Sweeping Darkness (OoC)

Started by Darkmoon, December 31, 2007, 02:55:29 PM

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I'm glad to see we're finally picking up some steam again.

Now I just need you guys to pick a direction so we can get this story moving. ;)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on July 16, 2008, 09:22:28 AM
I'm glad to see we're finally picking up some steam again.

Oh yeah, I need steam 
Feel the steam all around me
Ah you're turning up the heat
When I start to dream aloud
See you move your hands and feet
Won't you step into this cloud of steam
This steam
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


some times you scare me and it's not easy to scare someone who's scripted their own demise more then once.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Omega wanted to join back up, so I'll give him til tomorrow night to post a replay (as well as Aire, of course), and then I'll layout the terrain for the next bit of the adventure.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Good to be back.

The spell that Armita used was, or was part of, is some what transportation spell through the ground. Now, I took a liberty of assuming that the spot where he spawned wasn't a stone plated road, but a hard dirt soil.


Good to have you back, Omega.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


I gave a bit of the what-and-how for now. You do your walking thing, and I'll chime in as needed.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Hello everyone!

While I'm waiting for another thread to get up and going, I figured I'd peddle around elsewhere, and I like the looks of this one. ^_^

To keep myself from becoming horrendously confused across the many forums I participate em, I'm going to use the same character for much of this forum, so here's a slightly more mature Mal!

Name: Malcurth Snowfur
Race: Snow Leopard Incubus
Class: Sorcerer
Gender: Male
Age: 250
Height: 5'10
Appearance/Coloration: Predominately white fur with teal circlets adoring his back and his tail. Teal paws and feet, with stripes around his eyes and muzzle of the same color. His hair, which seems to go every which way in a stubborn 'circle of blades' style, also has natural highlights. His wings also carry the same coloration on the crests and underfeathers. His eyes, however, are a distinct, blazing, amber color.

His clan symbol is on his right thigh, frontal portion. It is a dark blue shield with a single, solid circle in the middle which is surrounded by etched lines heading out to the edge of the shield symbol.

He is usually dressed in a light, dark purple, traveling robe, with simple and functional cotton clothing underneath, although if he is truly expecting trouble, he may opt to wear a chain shirt underneath the robe as well. He often carriers an adventuring backpack, and is apt to conceal a dagger or two on his person. Always "Just in case." he says. A final item of note is his necklace, which carries his mother's symbol beneath the coat of arms for the amazon kingdom. It will identify him as a friend and ally to any amazons who may encounter him

Personality: He is usually a quiet and reserved character, preferring to observe carefully before acting or speaking, although he does have his more passion-driven moments if the proper elements are in place. His loyalty, although often hard to earn, knows no bounds, and he never wavers from an equally faithful friend, which has led him to having more than a few life-long allies and friends. At times, he may become strained and high-strung, which could lead to a snappish attitude, but he is not one to linger in anger, and usually returns to his calmer state quite quickly.

History: The brief union of a prominent amazon warrior and an unwitting incubus was the event that begetted Malcurth. Malcurth has known little to nothing about his father, and his clan still remains a mystery, but he really doesn't care much at all, for his mother was more than a sufficient parent, caring for her only child quite a lot. Malcurth was raised in the core of the amazon territories, where he enjoyed a quiet and prosperous life as a merchant, peddling in magical odds and ends, and spell components. While he sometimes wandered outside of the bounds of amazon territory, he spent most of his youth in the primelands, up until his sorcererous abilities began to manifest and his more prominent cubi traits also began to appear. Everyone close to him had always known of his quasi-demon heritage, but as word spread, the rest of the cubi society heard of him as well, and it was not long before he was approached about attending the academy. Although reluctant at first, he agreed after a particular incident sparked what seemed to be a hidden talent of his, and that gaining control of this power would be vital to the safety of himself and everyone aorund him. He made it very clear, however, that he is loyal to his original family, the amazons, first, and his new family, the cubi race, second.

He spent roughly a century in the academy as a bit of a curious recluse, focusing almost entirely on his own development instead of the social madness that is known to infest the academy, despite some strange rumors concerning his clan. Apparently, they were very prominent at one point, but Malcurth paid little or no attention to this, as his father's side did not interest him beyond what power it could offer. However, some cubi have shadowed him for a time, either hoping to gain some of his clan's old power, or believing that old relations, be they good or less than good, still hold. But Malcurth's original standing on his cubi heritage remains firm, and he usually brushes off such approaches, or outright kills the more violent ones. Sadly, this does not seem to deter most, and actually irks some on even more.

After his time in the academy, he first began to tag along with wandering groups of amazon warriors, lending his paw in help by acting as the more destructive aspect of the party in the case of confrontation, or using his considerable mercantile base to further the party's needs. After a while he eventually turned to being hired on by other adventuring parties, and continued to develop his abilities even further in the field. Soon enough, however, he began to hear tales of a small town tuned into a battleground, and he began to set his wandering path towards the place of so many troubles..

Abilities/Skills: His cubi abilities are fairly run of the mill, having the ability to shapeshift (something he very rarely does beyond concealing both sets of wings) and block out psionic intrusion, although he is yet to get the hang of teleportation, something that remains very erratic, often dropping him a good twenty feet from where he meant to be. This is perhaps because he prefers to focus on his powers as a sorcerer first and cubi second. His abilities as a sorcerer are quite a bit more developed, to the point where he can shape and warp his spells to swing around friends and allies, and strike at enemies with deadly aim. He's definitely not the 'blow everything up' type of sorcerer, he is more along the lines of a tactical nuke sort of mage. And after his particular talent manifested itself as the ability to wield demonfire (see strengths/weaknesses), this amount of control would become very, very important.

He has also developed a slight healing ability, and whether this teams from his sorcererous powers or his cubi heritage is still a bit of a mystery, although most opt for the later. He can mends fairly serious wounds, but a mission limb or part is beyond his ability.

His days as a merchant have granted him an uncanny skill in bartering, and he can usually get even the most sturbbern of clients to see things his way when money is at stake.

Also, he has picked up some ground fighting skill during his travels with the amazons. How he picked up such fighting styles while traveling with packs of warrior women has been a source of much debate and laughter at many a pub, but regardless, many that get too close to this sorcerer often suffer a painful revelation. He is by no means a match for a monk or a full-blown fighter, but he can certainly surprise the unwary with his firsts, claws, or even the occasional dagger.

And, strange as it is, he can cook. Quite well. Rumors abound as to where he picked up this unusual talent, but it seems to actually have come from the cubi academy, oddly enough.
Strengths: Malcurth has a excellent grip on the element of fire. He is capable of producing flames practically at will, and can enhance or smother them just as easily. Any spell involving fire comes to him easily, and he has, one more than one occasion, merely obliterated an attacking force with a hail of fireballs. But it only gets better, for as much fire as he can put out, he can control it just as well. He can divert a gout of flame around an ally to strike the enemy on the other side, and even wade through his own flames without fear of being burnt. He has always prided himself in this balance of power and control over his sorcerous abilities. but even all of this pales in comparison to the sheer power that his innate talent brings to bear, the art of demonfire.

Demonfire in itself is a terrible hybrid of normal flame and infernal desire. Demonfire does not need air or fuel to burn, it merely burns. And that is to say it burns a lot. As in it will burn anything. Wood, metal, flesh, it will even sit on the surface of water, or, if forced beneath the water, it will float about as a ball of infernal flame. That is yet another terrifying trait of demonfire is that it is impossible to put out by any non-magical means. It can be crushed, smothered, doused in any liquid imaginable, but it will only continue to burn, more than likely catching flame to whatever happens to be trying to put it out. But it only gets worse. The next horrible fact of demonfire is the fact that it spreads. And not like a normal blaze either, it literally creeps everywhere. It has been noted to move against the wind, and burn both up and down any place it catches, although it does seem to obey the laws of physics, ie, gravity.

In a nutshell, demonfire is very bad mojo.

Demonfire appears like normal fire, to an extent. It has black flames, and gives off a very soft and eerie purple light. It also seems like fire moving in slow motion with long tendrils of flame weaving through the air. Many have debated whether or not demonfire possesses a small, evil intelligence, noting the way it seems to move across surfaces as if they were slicked in oil, or the way it stubbornly sticks to living beings, but no one wants to study it long enough to find out. No one wants to be close to demonfire, period. Not even Malcurth, which will be continued in the weakness section.

Weaknesses: Although he is a very well-rounded fellow, having a variety of skills that can be helpful in a variety of situations, Malcurth does have a few quirks here and there. For example, although he can preform all of the simpler arcane spells, his focus on fire has left him lacking in the other elements, in particular wind and water. He has barely any grasp on these two elements whatsoever, and only a very weak grasp on the others.

Also, for all of its power, demonfire has an equal number of drawbacks. For one, unlike his precision control over normal flame, demonfire is by its very nature very chaotic and unruly, often billowing out in much more or less than Malcurth originally intended. Secondly, while Malcurth could likely toss fire all day long, demonfire very rapidly saps his mana supply. Also, there is the great difficulty in extinguishing the flames themselves. Holy water acts as normal water does to normal fire to demonfire, or a strong dispel magic effect can be applied. There are a variety of other magical means to put it out, but the only means that Malcurth has available to him is by cutting off its source, which means severing his own mana stream temporarily, and while this may snuff out demonfire very quickly, it also leaves him very disoriented and nauseated, and he can forget about casting any spells whatsoever for a brief time. All in all, Malcurth prefers to keep this deadly talent of his in reserve, only using it if absolutely necessary.

Also, he outright refuses to us it in any civilized area, dreading what may happen if the fire got loose in a city or a town..

He will never harm an amazon, unless he himself is threatened, and he will also always assist any amazon he comes across.


I'll get your character setup in a bit. I'll have to play with him some, since there's the risk of him being overpowered in comparison to the other characters (as he is currently written).

Feel free to start playing him now. I'll write an intro for you. We'll avoid combat for the next bit until I have your character sheet ready.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Whew! Thanks!

Uh, let me know if there's anything wrong with that initial post.. I tried to include all members of the party, but being the absent-minded ijit that I am, I'm prone to bouts of retard syndrome. XD


Ghostwish, you are now on my list. Of people I really, REALLY like. The whole intro post was very good, but your description of my characters...absolutely beautiful. You have made my day :mowhappy

As for getting everyone I think you did, except there's something odd at the end;
There was a human in the group, who seemed ordinary enough, but there was also an elf.. or sorts. She certainly had an interesting heritage, judging by the odd hair color, and Malcurth quietly snorted to himself as he found himself acting the role of a hypocrite again, before letting his eyes linger on the last fellow a moment, the one in the black hood.. He.. looked human.. but something about him was just a little.. off.. Malcurth couldn't put his paw on it, not yet, but there was something about that one.
The "ordinary enough" human, that's Enigma, right? E-Voyager's 'shopkeeper' guy? And the guy in the hood is Pagan's undead Alcir?

Oh, and by the way Darkmoon, since we got a new guy in, I've got an updated character index we can use:

Active Players:
Daimien (Tarson Hunter)
techmaster-glitch (BRT-75, DFX-28)
Omega (Armita Zhelion)
familyghost (Aeo Dall)
Azlan (Aireluin Silithiel)
Pagan (Alcir Dalstone)
e_voyager (Enigma Volontros)
Ghostwish (Malcurth Snowfur)

Inactive Players
llearch n'n'daCorna (Bocks 'O Monkeys)
Damaris (The Mime)

Guy who Never Joined
Chaos (David Grand)

Just quote-copy-paste into the OOC opening post :)


Hehehehe! Well hey! Your characters were the most distinctive in the group! I was just telling it from malcurth's point of view,so, yah know, the less they stood out.. And a little paranoia is natural for cubi. ;)

But jah, you guessed right. Hope I wasn't too vague. ;)


I understood well enough. There's only one completely human adult in the party and "a bit off" seems to describe undead well enough in this game. So who's going to play ambassador?
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Quote from: Pagan on July 23, 2008, 08:54:28 PM
So who's going to play ambassador?
DFX would probably just start theorizing about the possibilities and (im)probabilities of anthropomorphic fleshlings, how they would work, and how this guy even got here (though he might do all this anyway), and Tank is...um...well...yeah :B



Mal just dropped into a world that doesn't contain furries, didn't he?

That does it, cubi boy, no more teleporting for you.


That's one thing I was wondering, why you weren't completely freaked that we most of us were humanish.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


I was aware this world had humans, and that it wasn't exactly 'DMFA setting', but it had not occurred to me that they were no furs...

Hrm.. should I modify, or leave as is?? Decisions, decisions..


Quote from: Ghostwish on July 23, 2008, 09:54:04 PM
I was aware this world had humans, and that it wasn't exactly 'DMFA setting', but it had not occurred to me that they were no furs...

Hrm.. should I modify, or leave as is?? Decisions, decisions..
Well, depends on what is most in-character. Mal is from a world with furries only, and humans are a myth. He doesn't know where he is now, but he has seen two very large constructs and several human(ish) people (The only real problem I can see is he probably shouldn't know what an elf even is, all he knows is it's a pointy-eared human), and so far, no other anthros.
In this situation, how would your character react?


Nuke them all and then nuke them again.

.... whaddaya mean I can't be black mage? Ugh, fine.

Hrm, well, what do you say? Humanized or unhumanized Mal? I could go either way.. and it wouldn't be TOO hard for me to modify it. So, I'll leave it up to the others. Me, I'm impartial, I could play it either way...

(of course, the original malcurth was a human in a previous life, sooooo.... :P)


Well, I don't think there's any reason to change your character (if the GM would even let you do that at this point, he might not), and in fact, I think an anthro would add even more oddliness to our odd group. But either way, it definitely isn't my decision.

Besides, there might not even be any need for a change at all. Your character could just be the kind of guy who's, "Oh. I'm in a human world. Wonderful. Now gimme directions back home, please." When I asked, "how would your character react?" I did mean that in an open way, not a self-explanatory one. Your guy could indeed be a level-headed person, or he could be freaking out. That's all i'm saying. If you think an edit is warranted to change Mal's initial attitude, then that's all you. I don't know what your character would be doing, you do.


Allright, I'm going to go ahead and modify it. I can probably just poke a para here and there. Give me a moment..



Hey D-Moon just so I know, did Aeo's "Hulk Out" ability make it through to the game and if so how do you want it played under your control or under mine?


I didn't remember that he had a hulk out maneuver... I don't know...

How would you like to play it?
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


He does, it's under his powers and it only occurs when he's near death or has the lives of friends threatened and then he essentially turns into a lesser demon that resembles a balor.  And I could do it no problem as it is a mindless beast that would attack damn near anything even friends.


Sounds okay. We'll see if it ever comes to it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


'Course, I figure if anyone went scrying Malcurth powerfully enough, they'd go and find out he's shapeshifted too. But I'll leave that up to Darkmoon to decide, as mallets are painful and my skull is quite squishy. ;)


Damien: You've never established that you were from the far north, or, to be fair, from places that are likely have either leopards or snow leopards. You may want to rewrite your last post a touch...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Zoos or books? Standard leopards are seen in jungles and other hotter climates, maybe he just surmised through the white fur? ^^


This is the middle ages. Paper was incredibly expensive and rare.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...