impossible to approach most towns because they are mistaken as monsters, sooooo...that's kind of a given. BRT just has his greathammer, and DFX has whatever stuff he managed to grab when their home was destroyed, as well as whatever they've managed to loot off of small bandit parties and small goblinoid squads who underestimated them. I have to imagine that doesn't actually amount to a lot of gold pieces in the first place, not that they have much use for them in the first place.

As for fitting in with Golems...well, the traditional golem is generally something sculpted from a single material, i.e., flesh golems, clay golems, stone golems, iron golems, razor golems, bone golems...and are usually single-purpose. I generally dislike golems; they are to simple and don't have many special abilities. Other contructs are almost always composites of various materials, built in ways different from golems, as well as animated with different magics. However, this is only how they work in D&D, and I'm getting the vibe that your world functions differently, so please enlighten me on the state of your constructs. I love constructs, I want to know everything you have come up for them in your setting :3


It is much more in-line with what you discussed (except for maybe the spikes). Their creation process is somewhat different, but the end result can end up being a lot like DXT.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on January 30, 2008, 09:30:53 PM
Omega: Yours seems easy enough. Necromancy works a touch differently in my game than D&D, but what you outlined is workable enough. Magic is innate, and the only reason to use a spell book instead of just drawing the magic in and naturally casting "spells" would be if that's how you're trained to do it. The mind is a powerful thing, and if you believe you have to cast real "spells", then that's what you have to do, even if everyone else does it different.
I'm willing to compromise almost anything.


And I have no problem with you using a spell book. It would actually be a disadvantage that would allow me to custominze other parts of your character more. Would be nice.

You would just have to realize that you'd be missing out on a different way to play it. Your call, really.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Bocks o' Monkeys.

  Nobody knows where Bocks came from, nor what it.. she... he... whatever, what he wants. He just.. is. He turns up when nobody is looking, and his monkeys tend to provide some assistance for the folks around him, if he's that way inclined. They sometimes deliver messages from him, on pieces of paper, signed Bocks. For some strange reason, the monkeys never, -ever- deface these. Nobody is really sure why, since the -unsigned- messages get defaced regularly. Tracing his history, he's appeared in times of need, particularly when people don't realise they need his assistance. Of course, it's sometimes difficult to tell what assistance he actually provided, since usually if anyone saw him, the monkeys were playing around, or were sitting there inscrutably picking non-existent fleas off each other, or thumbing their noses at people, or something...

- A box. Any race he's been in, he lost, unless nobody was watching. Of course, when I say "he" I use the nomenclature purely for convenience, since nobody is actually sure which gender he or she is...

- Quantum locked; ie, can't move when anyone is looking. When people -aren't- looking, however, is much more mobile. And silent. And disturbing.
- Has monkeys. Monkeys will climb out of the box, and, when necessary, do tasks. Said tasks will be accomplished in the usual monkey fashion - some working for, some against, some fighting, the odd pair coupling in the background, etc, but with a general aim of completing said task. Unless, of course, they've climbed out of their own accord, in which case all bets are off.
- Also has large insides. Not infinite, but certainly tardis-like; much larger than the outside. There's a well in there somewhere. Also an Orangutang, for the big jobs.

- A 3ft cubic box, made of what appears to be a nice maple panelling with oak corners, and four square panels on the top that open outwards (one on each side) top allow egress of the monkeys. And the buckets. And whatever else they might bring with them.
- Has some vaguely fractal engravings on all six sides. When the panels are closed, it's difficult to tell which side they're on, and Bocks will sometimes appear to have lain down on one face. Or possibly there are panels on all six faces - nobody has ever gotten a clear answer about that one.
- Will appear to be watching people at times, although nobody is clear as to how, since Bocks has no eyes...

Other Notes:
- Susceptible to fire. If set on fire, the monkeys will form a bucket chain from the well inside to the outside, and pour water on the fire - and, as expected, also on each other and the general vicinity, and anything else they find it amusing.
- The monkeys aren't -quite- as stupid as they seem. Especially the ones that deliver message notes. In times of need, they will show up wearing armour and carrying bows, with which they're not terribly accurate - but then, who needs accuracy when you can fire 50 or so arrows at once? They also have short swords - well, short for monkeys, anyway. More like daggers than anything.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The characters are all approved. I will get them ready, and have this first post for the game (setting it up) likely Saturday evening.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Veeeeerrry nice llearch. This is going to be very interesting IC, I can tell. I can already see all kinds of good RPing coming from this.

Though, if any of the fling poo at BRT, he probably will either step on them or Bocks :U