
Started by thegayhare, November 17, 2007, 11:13:44 PM

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well working on my scythe handle (which is finished It's just drying right now) recently reminded me of how much I like working with wood.  It's kinda soothing working with a peice of wood.  My stuff is crude since well I'm working with the natural shapes of the wood but I rather like that I mean you can get some realy interesting peices.

this one I made way back several years for a middle school social studies project.  It's a war club based on the design of a local Indian tribe.  It's realy quite simple.  You just dig up the root ball of a young tree, strip off the bark, and sharpen the tap roots.

This next one is a work in progress.  It's a walking stick.  I used the 4 feet of trunk left over from the tree I used for my scythe.   It's interesting the way the tree was shaped when it twisted and and broke from what ever natural event toppled it.  It must have continued to grow for a while after.  The tip fits nicely into the palm of the hand and it'll look really nice once I finish shaping it and sand it down.   Also its a nice strong piece that can double as a club. 

the shape puts me in mind of a discworld song,  "A wizards staff has a knob on the end..."


XD I remember that song.

Nice scythe handle.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: thegayhare on November 17, 2007, 11:13:44 PM
well working on my scythe handle (which is finished It's just drying right now) recently reminded me of how much I like working with wood.  It's kinda soothing working with a peice of wood.

I have to agree with you there, working with wood is nice. I use to work with it when I had more time. Even tried my hand at making wooden swords.

*Remembers walking through the woods picking up sticks and hitting them on trees.*

"Heh, no good."
*Continues to look for one that won't brake*

Sienna Maiu - M T

ah hah! I can finally get a chance to see the images!

Alright, so I quite enjoy the first one, it looks kind of like a bunny-eagle thing (with bunny ears and an eagle's beak).
The second, O.o


Sienna Maiu - M T

Janus Whitefurr

Bunny got some haaaaard wood.

(Hey, somebody had to say it.)
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