Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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Um, TheGreyRonin? Karazkt was speaking in his own language, I highly doubt that Risky could even understand it.
And I must have missed that the Queen was in hibernation. Karazkt's infravision should have been able to pick that up, her body heat would be much lower.
I've screwed up and made a big mistake, Karazkt wouldn't have dared disturb her his she is really resting like that. Karazkt just needed to pay his respects to her, because in his culture it's an egregious social sin to do otherwise. But, disturbing a resting Queen is even worse, an offence befitting execution.
If you're willing to edit you're post, I need to edit mine so that Karazkt doesn't bother the Queen (yet).

I'm really hating that I can't log in in the middle of the day, I could have fixed this up sooner.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Prostrating himself in front of Queenie is pretty obvious, words or no words. I suspect you'll find it was that that Risky was responding to, rather than any words...

Not that I'm in any position to judge, of course. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 05, 2007, 07:36:43 PM
Prostrating himself in front of Queenie is pretty obvious, words or no words. I suspect you'll find it was that that Risky was responding to, rather than any words...
I guess so, but that's not the real problem here. He should never have disturbed her in the first place if she was hibernating, and I missed that. Big error.


QuoteI don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments other than this; fighters should play along their capabilities, and not ever exceed them simply because their players really want to win.

Stygian the only thing you've proven here is that you clearly haven't read the character profile. Which is what I've been going along with this whole time and if there was a problem with it I'm sure Boogey would have stopped me before the first fight since, being the GM he would have read through all of the profiles.


Quote from: Xeksue on December 05, 2007, 07:52:15 PM
Stygian the only thing you've proven here is that you clearly haven't read the character profile. Which is what I've been going along with this whole time and if there was a problem with it I'm sure Boogey would have stopped me before the first fight since, being the GM he would have read through all of the profiles.

Way to be hostile, smartass. Doesn't say anything about speed or reaction time, which are crucial in this case. I don't really see such a huge buildup of heat either. Think about it.


Hostile? This was all you from the start, your the only one acting up here. And once again you've proven that you haven't read the whole thing. Read the bold words...

QuoteAlthough he is an angel, he's only recently become aware of this and most of his light/holy based abilities are based off of instinct and creativity rather than intense study. He is capable but not limited to using these abilities to heal wounds of himself and others and to augment his body and the bodies of others, making them more effective and faster in combat.

Edit: Included the whole paragraph instead just the one line.


Quote from: Xeksue on December 05, 2007, 08:17:53 PM
Hostile? This was all you from the start, your the only one acting up here. And once again you've proven that you haven't read the whole thing. Read the bold words...

QuoteAlthough he is an angel, he's only recently become aware of this and most of his light/holy based abilities are based off of instinct and creativity rather than intense study. He is capable but not limited to using these abilities to heal wounds of himself and others and to augment his body and the bodies of others, making them more effective and faster in combat.

Edit: Included the whole paragraph instead just the one line.

Me the whole time? I'm concerned, yes. That's me. My fault. Entirely to blame for being concerned that this should turn into some ridiculous slug-fest without perspective or restraint.

So, right then. Just so we can get this out of the way, how fast, hm? I will, again, sharply accentuate the word ridiculous. Thought frankly, it is not I but Cog who should be saying this.


QuoteYou all make some good points, but if Xeksue's character is acting in ways they shouldn't be able to in this fight then it's Cog's right to bring that up, not yours.

I believe everything that needed to be said has been said. This is over with.


I've been talked (and armwrestled) into having a go at this Honour Circle thing. I don't think the character I'm already running would fit in here very well (she'd probably last about ten seconds), so here's someone else from an old story of mine in the same scenario. Take a bow, Brinald.

Edit: I didn't realise at first I'd created a Combat Monster — as originally written up, Brinald would be almost impossible to defeat. He comes from a story I wrote a few years ago, in which he was supposed to be an almost-undefeatable Combat Monster; I just forgot to change his stats when I wrote him up for the HC. Sorry about that...


Name: Brinald fa Dioragh ni Dionn

Nickname(s): Brinald's Annoyed Glare™ is usually enough to discourage nicknames. From close friends, though — people he's known at least a couple hundred years — he will tolerate being called "Brin".

Age: He stopped counting after the first few hundred years. Over 800, but looks on the young side of middle-aged.

Species: Wolf.

Family and Association(s): Brinald will tell a different story to anyone who asks. So far he's always managed to tell the same people the same story.

Place of Origin: The citadel of Vishera, capital of the Mi'shchyr Empire.

Physical Description: A wolf, just over six feet tall, with russet fur and short brown hair. His fur is clipped short to be comfortable under heavy clothes or light armour. His build is stocky and muscular, but more like an athelete than a weightlifter. His usual clothes are a leather jerkin and trousers, dyed in bright cheerful colours, and boots to fit his digitigrade feet. When he wears armour — he usually doesn't — it's fairly lightweight stuff, little more than a scale tabard with arm and leg pieces.

Dueling info (combat strengths, weaknesses, weaponry, etc.): Due to a rather odd and extremely powerful curse, Brinald is not easily hurt. Wounds will begin to heal within minutes; even the most serious of wounds, if not immediately fatal, will be healed in a few hours. Anything cut off will be more of a problem, though. Poison will make him fall over, but then he gets up again. (Just because it heals, though, doesn't mean it won't hurt like H-E-double-hockey-sticks.)
With hundreds of years of experience, Brinald is an expert swordsman, and is at least competent with any kind of weapon that has sharp pointy bits. The same goes for clubs, spears, staffs, things-to-throw, and most variations, including bows and crossbows. In combat, he tends to an anything-goes style: while he concentrates on using whatever weapon is in his hands, opportunities to kick, bite or claw will be taken if he feels he needs to.
Combat acrobatics are also among Brinald's skills: against a top-level opponent, he approaches the kind of moves seen only in Hong Kong kung-fu films.
Brinald is by no means an unstoppable fighter, though. His speed is no more than average: he makes up for this with the accuracy of his moves. He can be outfought if you're skilled or lucky enough; or overpowered, his strength level is on the high end of normal, but not superlupine. He does not use magic, and he is somewhat resistant to most offensive spells used against him.
His favoured weapon is the sword, although he also carries a pair of daggers and a variety of sharp pointy objects hidden in and under his clothes. His sword has a blade similar to a scimitar or katana, long and slightly curved, and not sharp on the back edge, although the hilt is more like a Western design. A swordsmith examining his sword would recognise the signs of a Damascus blade, and be nearly right.

Personality: Honour and keeping his word are important to Brinald. Make him your friend, and he'll watch your back. Make him your enemy, and you'd better watch yours. His speech is sprinkled with old-fashioned words and turns of phrase that hint at his age. Brinald is no humourless, honour-bound paladin, though: he enjoys a laugh as much as anyone, and is not above the occasional practical joke or complicated pun that suddenly makes sense five minutes later.

History: A long time ago in another world, so long it's now little more than legend and fairy-stories, there was the Mi'shchyr Empire. Its last ruler, an empress, was a powerful mage. She expanded her lands by wars of conquest, rapidly bringing most of the continent under her toe-claws. There were many attempts at rebellion, and as frequently happens, eventually one succeeded. No two stories agree on what happened next, but the results were usually the same: where the capital of the Empire once stood was now a vast smoking hole in the ground. The Empress had vanished — nowhere is it said that she actually died. Most of the rebel army was killed in the cataclysm, leaving only scattered survivors to tell a confused tale. Only a handful of fairy-stories and old children's rhymes tell of the Empress's personal guard, who abandoned her just before the end and were cursed to live until they came back to her. Brinald was the leader of that company. He has done many things over the centuries, but more often than not he has been a high-priced, and highly prized, mercenary fighter.
One night in a tavern, he heard someone tell a story of the Honour Circle. His curiosity piqued, he found out from the storyteller how to find the Circle, and set out.


OK, there you have it. I'll put up Brinald's IC intro post in a couple of days.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Quote from: Xeksue on December 05, 2007, 08:36:18 PM
QuoteYou all make some good points, but if Xeksue's character is acting in ways they shouldn't be able to in this fight then it's Cog's right to bring that up, not yours.

I believe everything that needed to be said has been said. This is over with.

Way to dodge the question.

Oh, and don't worry. I'll say it to him, when he gets back. These comments, however, were pointers for perspective for the others and you. And I will repeat that I think he can be too nice sometimes. Which is where I come in, because everyone knows I'm a douchebag, and I can be snarky, sarcastic and nasty so he won't have to be. And besides, I think we all know from former experience that I love being the stingy guy and evil clown to certain people who act bigger on the net than they really are...


You mean like how you are acting right now? Well splendid, do us all the favor then and put yourself out of your misery.


Alright, you've both made your points. Now both of you, down. At this point you're repeating yourselves, and it's getting personal. Enough.


I'm giving Stygian 48 hours to think by himself and settle down, since he apparently doesn't know how to listen to people in charge.

It would be more, but I don't want to disrupt the RP too much.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


However, in the future, you can be sure we will not bother worrying about the flow of the game, Styg. Think about that for the next time.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 05, 2007, 07:51:30 PM
I guess so, but that's not the real problem here. He should never have disturbed her in the first place if she was hibernating, and I missed that. Big error.

I disagree. One could not expect a member of one species to be able to instantly tell the status of a member of another species that it has never encountered before, despite general similarities.

If you insist I'll agree to it. But honestly, I see no harm in letting it slide; if anything it would give the Queen more of a reason to like him when she stops "dozing".


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on December 05, 2007, 09:25:07 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 05, 2007, 07:51:30 PM
I guess so, but that's not the real problem here. He should never have disturbed her in the first place if she was hibernating, and I missed that. Big error.

I disagree. One could not expect a member of one species to be able to instantly tell the status of a member of another species that it has never encountered before, despite general similarities.

If you insist I'll agree to it. But honestly, I see no harm in letting it slide; if anything it would give the Queen more of a reason to like him when she stops "dozing".
Well, the reason I wanted to edit was because disturbing a resting Royal is terribly out-of-character for him, due to player error. But what you say makes sense, and if you're alright with it, I guess I'll stay with it, too.
No edit it is then. Continuing as played.

EDIT: Though I'm still keeping this as in-charcater as possible. Just because I know it's not a problem doesn't mean he does >:3

EDIT EDIT: Oh, and Boogeyman, did you forget to write a responce for Siolen from this?
   He straightened up out of the bottom of the cockpit, and looked over the side. He regarded the strange stone thing from behind his pitch-black goggles with his infravision. It was certainly not alive, but it did radiate magic from it's core. The bug-man leaned forward, stretching out his antennae. He gently poked and prodded the thing for a few moments, smelling it, feeling it. Even though he was already sure, his antennae never lied, he confirmed that the thing was indeed solid stone, yet it moved. It smelled of stone, as well as some other things that the bug-man couldn't quite place, but he knew they were recent.
I really wonder what that gargoyle would think at being 'probed' by a giant bug :giggle


Quote from: Xeksue on December 05, 2007, 08:17:53 PM
Hostile? This was all you from the start, your the only one acting up here. And once again you've proven that you haven't read the whole thing. Read the bold words...

Quote from: Stygian on December 05, 2007, 05:50:04 PM
Don't rule out that it might be out of sheer courtesy, Boog. I wouldn't put that past Cog, whom I know quite well.

I don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments other than this; fighters should play along their capabilities, and not ever exceed them simply because their players really want to win.

'I don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments other than this; fighters should play along their capabilities, and not ever exceed them simply because their players really want to win.'

'I don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments other than this; fighters should play along their capabilities,'

'I don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments'

'strong opinions'


You know what, if that doesn't get a point across as to who was perceiving hostilities, I don't know what does. But I guess if someone knows they're at fault...

Still, all things considered, if leaving is what it takes to calm this shit down, sure. I think I'll back out of this one with my hat on, like I did in the old Circle. I'll leave the other RPs as well, if a ban is that important. I am not 'asking for it', mind. But I'd rather have that and know I have at least a bit of my honor left, making a point and contributing to things, than just being an arrogant bitch and keep whining that I've been offended or that I'm in the right.


Actually, I did forget Tech. I'll take care of it next time there's a bit more to reply to.



I've just gotten back from sitting with my very sick grandfather in the hospital, and found a great deal of drama has occurred while I have been away. In the future, all of you gentlemen, you can trust me to take care of my own problems. I believe I should have perhaps said something earlier - but in any case, I can and will handle my own problems.

I don't want to dredge the subject up again, but I would be remiss and neglectful not to post here. I honestly hoped this would just sort of go away, but it appears not.

Let's address the actual issue that brought this on:

Xeksue - Rip is very tough. He's also very fast. He has repeatedly accomplished (relatively) superhuman feats of strength, speed, and endurance, in some cases even breaking the laws of physics, and in other cases the laws of probability. In going through your profile, I have seen one reference to speed, in passing, with the implication that it is a buff and not a natural ability, and most certainly an understatement as to Rip's apparent abilities of speed. Unintentional or not, you may want to elaborate more on your characters specific strengths.
I'm not objecting, but keep it in mind.

To everyone else:

Thank you for your concern, concerning Laertes. I know I've got some good friends on this forum, and people looking out for me. That being said: the decision of the GM is the decision of the GM, and if I'm the one who needs to object, I am. I should have said something earlier, before this drama happened, and for that I do apologize.
In the future, I will try and be quicker about my responses. In that same way, I will take care of my own issues. While I appreciate people pointing out things that may not be entirely accurate, fair, or plausible, rest easy knowing that I will surely respond, if it's a big enough bother. I can, and will, handle my own affairs.

QuoteI think I'll back out of this one with my hat on, like I did in the old Circle.
Styg, I really don't think this is worth leaving the RP over. As the other (unwitting) person this drama involved, I would ask that you stay.

All this being said, I hope we can put this behind us, and move on from here. As for me, I'm not mad at anyone here, and I hope that we can all calm down a bit and play nice.
This much drama does not need to occur because I have not responded. I will do my utmost to see that it does not.



With things cooled off somewhat now, this'll be my last opinion on the subject.

By design, our characters can and will perform feats here that would be considered superhuman, supernatural, whatever you wish to call it. It's just how it was set up. I'll bring a quote from TGR from the original OOC that I feel is important since this is basically an extension from the original RP.

QuoteI could have explained this better. *chuckles* Any characters, any universes welcome; it's all about the combat, folks. You can duel with tiddlywinks for pennies, or go at it with godlike powers for blood and glory.

The bolded text, atleast for me implies that this RP was more based on original conception that emphasis was placed on the telling portion the battles. I usually try to think about that when I'm forming up my replies, and think of the best combination of words to use to paint the picture of the situation. Something that really sucks the reader in, and brings them into fighter's view of what would seem a desperate situation, wrought with conflict, sacrifice, tension, and choices that have to be made for better or for worse. Beginning, middle, and end.

In the case of what's going on right now in IC, my character knows he can't afford to keep this fight going much longer. By design as an angel, he has been able to keep himself going after Cog's shockwave attack through healing just as Cog's character healed up his shoulder. Cog being the superior healer, will outlast my character given time, creating the tension. You know, and I know my character knows he has to do whatever he can to end the fight quickly, and he has devoted most of what he has left to achieving that end. Whether he succeeds or not (Or should I say, the final outcome), is dependent on the writers through the eyes of their characters, and the choices made through that perspective to reach that certain stage of a battle. Some battles will be landslide-slanted in a particular writers favor, but there is not always a clear cut winner to others, and when this stage is reached, I think there's obligation between the writers to make an agreement for an ending.

As for the ending to come, I've already made the decision, and am going to step into the backlight for the time being, which I will come up with later after this post. At the moment, I consider getting things right outside of the forums a bit more important since anything negative going on outside will parallel back to these boards in some shape or form. Letting go for awhile, is the decision I'm going with.



Quote from: Xeksue on December 06, 2007, 02:31:03 AM
With things cooled off somewhat now, this'll be my last opinion on the subject.

By design, our characters can and will perform feats here that would be considered superhuman, supernatural, whatever you wish to call it. It's just how it was set up. I'll bring a quote from TGR from the original OOC that I feel is important since this is basically an extension from the original RP.

QuoteI could have explained this better. *chuckles* Any characters, any universes welcome; it's all about the combat, folks. You can duel with tiddlywinks for pennies, or go at it with godlike powers for blood and glory.

The bolded text, atleast for me implies that this RP was more based on original conception that emphasis was placed on the telling portion the battles. I usually try to think about that when I'm forming up my replies, and think of the best combination of words to use to paint the picture of the situation. Something that really sucks the reader in, and brings them into fighter's view of what would seem a desperate situation, wrought with conflict, sacrifice, tension, and choices that have to be made for better or for worse. Beginning, middle, and end.

In the case of what's going on right now in IC, my character knows he can't afford to keep this fight going much longer. By design as an angel, he has been able to keep himself going after Cog's shockwave attack through healing just as Cog's character healed up his shoulder. Cog being the superior healer, will outlast my character given time, creating the tension. You know, and I know my character knows he has to do whatever he can to end the fight quickly, and he has devoted most of what he has left to achieving that end. Whether he succeeds or not (Or should I say, the final outcome), is dependent on the writers through the eyes of their characters, and the choices made through that perspective to reach that certain stage of a battle. Some battles will be landslide-slanted in a particular writers favor, but there is not always a clear cut winner to others, and when this stage is reached, I think there's obligation between the writers to make an agreement for an ending.

As for the ending to come, I've already made the decision, and am going to step into the backlight for the time being, which I will come up with later after this post. At the moment, I consider getting things right outside of the forums a bit more important since anything negative going on outside will parallel back to these boards in some shape or form. Letting go for awhile, is the decision I'm going with.


It's not your strategy or your tactics that I'm commenting on, Xek. You can do what you wish, concerning that.

There is good combat and there is bad combat. Ideally, this should be modified physics - the ways things should be, rather than the way things are. At most, this is not cartoon physics - we follow the laws of physics irrespective of the humor of not. Case in point - I should consider whether or not Laertes could feasibly jump out of the way of an attack before writing that he does so, whether or not such action would be convenient or entertaining. This is a combat RP, true, and action is centered around combat - that doesn't mean that you can write anything, as long as it's combative and entertaining.

What we are commenting on is the convenience of some of Rip's capabilities. Your character sheet is very understated for the amount of speed that he possesses, and while it's true that characters can be superhuman, this is not the default. Risky, to use TGR's character, could not run so fast that she can defy gravity, nor be able to survive a long fall from lightning speeds uninjured.
If your character has an attribute, it should be in the character sheet - it is the point of character sheets.

Ultimately, whether or not you've done something like that is up to Boog. My suggestion is that you state what you character can do more clearly.
As well, perhaps I shouldn't dredge such a topic up again, but I think perhaps I should answer these posts now.


When and if I come back I'll be sure to be a bit more descriptive with a more updated version of it, for now though, we'll just let this die.


Cog finally says something and I'm away so all my points get made without me. Blast. Well, as stated, a more descriptive version when you return. "Faster" doesn't constitute the ability to break the sound barrier without so much as a running start.


I've edited my profile for Brinald, upthread on this page. I'd forgotten he was originally written (in a story a few years ago) as virtually invulnerable and undefeatable. I was concentrating so much on writing up the Personality and History sections of the profile, I forgot all his combat dials were turned up to 11. Hopefully this version will make a fairer fight. Apologies for the glitch.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.



Edging past the hellfire and flames.

Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 06, 2007, 01:03:09 AM
QuoteI think I'll back out of this one with my hat on, like I did in the old Circle.
Styg, I really don't think this is worth leaving the RP over. As the other (unwitting) person this drama involved, I would ask that you stay.

All this being said, I hope we can put this behind us, and move on from here. As for me, I'm not mad at anyone here, and I hope that we can all calm down a bit and play nice.

I think Cog's said what's on my mind. This is not something to leave the RP over. It's just something small and ridiculous and which should be left as an insignificant little speck in the back of everyone's heads. So, I'll ask that you not leave as well.

Anyway, letting this die.

To Spots, as always, a very interesting character. It'll be great to see you participating.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


He peered through the window to the pilot's seat,
I don't know if you caught this, but the dome that can seal the cockpit is actually solid metal; no windows. It was, however, specially forged to allow Karazkt's infravision to work through it. Even so, it isn't closed right now anyway, he almost always keeps it open. The only times it's closed is when it has to be, like when tunneling.


Alright. I got the messages. No dropping the RPs. Eugh...

I wish to express my opinion though, that while this might have brought on because I'm a bit too 'abrasive', I still think that this became far too big a mess because some people just couldn't stand the hassle of having to deal with things. And actually, the way I see it the greater problem here was not the conflict that arose, but that one-sided and ill-considered ban. While the situation has, apparrently, solved itself, that particular action in my eyes seemed most arbitrary.

Still, I will apologize for my rashness. I do not take well to an arrogant or condescending tone, certainly not from people whom I believe have wronged, and I am aware that I am bad at really stepping down when openly told off by such. I still claim that I did not express any sort of hostile intentions to start with, but I also admit that it was a bad call to snap out, fangs and all, at Xek.


The reason I've tried to go with these rules is that the mech is a mining one, and thus has things like drills and giant saws, all of which can't quite be used to simply injure...unless there is a way that I could use them so it not be so that I haven't thought of.

Also, can Siolen see in an absolutely no-light condition?


Your tone was what caused you to get your ban, Stygian.  You were rude, dismissive of the people in charge, and raised a simple issue into a flame war *when you weren't the one in charge of dealing with it*

The ban was neither arbitrary, ill-considered, or one-sided.  The ONLY reason you are back early was because two people spoke for you, and in this case their opinion mattered greatly.    If it wasn't for them, you'd be finishing your 48 hours.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber